Name Day Calendar “He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.” JOHN 10:3B-4 Name Day Celebration Latvian Style Latvia is one of the few countries in Europe that has the tradition of celebrating Name Days. This unique tradition began as part of the early Christian Church calendar to commemorate the saints and angels. The practice then moved to celebrating the people who were named after a saint. Eventually, other names were added to the calendar to celebrate all people’s names. There are one to five names assigned to each day of the year. The dates and names can’t be interchanged. During Leap Year, February 29 is an open date to celebrate names that are not included in the calendar. Another date reserved as an open date to celebrate names not on the calendar annually is May 22. Name Day is a large part of the culture in Latvia! All the calendars, diaries, and notebooks have the Names printed with the corresponding date. Radio Stations at the beginning of the morning news, broadcast whose name is being celebrated that day. The larger newspapers print the names next to their date of issue for that particular day. It’s like a birthday, but in some ways even better. Your name is mentioned everywhere, even your cell phone providers send you a text greeting. On your Name Day you receive flowers (a standard gift of celebration in Latvia) students and adults alike bring sweets or chocolates to recognize and celebrate. Your family has a cake waiting for you as well as for visitors that may surprise you with a visit. The anticipation and surprises follow you throughout the day, and it makes you feel very special! The following calendar can be used year after year to celebrate the Name Days with your students, co-workers, church family and friends. Each date has the Latvian names (in red) followed by a set of names in English (in blue). If the Latvian name is also a common name in English (in green and bold) we didn’t repeat it. Please use the February 29 and May 22 dates in reserve for the names of people we do not have listed. Enjoy the Name Day celebration – bringing a little bit of Latvia here to North America. Janvāris (January) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Laimnesis, Idulis, Iva, Miervalda, Spodra, Ilva, Ilvita, Simanis, Zintis, Spulga, Arnita, Rota, Zigmārs, Solvita, Solvija, Ivis, Ivo, Miervaldis, Ava, Aria, Arya Simon, Silas Scarlett Digmārs, Juliāns, Liam, Noah Owen Ringolds, Julian, Jack, Aidan, Aiden, Aden Declan 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Gatis, Ivanda, Nora, Kaspars, Aksels, Tatjana, Dorisa, Smaida, Franciska, Reinis, Reina, Harijs, Ārijs, Āris, Roberta, Norah Alta, Axel Doris, Debra, Franceska, Finn, Reinholds, Aira, Horace, Roberts, Raitis, Deborah, Fynn, Flynn Renāts, Reynold, Holden, Harrison Raits, Roberta, Debbie, Tatiana Jonah, Xavier Robert, Bob, Rob 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Fēlikss, Felicita, Lidija, Lida, Lydia Tenis, Dravis, Antons, Antis, Andulis, Alnis, Olģerts, Alģirds, Agnese, Agnija, Felix, Felicity Hudson Antonijs, Anton, Asher Alģis, Orests, Jasper Agne, Agnes Anthony, Tony 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Austris, Atticus Grieta, Strauta, Krišs, Ksenija, Zigurds, Sigurds, Ansis, Agnis, Ilze, Ildze, Izolde, Kārlis, Spordis, Rebeka, Rebecca, Eglons, Kris, Xenia Sigvards, Jackson, Agneta, Nancy, Ilsa, Isolde Karl, Carl, Colton Becky, Greta Jaxon Annice 29 30 31 