«0 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. Dec. 11, 1986 2 - M A FOCUS SPORTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Davis donation Tree prices are Mats swing deal KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright boosts land trust holding steady for McReynolds Merchandise 03 fu r n itu r e as* P S Q O 3 t i ... page 15 ... page 22 Mahogany dining-'room BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY 1771 h o lid ay/ table, excellent condition, L i l SEASONAL one leaf, pads, no chairs. KiT, KNooj Anyone $170.00. Call 643-7046. |gg|| CARPENTRY/ MI8CEUANE0U8 MI8CELLANE0U8 Christmas Tfees - cut vour NAMED own. Sundays only. $15.00 King Size - bed with REM0DELIN6 ELECTRICAL 8ERVICE8 8ERVICE8 each. 11 villa Louisa Road headboard. Good condi­ (on the road to Vito's tion. $100. Call 646-7844. Ceilings and walls re­ Dumas Electric — Having Odd lobs. Trucking. Home Restuarant. paired, doors and win­ Electrical Problems? repairs. You name It, we 601 30 Inch folding roll away dows repaired, extra Need a large or a small do It. Free estimates. r® 1 Live Hemlock boughs. bed with foam mattress. shelving Installed. Call Repair? We Specialize In Insured. 643-0304. D & D Landscape- 1 j Nice tor decorations. $2.00 $25.00 or best offer. Call Bernie at 646-3172. Residential Work. Joseph Complete landscape se- If— 1 each. Please call after 649-2385.0 Dumas. Fully Licensed, vlce, leaf and brush re­ moved. Call David iiaurlipfilrr HrralJi 12:30 875-4493.0 -ree Estimates. 646-5253. ^ Manchester - A City ol Village Charm Play pen with pad. Like Carpentry A Ramodallng 659-2436. (fill / Hand made Eucalyptus new. Wooden construc­ Sarvicea - Complete tion.$25.00. Call after 2 pm home repairs,and remo­ HEATINB/ Hawkes Tree Service- wreaths - great gifts. Sel­ Tune Up Time - Chain Hi ling at Presentalons, Glas­ at 649-8371.0 deling. Small scale com­ PLUMBING saws, snow blowers. Also Bucket Truck & Chipper. tonbury or call 633-9858. mercial work. Registered, offering a complete shar­ Stump removal. Free esti­ Friday, Dec. 12 ,19B6 30 Cents T« Under $20.00.o Two Pine bar stools with Insured, references 646- pening service. Qualltv mates. Special considera­ I I Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ backs and swivel bases. 8165. throom remodeling; In­ Sharpening, 104 Hilliard tion for elderly and handi­ Asking $99.00. Call 643- stallation water heaters, Street 649-2111. capped. M7-7553. 1680.0 I 7 9 I ANTIQUES/ garbage disposals; faucet P R O L O N G T H E life of cut L £ j COLLECTIBLES repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M - Art's Light Trucking - |56||PAINTING/ asterCard accepted. flowers In your home by Cellars, attics, garages snipping stems at an an­ Teachers OK rnTV/STEREO/ PAPERING cleaned. Junk hauled. Comic Book - Haunt of gle. This provides more Fear, no. 19. Very good MI8CELLANEGU8 Furniture and appliances I l £ j APPLIANCES stem surface to absorb condition. $90.00. Call 649- Name vour own price — 8ERVICE8 moved. Odd lobs. Very S h the water. Prolong the life 4744.0 Father and son. Fast, honest dependable TOWN OP MANCHESTBR Sears - gas stove, brown, 3 of good, but unused items dependable service. Your local handyman! worker. 25 years expe­ LEGAL NOTICE years old. Asking in your home by selling Antique claw foot bath Painting, Paperhanging & Call John at 643-4353 and rience In m oving. 646-9669 At It's meetine of December 1,1996 the PlonnIno and Zoning contract offer, $50.00.Anv offers will be them for cash with a Commission mode the following decisions; NATI tub. Good condition, osk- Removal. Call 872-8237. please leave message. anytime. considered. 647-9869 low-cost ad In classified. HOMART DEVELOPMENT COMPANY - C.U.D. PRELIMI­ E Penn Ing $80 00.Call 649-9137 evenings.o NARY PLAN - lOMSf BUCKLAND STRRRT/l-94/149 SLA­ evenings.o TE R S TR E E T {H-S4) - Approved the Preliminary Develop souti Electric stove - 30 Inch, ment Plan with modlllcaton under Article II Section 9.10.K self cleaning. for property known as 201-359 Buckland Street and 160 Slater Street. get pay raise Copper,$S0.00. Call 643- OFFICE/RETAIL IB0AT8/MARINE IMI8CELLANE0US MISCELLANEOUS [^ C L O T H IN G 2809.0 JOSEPH PUZIEWICZ - PRO ZONE CNANOE/OENERAL EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR SALE PLAN OP DEVELOPMENT - 16S-17S OAKLAND STREET (P-SI) - Approved the change of zoning classification from Very warm Nowelglan Sound Design Stereo - Residence A to Planned Residence Develapment and the ge­ By Alex Girelll Sllverplate Flatware - ser­ mu(^ of which could be funded by pullover sweater. AM/FM, record changer, Typewriter - Remington 16 toot Mad River canoe, Box Spring and Mattress neral plan of development with modifications for property vice for 8 In original wood Associate Editor money the town is slated to get from Medium-large, excellent speakers.