16_598988 bindex.qxp 3/28/06 7:16 PM Page 332 Index See also Accommodations index, below. Autocamp Jezevac (near Krk B.P. Club (Zagreb), 258 Accommodations. See also Town), 179 Brac, 97–102 Accommodations Index Autocamp Kalac, 112 Brace Radic Trg (Vocni Trg or best, 3–4 Autocamp Kovacine (Cres), 187 Fruit Square; Split), 84 private, 37 Autocamp Solitudo Branimir Center (Zagreb), 256 surfing for, 25–26 (Dubrovnik), 58 Branimirova Ulica, graffiti wall tips on, 36–38 Autocamp Stoja (Pula), 197 along (Zagreb), 253 Activatravel Istra (Pula), 194 Branislav-Deskovi5 Modern Art Airfares, 25 Gallery (Bol), 99 Airlines, 29, 34 Babi5 wine, 156 Brela, 94 Airport security, 29–30 Babin Kuk (Dubrovnik), 50 Bridge Gate (Zadar), 138 Algoritam (Zagreb), Balbi Arch (Rovinj), 205 Brijuni Archipelago (Brioni), 233, 255–256 Banje (Dubrovnik), 57 201–202 Allegra Arcotel (Zagreb), 257 Baptistry (Temple of Jupiter; Bronze Gate (Split), 82 American Express/ Split), 81–82 Bunari Secrets of Sibenik, 153 Atlas Travel, 38 Baredine Cave, 212 Burglars’ Tower (Kula Lotrs5ak; Dubrovnik, 49 Bars, Zagreb, 257–258 Zagreb), 251 Split, 78 Baska (Krk Island), 5, 176, 180 Business hours, 38 traveler’s checks, 15 Baska Tablet (Zagreb), 202, 252 Bus travel, 34 Zagreb, 232 Beaches. See also specific Buzet, 219, 225–227 Aquanaut Diving (Brela), 95 beaches Aquarium best, 5 and Maritime Museum Hvar Town, 105 Caesarea Gate (Salona), 93 (Dubrovnik), 52–53 Makarska Riviera, 94–95 Calvary Hill (Marija Bistrica), 274 Porec, 212 Pag Island, 129 Camping, 37 Rovinj, 206 Beli, 186 Autocamp “I” (near Opatija), Aquarius (Zagreb), 257 Beram, 219 173 Archaeological Museum Bicycling, Supetar and Bol, 97 Autocamp Jezevac (near Krk Pula, 197 Biennale, 18 Town), 179 Split, 84 Big Blue (Bol), 99 Autocamp Kalac, 112 Zadar, 139–140 Big Waterfall (Veliki Slap), 272 Autocamp Kovacine (Cres), 187 Zagreb, 251 Bijela Uvala (near Porec), 214 Autocamp Solitudo Arena Turist (Pula), 194 Biograd, 146 (Dubrovnik), 58 Art Collections (Mali Losinj), Bisevo, 115–116 Autocamp Stoja (Pula), 197 188 Bjelovar, 295–298 Bijar, 187 Atelier-Ivan Mestrovi5 Founda- Bjelovar-Bilogora, 293–294 Cikat, 189 tion (Zagreb), 249–250COPYRIGHTEDBjelovar Market, 3, 297 MATERIALCres Town, 187 Atlas Travel Agency Bjelovarsko-Bilogorska County Dominikanski Samostan Porec, 211 Tourist Board, 295 Campground (Dominican Pula, 194 Blaise, St. (Sv. Vlaho), 56 Monastery), 100 Rab, 181 Blue Grotto (Modra Spilja), near Krk Town, 179 Zagreb, 230 115–116 near Mali Losinj, 189 ATMs (automated-teller Boban (Zagreb), 257 Opatija, 172–173 machines), 14–15 Bol, 97, 98–102 Osor, 187 Aurea (Krk Town), 177 Books, recommended, 38 Porec, 214 Autocamp “I” (near Opatija), Botanical Gardens (Zagreb), Pula, 197 173 252 Strasko, 132 Valun, 186 16_598988 bindex.qxp 3/28/06 7:16 PM Page 333 INDEX 333 Camping Bijar and Preko Church of St. Mary (Zadar), 137 Croatian History Museum Mosta, 187 Church of St. Mary (Zagreb), 253 Camping Cikat (near Mali (Dubrovnik), 70 The Croatian Museum of Naive Losinj), 189 Church of St. Mary (Pag), 130 Art (Zagreb), 249 Carnival Church of St. Mary Magdalene Croatian National Theater Pag, 130 (Cazma), 296 (Split), 84 Rijeka, 18 Church of St. Mary the Great Croatian