Shepperton Studios Application for approval of Reserved Matters and the phased approval of details reserved by condition – Shepperton South Planning Statement December 2020 Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Site Context 4 3. The Outline Permission 7 4. Reserved Matters Approval: Proposed Development – Shepperton South 10 5. Assessment of the Reserved Matters Proposals 14 6. Discharge of Planning Conditions 18 7. Summary and Conclusions 20 Appendix 1: Planning Conditions Contact Sara Dutfield Taylor Cherrett [email protected] [email protected] 4th December 2020 1. Introduction 1.1 This Statement accompanies a reserved matters application package submitted to Spelthorne Borough Council (‘SBC’) on behalf of Shepperton Studios Ltd (‘SSL’) in relation to the land to the South of the existing studios (known as Shepperton South). The package includes: Approval of reserved matters (layout, appearance, scale and landscape) pursuant to the outline planning permission (planning ref. 18/01212/OUT) granted 4th July 2019 for Shepperton South; and Corresponding phased discharge of conditions. 1.2 The statement is submitted to assist the Local Planning Authority and third parties to fully understand the format and content of the applications and how they comply and satisfy the requirements of the outline planning permission. 1.3 The submission follows pre-application discussions with SBC officers on 19th November 2020 to agree the interpretation and requirements of the outline planning permission and to discuss the applications content and acceptability. 1.4 The application comprises the following documents: Table 1.1: Reserved Matters Application Documents Report Title Prepared by Application Forms Turley Planning Statement Turley Application Plans (see covering letter) FaulknerBrowns Design and Access Statement FaulknerBrowns Landscape Report LUC Landscape Plans (see covering letter) LUC Statement of Community Engagement Turley Transport Note iTransport Table 1.2: Condition Discharge Documents Report Title Prepared by Application Forms Turley Application Plans (see covering letter) FaulknerBrowns Renewable Energy Statement Turley Transport Note iTransport 3 2. Site Context The Studios 2.1 Shepperton Studios is located to the west of Littleton village, close to the boundary of the parish of Shepperton. The Studios are strategically located some 9.7km to the south-west of Heathrow and 29km to the south-west of central London. Figure 2.1: Surrounding Context 2.2 The studios is a market leader with a global reputation. The unrivalled range of production facilities, services and skills available on a single site at Shepperton, is one of the most comprehensive in the world and provides a unique offer that attracts the best international producers and directors. 2.3 Alongside Pinewood Studios, Shepperton offers the most complete range of physical facilities in the UK required for film and high end television productions. Producers favour Shepperton because they have ease of access to all the necessarily facilities, 4 skills and resources they require, thereby minimising the risk of disruption and delays to the filming schedule. 2.4 Given Shepperton’s standing within the industry, its clients are leading film and television producers attracted by the quality, scale and range of facilities, skills and services available within the site. Shepperton Studios has a global customer base with filmmakers from the UK, USA, Europe and beyond providing a large share of its business and making a significant contribution to UK inward investment and exports. The Site 2.5 Shepperton South comprises land to the south of the existing studio and River Ash. The extent of this reserved matters submission is shown at Figure 2.2 below. Figure 2.2: Extract of Site Location Plan 2.6 The site is bound by: the River Ash Corridor to the North, including the water body itself and its associated banks (which falls within the outline planning application boundary); the B376 (Shepperton Road) to the south of the application site; residential properties off Laleham Road and Cranwell Grove to the south-east and the eastern extents of the application site; and 5 To the west the site is bound by existing agricultural land, previously worked for mineral extraction and subsequently restored. 2.7 The site incorporates the existing Studio backlots, bounded to the north by the River Ash corridor and to the east and south by residential development, a small light industrial complex and Shepperton Road. 2.8 Parts of the site have been subject to excavation and extraction works in recent history. Following remediation works this area is now predominantly flat. The remainder of the Shepperton South site was formerly a horticultural nursery, known as Laleham Nurseries. It comprises a collection of small buildings and glasshouses with areas of hardstanding, which are now vacant and in a dilapidated state. In addition there existing a small bungalow at the main entrance to the nurseries off Shepperton Road. The demolition of these buildings is proposed as part of this reserved matters submission. 