July 22, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8801 S. RES. 416 There being no objection, the Senate mitted earlier today by Senators SES- Whereas on June 27, 2004, the California proceeded to consider the resolution. SIONS, REID, and others. State University, Fullerton (‘‘Fullerton’’) Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Titans won the 2004 College World Series; unanimous consent that the resolution clerk will report the resolution by Whereas the 3 to 2 victory completed a 2 to and preamble be agreed to, en bloc, the title. 0 sweep of the heavily favored Texas motion to reconsider be laid upon the The legislative clerk read as follows: Longhorns; A resolution (S. Res. 418) designating Sep- Whereas the Fullerton team opened the table, and that any statements relating to the resolution be printed in the tember 2004 as ‘‘National Prostate Cancer season with 15 wins and 16 losses, then con- Awareness Month’’. tinued on to win 32 of the next 38 games, fin- RECORD, without intervening action or ishing with 47 wins and 22 losses in the reg- debate. There being no objection, the Senate ular season; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without proceeded to consider the resolution. Whereas the Fullerton team won with the objection, it is so ordered. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask superlative pitching of Jason Windsor, who The resolution (S. Res. 417) was unanimous consent that the resolution threw a complete game and was named Most agreed to. be agreed to, the preamble be agreed Outstanding Player of the College World Se- to, the motion to reconsider be laid ries; The preamble was agreed to. The resolution, with its preamble, upon the table, and that any state- Whereas Kurt Suzuki broke a 2 and 20 ments relating to the resolution be slump with the game winning RBI single; reads as follows: printed in the RECORD. Whereas the Fullerton roster also includes S. RES. 417 Joe Turgeon, Justin Turner, Clark Hardman, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whereas on May 31, 2004, the University of Mark Carroll, Blake Davis, Brett Pill, Ricky objection, it is so ordered. California at Los Angeles (‘‘UCLA’’) women’s Romero, J.D. McCauley, Mike Martinez, Neil The resolution (S. Res. 418) was softball team won the 2004 National Colle- Walton, Ronnie Prettyman, Eric Hale, Evan agreed to. giate Athletic Association (‘‘NCAA’’) cham- McArthur, Brandon Tripp, Shawn Scobee, The preamble was agreed to. pionship; Scott Sarver, Bobby Andrews, Felipe Garcia, The resolution, with its preamble, Whereas the 3 to 1 victory completed an- Ryan Schreppel, Danny Dorn, Armando reads as follows: other UCLA softball title run, this time over Carrasco, Jon Wilhite, Nolan Bruyninckx, the in-State rival, the California Bears; S. RES. 418 Lauren Gagnier, John Curtis, Evan Myrick, Whereas the victory marked UCLA’s tenth Whereas countless families in the United Dustin Miller, Vance Otake, Eric Echevarria, NCAA title in team history; States live with prostate cancer; P.J. Pilittere, Sergio Pedroza, Geoff Tesmer, Whereas the UCLA women’s softball team Whereas 1 in 6 men in the United States John Estes, Mark Davidson, and Vinnie ended the season with an impressive 47 to 9 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his Pestano; mark; lifetime; Whereas Fullerton Coach George Horton Whereas UCLA trailed 1 to 0 for the first 5 Whereas over the past decade, prostate was competing against his mentor, former innings, before Claire Sua tied the game with cancer has been the most commonly diag- Fullerton coach Augie Garrido, who led the a solo home run; nosed non-skin cancer and the second most Titans to 3 previous national championships; Whereas freshman pinch hitter Kristen common cancer killer of men in the United Whereas the coaching staff of George Hor- Dedmon hit a crucial 2–RBI single to give States; ton, Dave Serrano, Rick Vanderhook, and UCLA the lead; Whereas over 230,000 men in the United Chad Baum deserve much credit for the ac- Whereas senior pitcher Keira Goerl became States will be diagnosed with prostate can- complishments of their team; just the second pitcher in NCAA Division I cer and 29,900 men in the United States will Whereas the Fullerton baseball team has history to win multiple title games; die of prostate cancer in 2004, according to won national championships in 1979, 1984, Whereas the UCLA roster also includes American Cancer Society estimates; 1995, and 2004, making it the only team to Caitlin Benyi, Jaisa Creps, Lisa Dodd, An- Whereas 30 percent of new cases occur in win a national championship in each of the drea Duran, Alissa Eno, Tara Henry, Ashley men under the age of 65; past 4 