Aivars, Valērijs, Tina, Valentina, Tekla, Violeta, Ethan Pārsla, Priscilla Violet Februāris (February) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Brigita, Indra, Spidola, Sonora, Aida, Vida, Ida, Daila, Veronika, Agate, Selga, Silga, Dārta, Dace, Nelda, Rihards, Indris, Indars, Sadie Idelle Dominiks, Sinilga, Agatha Dora Ričards, Rišards, Bridget Veronica, Richard, Rick, Dominick, Dominic Rich, Dick 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Aldona, Česlavs, Simona, Apolonija, Pauline, Paula, Laima, Laimdota, Karlina, Lina, Malda, Melita, Valentins, Adalyn Simone Jasmina, Jasmine Landon, Landen Caroline, Carolyn, Madeline, Valentine, Levi Carrie Madelyn 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Alvils, Olafs, Olavs, Jūlija, Džuljeta, Donats, Konstance, Kora, Kintija, Cora, Zane, Zuzanna, Vitauts, Smuidra, Eleonora, Ariadne, Aloizs, Olaf, Aloys Julia, Juliet, Juliette Donald, Don, Candace, Candy Suzanne, Susan, Smuidris, Grayson, Eleanor, Ellie Constance, Connie Sue Greyson 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ārija, Rigonda, Haralds, Almants, Diāna, Dina, Dins, Alma, Annemarija, Evelina, Mētra, Livija, Liva, Andra, Skaidrite, Skaidra, Adrians, Adriāna, Harold, Harry Diane, Adina Annemarie Aurēlija, Evelyn Libby, Andrea Justs, Scott, Justis, Adrija, Ari, Justin Adrienne 29 Marts (March) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ivars, Ilgvars, Lavize, Luize, Tālis, Tālavs, Alise, Auce, Austa, Aurora, Vents, Centis, Ella, Elmira, Elliot, Eliot, Elliott Laila, Louise, Marts, Lucas, Enija, Alice, Dawn, Luna Gotfrids, Jeffrey, Elyse, Elise Olga Lukas, Luke Alyssa, Allison, Jeff Alison 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Dagmāra, Marga, Evalds, Elijah, Eli Silvija, Laimrota, Konstantins, Aija, Aiva, Aivis, Ernests, Balvis, Matilde, Ulrika, Margita, Margo, Liliāna, Sylvia, Agita, Eva, Everly, Ivy Ernest, Ernie Matilda, Mattie, Daphne Lillyanna Constantine Maude 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amilda, Amalda, Guntis, Guntars, Ģertrūde, Ilona, Adelina, Jāzeps, Juzefa, Made, Irbe, Isla, Una, Unigunde, Imalda, Amelia Guntris, Caleb, Gerda, Adeline Joseph, Joe, Mila Dzelme, Benedikts, Kaleb Gertrude, Gerta, Josephine, Josie Benedikta, Benedict, Grace Benjamin, Bennett, Ben 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tamāra, Dziedra, Mirdza, Žanete, Kazimirs, Izidors, Māra, Mārite, Eiženija, Ženija, Gusts, Gustavs, Gunta, Ginta, Gabriela, Gabriels, Žanna, Maritza Isidore Marita, Mary, Ella, Zoey, Zoe Tālrits, Gus, Gunda, Keira Tamara, Tammy, Marissa, Maura, Augustus, Gabriel Miriam, Peggy Gustav 29 30 31 Aldonis, Agija, Nanija, Ilgmārs, Gvido, Atvars, Emmett, Everett Autumn, Willow Gavin, Isaac Aprīlis (April) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dagnes, Dagne, Irmgarde, Abigail, Daira, Dairis, Valda, Herta, Aivija, Vija, Vidaga, Dzinta, Zinta, Zina, Zinaida, James, Jim Abi Arianna, Ariana Ārvalds, Ārvalda, Eliana, Aleina Vilips, Filips, Helmuts, Harper Ārvaldis, Avery, Philip, Phillip, Adelaide Phillipa, Phil 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Edgars, Danute, Valērija, Žubite, Anita, Anitra, Hermanis, Jūlijs, Ainis, Julius Egils, Egīls, Nauris, Strauja, Gudrite, Dana, Dans, Dan, Alla, Valerie, Annika, Zile, Anne, Vilmārs, Herman, Norris Samuel, Sam Evan, Ian Valeria, Val Ann Wilmar 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Aelita, Gastons, Mintauts, Alfs, Rūdolfs, Rūdis, Laura, Jadviga, Vēsma, Fanija, Mirta, Ziedite, Marģers, Aubrey, Gideon