332 NORTON ·S'UB-HAMDON. SOMERSETSHIRE. [ KELLY'S Hamdon S.O. & letters are brought from thence by foot National School (mixed), erected in 1842, for 140 children; post, arridng at 7.15 a.m. & 5 p.m. & returning at 12.s average attendance, 120; Arthur Kemp, master; 1\'Iiss .& 7·5 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. Annie 0. Sargent, assistant mistress Stoke-sub-Hamdon is the nearest money order office CARRIER TO YEOVIL.-Mrs. Butcher, occasionally EdwardsRev.Augustus Geo.M.A.Rectry COMMERCIAL. Harrison Benjamin, wheelwright Kemp Arthur Brake David James, shopkeeper Lefevre Edward Henry, grocer Nicholls Frederick Brake Henry, baker & miller (water) LinneyWilliamFredk.Nelson'sArms P.H Purchase John, The Yews Burnett Edward, farm bailiff to Charles Male William, builder, Trixie house Quantock-Shuldham Frank Naunton Trask esq Osborne Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper J.P. Norton manor Cary Geo. Abraham,farmer,Knap farm Rendell Arthur, farmer, Manor farm Story John, Little Close Chant Edwin, baker Richards Thomas, miller (water) & Trask Charles, Court field Dunford Jacob, blacksmith cattle dealer, Little Norton mills 'l'rask Charles James, Broadshard Ham Hill & Doulting Stone Co. quarry Trask Charles & Sons, builders Trask John, Woodbine owners & stone merchants (Charles Virgin Job, shopkeeper, beer retailer & James Trask, sec) farmer, Post office NORTON MALREWARD is a small parish east (Cym-Cel. a field) has been preserved intact on the Somerset of the Bristol and Wells road, x mile north-west from side of Bristol, in the midst of the Saxons, for more than a P'ensford station on the North Somerset branch of the Great thousand years. Here-lane (or " Warriors' path "),formerly Western railway, and s south from Bristol, in the Northern connected with Wans-dyke, or Woden's-dyke, traceable to division of the county, hundred of Chew, Keynsham petty Old Sarum, and terminating at Portishead, is now a public sessional division, union of Clutton, Temple Cloud county bridle-way. Human skeletons and British pottery have court district, rural deanery of Chew, archdeaconry of Bath been exhumed in this locality from ancient graves. Bones and diocese of Bath and Wells. The church of the Holy and an ancient gold ring have been found in a quarry on Trinity, rebuilt (with the exception of the tower and Nor- the Manor Farm; and the barrows hereabouts are very man arch) in 1861, is an edifice of stone in the Norman and conspicuous. Norton Malreward Court, the property of Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, Lansdowne Daubeny esq.J.P. isatpresent(I897)unoccupied. aisles, porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, Miss Colthurst, of Chew Court, is lady of the manor. containing 2 bells: the church retains a Norman font and The principal landowners are Sir John Henry Greville has four stained windows :there are sittings for x6o persons. Smyth hart. of Ashton Court, and Lansdowne Daubeny The register dates from the year I5S4· The living is a esq. The soil is clayey in some parts ; the subsoil is red rectory, net yearly value £235, including 65 acres of glebe, sandstone and white lias. Ammonites and nautili abound. with residence, in the gift of James H. Tee esq. and held The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area is since 1893 by the Rev. William Stock A.K.C.L. At the 1,644 acres; rateable value, £2,707; and the population in south end of the parish is a circular stone called "Hautvilles I891 was I 14. Quoit." MAES KNOLL, at the eastern extrem1ty of Dundry NORTON HAWKFIELD, or Hautville, consisting of two Hill, is a well-known landmark surmounted by early earth- farms of 6o3 acres, was on 15th October, 189s, amalgamated works, and corresponds with the entrenched height of to N orton Malreward, forming one parish, by an order of Stantonbury, s miles to the east of it, overlooking the the County Council, and which was confirmed January 9• village of Whitchurch and 5 miles distant from Bristol. I8g6, by the Local Government Board. Here are the Oolite stone is quarried on this hill, which exhibits signs of kennels of the Stanton Drew harriers. extensive conflict. Maes Knoll Tump is an immense Letters are delivered from Bristol, by foot post, via tumulus 390 feet long, 84 feet broad and about 45 feet high ; Pensford, at 8 a. m & 4 p. m. Pensford, I mile distant, is above the level of the camp on the inside, but on the the nearest money order & telegraph office western side of the Knoll, there is a deep fosse, from the WALL LETTER Box at the Manor house cleared at 9 a. m. bottnm of which to the top of the Knoll, by one continued & 3·45 p.m. week days only&atNortonHautville at 4·S p.m accliT"ity, cannot be less than 6o feet. Seyer