St. Francis Episcopal Day School ANNUAL REPORt 2013–14 St. Francis students joined heart and hand with local nonprofit Dec My Room in a mission to brighten the day of young patients at TaBLE OF CONTENTS Texas Children’s 1 From the Head of School Hospital. 2 From the Chair of the Board 3 Financial Report Fit to Be Tie-Dyed 4 4 Students Show Their True Colors 6 Young Minds Unite Against Poverty 7 The Making of Model Digital Citizens 8 Sporting Clays Classic 10 St. Francis Festival Day St. Francis’s 13 Gifts—A Time to Grow Capital Campaign inaugural Sporting 14 Gifts—Annual Fund Clays Classic 20 Gifts—Tributes was a real blast! 20 Gifts—Financial Aid Participants took 21 Gifts—Corporations and Foundations part in the event’s 22 Woolrich Award Winners challenge and 24 Outstanding Volunteer Award camaraderie while 26 Class of 2014 High School Destinations shooting for a 26 Class of 2014 Council Presidents and Awards lofty goal: raising 27 Class of 2010 College Destinations money for the 28 Mentor and Student Reunite Patrick Nicosia 28 Class Notes—Alumni News Taking Aim at C.A.R.E. Fund. 32 Ways to Give Student Enrichment 8 Award-winning artistAn Art-to-Art Addy Purdy ’10 recentlyChat returned Award- to St. Francis for a winning artist visit with retired Addy Purdy Middle School ’10 recently Art Teacher returned to St. FrancisCathy Bussa. for a visit with retired Middle School Art Teacher Cathy An Art-to-Art Chat 28 Bussa. From the Head of School Susan B. Lair, PhD CAMPaign Co-CHAIRS STACy anD MICHAEL MEDRano anD BetH (not PICTURED) anD GREg LOOSer joineD Dr. Lair For tHe SOUTH CAMPUS FIElds riBBon-CUTting. you build it, he will come.” These seven pause here to thank all of the volunteers and staff “If words, written first in the novel Shoeless members who have helped us accomplish so much Joe by W. P. Kinsella and then made famous by the thus far. I especially want to acknowledge the 1989 movie Field of Dreams, dared an entire genera- incredible leadership that Associate Head of School tion to embrace its fondest hopes and pursue them and Head of Physical Education and Athletics Don fearlessly. Over the past few years, the St. Francis Hicks has shown at St. Francis over the years. His Episcopal Day School Board and community have unwavering commitment to excellence; his wise done some fearless dreaming of our own, and planning and vision; and his genuine love of our watched as our bold pursuit has, indeed, brought students have spurred St. Francis athletics into an dreams to life. incredibly robust program—so robust, in fact, that Empowered by the generosity of St. Francis it outgrew our facilities! I am so grateful that our families and friends—and using our strategic plan students and coaches now have the fields they need as a road map—we purchased 23 acres on South for practice and play. Piney Point Road in 2011; worked with architects We held the ribbon-cutting for the South Cam- and contractors; and watched as the grounds and pus fields on January 8, 2014, and immediately existing buildings began to take on new life. In afterward our St. Francis Wolves dominated their September 2013, we completed the first building competition in the first official game there. As I phase, and students began practicing on the South watched that soccer match, I couldn’t help but Campus’s two new athletics fields. remember Ray Kinsella, Field of Dreams’ main char- There’s so much more to come for St. Francis on acter. Through courage and faith, he transformed a the South Campus—from Primary School cottages cornfield into a living wonder, and I felt so hon- to a field house to an academic building designed ored to be on the South Campus with many of you, for immersion learning—but I’d be remiss if I didn’t watching our very own Field of Dreams come true. HJPC VARsity FooTBall CHAMPIONS—2003, 2006, 2008, 2011 1 From the Board Chair hen St. Francis Episcopal Day School’s A Time • The City of Houston celebrated “Wolves Wto Grow capital campaign raised half of its Against Hunger of St. Francis Episcopal Day $21 million goal last spring, our community cele- School Day” on August 20, 2013. Mayor Annise brated the milestone with Halfway Day, complete Parker issued the proclamation in honor of with creative half hairstyles, outfits, and classroom the seven St. Francis students who won the activities, plus a cake that was half chocolate and national Lead2Feed World Hunger Leadership half vanilla. By all reports, our students had a blast. Challenge in May 2013 and presented their Yet, as chair of the St. Francis $25,000 award check to a local hunger-relief Board of Trustees and especially charity. as a St. Francis parent, I am grate- These are just a few of the ways St. Francis ful that halfway is an unusual con- students, faculty, and friends have demonstrated cept for our school. Our