Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-24-1968 The Ledger and Times, April 24, 1968 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 24, 1968" (1968). The Ledger & Times. 5953. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5953 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -• ••4-••• :f • ts • • 23 1968 11' Selected As A Best All WOund Kentucky Community Newspaper The Primary Largest Paid Source of News ••• Circulation In Murray and Both In City Calloway County 0 And In County United Press In Our lifth Year International Murray, Ky., Wednesday Afternoon, April 24, 1968 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXIX No. 98 S AIRPORT HERE RECEIVES LARGE GRANT Students Of Water Rescue Team e,Collision Is Looks For Tourists; Over $35,000 Awarded; To UR NIHS French Reported Call False Alarm Be Used Extending Runways The Water Rescue Team of the Murary-Calloway County Take Tests Civil Rescue Squad Patrolmen Alvin Farris and Defense The Murray-Calloway County DC-3 planes and turbo jets in was the early J D. Grogan of the Murray dispatched in Airport has been granted $35,- business and the board hopes hours this morning to search Four students from the Police Department investigated 240 under the Federal Aid air- to be able to give them the IF=111 for four who were French Department at Murray a two car collision yesterday Si tourists port program for the fiscal year field necessary for service here. fishing trip on High School were in Lexington annwr 1:25 p.m. on Chestnut Street. overdue on 1960 for its land acquisition Murray State University is Kentucky on Saturday, April 20, where Cars involved were a 111021 Lake. program, according to a tele- now using the larger planes Col. Tom Brown of Lynn- they participated in the nation- Chevrolet two door hardtop gram from Congressman Frank for transportation for their hurst Resort called the Coast al contest for high school stu- driven by Stanley W. Bridges A. Stubblefield. athletic teams. Most of these Guard and the local rescue T. dents of French, sponsored by of Cadiz Route Three and a Dr. James D. Outland, chair- planes can land at the airport, team after two couples from the American Association of 1964 Volkswagen two door dri- man of the Murray-Calloway but some have to land either Teachers failed to re of French ven by William Paul Bailey, Springfield. Ill., County Airport Board, said that at Paducah or Paris, Dr. Out- The students who took turn from a Tuesday afternoon the Jr., of 311 North 12th Street the grant will be used to leng land said, but with the larger • French I test were Anne Bat- ••••••.• Police Bailey car fishing trip. C said the then Kyle field from 3000 feet runway the planes will all be 3 tle, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. The Murray squad was on was going east on Chestnut to 5000 feet and to widen the able to land at Kyle Field lo- Guy Battle, and Mike Boyd, the lake a short while when Street and was stopped for field from 75 feet to 100 feet. cated north of the Mayfield son of IIT:=-End Mrs. William the couples returned safely af- CHARLES F. traffic in front of him, when HINDS The chairman said the board Highway 121 on the Penny Boyd. Taking the French Ti ter having spent the night in his car was hit in the rear end had asked for the grant to en- Road. test were Kern Battle, son of an abandoned cabin in t h e • by the Bridges' car. large the field in order to be Dr. Outland said the state Dr and Mrs Guy Battle. and Land Between the Lakes. The Charles F. Hinds Damage was reported to the able to service the planes of government has set aside an Ronnie Goode, son of Mr and rear young Illinois men told search- bumper and left rear fen- Speaker At Meet the industries, especially the appropriation for $50,000 to Mrs Kenneth Goode. der of the ers that rough water in the Bailey car, and no Eli Lilly Company. match these federal grants. but There were two contest cen- damaLe was late hours yesterday had forc- Historical Society reported to the Dr. Outland said more and the amount for the local air- ters for Kentucky students this Bridges car. ed them to remain on the east more people are using the large port is not known as yet year. One is at the University bank of the lake. The featured speaker at the of Kentucky with Dr. Phillip The trip to the lake for the monthly meeting of the Linn The Murray-Calloway County Duncan as director, and the Mrs. Dan Hutson squad provided