S5150 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 25, 2013 Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI) was added as sors of amendment No. 1244 intended to school enrollment. In many of these a cosponsor of S. 1212, a bill to amend be proposed to S. 744, a bill to provide districts, Federal formula programs, the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Res- for comprehensive immigration reform which are population-based, do not toration Act to facilitate the establish- and for other purposes. produce enough resources to carry out ment of additional or expanded public AMENDMENT NO. 1328 important programs, which these grant target ranges in certain States. At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the programs help make possible. One S. 1215 name of the Senator from Minnesota school district in Maine, for example, received only $28 in 2001 to fund a dis- At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the (Mr. FRANKEN) was added as a cospon- names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. sor of amendment No. 1328 intended to trict-wide Safe and Drug-free school program. MERKLEY) and the Senator from Alaska be proposed to S. 744, a bill to provide In addition, small and rural school (Mr. BEGICH) were added as cosponsors for comprehensive immigration reform districts often forgo Federal education of S. 1215, a bill to strengthen privacy and for other purposes. dollars because they lack the personnel protections, accountability, and over- AMENDMENT NO. 1593 and the resources to apply for competi- sight related to domestic surveillance At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the name of the Senator from Minnesota tive grants. Having fewer personnel conducted pursuant to the USA PA- also creates additional challenges in TRIOT Act and the Foreign Intel- (Mr. FRANKEN) was added as a cospon- sor of amendment No. 1593 intended to providing professional development op- ligence Surveillance Act of 1978. portunities. By allowing rural school S.J. RES. 15 be proposed to S. 744, a bill to provide for comprehensive immigration reform districts to combine funds, as well as At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the and for other purposes. providing additional funds, REAP gives names of the Senator from North Caro- these districts the levels of resources AMENDMENT NO. 1618 lina (Mrs. HAGAN) and the Senator required to undertake significant edu- At the request of Mr. NELSON, the from New York (Mr. SCHUMER) were cational reform. Funds from this pro- names of the Senator from Mississippi added as cosponsors of S.J. Res. 15, a gram have already helped to support (Mr. WICKER) and the Senator from joint resolution removing the deadline new technology in classrooms, distance Louisiana (Ms. LANDRIEU) were added for the ratification of the equal rights learning opportunities, and profes- as cosponsors of amendment No. 1618 amendment. sional development activities, as well intended to be proposed to S. 744, a bill S. RES. 144 as a vast array of other programs that to provide for comprehensive immigra- will help rural districts. At the request of Mr. COONS, the tion reform and for other purposes. names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. The REAP Reauthorization Act of f MERKLEY) and the Senator from New 2013 would reauthorize and implement Hampshire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) were added STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED a few improvements to the law. These as cosponsors of S. Res. 144, a resolu- BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS changes would allow Federal funds to be even more closely targeted to geo- tion concerning the ongoing conflict in By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and graphically isolated districts. One im- the Democratic Republic of the Congo Mr. BAUCUS): portant reform would allow program and the need for international efforts S. 1222. A bill to amend the small, eligible districts to participate in the supporting long-term peace, stability, rural school achievement program and Rural and Low-Income School program and observance of human rights. the rural and low-income school pro- if they would not receive financial ben- S. RES. 151 gram under part B of title VI of the El- efits from the Small and Rural Schools ementary and Secondary Education At the request of Mr. CASEY, the Achievement program. name of the Senator from Delaware Act of 1965; to the Committee on Education is an essential driver for (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- good jobs for our citizens. This rings of S. Res. 151, a resolution urging the sions. true especially in rural America, where Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise Government of Afghanistan to ensure schools are the linchpin of rural com- transparent and credible presidential today to introduce legislation to ex- munities. I am pleased to have the sup- and provincial elections in April 2014 tend and improve a program aimed at port of the Maine School Management by adhering to