J^3BS*iW •«jr TW^fl^WSr' "• " ""-^KSSSW t-tf 1 HE HANNA SUNDAY, NOVEMBER tl "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERT^. NEWS )LUME XXXXIV—No. 1. THE HANNA HERALD ond EAST CENTRAL) ALBERTA NEWS—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1956 $300 per year in Canada — 7c per copy. • MONDAY, NOV. 12 PUBLIC HOLIDAY Contrary to some centres in Alborta, Monday, November RMISTICE DAY NOVEMBER 11 12 will be a public holiday in Hanna. A meeting of retail merchants and business men lockey Season this week decided to take the Monday following Armistice Day, as a holiday, although it (pens Saturday; is optional as far as provincial law is concerned. Therefore. November 12 will see all liners - Hornets stores and business places clo­ SERVICES IH MEMORIAL HAU AND sed in Hanna. It is presumed Local Fans To Get this applies to the banks and First View of New post office as well as other AT CENOTAPH TO MARK ARMISTICE Intermediate Team government offices. .S-'-i The 1956-57 edition of the Han- la Hornets will get their intro- DAY - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11th luction to local fans this coming Canadian Legion Plans Impressive f Saturday night with an exhibition Jockey game against the Drumhel- Welding School Ceremonies of Remembrance; Legion er Miners. Game time is 8:30 Chaplain to Give Armistice Day Address Jharp. For Farmers This week the Hornets began to Impressive ceremonies arranged by the Hanna Branch of tesemble some sort of a hockey learn as executive and players got the Canadian Legion will mark Remembrance Day, Sunday, Sown to the serious business of •|Here In December November 11. The fallen in two wars will be revered in a pub­ lic memorial service storting at 2:30 in the afternoon in the providing the* local faithful with a Four Day Course Offered; good brand of intermediate hock- Memorial Hall. Rev. Murray Starr, Legion chaplain-will con­ Board of Trade Helps duct the half hour service arranged for the afternoon this year f-y- To Promote Farmer Idea Coach of the club is the veteran in order to not conflict with regular Sunday services from Janny. Smith, who has had the Welcome news for farmers of • —— D"*Churches in Honna. oys working out almost nightly the Hanna district is contained PUFF BALLS AS -Following the afternoon service jthis week in preparation for Satur­ j this week in announcement by the a procession will leave the Mem­ day's curtain raiser. While making Hanna Board of Trade that a wel­ BIG AS NAIL KEGS orial Hall for the Cenotaph at the tto predictions, Smith told the ding school will be held here Dec­ Civic Centre, where wreath laying ferald that he felt he had the nuc­ The puff balls are still puff­ ceremonies will be performed. ember 10 to 14 inclusive. ing) Since last week's report leus of a sound team, and that on 1 Those taking part in the Remem­ Strongly advocated by various of Ralph Gaugler * v18 pound­ Saturday every player would be farm organizations and individu­ brance Day parade wHl be tte BC given his chance to make the er, Tony Kuz of Pollockville MP, members of the Canadian Le- als, the school will be open to far­ writes to say the IS pound team. mers only. It is being sponsored gion,"*the Ladies Auxiliary to the A more suitable opposition variety ara almost a "common Legion, the Calgary Highlanders' by tbe Board of Trade in co-oper­ thing". This summer on the couldn't be found than the color­ ation with the Extension Branch Pipe Band, *W Company. Calgary ful Miners, who this year have Arthur Heyden ranch east ef Highlanders, the IODE, pelia Sea of the Dept. of Agriculture. Can­ Pollockville, Mend Tony Km dropped out of the Big 6 League. adian Utilities Ltd. is also co-op­ Cadets, Boy Scouts and Cubs. There will be some old familiar found three puff Willi, one erating in the establishment and weighed 19 lbs, another 20, The ceremony at tte cc faces in the DrumheUer lineup, operation of the school, and is and tho third a whopping 25 wHl include the singing ajfcl land some new ones too. This Sat- providing certain equipment and lbs. Tony is apparently "not ada, firing party, two miaati [urday will mark the earliest the AT RCAF STATION UPLANDS, near Ottawa, a cere­ four flight commanders. *L*A squadron CF-100 shows' power free of charge. up" on tte culinary arts, for ence, firing party, the last hockey season has opened in the monial sendoff is given No. 445 Squadron, going to Eur­ he has no recipes for mutt laying of wreaths and reveil l history of the town. A full house off its new paint job in NATO camouflage colors. Inset The Earitown Local FUA strong­ ope for NATO duty with the RCAF's No. 1 Air Division. is Wing Commander E. G. Ireland, Officer Commanding ly advocated the' school last year, ballal "/ HM public ia cordially |is anticipated. to attend both amaiem hi thd"! The first of four CF-100 squadrpns heading overseas, No. 445, who will lead the sguadron overseas. 