National Theater Samobor, 262 (Sv. Marija Velika; Rab), 181, (Zagreb), 252 Car rentals, 26, 35 182 The Croatian National Theatre Car travel, 30–31, 34–35 Church of St. Rock (Oprtalj), (Osijek), 306 Casino City (Zagreb), 257 223 Croatian National Tourist Casinos, Zagreb, 257 Church of St. Simeon (Zadar), Board, 12 Castles, best, 7 138 Croatian Natural History Cathedral of St. Domnius Church of Sts. Peter and Paul Museum (Zagreb), 250 (Split), 81 (Osijek), 306 Croatian Railways, 35 Cathedral of St. Jacob Church of the Annunciation The Croatian State Archives (Sibenik), 151–153 (Pribi5), 266 (Zagreb), 252 Cathedral of St. Lawrence Church of the Annunciation Cuisine of Croatia, 321–328 (Trogir), 158–159 (Supetar), 98 Currency, 14, 16 Cathedral of St. Mark (Kate- Church of the Ascension Customs regulations, 13–14 drala Sv. Marka; Korcula (Pregrada), 275–276 Town), 110 Church of the Assumption Cathedral of St. Peter the (Dubrovnik Cathedral), 53 Dakovo, 301–304 Apostle (Dakovo), 302–303 Church of the Holy Ghost Dakovo Embroidery (Dakovacki Cathedral of the Assumption (Crkva Sv. Duha; Pozega), 300 Vezovi), 303 (Katedrala Uznesenja; Krk Church of the Nativity of the Dalmatia Town), 178 Virgin (Mali Losinj), 188 cuisine, 324–325 Cathedral of the Assumption of Cigo5, 6, 288, 290, 291 Lower, 75–121 the Virgin Mary (Zagreb), 248 Cipiko Palace (Trogir), 159 Upper, 122–161 Cathedral of the Assumption City Museum (Gradski Muzej; Dalmatian Coast, 9 (Pula), 197 Karlovac), 267 Da Riva (Opatija), 172 Cathedral of the Assumption City Museum (Gradski Muzej; Daruvar, 295–298 (Varazdin), 281, 282 Pozega), 300 Diocletian’s Palace (Split), Cavtat, 71–72 City Tower (Gradski Toranj; 4, 80–83 Cazma, 295–298 Rijeka), 165 Disabilities, travelers with, 22 Cehovska (Guild) Street City Wall (Dubrovnik), 52 Di Tours (Porec), 211 (Pozega), 300 City Walls and Gates (Zadar), Dive Center Hvar, 105 Cellphones, 28–29 138 Diving. See Scuba diving Cerovecki (Zagreb), 255 Civic Museum (Vukovar), 311 Dolac Market (Zagreb), 3, 248 Chapel of God’s Mother Clock Tower (Hvar Town), 104 Dominican Monastery and (Zagreb), 249 Clock Tower (Trogir), 159 Museum (Dubrovnik), 52 Church and Monastery of Sv. Club Casino Vega (Zagreb), 257 Dom Sindikata (Medimurje), 285 Ivan Kapistran (Ilok), 312 Cocktail bars, Zagreb, 257–258 Dubovac Castle (Karlovac), Churches, best, 6 Connex Diving (Pag), 130 266, 267 Church of St. Anselmo and Consulates, 38 Dubrovnik, 47–74 Treasury (Nin), 148 Copacabana Beach accommodations, 58–63 Church of St. Blaise (Vodnjan), (Dubrovnik), 57–58 arriving in, 48 203 Credit cards, 15, 17 ATMs, 49 Church of St. Dominic Cres, 184–187 beaches, 57–58 (Split), 83 Cresanka (Cres), 185 business hours, 49 Church of St. Dominic (Trogir), Cres Town, 185–187 climate, 50 159 Crkva Sinjska Gospa (Our Lady Internet access, 50 Church of St. Fosca (Sv. Foska; of Sinj Church), 93–94 neighborhoods, 50 Pula), 199 Crkva Sv. Duha (Church of the nightlife, 67 Church of St. Germaine (Veliki Holy Ghost; Pozega), 300 Old Town, 50 Brijuni), 202 Crkva Sv. Marka (St. Mark’s restaurants, 63–67 Church of St. Martin (Vrsar), Church; Zagreb), 249 siege of (1991), 62 209 Crkva Sv. Lovre (St. Lawrence sights and attractions, 52–58 