Bernadeta, Viviāna, Rudolph, Chloe Fantasia, Fiona Myrtle Anastasija, Alphonse, Alfred, Rudy, Vivienne, Anastasia, Stasia, Bernadette Vivian, Vivien Stacy 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Armands, Jurģis, Juris, Visvaldis, Liksma, Bārbala, Alina, Sandris, Tāle, Raimonda, Gundega, Terēze, Armanda, Connor, Georgs, George, Ritvaldis, Leah, Brielle, Rūsin, Alana, Raina, Klementine, Teresa, Terese, Conor, Conner Georgia Nameda, Miles, Arabella Spencer Clementine, Rae, Terry, Terri Myles, Molly Regina, Jenna 29 30 Vilnis, Lilija, Liāna, Raimonds, Lilia, Lilly, Leann, Laine, Raymond, Lilah, Lila Ray, Lane, Layne Maijs (May) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ziedonis, Micah Zigmunds, Gints, Uvis, Vizbulite, Vijolite, Ģirts, Ģederts, Gaidis, Didzis, Henriete, Henrijs, Zigismunds, Graham, Graeme Viola, Phoebe, Gretchen Colin, Collin Jete, Henrietta, Sigmunds, Jace, Penelope, Piper Hank, Harriett Jase, Chase 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Staņislavs, Klāvs, Einārs, Maija, Paija, Mia, Milda, Karmena, Valija, Ināra, Ina, Irēna, Irina, Ira, Krišjānis, Elfa, Staņislava, Stefānija, Ervins, Ervin, Irvin Mya, Pia, Paige Manfreds, Carmen, Inārs, Hazel, Iris, Iraida, Irene Elvita, Aivita, Stanley, Stan, Carmelita Ruby Kristen, Evangeline, Stefanie, Stephanie Eloise, Kristin 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sofija, Taiga, Arita, Edvins, Edijs, Herberts, Umberts, Inese, Inesis, Ēriks, Lita, Sibilla, Teika, Venta, Salvis, Selva, Ernestine, Ingmārs, Airita, Sophie, Edwin, Eddie, Dailis, Herbert, Eric, Inez Cybil, Sybil Sienna Akvelina, Gemma, Sophia, Sofia Edwina Dallas, Bert Courtney 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Emilija, Kalendāros, Leokādija, Ilvija, Marlēna, Anšlavs, Junora, Eduards, Edvards, Dzidra, Dzidris, Vilis, Vilhelms, Neierakstito, Vārdu, Leontine, Lonija, Ziedone, Marlene June Edvarts, Varis, Gunita, Loreta, Will, Wilhelm, Diena, Emily, Emilia Ligija, Leo, Leonard Edward Loretta William 29 30 31 Maksis, Maksims, Vitolds, Lolita, Alida, Jūsma, Raivis, Raivo, Max Leticija, Leticia Lorelei Jūnijs (June) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Biruta, Mairita, Emma, Liba, Layla, Inta, Ineta, Intra, Elfrida, Sintija, Igors, Ingvars, Ingrida, Ardis, Gaida, Arnis, Arno, Bernedine, Kayla Addison, Addie Sindija, Elfriede Margots, Aaron, Ingrid, Joshua Arnie, Arnold Bernadine Aron, Easton 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Fridis, Frida, Ligita, Gita, Wyatt Malva, Anatols, Ingus, Mairis, Lenora, Nora, Ija Zigfrids, Ainārs, Tija, Saivis, Saiva, Mundra, Frieda Anatolijs, Zachary, Vidvuds, Rhys, Uva, Lillian Sentis, Santis, Tia, Zachery, Zach Reece, Reese Savannah 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Baņuta, Žermēna, Justine, Juta, Artūrs, Artis, Alberts, Madis, Viktors, Nils, Rasma, Rasa, Emils, Egita, Vilija, Vits, Hadley Jane Arthur, Art Albert, Matthew, Victor, Neal, Neil Maira, Mara, Monvids, Emil Mathew Maria 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ludmila, Laimdots, Liga, Lisa, Jānis, Janice, Jan Milija, Maiga, Ausma, Ausmis, Malvine, Malvis, Viesturs, Laimiņš, Lorraine, Annabelle Millie, Naomi Inguna, Ingūna, Kennedy Viestards, Kitija, Lorri, Lori, Lora Inguns, Quinn, Ryder Sawyer, Parker 29 30 Pēteris, Pāvils, Tālivaldis,
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