Templ e Be t h-El 688 Br oad St . -r0 ·i Je~ce: R. I. At t n ; Miss Pin cus~ Only Anglo-Jewish Serving 30,000 Newspaper in This State in Rhode Island The Jewishlleral-d yoL. XXXV. No. 25 FRIDAY, AUGUST 25. 1950 .PROVIDENCE, R. I. TWELVE PAGES 7 CENTS THE COPY Says Elections Critical for All liberals Vice Pres. Barkley to Address By MIL TON FRIEDMAN WASHINGTON American The elements within both par­ Jewish organizations will be ties most anxious to pass concen­ watching with utmost interest the tration camp bills are also the GJC Initial Gift Event Sept. 14. out.come of the November elec­ very elements which are least tions. It will then be passible to friendly to Jewry. Senators Mc­ evaluate an already discernible Carthy. 'McCarran. Mundt. East­ trend toward repressive legislation land. Bridges. Johnston and others 'Veep' to Help Launch and increased anti-Semitism. Leading the subversive "control" War hysteria has inflamed the movement have all indicated public against Communists and hostility to Judaism. Local 1950 Campaign fellow travelers. An ugly by­ At one time or another. most product of this inflammation has have· expressed open anti-Semi­ Alben W . Barkley, vice-presi­ been general intolerance including tism. Many House members are dent of the United States and one a rise in anti-Semitism . President demanding controls stronger than of the nation's leading statesmen Truman has warned Congress that the FBI wants or Truman advises. and public personalities during this nation must not adopt palice These members are right- wingers the past two decades. will be the state measures. who oppased the entry of dis­ guest of honor at the Initial Gifts The Truman approach to the placed persons. FEPC. and the Dinner of the 1950 General Jew­ problem of controlling subversive establishment of Israel. ish Co=ittee on Thursday even­ activities is similar to that of the The Truman administration has ing, September 14 at the Ledge­ major Jewish organizations. The attempted to make sure that re­ mont Country Club. President has outlined necessary actionary legislation does not un­ In announcing Barkley's accep­ legislation to prevent espionage dermine the very freedom it os­ tance of their invitation to visit and sabotage. Re also cautioned tensibly seeks to protect. But will Providence and participate in the Congress to guard against "ex­ November voters allow Truman launching of the annual drive in tremists who urge us to adopt Democrats to retain a hold on behalf of the United Jewish Ap­ police state measures." for he Congress? The debacle in Korea, peal and 60 other agencies, Alvin knows only too well that Congress Defense Secretary Johnson • s A. Sopkin. GJC president. and harbors the seeds of right-wing economy," and tl)e fa i I u re Joseph W. Ress. in a joint state­ totalitarianism-a menace as real of American diplomacy in the Far ment, declared t1?5 week. as Red totalitarianism. !Continued on Page i l l I "We, and all members · of the Jewish co=unity or greater Providence, are highly honored Name Spencer Koch Wqtch for Pier that the vice-president of . the United States will be with us on ictures Next Week the evening of September 14. Despite- an almost unbelievably GJC Trade Head Fred Kelman and Syd Cohen crowded schedule ol legislative were at Narragansett Pier 'last and other duties demanded or him Appaintment of Spencer Koch. week. Their photographic tour as President of the United States Providence millinery manufac­ will appear in next week's Her­ Senate. Mr. Barkley once again turer, to succeed Irving J . Fain ald with a two-page spread. has demonstrated his great friend­ as chairman of the impartant ship with our people by promptly Trades and Industry Division of accepting our invitation to be the the General Jewish Committee was featured speaker at our Initial anno·uriced this week by Joseph Ahavath Sholom Gifts Dinner. W. Ress. 1950 campaign chair- ALBEN W. BARKLEY Supports Israel m~~- the same time. it was re- Membership Drive "A staunch supparter of the Vea.l ed that the change in leader- With the high holidays starting State of Israel and an inspiring Schwartz Heads BV UJA for Ninth Term voice in man's struggle for free­ :z~~ltot~/~~~sC n~~~t ~"te~~~ :;;;;b~~s~ie:te:':!ni\t;;,~ y~r. ~: dom. Vice-President Ba r k 1 e ;- • s within the near future on an ex- Ahavath Sholom Congregation is na!aerrdy chAa.1·rmScahnwarotzf hthase bel9e5n0 visit here will be the highlight of tended world-wide business trip intensifying its drive for mem- our 1950 ca mpaign to 'maintain that could not be. Postponed until hers at its new location at Roch- Blackstone Valley United Jewish the miracle' that is Israel today. after