Church of St. Mary (Beram), Church; Pozega), 300 suggested itineraries, 43–46 6, 221–222 visitor information, 49 16_598988 bindex.qxp 3/28/06 7:16 PM Page 334 334 INDEX Dubrovnik Aquarium and Mar- Ferries, 31–32, 34 Groznjan, 219, 222–225 itime Museum, 52–53 Cres and Losinj, 184 Gunduliceva Poljana Dubrovnik Cathedral (Church Zadar, 134, 136 (Dubrovnik), 54 of the Assumption), 53 Ferries and catamarans, Pula, Dubrovnik International 192 Airport, 48 Fis Paprikas (recipe), 309 Health concerns, 20–21 Dubrovnik International Film FKK campgrounds, 37 Health insurance, 20 Festival, 18 FKK camps, 183 Hercules Gate (Pula), 196 Dubrovnik Summer Festival Fortress (Fortica; Hvar Town), Herzer Palace (Dvor Herzer; (Libertas), 18, 58 105 Varazdin), 281, 282 Dugi Otok, 149 Forum Square (Pula), 7 History of Croatia, 314–321 Durdevac, 294, 295 Forum (Zadar), 137 Hlebine, 6, 294–295 Dusan Dzamonja’s Sculpture The Forum (Zadar), 7 Hlebine School, 6, 294 Park (Vrsar), 210 Franciscan Monastery Holy Cross Church (Sv. Kriz; Dvor Desinic, 273 Cavtat, 72 Nin), 6, 147 Dvor Herzer (Herzer Palace; Cres, 186 Holy Cross Church (Sv. Kriz; Varazdin), 281 Dubrovnik, 53 Rab), 181, 182 Hvar Town, 104 Holy Trinity Church &, 267–268 Karlovac, 267–268 Holy Trinity Square (Osijek), 307 Eastern Slavonia, 301 Orebi5, 117 Hum, 1–2, 219, 220, 225–227 Eastwest Beach Club Pozega, 300 Hvar, 102–108 (Dubrovnik), 58 Trsat, 166 Eco-Centre Caput Insulae (Beli), Frommers.com, 26 186 Iberpromo (Split), 85 Elafiti Islands, 67–69 Ici5i (near Opatija), 172 Electricity, 38 Galeria ‘90 (Bjelovar), Ilocki Podrumi Winery (Ilok), Embassies and consulates, 296–297 2, 311–312 38, 232–233 Galerija Hlebine, 295 Ilok, 310–313 Emergencies, 39 Galerija Josip Generali5 Importanne (Zagreb), 256 Enigma Computer Center (Hlebine), 294–295 Inland Croatia, 9, 287–313 (Pula), 194 Galerija Peti-Bozi5 (Rovinj), 205 orientation, 288 Entomoloski Muzej (Insect Gay and lesbian travelers, Insect Museum (Entomoloski Museum; Varazdin), 282–283 22–23 Muzej; Varazdin), 282–283 Entomoloski Odjel (Varazdin Zagreb, 258 Insurance, 19–20 Insect Museum), 281 Generalturist International Children’s Entry requirements, 13 Karlovac, 267 Festival (Sibenik), 18 Ernestinovo, 307 Zagreb, 230 International Folklore Festival Escada (Zagreb), 255 Glagolitic Alley, 226 (Zagreb), 18 Escorted tours, 33–34 Global Club (Zagreb), 258 International Motovun Film Ethnographic Museum Glossary of terms and phrases, Festival, 223–224 (Split), 83 328–334 International Puppet Ethnographic Museum The Gold and Silver of Zadar, Festival, 19 (Zagreb), 253 138 Internet access, 26–28 Euphemia, St., legend of, 206 Gradska Vije5nica (Town Hall; Pula, 194 Euphrasian Basilica Complex Varazdin), 281 Zagreb, 233 (Porec), 6, 211 Gradski Muzej (City Museum; Istarske Toplice, 219, 225–227 Europa Avenue (Osijek), 306 Karlovac), 267 Istra Sun-Way (Pula), 194 Exodus (Dubrovnik), 67 Gradski Muzej (City Museum; Istria, 9, 12, 191–227 Pozega), 300 inland, 219–220 Gradski Toranj (City Tower; transportation, 193–194 Families with children Rijeka), 165 traveling to, 192–193 information and resources, 23 Green Istria, 219, 220 visitor information,
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