6 3. The Outline Permission 3.1 The principle of expanding Shepperton Studios was approved through the granting of outline planning permission in July 20191. 3.2 The description of development is: “Outline planning permission with all matters reserved (except for principal points of access) for the redevelopment and expansion of Shepperton Studios, comprising the partial demolition and replacement of existing accommodation; construction of new sound stages, workshops, office accommodation, entrance structures and reception, security offices and backlots; creation of new vehicular and pedestrian access from Shepperton Road and the relocation of existing access off Studios Road; with associated car parking; landscaping and ecological enhancements.” 3.3 The permission as a whole is tied by condition to a set of controlling development parameters that define the minimum and maximum amount, scale and form of all aspects of the development. 3.4 The permission approved 112,849 sqm of net additional floorspace (GEA) across the expansion site as a whole. 3.5 The development parameters are approved as a set of 7 no. individual topic-based application drawings that were presented in the outline application documentation. All development pursuant to the outline permission should be in substantial accordance with the approved development parameters (as set out by condition 5 of the outline permission). An extract of the composite parameter plan (PP-12) is provided at Figure 3.1 for reference. 1 Planning Permission 18/01212/OUT, granted 4th July 2019 7 Figure 3.1: Extract of Composite Parameter Plan 3.6 The permission requires that the first reserved matters submission is made to the Council no later than 2 years from the date of the permission (condition 2) and that the last reserved matters submission be made within 10 years from the date of the permission (condition 4). 3.7 In accordance with condition 2 of the outline planning permission, SSL submitted the first reserved matters on 23rd September under reference20/01108/RMA. This reserved matters application is described as follows: “Application for approval of reserved matters for land to the north of the River Ash comprising details of sound stages, production buildings including offices and workshops, security hut, backlot and associated infrastructure, car parking, landscaping and other works pursuant to condition 2 of planning permission 18/01212/OUT dated 4th July 2019” 3.8 At the time of writing, this submission is currently under determination. 3.9 The outline permission is proposed to be amended through a non-material amendment (reference 20/01324/FUL), which proposes changes to the wording of a number of planning conditions to allow their phased discharge. Supporting Information 3.10 There are a number of conditions attached to the outline permission which require information to be submitted with each reserved matters application. These are: 8 Condition Requirements Requires each reserved matters application to be accompanied by a Condition 3 high-level illustrative masterplan. Requires each reserved matters application to demonstrate how Condition 7 10% of the energy requirements generated by the development as a whole will be achieved utilising renewable energy sources. Requires the first reserved matters application for each part of the Condition 13 development to include details of the quantum and location of car parking to serve that part of the development. Requires to be provided in conjunction with each reserved matters Condition 14 application to demonstrate that appropriate cycle facilities are provide The Parameters of the Outline 3.11 The development parameters approved under the outline planning permission permit the following within the south development area (identified on the parameters as zones A2, A3, A5, B1, C6, C6, C8, C9 and C10). Parameter Plan Parameter Plan PP.2 - Shows the demolition of Laleham Nurseries in the Demolition centre of the Shepperton South site. Parameter Plan PP.3 - Shows access off Shepperton Road and primary Movement circulation (with a +/- 20m tolerance) Parameter Plan PP.4 – Zone A2, A3, A5, B1 (western parcel), C6, C7, C8, C9, C10 Development Zones – building plots / car park Zone B1 (eastern parcel) – car park Zone A4 – Backlot / overflow car parking (as defined at Table 6.1 of the Planning Statement to the outline permission) Parameter Plan PP.5 - Zone B1, A2, A3, A5 –
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