8366 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 151, Pt. 6 April 28, 2005 management of the Repeat Offender Preven- reach as far as they can. It is a certainty that Nick left the active army to return to New tion Program Grant, the Targeted Truancy our entire community will feel a loss left by the York where he began legal practice. Once Grant, and the Fouts Springs Aftercare Grant retirement of Ms. Cross. more, Nick chose others over himself. Rather are just a few examples of his responsible The parents and children of School District then enter private practice, Nick went to serve stewardship of public services. 101 are fortunate to have had such an ener- the most vulnerable members of society as a Furthermore, Mr. Merrill demonstrated ex- getic and devoted teacher like Ms. Cross. lawyer for the Suffolk County Legal Aid Soci- emplary leadership, both as Chief Deputy Pro- Through her dedication and love of educating ety. bation Officer and as Interim Chief of the Pro- the young minds of this country, Ms. Cross After several years in practice, Nick decided bation Department. Mr. Merrill developed and has made a difference and should be recog- that he wanted to further serve his community implemented a comprehensive Administrative nized for her outstanding and selfless con- by teaching. He earned his teaching certificate Policy Manual for the Solano County Proba- tributions to our nation’s youth and their fami- and returned to Brentwood to teach middle tion Department, and was instrumental in co- lies, especially the students and families of school math. ordinating the development of the departments Western Springs. Nick’s service to our country has not ended ‘‘Task and Standards’’ Manual for Adult and Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in in the classroom. Having joined the U.S. Army Juvenile divisions. honoring Ms. Nancy Cross as an outstanding Reserve as a member of the Judge Advocate Clearly, Clifford has been an exceptional educator who has had a distinguished career. General Corps, Nick volunteered for duty in and loyal employee of the Solano County Pro- She has done nothing less than an extraor- Iraq. In December of 2002, he was deployed bation Department and has distinguished him- dinary job preparing America’s future genera- along with the 101st Airborne Division to Ku- self by providing outstanding, professional tions. We thank and congratulate her for an wait and subsequently into Iraq, where he ad- service and leadership to Solano County. extraordinary career, and we wish her well in judicated local disputes, providing compensa- Again, I am proud to honor Clifford J. Merrill retirement. tion to Iraqis that suffered property and other for his twenty-one years of dedicated service f losses due to the war. Nick’s dedication to im- to the citizens of Solano County. I thank HONORING THE ACCOMPLISH- proving the lives of newly freed Iraqi civilians Clifford for his career contributions to the So- MENTS OF NICHOLAS SCOTT earned him a Bronze Star and the title of Cap- lano County Probation Department, and I wish tain. him a well-deserved retirement in the commu- The day before his deployment to Iraq, Nick nity he has done so much to improve. HON. STEVE ISRAEL OF NEW YORK married fellow Brentwood teacher Nadine P. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kroner, and they are now the proud parents of HONORING NANCY CROSS OF FOR- Thursday, April 28, 2005 a six-month old son, Ethan Hunter. Nick Scott is an inspiration to me, to each EST HILLS ELEMENTARY Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to SCHOOL UPON HER RETIREMENT student in the Brentwood school system and recognize the accomplishments of a man that to our entire community. He is a living testa- embodies many core principles of our country: ment to the greatness of America, a land HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI hard work, opportunity, selfless service, integ- where opportunity matched with hard work can OF ILLINOIS rity and dedication. Nicholas Scott, now a mid- trump any hardship. But Nick Scott is a true IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dle school math teacher in the Brentwood role model because he has channeled his op- Thursday, April 28, 2005 School District, serves as a role model for the portunity and hard work into a lifetime of serv- students in his classroom and the community ice to others. I commend Nick for his dedica- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in as a whole. honor of Ms. Nancy Cross in recognition for tion to service, for his remarkable accomplish- Nicholas Scott was born to immigrant par- ments, for his strong work ethic, and his con- her commitment and dedication to the youth of ents, his father having fled Cuba prior to the School District 101 in Illinois. For