OREGON LAWS 2019 HCR 32 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 32 ing time off work to have a baby or care for an ill family member; and Whereas many Oregon labor laws passed during Whereas Grattan Kerans was born in Washing- Grattan Kerans’s tenure became models for legis- ton, D.C., on January 2, 1941, to Edwin Grattan lation in other states and the federal government; Kerans, a renowned dentist, and Anne Kelley and Kerans, a lawyer and Democratic Party activist; and Whereas Grattan Kerans was dedicated to pro- Whereas from an early age, Grattan Kerans was tecting Oregon’s environment by restricting field motivated by the idea of public service, having been burning, preserving watersheds, safeguarding drink- inspired by his grandfather, Eugene Grattan Kerans, ing water, banning ozone-depleting chemicals and who served in several prominent positions in the cleaning up Superfund sites; and administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt; and Whereas Grattan Kerans worked to expand the Whereas after high school, Grattan Kerans at- rights of utility ratepayers, consumers, homeowners tended Montgomery College in Maryland and and renters; and worked in a variety of jobs; and Whereas Grattan Kerans championed voting Whereas in 1963, Grattan Kerans was making rights, including same-day voter registration in 1975, salt water taffy on the boardwalk in Ocean City, ensuring the integrity of the state’s elections, advo- Maryland, when he met his future wife, Janet cating for campaign finance reform, protecting ballot Holsclaw, and in 1965 they were married; and access and safeguarding the people’s initiative pow- Whereas in 1969, Grattan and Janet Kerans ers; and moved to Oregon to attend the University of Oregon; Whereas Grattan Kerans was committed to pub- and lic higher education and dedicated to academic ex- Whereas Grattan Kerans majored in political cellence; and science at the University of Oregon and he served Whereas Grattan Kerans passionately pushed for as editor of the campus newspaper, the Daily well-funded social and senior services programs, and Emerald; and he protected Oregon Project Independence, which Whereas Grattan Kerans held several other jobs provides assistance to senior citizens and persons as a journalist, and he remained an ardent supporter with disabilities so that they can continue living in- of freedom of the press throughout his career; and dependently in their own homes; and Whereas Grattan Kerans was drawn to public Whereas Grattan Kerans was renowned for his service, and he began working as a staff member on great sense of humor and he was an outstanding task forces for Oregon’s Legislative Assembly; and orator, a gifted political and legislative strategist Whereas in 1974, Grattan Kerans was elected to and an artful advocate; and the Oregon House of Representatives as a Democrat Whereas Grattan Kerans was a great statesman representing Eugene (then District 39), and he who respected the legislative process, the press, staff served five terms in the House; and members and those elected to serve; and Whereas in 1977, Grattan Kerans was named Whereas after leaving public office, Grattan Majority Whip, in 1979 and 1981 he was elected Kerans decided to pursue his other passion, higher Majority Leader and in 1983 he was elected Speaker education, by serving the Oregon State System of of the House of Representatives; and Higher Education (now the Oregon University Sys- Whereas Grattan Kerans resigned his House tem) as its government relations director from 1993 seat to run for State Treasurer, but he was defeated to 2004; and in the 1984 general election; and Whereas Grattan Kerans passed away on Janu- Whereas Grattan Kerans continued his career ary 16, 2019; and of public service by representing the City of Eugene Whereas Grattan Kerans is survived by his wife, as a lobbyist, serving as an aide to U.S. Represen- Janet Raye Holsclaw Kerans, son, Tim Kerans, tative Jim Weaver, working on various political daughter-in-law, Khiota Therrien, granddaughter, campaigns and participating in Democratic National Mabel, sister, Mary-Ann Jackson, brother-in-law, Committee activities; and Dwight Jackson, and 12 nieces and nephews, and Whereas in 1986, Grattan Kerans was elected to was predeceased by his parents and his sisters, Mary the Oregon Senate from Lane County, and he served Helen Nolan and Mary Louise Pasutti; and there for seven years, chairing the Committee on Whereas Grattan Kerans mentored many who Labor and the Committee on Ethics, Elections and followed him into public service and inspired count- Campaign Finance Reform; and less others in the fight for social and economic jus- Whereas Grattan Kerans was a commanding tice; and committee chairman who was committed to develop- Whereas Grattan Kerans will be remembered for ing sound public policy and protecting the public’s his decades of dedicated public service to the City right to testify; and of Eugene, Lane County and the State of Oregon and Whereas Grattan Kerans focused on advancing for leaving a legacy of laws protecting the people the rights and dignity of workers, whether they were and environment of this state; now, therefore, injured, unemployed, whistleblowers, victims of dis- Be It Resolved by the Legislative Assembly of crimination, seeking to be paid a fair wage or want- the State of Oregon: 1 HCR 32 OREGON LAWS 2019 That we, the members of the Eightieth Legisla- Resolved, That a copy of this resolution shall be tive Assembly, honor the life and accomplishments presented to the family of Grattan Kerans as an ex- of Grattan Kerans and express our gratitude for his pression of our sympathy and condolences. contributions to the people of this state; and be it Filed in the office of Secretary of State May 6, 2019 further 2.
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