Rare and Early Printed Books Alphabetical list of collection A Abingdon, Thomas. The antiquities of the cathedral church of Worcester ... - London : Printed for E.Curll , 1717. - Location: o1717 Account of all the manors, messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments ... held by lease from the Crown ... - London : S.Hooper , 1787. - Location: x1787 An accurate description and history of the cathedral and metroplitan church of St. Peter, York, ... - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , 1768. - Location: o1768 Adams, John. Index villaries: or, an exact register, alphabetically digested, of all the cities, market-towns, parishes, ... of each county ... - London : Sawbridge &c , 1690. - WingA480. - Location: f1690 Addison, Joseph. The free-holder; or, political essays. - 6th ed. - London : Pr. for J. & R.Brown , 1739. - Provenance: Miss M.Hollier.- Location: o1739 Aelianus, Claudius. Varia historia. Ad MStos codices nunc primum recognita ... - Leyden : J. Du Vivie , 1701. - 2 vol.- Location: o1701 Aikin, John. England delineated; or, a geographical description of every county in England and Wales ... - London : J.Johnson , 1788. - Location: o1788 Ainsworth, Robert. Thesaurus linguae Latinae compendarius; or, a compendious dictionay of the Latin tongue ... - New ed ... by Thomas Morell. - London : J.Pott &c , 1783. - Location: d1783 Akenside, Mark. The pleasures of imagination : a poem. - London : R.Dodsley , 1744. - With other edition of poetry.- Location: o1744 Alberti, Leandro. Descrittione di tutta l'Italia e isoli pertinenti ad essa. - Venetia :Gio.Battista Porta , 1581. - Ed. Borgaruccio Borgarucci. - B&E A 1. - Location: o1581 Albin, Eleazar. A natural history of British insects; illustrated with a hundred copper plates, curiously engraven from the life ... - [s.l.] : The Author , 1720. - plates : ill.- Location: d1720 Allestree, Richard. The government of the tongue, by the author of The whole duty of man. - Oxford : The Theatre , 1675. - Wing A1136. Provenance: Mrs A.E.Gater.- Location: o1675 Almon, John. Anecdotes of the life of the Right Hon. William Pitt [1736-78]. - London : Seeley , 1797. - 3 vol. - Provenance: Mrs O.M.Awdry, 1949. 6th ed, corrected.- Location: o1797 Almon, John. The history of the late minority ... 1762, 1763, 1764, and 1765. - London : [John Almon] , 1766. - First published 1765, reprinted. Provenance: Mrs O.M.Awdry, 1949.- Location: o1766 Ames, Joseph. Typographical antiquities : being an historical account of printing in England ... from 1471 to 1600 ... - London : Robinsons , 1749. - Location: d1749 Anacreon. Anacreon Teius, poeta lyricus ... opera & studio Josuae Barnes. - Cantabrigiae: Typis Academicis , 1705. - Location: o1705 Andrews, James Pettit. History of Great Britain from the death of Henry VIII ... - London : T.Cadell & W.Davies , 1796. - 2 vol. - Provenance: Mrs O.M.Awdry, 1949.- Location: o1795 Angeloni, Francesco. L' historia augusta de Giulio Cesare a Costantio il magno, illustrata con la verita dell'antiche medaglie. - Seconda impr. - Roma : Felice Cesaretti , 1685. - B&E 4. - Location: x1685 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Chronicon Saxonicum ... ad annum usque 1154 ... Edmundi Gibson. - Oxford : Sheldon Theatre , 1692. - . - WingA3185. - Location: o1692 The annual anthology of poems ... - Bristol : Longman & Rees , 1799. - Vol. 1 only. 2 vol, published 1799-1800.- Location: o1799 Anquetil, Louis Pierre. Motifs des guerres et des traites de paix de France [1648-1783]. - Paris : Lesguillez , [1798]. - Provenance: Mrs O.M.Awdry, 1949.- Location: o1798 Anstis, John. Observations introductory to ... the knighthood of the Bath. - London : James Woodman , 1725. - Location: o1725 Anstis, Johnn. The register of the most noble Order of the Garter, from its cover in black velvet, unually called The Black Book, with notes ... - London : Pr. by J.Barber , 1724. - 2 vol.- Location: f1724 Antimoine, Jean d'. Essai sur l'histoire de quelques especes de moines, ... - Monachopolis : [s.n.] , 1784. - Bound with: Parallele entre le capucin et l'avocat, 1782.- Location: o1784 Antine, Francois d'. L' art de verifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques et autres anciens monuments. - Nouvelle ed. - Paris : G.Desprez , 1770. - Location: x1770 Antiquitates celto-normaniae; containing the chronicle of Man ... - Copenhagen : Pr. by A.F.Stein , 1786. - Provenance: University Library, Glasgow.- Location: d1786 Antonini, Annibale. Dictionnaire italien, latin et francois, contenant un abrege du dictionnaire de la Crusca ... - Nouvelle ed. - Lyon : Duplain , 1760. - 2 vol.- Location: d1760 Arbuthnot, Charles. Tables of ancient coins, weights and measures, explain'd and exemplify'd in several dissertations. - London : Jacob Tonson , 1727. - Location: d1727 Aristotle. Opera omnia quae extant ... author Guillelmo Du Val. - Lutetiae Parisiorum : Typ.Reg. , 1619. - 2 vol. - Provenance: G.Wilson Knight, 1971. Greek and Latin texts.