internationally accept- addressing the unique needs of rural Association for the REAP Reauthoriza- ed democratic standards, establishing a schools. The Rural Education Achieve- tion Act of chair of the Senate Rural transparent electoral process, and en- ment Program, or REAP, is designed to Education Caucus, I will continue to suring security for voters and can- help level the playing field for small work toward our goal of advancing the didates. and high-poverty rural school systems. educational interests of rural schools S. RES. 165 It is the only dedicated federal funding and districts. stream to aid rural school districts in At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- name of the Senator from New Hamp- overcoming certain challenges associ- sent that a letter of support be printed ated with geographic isolation. shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- in the RECORD. Nearly 1⁄3 of America’s public schools sponsor of S. Res. 165, a resolution call- There being no objection, the mate- are in rural areas, and more than 21 ing for the release from prison of rial was ordered to be printed in the percent of our public school students former Prime Minister of Ukraine RECORD, as follows: attend these schools. Students in rural Yulia Tymoshenko in light of the re- MAINE SCHOOL America should have the same access cent European Court of Human Rights MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, to federal dollars and quality education ruling. Augusta, ME, June 24, 2013. as those students who attend schools in Re Reauthorization of REAP S. RES. 167 urban and suburban communities. For Hon. SUSAN COLLINS, At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the this reason, in 2001, I worked with Dirksen Senate Office Building, names of the Senator from Indiana former Senator Kent Conrad to author U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. (Mr. DONNELLY) and the Senator from the law creating REAP, and I am now DEAR SENATOR COLLINS, The Maine School Boards Association and the Maine School Connecticut (Mr. MURPHY) were added pleased to work with Senator MAX Superintendents Association want to thank as cosponsors of S. Res. 167, a resolu- BAUCUS on its reauthorization. REAP tion reaffirming the strong support of you for your continued sponsorship of the created two grant programs: the Small REAP Program. Specifically, our Associa- the United States for the peaceful reso- and Rural Schools Achievement pro- tions are pleased to support the 2013 Reau- lution of territorial, sovereignty, and gram SRSA, which provides additional thorization of REAP. Throughout the years, jurisdictional disputes in the Asia-Pa- funding and flexibility to small rural REAP funding has helped to provide equity cific maritime domains. school districts, and the Rural and for many small schools in Maine and our ex- AMENDMENT NO. 1244 Low-Income School program, RLIS, pectation is that will continue with this Re- authorization. At the request of Mr. ISAKSON, the which provides additional funding for Both the National School Boards Associa- names of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. poor rural school districts. tion and the American Association of School PORTMAN) and the Senator from Illi- Prior to enactment of this law, rural Administrators are also supportive of the nois (Mr. KIRK) were added as cospon- school districts received funds based on Reauthorization of REAP. VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 Jun 26, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JN6.009 S25JNPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 25, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5151 The Maine School Boards Association and (2) requests the Secretary of the Senate to SA 1680. Mrs. MURRAY submitted an the Maine School Superintendents Associa- transmit for appropriate display an official amendment intended to be proposed by her tion appreciate your continued support for copy of this resolution to— to the bill S. 744, supra; which was ordered to public education. We want to commend you (A) the owner of the Miami Heat, Micky lie on the table. for your willingness to pay attention to var- Arison; SA 1681. Mrs. MURRAY (for herself and Mr. ious legislative issues that may impact (B) the President of the Miami Heat, Pat CRAPO) submitted an amendment intended to Maine public schools. We also want to praise Riley; and be proposed by her to the bill S. 744, supra; your staff for their expertise and accessi- (C) the coach of the Miami Heat, Erik which was ordered to lie on the table. bility to our organizations. As always, our Spoelstra. SA 1682. Mrs. MURRAY submitted an Associations are available as a resource to f amendment intended to be proposed by her you and to your staff. to the bill S. 744, supra; which was ordered to Sincerely, AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND lie on the table. CORNELIA BROWN, PROPOSED SA 1683. Mr. PORTMAN (for himself, Mr. Executive Director. CHIESA, and Mr. CRAPO) submitted an amend- SA 1663.
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