considers Maes School (mixed), erected with master's house m I87 5, for so Knoll •rump to be a sepulchral barrow of the same kind as cB.ildren; average attendance, 37; Edward Hatherell, Silbury Hill, Fairy Toot and others. The word " Maes " master French William Robert, Hill side Bryant Henry & Thomas, blacksmiths Norris William, farmer,New Barn farm Harris Hubert, White house FowlerJohn l<'ifoot,farmer,Manor house Parker John, farmer Stock Rev. William A.K.C.L. Rectory Lyons Edwin, farmer Peters John, farmer, Quoit farm BranchGilbert, cattle dealer,Model farm Murphy Pat rick, fa1·mer NORTON ST. PHILIP is a parish and village mid- inn here is a fine example of the domestic architecture of way on the high road from Bath to Frome, 3 miles south- the 15th century, and is historically famous from the fact 80uth-east from Mid ford station on the Somerset and Dorset that J ames, Duke of Monmouth, slept here on the 26th June, railway, 7 south from Bath and 6 south-west from Trow- 1685, shortly before the disastrous enco11nter at Sedgmoor, bridge, in theFromedivision of the county, Wellow hundred, on the 6th July following. The Manor House retains a Weston petty sessional division, Frome union and county dovecote said to be Elizabethan. The principal landowners eourt district, rural deanery of Frome, archdeaconry of are Meredith Brown esq. the trustees of the late G. Baker Taunton and diocese of Bath and Wells. The church of SS. esq. Edward Talbot Day Foxcroft esq. of Hinton House, Philip and All Saints is an ancient edifice of stone in the Charterhouse Hinton, the trustees of the late Henry Pike Later English style, consisting of lofty chancel, nave of four esq. and Thomas Pointing esq. The soil is loamy and clay; bays, aisles, south porch, vestry and an embattled western the subsoil is stone. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley tower, with pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 bells, re-bung and beans, and about one half pasture. The area is I,527 in I889: high carved open screens of oak inclose the north acres; rateable value,£2,66x;the population in 1891 was S36. aisle and vestry: the tower and a choir screen were erected PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., 'f. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, in 1886 at a cost of£ 1,000: there is a richly-carved reredos : Parcel & Annuity & Insurance Office.-William Akery, the east window and others in the south aisle are stained : sub-postmaster. Letters through Bath, arrive at 3·35 a. m. the pulpit and fittings are of oak: the church was restored & 5 p.m. ; dispatched at 1.30 & 9·4S p.m in I847, and ha& sittings for 3SO persons. The register dates SCHOOLS :- from the year I68I, but is mutilated. The living is a Endowed (mixed), erected in 1827, for no children; vicarage, net yearly value £70, including 6 acres of glebe, average attendance, 6o; & endowed by the late Joseph with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Bath and Wells, Neeld esq. with £so a year, & there is also an endow- and held since 1891 by the Rev. Edward Becher Prince M.A. ment of £xo yearly from Cola's charity; Miss Bickell, of Magdalen College, Oxford. There are Baptist and Wes- mistress leyan chapels. 'I' he parochial charities are £27 I6s. yearly. Infant, erected in I 84:1:, for 6o children ; average attendance, A fair is held May 1st. Here is a corn mill. The George 30 Forster Miss Bourne Sarah(Mrs. ),farmer,Manor frm GristJulia(Mrs.),farmer,Norwood farm Gutch Misses, Norton house Bull Cornelius, baker & farmer Gunning James, Fleur-de-Lis P.H Matthews William Bissey, Cedar house Burrow Samuel, coal dealer & haulier Hart Ed win, blacksmith Prince Rev. Ed wd. Becher M. A. Vicarage 1 Chancellor l<'rederick Thomas, cattle Hiscock Edwin, George inn Quick Mrs dealer, White cross Hold way Thos. Jas. farmer, Upper farm Roberts Mrs. Fairfield cottage Coombs Henry John, carpenter Matthews John, farmer Withers Henry Coombs William Thomas, grocer Millett llenjamin, coffee tavern coMMERCIAL. Coombs Worthy, farmer Newnham Edward, plumber & painter .A.kery Ethel (Miss), dressmaker Crees Edgar John, farmer, Wick farm Orchard Frederick, plasterer & tiler Akery Wm. boot & shoe maker,Post office Francis Henry, coal haulier Roberts James Gould, miller (water) ApplegateFredk.Benj.t1mbermerchaut Francis John, coal haulier Roberts William Gould, farmer, assist- Ashley Charles, sawyer Gray Herbert,boot maker, Rose cottage ant overseer & clerk to parish council Bell Lewis, builder GreenlandMaryAnn(Mrs. ), baker&grocr To will J ulia( Mrs. ),farmer,Chatley farm Bell William, general stores Grist Frederick, butcher & farmer Welch G. J. farmer, Mt. Pleasant farm .
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