THE CATHEDRAL OF OUR LADY OF VICTORY VICTORIA, TEXAS APRIL 10, 2016 A Message From Our Pastor HappeningWeekend in Parishthe Parish Happenings During Lent As our Easter Season continues to Our Lady of Victory Altar Society unfold, we hear proclaimed today, in the Gospel of Saint John, of another All ladies of the parish are invited to attend the monthly encounter the apostles had with Je- Altar Society meeting on Tuesday, April 12, in the sus. Initially, they did not know it Cafeteria. A social will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by was Jesus, but later, through the ac- the business meeting at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are tions of Christ, they came to recog- short! Please come and join us! Dues are only $5. nize him. It is in this passage, from the twenty-first Chapter of the Gos- pel, that we hear Jesus ask Peter, Next Youth Mass three times, “Do you love Sunday, April 17 — 6:00 p.m. me?” Jesus did not need the assur- Youth Needed to Assist at the Sunday Youth Mass ance of Peter's love. It was the Lord The Youth Mass, held the 1st and 3rd weekend of reassuring Peter of his gift of for- each month at 6:00 p.m., is served by our high giveness and mercy. Three times Peter denied Jesus. Three times school/college age youth and young adults. Call the Parish Jesus offered him peace and asked him to tend and feed his Office (575-4741) to volunteer to serve as greeters/ushers, lec- sheep. In the end, Jesus said to Peter, just as he says to us, tors, gift bearers, music/choir, and altar servers. Please consid- “Follow me.” May you have a most blessed week with the Lord. er serving the Lord in this special ministry. For more infor- mation or questions please contact Kelly Aldis, Youth Minis- Father Gary ter, at [email protected] or text to 652-2943. We pray for: Raymond Wenske Congratulations to those confirmed by Bishop Cahill this weekend – young parishioners in our Religious Education Program and those enrolled at May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. St. Joseph High School along with some adult pa- rishioners who were not confirmed at Easter. First Communion for our Religious Educa- tion Program will be the weekend of Sunday, WE WELCOME THE April 17 at the 9:00 a.m. (Mrs. Ortega and NEWLY BAPTIZED Mrs. Pruett Class) and 11:30 a.m. (Mrs. Cas- tillo, Mrs. Salaz, Mrs. Hathaway Class) Mass- Marco Navarro es. To help prevent overcrowding on the park- ing lot and in the Cathedral, please consider attending another Mass that weekend if you do not have anyone in your family making their First Communion. Thank you in NEW FOR OLV advance for your consideration of others on their “special day”. Now you can not only watch the Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass on KAVU 25 TV but now it will be live streamed on our website each Sunday at: St. Vincent de Paul Society ourladyofvictory.sermon.net/ The St. Vincent de Paul Society Collection mainmain/20593802 (Black Bag) taken up the 2nd Weekend of each Your Parish Needs Your Help! month (April 9-10). Donations may be sent dur- Tuesday, April 19 ing the month to the Church Office. Thank you On the third Tues- for your continued support of this ministry that day of each month provides assistance to the less fortunate. from 5:30-7:00 p.m. join other OLV parishioners may parishioners in Parish Collection For April 2-3 make donations by go- cleaning the church. Any help is wel- ing to the website come and appreciated. Bring a friend Envelopes $ 10,088.00 www.olvcathedral.org and help us to “tidy up” the Cathe- Loose 4,109.50 and click on the “Online dral. This is a way to give back to our Total $ 14,197.50 Giving” link on the main church and great way to get service menu. See how easy it hours . For more information contact Candle Stands/Book Rack $ 182.00 is to make regular or one Kat Munoz at (361) 648-1014 or e- time contributions to the mail at [email protected] or Maintenance Fund $ 704.50 Church & School. Sandy Munoz at 652-6613. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER – “Week at a Glance at OLV” – Easter Lilies Monday, April 11 – RCIA Classes, 7:00 p.m., Religious Education Building 2016 Tuesday, April 12 – Altar Society Social/Meeting, 6:00 p.m., From In Memory of … Cafeteria; Baptism Class for Parents and Sponsors, 6:30 p.m., Orestes & Lorena Romero Blanca Romero Religious Education Building; Mothers’ Group, 6:00 p.m., Ear- Myrtle Hennessey Martin Hennessey ly Childhood Center; Men’s ACTS Retreat Team Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Library From In Honor of … Karen Janak Diane Moehrig & Wednesday, April 13 – Teen ACTS Retreat Team Meeting, 6:00 Ervin Hardtl p.m., Library; Religious Education Program First Communion Practic- es, 6:30 and 7:00 p.m., Cathedral Thank You! Sunday, April 17 – Youth Mass, 6:00 p.m. Have a Blessed Week! The 2016 Diocesan Services Appeal (DSA) Began March 1 Parish Happenings The 2016 DSA campaign began on March 1, 2016. The goal as- signed to the Parish of Our Lady of Victory Cathedral COME JOIN US FOR OUR SUMMER FUN DAY! is $126,839.00. Summer Fun Day – Inviting children (4 year olds – The DSA funds the operation of the Diocese of Victoria. This in- incoming 6th graders) to a fun-filled morning as L K cludes the Bishop's Office, the Catholic Lighthouse, Financial Ad- they learn more about their faith through playing, ministration, Pastoral Institute, Permanent Diaconate, Religious Edu- music and art projects. Registration for this event will begin in cation, Retired and Infirm Priests, Safe Environment Office, the edu- May. The parish is offering this opportunity instead of Vacation cation and formation of future priests for our Diocese, the Spiritual Bible School which would have lasted the entire week. Watch the Renewal Center, the Tribunal, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, and bulletin for more detailed information about this upcom- a host of other services. If every individual/family in the parish ing Summer Fun Day on Wednesday, June 22. For this special made a donation to the 2016 DSA Campaign, we could reach our day to be a success and reach out to our young parishioners, goal! If we reach our required goal, we will not have to use parish we need adults to help with the various parts of the morning’s funds for this Diocesan Campaign, as we have done in past activities. Students in grades 7–12th are also welcome to years. Let us support Bishop Cahill, the Diocese and, therefore, our get service hours by helping with the children. To volunteer or if parish. We all have an obligation to support not only our local parish, you have any questions, please call the Religious Education Of- but also our Diocese. Please assist us in reaching our assigned fice at 575-8132. goal! Again, thank you for your generosity. Men’s ACTS Retreat As of April 6, 2016, the following is our DSA Update: May 19-22 Assigned Goal: $126,839.00 Registration forms are available for the next Men’s ACTS Retreat to be held at the Spiritual Renewal Center. Forms Amount Pledged: $22,255.00 are available at the Rectory. Any questions, please call Amount Received: $16,860.00 Jamey Bauer, Director, at 935-4566; Don Pennington, Co- Director, at 575-4333 or Jeremy DeDear, Co-Director, Number of Individuals/Families Participating: 75 out of 2,700 at 935-3473. Amount Needed to Reach Our Goal if Current Pledges are Met: $104,584.00 Hospitality Ministry: The Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory is committed to being a welcoming parish to the people of faith in the Diocese of Victoria. With that in mind, we are looking for St. Joseph High School Hosts outgoing, caring people who would feel comfortable greeting pa- “A Closer Look at STJ” rishioners and visitors before Mass. If you are interested, call or St. Joseph High School is hosting “A Closer Look at email Jenny Vincent at 575-4741 or [email protected]. STJ” from 6:15-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 14. Meet us in the Flyer Dome - take a campus tour The Moms Group’s will and learn about advanced placement/dual credit have their next weekly meet- courses, tuition assistance, athletics, STJ summer ing on Tuesday, April 12, camp registration, and enjoy refreshments with the Flyer Family. from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the For more information, please contact Jen Korinek, Admissions Early Childhood Cen- Coordinator, at [email protected] or 573-2446 ext. 217. ter. Any interested mom is invited to attend! For more information, contact Jen- Like Us on Facebook - Our Lady of Victory Cathedral nifer Ruiz at [email protected] . THE CATHEDRAL OF OUR LADY OF VICTORY VICTORIA, TEXAS APRIL 10, 2016 OLV School News Religious Education News Classes have ended for the 2015-2016 school year. Classes for the OLV School NEWS 2016/2017 school year will resume Wednesday, September 7. “Big Ticket”chool NEWS Raffle Dates To Remember Friday, April 1, winner Early Registration for the 2016/2017 Religious Education year Gerald Bludau closed on April 6. Registration for the limited remaining open- ings will begin on Wednesday, August 2. Tuition at that time Go-Pro Hero 4 w/accessories (late registration) will be $30 per student.
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