over 30 tributions to his family, community and coun- beginning of the Fidel Castro regime. At the try. years, Ms. Cross has devoted her time to stu- age of eight his parents divorced and Nick dents and families of the Third Congressional moved with his mother to Deer Park, New f District. Now, as she prepares for retirement, York. Although the family had limited re- we would like to thank her for her countless sources, Nick’s mother instilled in him the val- CONGRATULATING JIM years of fine service. ues of hard work and perseverance, and she FOGLESONG For the last thirty-six years, Ms. Cross has insisted that he attend college to seek the op- spent her life educating the residents of Illinois portunities available in America. School District 101, first at the John Laidlaw Nick graduated high school in 1987 and HON. MARSHA BLACKBURN Elementary School, and for the past twenty- lacking the resources to attend private college, OF TENNESSEE four years at Forest Hills Elementary School, he enrolled at Suffolk County Community Col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES both located in Western Springs. At Forest lege. For two years, Nick pursued his studies Thursday, April 28, 2005 Hills, Ms. Cross not only serves in a teaching while still working four days a week. His per- capacity for the fifth grade, but also as the sistence paid off, as he earned his Associate Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise Head Teacher, who is second in command. In Degree in the Applied Sciences and was re- today to congratulate Jim Foglesong on his in- this position, she has been willing to help her warded with an academic scholarship to duction into the Country Music Hall of Fame. principal in any capacity, especially by running Hofstra University, where he earned a Bach- Jim grew up singing with his family and then the school in the principal’s absence. elors Degree in Political Science. Nick’s thirst after serving in the U.S. Armed Forces used However, Ms. Cross’s main contribution has for knowledge and devotion to self-improve- his G.I. Bill to attend Eastman School of been to her students, helping them learn how ment led him to Villanova University Law Music. to enjoy reading. A bibliophile herself, Ms. School, where he earned a Juris Doctorate Later Jim Foglesong not only developed tal- Cross has shown through her own dedication degree. Nick was then admitted to the New ent but also mentored legendary music per- to the written word and the imaginative world York State Bar Association, becoming not only formers. He nurtured the careers of Country of books, that reading can be not only produc- his family’s first college graduate, but also its Music superstars Garth Brooks, Barbara tive but enjoyable and engaging. She is often first lawyer. Mandrell, Reba McEntire, The Oak Ridge found reading to her students, and this exer- Throughout his education, Nick sought out Boys, George Strait, and Tanya Tucker, cise has left an indelible mark on many of opportunities to give back to the community. among others. them who still remember those class times While studying for the bar exam, Nick enlisted Now at age 82, Jim remains an important spent listening to Ms. Cross. in the U.S. Army. Although he was eligible to part of the Nashville music community. Because of Ms. Cross’s undeniable love for enter as an officer, Nick chose to start at the His induction is the most prestigious honor books and her ability to shape the minds of bottom and work his way up, an experience in all of Country Music. I thank Jim for the tre- her young students, she has been an out- with which he was familiar. Nick quickly mendous contributions he has given to the standing teacher for over thirty years, expand- earned his Sergeant’s stripes and soon after business, the artists, and the fans of country ing and encouraging all of her students to won a commission as an officer. music. VerDate Nov 24 2008 13:06 Mar 06, 2009 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR05\E28AP5.000 E28AP5 erowe on PROD1PC63 with BOUND RECORD April 28, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 151, Pt. 6 8367 METALDYNE NEW CASTLE—A FREEDOM FOR PRO´ SPERO GAI´NZA Middle Tennessee community will celebrate CELEBRATION AGU¨ ERO this milestone on Sunday, May 1. The area around Portland was first settled in HON. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART 1792 by the James Gwin family, according to HON. MIKE PENCE OF FLORIDA local historians. Land speculation, as well as a soil and a climate conducive to dark air-cured OF INDIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tobacco, lured settlers from the Carolinas and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, April 28, 2005 Virginia to the area.
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