(En) Use of Blocking-Reagents for Reducing Unspecific T Cell-Activation Title

(En) Use of Blocking-Reagents for Reducing Unspecific T Cell-Activation Title

Title (en) Use of blocking-reagents for reducing unspecific T cell-activation Title (de) Verwendung von blockierenden Reagenzien zur Verringerung von unspezifischer T-Zellenaktivierung Title (fr) Utilisation de réactifs bloquants pour réduire l'activation de lymphocytes T non spécifiques Publication EP 3029067 A1 20160608 (EN) Application EP 14195645 A 20141201 Priority EP 14195645 A 20141201 Abstract (en) The present invention relates to a blocking-reagent for use in reducing unspecific T cell activation in T cell engaging therapies. The present invention further relates to pharmaceutical kit of parts and an in vitro method for evaluating unspecific T cell activation. 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