- Location: f1619 Armstrong, Mostyn John. History and antiquities of the county of Norfolk. - Norwich ; J.Crouse for M.Booth , 1781. - 10 vol,plates : ill,maps.- Location: o1781 Arrian, Flavius. Arrian's history of Alexander's expedition tr. by Mr Rooke. - London: T.Worrall &c , 1729. - Location: o1729 Asconius Pedianus, Quintus. Expositio in iiii orationes M.Tullii Cic contra C.Verrem &c. - Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi &c , 1522. - Bruni & Evans ; A2. - B&E A 2. - Location: o1522 Ash, John. The new and complete dictionary of the English language ... - London : Dilly & Baldwin , 1775. - 2 vol. - Provenance: Paignton UDC, 1943.- Location: o1775 Ashmole, Elias. The history of the most noble Order of the Garter. - London : A.Bell , 1715. - Location: o1715 Aston, Henry Hervey. A sermon preached ... before the sons of the clergy 1745. - London : J.Brindley , 1745. - In vol with spine title: Sermons by Suffolk divines.- Location: o1679 Atkyns, Robert. Sir. The ancient and present state of Glocestershire. - 2nd ed. - London : W.Herbert &c , 1768. - plates : ill,map. - Provenance: Mrs R.P.Young, 1946.- Location: f1768 Auckland, William. The history of New Holland from its first discovery in 1616; with a particular account of its produce and inhabitants ... - 2nd ed. - London : Stockdale , 1787. - Location: o1787 Augustine, Saint. Confessions / traduit en francois sur l'edition latine des P.P. B.B. de la Congregation de Saint Maur ... par M. Du Bois. - Paris : Mercien , 1743. - Location: o1743 An authentick narrative of the expedition to Botany Bay .. - 2nd ed. - London : R.Bassam , 1789. - Provenance: Miss A.Lake, 1956.- Location: o1789 Ayliffe, John. The ancient and present state of the University of Oxford ... - London : E.Curll , 1714. - 2 vol. - Provenance: Mrs O.M.Awdry, 1949.- Location: o1714 B B.E. A new dictionary of the terms ancient and modern of the canting. - London : W.Hawes &c , [1900?]. - Facsimile reprint of 1699 ed.- Location: o1699 Bacco, Enrico. Il regno di Napoli diviso in dodici provincie. Ed. P.A.Sofia. - Napoli : Tarquinio Longo , 1611. - . - B&E 9. - Location: o1611 Bacon, Francis. Visc. St Albans. Francisci Baconis ... de dignitate & augmentis scientiarum, libri ix: ad regem suum. - Edition nova. - Lugd. Bat. : Fr.Moyardum &c , 1645. - Location: o1645 Bacon, Francis. Viscount St Albans. The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St Alban. - London : A.Millar , 1765. - 5 vol. - Provenance: Miss D.E.Norris, 1944.- Location: d1765 Bacon, John. Liber regis; vel thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum; with an appendix ... - [New edition by John Ecton]. - London : Rivington , 1786. - Location: d1786 Bacon, Nathaniel. The continuation of an historical discourse of the government ... - London : M.Walbancke & H.Twyfd , 1651. - Wing B348. With Bacon's Historical discourse. Prov: Mrs O.Awdrey. - WingB 348. - Location: o1647 Bacon, Nathaniel. An historical discourse of the uniformity of the government. - London : Mathew Walbancke , 1647. - Wing B349. With Bacon's Continuation of an historical discourse.- Location: o1647 Bailey, Nathan. Dictionarium Britannicum; ... etymological English dictionary ... - London : T.Cox , 1736. - Provenance: John Thynne, Baron Carteret. - 2nd ed.- Location: x1736 Bailey, Nathan. Dictionarium domesticum : a new and compleat houshold dictionary for the use both of city and country. - London : C.Hitch, C.Davis &c , 1736. - Location: o1736 Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary. - 2nd ed. - London : E.Bell &c , 1724. - Location: o1724 Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary ... - 14th ed. - London : R.Ware &c , 1751. - Provenance: Town Clerk's Office.- Location: o1751 Baldwin, Samuel. A survey of the British customs; containing the rates of merchandize as established by 12 Car. II c. 4 ... - London : Nourse , 1770. - Location: d1770 Banks, John. The history of John, duke of Marlborough ... including a more exact, ... methodical narrative of the late war upon the Danube ... - London : James Hodges , 1755. - Location: o1755 Banks, John. A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell / by a Gentleman of the Middle-Temple. - 3rd ed. - London : C.Davis &c , 1747. - Location: o1747 Barbour, John. The acts and life of the most victorious conqueror Robert Bruce. - Glasgow : Robert Saunders , 1672. - Wing B710.- Location: o1672 Barbut, Jacques. Les genres des insects de Linne; constates par divers echantillons d'insectes d'Angleterre, copies d'apres nature. - [s.l.] : L'Auteur , 1781. - Location: d1781 Barclay, Robert. An apology for the true Christian divinity. - 4th ed. - London : T.Sowle , 1701.
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