VALE OF GLAMORGAN COUNCIL WELSH EDUCATION SCHEME ‘A Welsh Education Scheme which has been prepared in accordance with the requirement of the Welsh Language Act 1993’ 2009 - 2014 Mr B Jeffreys Director of Learning and Development Provincial House Kendrick Road Barry CF62 8BF Gwasanaeth Gwella Ysgolion/School Improvement Service Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Main aims and objectives of the Welsh Education Scheme 3. Future developments 4. The County’s Children and Young People’s Plan and its relation to the Welsh Education Scheme 5. Geographical and linguistic background 6. The state of the Welsh language since 1990 7. History and development of the authority’s Welsh Language Policy 8. Growth and development of Welsh-medium education in the LA 9. Mapping the Development of Welsh as a second language within the LA 10. School Definitions and linguistic categories 11. Current provision 12. Welsh-medium nursery and early years education 13. Primary schools and Primary education 14. Secondary schools and Secondary education, including the Careers Service and Youth Service 15. Post -16 provision 16. Additional Learning Needs (ALN) 17. School catchment areas 18. The transport policy 19. The funding policy for Welsh-medium education 20. The Athrawon Bro Service and the Advisory Service 21. Language Centres 22. Information for parents about Welsh-medium education 23. Training and services for School Governors 24. Staffing and recruitment 25. Community Education and Basic Skills 26. Links with other authorities and organisations 27. Monitoring 28. Targets and implementation timetable by Sector APPENDICES 1. Census data : Welsh speakers by individual electoral wards 2. List of INSET courses to support the development of Welsh in schools 3. Trends in Full Time Pupil Numbers 1998-2008 - Welsh-medium Schools 4. Projections of Welsh-medium pupil numbers 2010-2014 5. Sample Survey Form for Assessing Demand for Welsh-medium Provision 6. Summary of Findings re: Survey of School Preference 2009 7. Map of Vale of Glamorgan schools 8. Vale of Glamorgan Welsh Language Policy 9. Table of GCSE and Post 16 Courses 2 WELSH EDUCATION SCHEME Section 1: Introduction 1. In March 2008 the Vale of Glamorgan Council published a Welsh Language Scheme in accordance with the requirements of the Welsh Language Act 1993. It was approved by the Welsh Language Board, and states how the Council, in its dealings with the public, will treat the Welsh and English languages on the basis of equality. Under Section 5 of the Welsh Language Act 1993, the Local Education Authority is required to provide a Welsh Language Scheme dealing specifically with Education. For ease of reference this Scheme is called a "Welsh Education Scheme". 2. The “Welsh Education Scheme” forms part of the Main Language Scheme. a) The Vale of Glamorgan’s Welsh Education Scheme was approved by the Welsh Language Board under Section 14(1) of the Welsh Language Act 1993, in January 2000. Following the Welsh Education Scheme’s three year implementation period, this Scheme becomes its successor. b) This Welsh Education Scheme was approved by the Welsh Language Board under Section 14(1) of the Welsh Language Act 1993 on May 5th 2010. c) The commitments and arrangements contained in this Welsh Education Scheme have been approved at the highest level, and the Scheme will be implemented bearing the full authority and support of the County Council of the Vale of Glamorgan. d) Should any targets in this Welsh Education Scheme require the implementation of further statutory procedures, these will be fully implemented according to appropriate legislative requirements such as the terms of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Further information regarding the “Welsh Education Scheme” is available from:- Lynette Jones Head of Achievement Provincial House, Kendrick Road, Barry, CF62 8BF 01446 709734 [email protected] 3 Section 2: Main Aims and Objectives of the Welsh Education Scheme Aims and Objectives. • To ensure that Welsh-medium education is available to all children whose parents/guardians wish them to receive their education through the medium of Welsh, and this within reasonable travelling distance from the children's homes. This means children of pre-school age and above. • To ensure a developing continuum from Welsh-medium primary education through to Welsh-medium secondary education. Pupils who have received their primary education through the medium of Welsh will be able to attend a Welsh-medium secondary school; to promote a linguistic continuum from KS4 onwards through to their lifelong learning career for pupils and students within the county. • To ensure that Welsh is taught as a first and/or second language on the timetable of all the County's schools, in accordance with the National Curriculum's statutory requirements for all key stages; to ensure that all pupils are given the opportunity to sit an externally accredited examination in Welsh by the end of KS4. • To ensure that children and young people