$25.00.Call 649- portable. Good condition, paddles Included. Used for double bed, $150 or consisting of approximately 2.18 acres and known as 265-275 the state for education purposes condition. Cost over $100. 2287.0 $35.00. Coll 649-1819.D four times. Excellent con­ best offer. Apartm ent size box. Never used. 50 years Oakland Street. C The Manchester Education Asso­ Sell $35. Call 646-4995.0 D on’t miss the m any offer­ dition. $800. Please call white stove-needs new old. $85.00. Call 649-6039. MARTIN, ROTHMAN A JONES - ZONE CHANGE - RURAL generally under the education act, 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- coll. $30. 646-5160 after RESIDENCE TO RESIDENCE B - 299V (PART) UNION ciation unanimously ratified a which passed the Legislature this Phllco 30" electric range. ings in today's classified S TR E E T (M-SS) - Approved the change of zoning classifica­ Avacado, plus matching columns. 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for 6pm. Farberware - Open hearth revised teacher contract Thursday past spring. broiler. Excellent condi­ tion from Rural Residence (RR) to Residence B (RB) for a hood. $150. Call 649-1988 Bob. parcel consisting of approximately 6 acres and Identified as that includes pay increases called The new contract also increases. Riding Lawn Mower- tion. $25.00. Call 649-9239.0 200V (part) Union Street. for under the state's Education ^ F U R N IT U R E before 10 or after 4. I RECREATIONAL Have you read today's the work schedule in the third year Craftsman 5 Hp. 24 Inch COLE A ALIBRIO - PRD ZONE CHANOE/OENERAL PLAN Enhancement Act. from 183 days to 185, Deakin said. EQUIPMENT Classified section? It con­ cut. Runs, but may need Set of beautiful new Bar­ OP DEVELOPMENT -176-179SOUTH MAIN STREET (C-0) Black and white televi­ tains hundreds of Interest­ The favorable vote by the MEA, Under terms of the Education Oak Formica Table with sion, 13 Inch. $30.00. Coll work. $50.Call 643-4535. bie doll and Cabbage - Denied the change In zoning classification from Residence ing otters. 643-2711. B (R B) to Planned Residence develapment for a parcel of which represents about S25 Enhancement Act, Deakin said, if two 12 Inch leafs and 4 649-5875. 0 F o r Sale. Rowing M a­ Patch doll dresses. $10.00 Sears - slow cook toaster each.Call 643-6452.0 land consisting of approximately 28,000 sauare feet and Iden­ teachers, means negotiations will the new contract is accepted by the padded chairs. Nice look- chine, fully assembled, 1 tified as 176-179 South Main Street. Ing set.$99.00. Call 643- year old, excellent condi­ ICAMERAS/PHOTO oven. Like new. $22.00. not have to go to arbitration if the Board of Education and the Board 0155.0 Call 649-8913.0 Two twin headboards, TOWN OP MANCHESTER - SUBDIVISION REOULATIONS contract is approved by the Board of Directors, the town’s general R H m achinery tion. $75. Coll 646-3245 EQUIPMENT AM ENDM ENTS (Z-72) - Amended the following sections of |£ 2 J and to o ls after 5:30pm. solid Maple, $49 each. the Subdivison Regulations: of Education and accepted by the fund will get $274,525 for the current Queen size sleeper sofa Hoover vacuum - excel­ Boxed towel gift set, new. - Section 5.02.01 (a) - addition of survey certification lan­ Manchester Board of Directors. year, $549,850 for 1987-88, and with chair. $99.00. Call Ice skates - size 10. $10.00. Kodak - Disc 4000 camera lent condition. Tools - $5 each. Call 643-0427. guage. Both boards are expected to $832,575 in 1988-89. 646-1413.0 Floor model wood lathe Call 643-1710.0 outfit. Automatic built In never used. Good - Section 5.02.01 (0) - addition of Commission signature block approve the revised contract. with accessories, $90.00 flash. Instant flash recy­ Christmas Items. $75.00. Singer Slant-O-Matlc-403 Information. In the second and third years of Call 643-0879 anytlme.o - Section 4.09(2) - addition of deferment language to be added The contract would satisfy the For Sale-Breakfast set. Man's bicycle. 26 Inch cle. Motorized film ad­ Call 649-4649.0 special, lust serviced. Ex­ to plans should a determent be granted by the Commission the proposed contract, the money Call 647-9322. wheel,$35.00. Good condi­ vance. $25.00. Call 569- cellent condition. Storage for the Installation of public Improvements. requirements of the Education that comes to the state for general • Section addition of certification language to ero­ Enhancement Act for minimum R 7ILA W N A N D tion. Call 649-1680.O 7616.0 Sears - All purpose weight bench. Blond finish.
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