3) Def­ but owing to shortage ef trained personnel tte school .tne postpon­ Q orial HaU and those at tte No. 445's pilots are flying their aircraft to Marville, ence Minister Renph Campney, accompanied left, by taph. France, in operation "Nimble Bat One." These photos ed until this year. Mr. Cameron ml of Trade - W/C Ireland and Air Marshall C. Roy Slemon, Chief of Brown, District Agriculturist at FARMERS' KMSfimi FRIDAY On Monday night, November 1! depict scenes during the departure ceremonies. 1) Mich­ Air Staff, makes a final inspection. 4) The overall scene Hanna, told tte Herald that the Farmers ia tte area south and the Legion will sponsor an ael Pearson, age 9, wears a look that indicates he'd like of the military ceremony. Among the crow was naviga­ school has been highly recommen- Mt of Hanna are reminded of tice BaU, open only to members of ITo Hosl Coal to go along in the "Canuck", while his dad shows him tor Flying Officer John R. Cook, son oi Mr. nnd hfc.. 1-ded at various other Alberta e Earitown Local FUR meeting tte Legion in good standing, tte i Friday night. Caigaty Highlanders *0ifW»!Q|1t,.. t*am*yiaa,mi*s E|rfL4L, Bi n•«»••••», ieim tamtama*. li eiio ni the 1 points?-and a great 9eal at Jl. *Oaa __i__j___ | ss able Information has beeg, Auxilia / tyth-awf aj^aawsg ••: cz Representative of Sheerness THe Board of Trade Baa Mining Firm WHI Be "HOMECOMING" THIS SUNDAY WILL Highlanders From HiHslocal mm ed for tile use of the basement tn the Memorial Hall for the school. LIBKAU OUT IN FUU FORCE Guest Speaker Nov. 15 The Canadian Legion is also co-op­ Mr. Norman Olson, representing MARK 28th ANNIVERSARY CHURCH Here Attend Prepares For erating to the extent of a moder­ /estern Dominion Coal Mines, ate rental fee. Further details con­ AT NOMINATION COHVEIUKMfc Iheerness, will be guest speaker cerning the school will be announ­ Member Drive ced. |t a Board of Trade luncheon OF CHRIST BUILDING DEDICAHON City Ceremonies ACADIA CANDIDATE C. FER6US0M neeting to be held next Thursday, Drought ond Depression Years Take "D" Company Men Present Delegates Appointed To November 15. For Officer-Changing Attend Convention In Trochu Barrister Chosen Over' wefl The meeting will commence Toll of Membership; Increase Evident Edmonton December 10-14 Cows Included In ith a banquet at 6:30 p.m. in the Rituals In Calgary Three Other Candidates; Fedora I *% With Assurance of Resident Pastor National Hotel. Mr. Olson, who "D" Company Calgary Highland­ The November meeting of the Minister of Agriculture Attends jj? [has had wide contacts with the ers was well represented at cere­ Hills Local FUA No. H32 was Halloween Pranks 'coal business in western Canada The 28th anniversary of the dedication of the building of monies in Calgary October 28, held at the home of Clifford At the open convention of the Acadia Liberal Association will deal with the various phases the Hanna Church of Christ will be observed Sunday, Nov. 11, wben Lt. Col. Mark Tennant, E.D., Doupe on November 1. A high­ \ of the industry, both past, present with a Homecoming Day planned for o reunion with former retired as commanding officer of light of the meeting was the mak­ Af Acadia Valley held in Castor last Wednesday, October 31, Corrteron Ferguson, and future. His address is also ex­ resident members. the unit. Col. Lewis, CD. is the ing of arrangements for the FUA 28 year old lawyer and Rhodes Scholar of Trochu was elected Pastel Shades Latest pected to cover certain aspects of It was on Sunday, Nov. 11, 1928 that the present church new commanding officer of the province-wide membership drive to carry the Liberal banner for this constituency in the forth­ the coal business on a4ocal level, Color for Bovines; building was dedicoted. The church had quite a sizeable, mem­ Calgary regiment of which "D" the week of November 12 to 17. coming federal election. It was one of the most enthusiastic and Mr. Olson's talk is expected to Company is a part. Mr. Willis Love was appointed to Pigs Not Overlooked and largely attended conventions held by the Liberal party in be of much interest to business bership at that time which necessitated a new and larger buil­ On. the reviewing stand during direct the canvassing in this dist­ several years. *^ — men and others. ding.
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