with additional and special educational needs receive linguistic equality of opportunity in terms of Welsh-medium education, during the entire Statementing process, and this in line with the SEN Code of Practice for Wales. • To ensure that all pupils attending a designated Welsh-medium school are able to speak, read and write Welsh fluently by the end of KS2. • To work in partnership with all schools in order to improve the standard of Welsh as a first and second language. All of the County’s schools will receive advice and support from an adviser on the Welsh language and from school support services. Further support will be provided by Athrawon Bro who visit schools and monitor school’s language standards on behalf of the LA. • To run and promote the existing In-Service Training Programme that supports the development of Welsh as a first and second language, and to provide opportunities for pupils to improve their knowledge and understanding of the cultural, economic, environmental, historical and linguistic ethos/characteristics of Wales via the Cwricwlwm Cymreig. 4 Section 3: Future developments 3.1 Targets to be transferred from Previous Scheme The majority of targets from the last scheme have been addressed and those which have not, have now been incorporated into the new targets within the Children and Young People’s Plan 2008-2011. 3.2 The County’s Vision The Vale of Glamorgan Council is committed to continue to seek to extend the choice for parents and pupils within the Vale of Glamorgan to pursue Welsh-medium education. In pursuing this strategic goal, the Council is committed to embracing Welsh as a medium for education and for social and cultural activities. We will have succeeded in our aims when the Vale of Glamorgan is recognised as an area where the Welsh Language is valued, widely used and celebrated. 3.3 Strategies for the Future The delivery of this vision will be dependent on a number of key factors. These include:- [1] Ensuring that current and latent demand for Welsh-medium education is assessed, reviewed and responded to within available resources (see targets 1.i.2, 1.ii.1, 1.ii.2, 3.i.1, & 5.i.1) [2] Ensuring that in the planning of school places opportunities to promote Welsh-medium education are identified and pursued (see targets 1.i.2, 1.ii.1, 1.ii.2, 3.i.1, & 5.i.1) [3] Developing coherent provision which enables learners to secure, and build upon their Welsh language skills during transition between early years, primary and secondary phases (see targets 2, 3(v) and 4) [4] Ensuring effective Community School developments with regard to Welsh-medium development and initiatives (see target 12) [5] A commitment to work with partners and “make the connections” to enhance Welsh- medium provision [6] A commitment to quality, recognising that the success of the Welsh Education Scheme will be dependent upon the quality and commitment of Education staff and partners involved in delivery (see all targets). Whilst the Vale of Glamorgan Council can be proud of the progress it has achieved in Welsh- medium education in recent years, it is our clear expectation that the actions detailed in the Welsh Education Scheme will have a direct and positive impact to further improve the quality and scale of Welsh Education provision within the Council area. 3.4 Strategic Planning of Welsh-medium Provision The Vale of Glamorgan Council regularly reviews pupil projections for Welsh Medium Education based upon a range of factors including admission data and parental preference. In the Summer of 2009, the Local Authority conducted a survey to assess the current and latent demand for Welsh Medium Education in the Vale in accordance with the requirement of the Welsh Assembly Government as outlined in the Children and Young People’s Plan (2008-2011). This survey was sent to all parents of pre-school age children in the Vale (see Appendix 5). The findings of the survey (see Appendix 6) have now been collated and have assisted the local authority in preparing a Strategic Plan to address the current and future needs of Welsh Medium Education in the Vale (see Target 3i.1). 5 The Strategic Plan identifies gaps and the location of shortfalls in provision within the Vale. The Strategic Plan also identifies the resource implications of addressing demand. The Strategic Plan for Welsh-medium Education will be updated on an annual basis as part of the regular review and analysis of pupil projections and admissions data across the authority. As with all schools in the Vale of Glamorgan, unutilised or surplus places at Welsh-medium Schools are regularly reviewed and monitored in relation to catchment area demographics. 6 Section 4: The County’s Children and Young People’s Plan and its Relation to the Welsh Education Scheme 4.1 The County’s Children and Young People’s Plan 2008-2011 demonstrates a commitment by the LA to advance its education and training agenda, and to continue to raise attainment from their current levels.
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