CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING 2020 https://doi.org/10.33591/sfp.46.5.u5 UNIT NO. 5 Brumbaugh D, Case LE, Clemens PR, Hadjiyannakis S, Pandya S, Street CHILDHOOD NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS examiner’s hands under the armpits and assessed for any arm periodic paralysis) and the rate of progression. An acute or delay/hypotonia, neuroimaging with MRI brain and aordable gene panels targeting neuromuscular disorders promising, with near-normal motor development in some receptor but reduced transcriptional activation and therefore 3. Orthopaedic Care neuromuscular diseases has resulted in faster and more accurate slip sign, and an attempt should be made to see if the infant can subacute onset of symptoms may be suggestive of an endocrine appropriate chromosomal/genetic testing can be considered. which are faster and less costly than whole exome or whole infants. is has resulted in new recommendations for neonatal has less side eects of other steroids. Clinical trials are still Prevention of contractures may be aected with appropriate diagnosis. Furthermore, new treatments are in the pipeline or N. Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 1: diagnosis, and neuromuscular, rehabilitation, endocrine, and gastrointes- A/Prof Stacey Tay Kiat Hong bear weight on both legs. e infant is then put into ventral or inammatory myositis, the chronic onset of symptoms may 2. If the child has evidence of lower limb involvement and genome sequencing. e choice of whole exome or whole newborn screening of SMA as well as a treatment algorithm for underway for head-to-head comparison of Vamorolone and resting splints of the ankles. Proper seating is also key to are already available for certain neuromuscular disorders, and 11 20 tinal and nutritional management. The Lancet Neurology. 2018 Mar suspension – a child with early spasticity may at this point arch be more suggestive of muscle dystrophies or genetic preservation of upper limb function, then the spinal cord genome sequencing may be considered if the clinical features the treatment of such patients. Results for SMA type 2 have prednisolone. preventing progression of scoliosis. Hip surveillance is these give hope for these children to live better and longer. 1;17(3):251-67. 12 ABSTRACT the back, but the infant with peripheral nervous system neuropathies, and non-progressive symptoms may be suggestive MRI would be the choice investigation. are not specic, and if the parents prefer a comprehensive also shown improved motor scores. ere remain concerns essential in the prevention of hip dislocations which may also 18. Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, Alman BA, Apkon SD, Blackwell are specic symptoms and signs that will enable the clinician to REFERENCES Infantile and childhood neuromuscular disorders are a weakness would have head, trunk and limbs drooping with of chronic myopathies. 3. If the child is suspected of having a peripheral cause of motor option. Appropriate choice of test and counselling of families however, about the high cost of Nusinersen treatment as this Genetically targeted therapies for DMD include exon skipping cause secondary scoliosis. A, Case LE, Cripe L, Hadjiyannakis S, Olson AK, Sheehan DW. Diagnosis recognise disease patterns that will narrow down the 1. Darin N, Tulinius M. Neuromuscular disorders in childhood: a significant cause of motor delays in childhood. little anti-gravity movements. e nal position of the infant delay/hypotonia, the choice of investigation hinges on the should be conducted only by an experienced neurologist, would require continued treatment for life, as well as the need and ribosomal read through treatments. Drisapersen and and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 2: respiratory, dierential diagnoses. Most neuromuscular conditions are descriptive epidemiological study from western Sweden. Neuromuscular Neuromuscular disorders may present either with should be in a prone position, to see if there is any ability to lift Finally, history taking should also include an evaluation of the category of condition suspected. For example, fatigability is neurogeneticist or geneticist as there are important economic for repeated lumbar punctures for drug administration. Eteplirsen are antisense oligonucleotides that target exon 51 and 4. Cardiac Care cardiac, bone health, and orthopaedic management. The Lancet either congenital (present at birth) or genetic, and genetic Disorders. 2000 Jan 1;10(1):1-9. hypotonia and weakness in early infancy or falls and the head and trunk, or if the patient is profoundly weak, if impact on other systems such as nocturnal hypoventilation with suspicious of myasthenia gravis and therefore, a Tensilon and social consequences of testing. would be relevant to 13 percent of DMD patients who have Yearly 2D echocardiogram and ECG would be necessary in Neurology. 