decades; Herrera, Whitney Holum, Julie Hoshizaki, Whereas a man in the United States turns Whereas the students, alumni, faculty, and Jodie Legaspi, Stephanie Ramos, Nicole 50 years old about every 14 seconds, increas- supporters of Fullerton are to be congratu- Sandberg, Amanda Simpson, Shana Stewart, ing the occurrence of cancer and, particu- lated for their commitment and pride in Michelle Turner, and Emily Zaplatosch; larly, of prostate cancer; their institution: Now, therefore, be it Whereas African-American males suffer a Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the coaching staff of Sue Enquist, prostate cancer incidence rate as much as 60 (1) congratulates the California State Uni- Kelly Inouye-Perez, and Gina Vecchione de- percent higher than White males and have versity, Fullerton Titans on their College serve much credit for the accomplishments double the mortality rates; World Series championship; of their team; Whereas obesity is a significant predictor (2) recognizes the achievements of the Whereas the UCLA team is the first team of prostate cancer severity and death; team; to defend its NCAA title since 1997; Whereas if a man in the United States has (3) requests that the President recognize Whereas UCLA has won 10 of a possible 23 1 family member diagnosed with prostate the outstanding accomplishments of the NCAA Division I softball championships; and cancer, he has double the risk of prostate team; and Whereas the students, alumni, faculty, and cancer, if he has 2 family members with such (4) directs the Secretary of the Senate to supporters of UCLA are to be congratulated diagnosis, he has 5 times the risk, and if he make available a copy of this resolution to for their commitment and pride in their in- has 3 family members with such diagnosis, California State University, Fullerton for stitution: Now, therefore, be it he has a 97-percent risk of prostate cancer; appropriate display and to transmit an en- Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas screening by both digital rectal rolled copy of this resolution to the 2004 (1) congratulates the University of Cali- examination and prostate specific antigen California State University, Fullerton team. fornia at Los Angeles Bruins on winning the 2004 National Collegiate Athletic Association blood test can diagnose the disease in earlier f Championship; and more treatable stages and reduce pros- CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- (2) recognizes the achievements of the tate cancer mortality; SITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS team; Whereas ongoing research promises to fur- ther improvements in prostate cancer pre- ANGELES WOMEN’S SOFTBALL (3) requests that the President recognize the outstanding accomplishments of the vention, early detection, and treatments; TEAM team; and and Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask (4) directs the Secretary of the Senate to Whereas educating people in the United unanimous consent that the Senate make available a copy of this resolution to States, including health care providers, proceed to the immediate consider- University of California at Los Angeles for about prostate cancer and early detection ation of S. Res. 417, submitted earlier appropriate display and to transmit an en- strategies is crucial to saving men’s lives rolled copy of this resolution to the 2004 Uni- and preserving and protecting families: Now, today by Senators FEINSTEIN and versity of California at Los Angeles women’s therefore, be it BOXER. softball team. Resolved, That the Senate— The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (1) designates September 2004 as ‘‘National f clerk will report the resolution by Prostate Cancer Awareness Month’’; title. NATIONAL PROSTATE CANCER (2) declares that the Federal Government The legislative clerk read as follows: AWARENESS MONTH has a responsibility to— A resolution (S. Res. 417) congratulating (A) raise awareness about the importance the University of California at Los Angeles Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask of screening methods and treatment of pros- women’s softball team on winning the 2004 unanimous consent that the Senate tate cancer; National Collegiate Athletic Association proceed to the immediate consider- (B) increase research funding that is com- Championship. ation of S. Res. 418, which was sub- mensurate with the burden of the disease so VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:20 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00185 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S22JY4.PT2 S22JY4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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