the drive's completion. ambeau Avenue and Camp Street. Appeal for the ninth consecutive "His background as a great R ess paid tribute to both the The camJ)aign has already gained year. it was announced this week. humanitaria n . comoined with his outgoing_ ~~d inc?ming chairmen impetus according to reports re- He immediately announced ap­ personal charm and gracious wit. of _the ~1v1s1on this week when he , ceived by Frank Konovsky, chair- paintment of Mrs. Mollye Glick make him an outstanding spakes­ said . Irvmg J . Fam , has per- I man of the committee. as chairman of the Women's man for Toe causes symbolized by formed an outstandmg JOb m t he Division. initial organizational work of the Mr. Konovsky stressed to wor- The United Jewish Appeal re- our local General Jewish Commit­ tee drive." Tra des and Industry Division. _As kers that the seating capacity of quires funds · this year to meet I Barkley, who as U. S. Senator a res!-'lt of_h is unselfish devot10n I the synagogue is limited and needs in Israel. Europe, North to his ass1gnmen_t for the past Ithat applications for membership Africa and the United States. The from Kentucky was the author or several months. v1rtually all pre- . UJA supparts immigration. settle­ many major legislative laws-in­ limlna ry work has been com- 11.ould only be received up to ca- ment. rehabilitation and recon­ cluding the National Recovery pleted and soon we will be able to I pacity. It therefore was _advisable struction programs of the United Act. the Emergency Banking Act begi n staging ca mpa ign dinner Ito appJ_y now and avoid future IPalestine Appeal. the Joint Dis­ and the Federal Trade Commis­ meetings in all the business and disappamtment. The modera t: tribution Committee and the sion Act. has long been a warm professiona l sub-divisions that dues of laSt year have been re United Service_ for New Ameri­ partisan of the cause of a Jewish make up the overa ll Trades and I tamed and mclude the same pri- cans. state in Pa lestine. Industry group." . v1I eges. This mcludes family "The Jewish community of the Recently he visited Europe to In announcing Koch's new as- seatmg rights. free Sunday School. Blackstone Valley." Mr. Schwartz observe first-hand the conditions signment. Ress decla red : "We are reduced Talmud Torah rates; said. "can take pride in the tre­ of Jewish survivors of Hitlerism extrem ely fortunate that an ex- ce:retery p;ivile_g~s b angts 0the mendous achievements during Jiving in and out of DP camPS. perienced campaigner. with the re gious an socia ~e · 1949 in Israel. and for the Jews Upan his return. he lent the talen ts and a bilities tha t Spencer Negotiations are being com- in Europe a nd the refugees we weight of his official pasitlon to the Koch Possesses. is willing a nd able pleted with an eminent cantor received In the Unlted States. But HARRY A. SCHWARTZ successful drive to amend Con­ to step Into the breech upan such for the high holydays as well as the great job of reconstruction gressional legislation that placed short notice and ca rry on the tre- for a new director of the Hebrew and resettlement is not yet this year's drive "represents the unduly severe restrictions UPOD mendously lmpartant work re- School. tor the new school year. finished. For tens of thousands of minimum that must be done in immigration to this country or quired of the division·s cha irman: · Final organization or the Hebrew J ews, par\icularly those still In 1950 lf the homeless. the destitute World War II victims of oppres­ Koch. a manufacturer of wo- School and Sunday School is the Moslem countries. emig ration and the physically disabled are to sion. .men 's hats. has been a resident of being made and parents are urged to Israel is a matter of urgent retain their dignity and freedom Providence since 1942 and has to register their children starting necessity. These people must and Independence." sustained in the forthcoming been active In GJC drives since this Sunday. The education com- leave their present countries of I Mr. Schwartz expressed confl­ campaign , since it Is my firm be­ the fund-raising organization's In- mlttee will sit on Sunday mornlng residence within- the next few dence that "the momentum that lief that every member or this ception six yea rs ago. to accept applications and regls- months. or they m~ never again has carried us this far In the re- community recognizes and under­ Prior to establishing both his tratlon may be made at the syna- have the oppartunl{y to emigrate. construction of Jewish life In stands the obligations and re­ !Continued on Pare 3) gogue office during week days.
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