2018 Apr 1;17(4):347-61. testing is key not only to shortening the diagnostic odyssey but 2. Woodcock IR, Fraser L, Norman P, Pysden K, Manning S, Childs AM. difficulties in walking later in childhood. The first goal in there is any ability to clear the face o the bed. In patients with daytime sleepiness and headaches in the morning and any (edrophonium) test should be conducted with obtaining • Muscle biopsy or nerve biopsy has also been somewhat Risdiplam is an oral small molecule that is an SMN2 mutations in that region of the dystrophin gene. e initial specic muscle conditions associated with cardiomyopathy 19. Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, Apkon SD, Blackwell A, Colvin approaching a patient with suspected muscle disease is to is also the basis for patient access to international clinical trials The prevalence of neuromuscular disease in the paediatric population in MK, Cripe L, Herron AR, Kennedy A, Kinnett K, Naprawa J. Diagnosis signs of peripheral nervous system disorder, careful evaluation change in functional ability, e.g. school attendance and anti-AChR antibody levels. Presence of calf superseded by genetic testing. However, muscle biopsies are pre-mRNA splicing modier.13 Single doses of risdiplam have phase 1 and 2 clinical trials for drisapersen appeared to show (DMD, BMD, LGMD, Emery-Dreifuss muscular Yorkshire, UK; variation by ethnicity and deprivation status. Develop- ascertain the correct site of the lesion, followed by the or commercially available gene therapies.4 and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 3: primary care, cause of the lesion. Extraordinary breakthroughs in the of the distribution of weakness such as involvement of the face, performance (e.g. handwriting speed, ability to keep up with pseudohypertrophy and proximal muscle weakness should often performed in the context of inammatory myopathies been shown to produce increased amounts of full-length SMN2 some promise but a larger phase 3 placebo-controlled trial dystrophy) as well as arrhythmias and AV block (LGMD, mental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2016 Aug;58(8):877-83. emergency management, psychosocial care, and transitions of care 3. Rose L, McKim D, Leasa D, Nonoyama M, Tandon A, Bai YQ, Amin R, area of genetic testing have resulted in a decrease in Infantile hypotonia trunk, proximal or distal limb muscles should be conducted. physical exercise lessons or tests), self-care or activities of daily prompt testing of creatine kinase levels that would be high in and if genetic testing has been uninformative. mRNA, and clinical trials are ongoing, for which interim unfortunately did not show any statistically signicant Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, fascioscapulohumeral across the lifespan. The Lancet Neurology. 2018 May 1;17(5):445-55. reliance on muscle biopsies and neurophysiological Neurological examination for range of movement, tone, deep living (e.g. dressing, climbing stairs, feeding and swallowing cases of muscle dystrophy. • Tensilon (Edrophonium) test is a quick and efficient test for reports suggest improved survival and attainment of motor improvement in the six-minute walk test compared to a control dystrophy and myotonic dystrophy). Katz S, Goldstein R, Gershon A. Trends in incidence, prevalence, and 20. Conklin LS, Damsker JM, Hoffman EP, Jusko WJ, Mavroudis PD, mortality of neuromuscular disease in Ontario, Canada: A population- testing. tendon reexes and power is essential. e presence of key diculties). recovery from the fatigable weakness seen in myasthenia milestones. group. Eteplirsen did show some functional improvement and Schwartz BD, Mengle-Gaw LJ, Smith EC, Mah JK, Guglieri M, Nevo Y. Hypotonia in infants poses a diagnostic challenge as it may be based retrospective cohort study (2003-2014). PloS one. 2019;14(3). distinctives such as tongue fasciculations (spinal muscular Below is a list of investigations that can be considered in the gravis. small increases in dystrophin production on muscle biopsies 5. Neurological Care Phase IIa trial in Duchenne muscular dystrophy shows vamorolone is a The importance of recognising such disorders is because due to either a systemic illness or an underlying neurological 4. Dowling JJ, D. Gonorazky H, Cohn RD, Campbell C. Treating atrophy), dilated pupils (infantile botulism), contractures A physical examination would centre on gait characteristics (e.g. neuromuscular workup of a hypotonic infant or a weak child. • MRI brain can be considered in central causes of motor delay Omnasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi (Zolgensma) is a gene and received accelerated FDA approval pending results for an Specic conditions like congenital muscular dystrophy may first-in-class dissociative steroidal
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