students their commitment to being contributing members and faculty simply aren’t known of the local community and beyond. But schools for quitting halfway to the end. can’t truly prepare students to be good citizens just Rather, St. Francis is known by emphasizing service. Solving global challenges Mark T. TERRY for its commitment to giving requires creative thinking, physical fitness, tech- CHair, BOARD OF TRUSTEES its all—always. Like all good nological adeptness, environmental sensitivity, and schools, that commitment pervades our teachers, an awareness of how people live in other cultures administrators, curriculum, and programs. And, and countries. That’s why St. Francis students are as with all great schools, this pursuit of excellence exposed to a wide array of experiences both on and characterizes our community and fuels its sense of off campus. the power and responsibility of the individual to In 2013–14, students planted trees as part of improve the whole. Global Cooperation Day; explored computer I see this dedication to community reflected at science during the largest learning event in world St. Francis continually. For example, in 2013–14: history, the Hour of Code; practiced and played • Numerous Middle School students and faculty on our new South Campus athletics fields; and explored the global challenge of poverty and learned about their digital footprint. They also worked to reduce it as participants in the created a school bookstore as part of the eighth- St. Francis C.A.R.E.S. program. grade business class; explored the world through • Several of our St. Francis families took the performances by the Peking Acrobats, the Hous- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/ ton Museum of Natural Science Wildlife on Wheels Food Stamp Challenge to get a taste of what program, the Texian Time Machine, ARTS ALIVE!, life is like for millions of low-income Ameri- and numerous other groups; won championships cans who struggle to put food on the table. in basketball, wrestling, and lacrosse; and much, • Third and fourth graders raised funds for much more. Ascension School, our partner school in Pouly, As St. Francis continues to raise funds for the Haiti, through their Relief Through Reading A Time to Grow capital campaign and to expand its fundraising effort. horizons on the South Campus, I feel privileged to • Middle School art students partnered with the serve a community that never does anything half- Dec My Room nonprofit organization to hand- way. Together, we will continue the time-honored craft 60 tie-dyed body pillowcases for Texas St. Francis tradition of pursuing what’s best with Children’s Hospital patients. wholehearted excellence. 2 Financial Report 2013–14 RevenueS AND EXPENDITURES 2013–14 Balance SHEET Earned Income $ 15,979,992 ASSETS Operating Expenses 18,255,927 Cash and cash equivalents $ 8,445,070 Net Surplus/(Deficit) (2,275,935) Accounts receivable 245,187 before fundraising and investment revenues Prepaid expenses and other assets 263,719 Fundraising Revenue 1,132,918 Pledges receivable 3,594,141 Investment Revenue 923,265 Investments 13,776,278 TOTAL Net SurPLUS/(DeFICIT) $ (219,752) Fixed assets 19,347,533 CAPITAL exPENDITURES $ 597,532 TOTAL AssETS $ 45,671,928 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 416,474 Accrued liabilities 741,886 Deferred tuition and fees 11,482,478 Notes payable 6,244,893 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 18,885,731 Net AssETS Unrestricted $ 24,764,855 Temporarily restricted 1,637,509 Permanently restricted 383,833 TOTAL net aSSETS $ 26,786,197 TOTAL LiaBILITIES anD Net AssETS $ 45,671,928 REVENUES EXPENDITURES 2013–14 2013–14 2% Auxiliary Programs 62% 3% Personnel Capital Expenditures 4% 82% Financial Assistance Tuition 2% 4% 12% 13% 16% Other Annual Fees & Management Instructional Fundraising Fund Other & General Efforts Income HJPC VARsity Cross COUNTRy CHAMPIONS—2006 3 STUDENTS Show Their TRue COLORS in Gift to TEXAS Children’S HOSPITal PATIENTS St. Francis students joined heart and hand with local nonprofit Dec My Room in a mission to brighten the day of young patients at Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH). In honor of the hospital’s 60th birthday, Middle School students in fifth through eighth grade tie-dyed 60 body pillowcases in vivid, cheerful hues, then delivered them to patients at the hospital on February 1, 2014. The birthday project was the brainchild of alumni parent and Dec My Room Founder Susan Plank and Director of Grants and Corporate Partnerships Kathy French. It took two weeks for the students to com- Mrs. Plank of Dec My Room echoed this plete the multi-step tie-dye process during sentiment. “Often our youth think that they Visual Arts Teacher Amy Chandler’s classes.
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