valuable exper-,Boyd Historical Research So- airport now features a large other at Bellarrnine College in -L. Speaker At ience a spokesman said. Several ciety. Paducah, Thursday night Charlie Sheppard hanger built about three years Louisville with Dr. Thomas Meet problems developed during the will be Charles Franklin Hinds, ago and also an office build- McTigue as director. Of Kirksey PTA short time in the water for the newly appointed head librarian Rites Will Be ing. Students of French from all rescue boat but the squad hop- of Murray State University. At Unity Church The project of bringing the parts of the state were present Mrs. Dan Hutson reviewed es to have the problems ironed Hinds will present and dis- airport to Murray was first started several years ago by at the two centers for the test problems of an elementary out before a similar emergency cuss several of his recent ac- Funeral services for Charlie the Murray Junior Chamber which consisted of two parts. school teacher as taken from occurs. quisitions for the special col- Marshall Sheppard, 57-year-old of The oral part was administ- the book, "Never Tease A Din- lections division of the library. McCracken Countian who was Commerce, but has now become a ered by tape only and required osaur" written by Joe Hannon, The Meeting will begin at in a two-car traffic ac "gping concern" on its own • s picture of N B. Ellis, formerly of Murray and now killed thirty minutes of working time. a sixth grade teacher in New 7:30 p.m., at the Fowler house, cidentMsaziay governed by its Board of Di- .1301egurt, Arkansas. *Dosage& is the April-II blew et Sae- Librarx Is _ The-IereihtrISSIS Willer TEFfey, at Ifirrneernif eXt rffe -Paduellir Libra" held at Unity Presbyterian CIDIR011e Times along with • lengthy Pastore story. Ellis is ed of reading comprehensles, Kirksey Elementary', School I-Ta Activities :in Broadway. in Marshall County Dr. Outland is chairman of sheen above pointing to one of the gun ports in a block- Church grammar, and civilization also Parent - Teacher Association Hinds, a University of Ken- Wrist in the church ceme- the board, H. Glenn Doran is house at Modena. Arkansas, built in 11145, which was used Snecial This Week with required thirty minutes. There held Tuesday at 7 30 P m at tucky graduate, was the direc- vice-chairman, and Capt. Gay- es • peesibla defense against John Murrell and other outlaws tery. were separate tests for French the school tor of the Kentucky' Historical day and hour of the ser- lord Forcest is secretary-treas- who were In that area near the Mississippi many years ago. The Murray-Galli:may County The III, and IV students. The speaker, speech teacher Society, Frankfort. 1956 thr- vice have not been announced. urer. In the story, written by Phil Mullen, Ellis recounts some of ...ibrary is continuing with its Adults who accompanied the at Murray State University, re- ough 1959: field representa- Mr Sheppard, a retired iron Other members of the boara Ph. history of the area, the river, and the historic spots and special activities in observance Murray High students to Lex- viewed the book given humor- of National Library Week with tive, UK libraries. 1959 through worker, is survived by his wife. are Jimo Garrison, Phillip Mit- Incidents. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis lived In Murray twelve years 'ngton were Mrs William Boyd ous happenings of the teacher 1960 and state archivist of Ken- Mrs Margaret chell, Dr. Hugh Oakley, Mayor and recently moved beck to Arkansas. They have twe daugh- the regular story hour for chil- three daughters, and Mia, Labile Amain, that had a special point to be, tucky. 1980 through 1967. He Route 2, Mrs,. Holmes Ellis, and County Judge ters, Lisa, who Is with levers NI Arkstssas ano tai. woe .•• dren ages four through seven Wood of Hickory ing out as to the welfare orbeing held today. was ,lippoir,tedi head libraries Linda Sue Camper of Calvert Hall McCuiston, student et Murray State University her.. the pupils, teachers, parents, Mrs Fred Gingles will pre- of Murray State Univerity City Route 2. and Miss Mary The Lenning Flying Service Persons Fined In and school. Mrs Hutson's talk sent a 'special program on 1967. Ann Sheppard of Paducah Is located at the airport and Murray City Court Joseph P. Bailey was both entertaining and "Flower Design and Arrang- He has recently started a Route 4, three sons.
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