C-2 THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., NOVEMBER 2, 1958 Dartmouth Tops Yale Soph Leads Penn Charges In Tense 22-14 Battle Princeton Hard to Upset NEW HAVEN. Conn., Nov. 1 ¦ Over Brown (AP).—Slick Dartmouth and PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 1 inspired Yale fought of STATISTICS one Dartmouth Tale ; (AP). Hugh Scott, Prince- their typical exciting football Piret downs 15 14 Harvard, • ton’s take-charge sophomore 19-6 battles today and Rushing yardage 160 108 the Indians 1 Passing yardage 112 041! substitute, and Frai k Finney, CAMBRIDGE. Mus., Nov. 1 finally won, 22-14. The outcome i 8-1.7 4-14 • Passes 1 Brown’s slick-passim quarter- (AP).—Penn, supposedly was in until the last Passes intercepted by 2 1 ¦ one of doubt Puntsj _ . 4-39 5-4111 back, the sta.rlng roles the weaker sisters of Ivy League second. Fumbles lost 0 S . shared i Yards penalised 45 today as Princeton’s Tigers i football, sprang a set of fleet Trailing . 4011 22-0 at halftime, ¦¦¦- i came out ahead, 28-18, in a . backs behind a hard-charging Yale rallied two touchdowns for and the running of Burke And ; free-scoring Ivy game. line to upset Harvard, 18-6, in the third period and was 1 It was a# anythlng-can-hap- today at the stadium. threatening again I ' Jake Crouthamel sent the In- to score in ad- pen thriller for 28.000 spec- The Quakers, beaten the final minutes. dians into their 22-point l four vantage at halftime. tators. times in five previous starts, It was like two separate ball got jump A 35-yard pass and run from Princeton the at the games and left the 42,420 fans start, cemented its lead with limp at the finish, 1 Gundy to Burke accounted for ’ the first Dartmouth In " STATISTICS scora. Hgrvtid The victory kept ! , Ptno Dartmouth. second period Burke cli- Pint down* IS in a pre-season choice, in conten- the STATISTICS : Ruthing yardage ESI In maxed a 76-yard drive by scor- I Pawing yardage 67 72 tion for the Ivy League title 1 Princeton Brown i Pastes 2-6 S-20 ing from Hepburn First downs • with three triumphs in four the 2. i 19 17 ! Pttses Intercepted by i 0 1 sparked a 44-yard drive and ] Ruahtnt yardage 230 157 i (Puntt *-37 8-43 league starts. Yale has lost all ! Passing yardage 34 192 ! Fumbles lost 3 ) over the middle of the Pastesi 1-7 15-23 Yards penallaed ... 120 85 four of its Ivy games. dived ! Passes Intercepted by . 1 1 the ! line from two. Punts . 4-34 3-39 Heroes in this 42d battle in ! Yale’s first touchdown in the ! Fumbles lost O 2 scored in each of the first three the series that began in 1884 Yards penalized 15 85 periods third period came on 3-yard • to shatter Harvard’s were numerous. The touch- ' a three winning pass from Tom Singleton to two1 successful conversions, and -g|pie streak and down scorers were Dartmouth’s j year’s Winkler. A pass attempt to : just lasted to gain its third resume an old hex after a Jim Burke, who got two, and interruption. Hepburn < convert failed. The final score ’ victory in four Ivy games. I Brian and Yale’s Rich Fin-! Penn scored the first Winkler and Herb Hallas. was registered by Hallas, who i ney, who engineered all the in smashed from the to Brown touchdowns, period on a .beautiful 21-yard Bill Oundy’s accurate passing over one 1 had the end sweep by | climax a 57-yard drive. I best day of his career, com- Halfback Coffin, pleting 15 of 22 passes for and added its second touch- The victory was the first 1 192 down the final play of the yards1 and running for 16 on i over Yale for Coach Bob Black-1 • more. half as Larry Purdy hit Ed man since he took over at But1 it wasn’t quite enough. His three Goodwin on a 40-yard passing Dartmouth four seasons ago. 1 conversion attempts failed maneuver. DARTMOUTHj .8 14 O 0—22 jand that left Brown in a hole The TALEj| 0 014 1 Quakers scored again Allard throughout Stars | the game. pug O—l 4 j 1 Purdy Dartmouth —Burke 35. from Oun- Scott, when sneaked over to dy (Eurke, pass from Gundy). ! a 180-pounder from complete 47-yard advance Dartmouth—Burke 2. run (Crouth-1 Wellesley, Mass., who a in amel run) became the third quarter. Dartmouth —Hepburn 2, run (pass ¦ I a first stringer almost by de- As BC failed) fault, Harvard tallied its lone touch- Wins pass Singleton scored two of Yale—Winkler 3, from the four down in the opening minute of NEWTON, (AP) (pass failed) Princeton touchdowns, Mass., Nov. 1 Yale—Hallas 1. run (Winkler, pass ran for ' the third quarter after recover- Singleton). 106 —Quarterback Don Allard, who from yards and was the key man ing a fumble the Penn 37. offense -1 on hadn’t played for a month, | < jon for the Tigers. Chet Boulris passed to Stu Her- guided Boston College to a He started at tailback today shon to move*the ball to the COSTLY PITT FUMBLE—Dick Haley (30), Pittsburgh back, fumbles as 25-12 victory today over dan- and played most of the game 3 and Boulris then banged I re-injured '¦ ( he is tackled on his own 27-yard line yesterday at Syracuse. The ball gerous Dick Bass and his Col- Penn State Rolls as Danny Sachs i across. SYRACUSE iv16 lege of the even in was recovere( j by Syracuse and a few plays later resulted in a second Pacific mates. [wasn’t uniform and I Harvard has beaten Penn Playing special Jack (Silky) Sullivan saw only only once since 1903, that DITTCBI idstu 17 i period field goal, the winning margin. Syracuse players coming toward with ’a knee By Furman, 36-0 tri- rl I IbDUKon - M I brace, Allard limited action. Defensively, nei- umph coming a year ago How- loose ball (arrow) are A1 Bemiller (59) ana Art Baker (46). —AP directed the UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa., ther Eagles to pair of team was effective. Brown i ever, the ancient series between \ Wirephoto. (Story on Page C-l.) a second-1, Nov. 1 (AP).—Penn Btate Uni- i period touchdowns that put the , couldn’t contain Princeton’s i the Ivy rivals is all tied up at versity today 56 running attack home forces ahead to stay. , entertained i consistently and [ 14-14-1. high school and the couldn’t Bass, harried constantly by a bands I Princeton stop Finney's 1 PENN 7 0S o—l 9 passes. (I « )•- heavier Boston College football team from Furman i ( HARVARD II H line, j 21, (Shaw University. The Penn State i BROWN 0 0 Penn—Coffin run kick). carried 20 times for 60 yards , 12 o—lß 1 Penn—Goodwin 4(1. pass from t urdy football team marched almost PRINCETONj 8 7 H 7_"g i irun failed). and scored both " Tiger touch- Pr n o ott *’ rU ,Bcott »•“ ; run (past failed). as far as the bandsmen in roll- f H7;®) Harvard—Boulris 3. Bolling Streak Snapped U. Rips Army downs. - rom Penn—Purdy 1. plunge (pass failed). Boston Brown-—Pirnty Buries j (run ing up an easy 36-0 win. About ] 3. run failed) Collate of Pacific _. S 0 0 o—l 2 < run (Tile? % College 23.000 spectators watched the ki?k>. Boston 0 12 7 0—25 ¦ I (M.rSf,!*, ,rom Finn " COP—Bass (pass ! S. run failedV show. | j tor Brott lfi ru (kick BC—Flanagan (pass Amabile) p-i, »7; . ," failed) to 19 from Brown—Flijnevt l^ l, sneak In 12-7 Loss Eglin (pass Colgate, (kick failed). The Nittany Lions, starting j 0n ~ "" failedt W&H, "»* 68-6; J p' 33-7 T u mi«y 7, (run failed). CU BC—Robotti the second period on the Fur- ki?k) ’ Harriers Win; Bolling Air Force Base lost ¦ BOSTON, Nov. 1 (AP).—Bos- COP—Bass 7, run. (pass failed). 1 BC—Duaaan 2, run. (pass failed). I 42, moved to the first Its first game of the season yes- University pair BC—Duggan A, run, (Cotter kick). man score STATISTICS ton turned a inj two minutes and Upset in Soccer terday and simultaneously saw Bolltnf Eclin of interceptions, a blocked kick 50 seconds. winning Plrst downs 12 11 Romp The home forces marched twice Catholic University its 20-game streak Rushing| y«fd»Re fumble touchdowns Scrubs and How- 12ft and a Into S’*7tt! The Deane broken when a flred-up Eglin fPasses attemDted 16 underdog William more1 for scores befoA the half Bemans ard University divided a pair Passing yardage 128 167: to trounce WEST N. Y., Nov. 1 ended and then coasted. AFB team from Florida, beat rPasses intercepted by._ 3 3 and Maty, 33-7, today before POINT. Welcome Daughter of triumphs yesterday. CU Punts 4-32 4-3 21 (AP).—Coach Red Blaik swept LSU FURMAN 9 0 cross-country competi- the at Hap Arnold £ 3 « University Field fans. 0 0— 0 won at Generals Fumbles lost __ 5,500 , PENN STATE 0 22 0 8—36 Yards penalised 20 86 the Army bench clean today Deane Beman, Washington's tion and Field, 12-7. ] End Jim Kenney was the de- Continued From Page C-l ] Penn State—Lucia 1, plume (kick # i Howard scored in : of outstanding Undefeated in seven starts ' feuslve the Terriers, in a 68-6 rout outclassed failed).
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