ED NATIONS � I NATIONS UNIES �-�� MEMORANDUM INTERIEUR TO: tary-General DATE: 2 July 2010 A: REFERENCE: IMS\IC\4-4 THROUGH: SIC DE: FROM: DE: ative of the Secretary-General fo r the investments ofUNJ SPF SUBJECT: Membe s i of the Investments Committee J OBJECT: 1. The I estments Committee has a current membership as follows: Nationality Expiration Date Japan 31 December 20 11 ardenas Argentina 31 December 20 12 hico Pardo Mexico 31 December 20 10 Mr. Dhar India 31 December 20 11 Mr. S iang (ad hoc member) China 31 December 2010 as sow Germany 31 December 201 0 irdar Iraq 31 December 201 1 . McDonough USA 31 December 201 0 ohohlo Botswana 31 December 20 12 Mr. I. ictet (ad hoc member) Switzerland 31 December 20 10 Ms. Ploix France 31 December 20 1 0 2. be noted, the terms of service of the following members will expire as of end Ad hoc members nando Chico Pardo Mr. Simon Jiang (will e ch term limit of 15 years On 31 December 2010) Mr. Ivan Pictet Mr. A im Kassow Mr. i liam J. McDonough Ms. e ene Ploix of relevant CV s are attached . 3. Kassow and Mr. McDonough could be re-nominated for another term of s, it would not be possible for Mr. Chico Pardo to serve further. According to 'of Reference governing the Investments Committee, Mr. Chico Pardo e maximum service period of 15 years on 31 December 20 10. Also, Ms. oix will reach the maximum term limit of 15 years on 31 December 20 11 and , Ms. Ploix would be extended for another one year term only, commencing I 011. 4. Accor i gly, it would be necessary for you to formally re-nominate a replacement for Mr. C · o Pardo and determine whether it is desirable to re-nominate Mr. Kasssow and Mr. M onough for another term of three years or to provide replacement nominees ntation to the Pension Board of UN JSPF. 5. acement for Mr. Chico Pardo, you may wish to consider nominating Ms. Hilda rillembourg (Venezuela) as an ad hoc member for a one year term ing 1 January 20 11. 6. one year term of the two ad hoc members Messrs. Jiang and Pictet, will also expire 31 December 2010. Mr. Jiang has indicated willingness to be re-appointed, this ti e as a regular member, for a three-year term commencing 1 January 20 11, while Mr. Pi t has indicated willingness to continue to serve, if re-nominated, as an ad hoc membe . You may wish to formally nominate Mr. Jiang as a regular member for a three y r term and Mr. Pictet to serve as ad hoc members for anot{ler one year term ing 1 January 20 11. 7. nominations and re-nominations will be needed prior to the next meeting of Nations Joint Staff Pension Board which is scheduled to begin on 15 July ndon. An early decision would facilitate the processing of Board tion. 8. tion to this matter will be appreciated. ii ' IffY,10),� (C t I tli"'li l JJL - 6 L i d L ·--_j �� OFFICE , EXECUTIVE ' L...._2E THE SECRETARY-GEICAAL Note to the Chef de Cabinet Membership of the Investments Committee md attached a self-explanatory memorandum to the Secretary-General pproval: (a) to consult with the Pension Board and, subsequently, the ACABQ on the intment of Messrs. Achim Kassow (Germany) and William J. McDonough as regular members of the Investments Committee for a three-year term ncing 1 January 2011; (b) to consult with the Pension Board and, subsequently, the ACABQ on the ment of Ms. Helene Ploix (France) as a regular member of the Investments ttee for a one-year term commencing 1 January 2011. She would meet the term limit on 31 December 2011; (c) o consult with the Pension Board and, subsequently, the ACABQ on the ment of Mr. Simon Jiang (China) as a regular member of the Investments ttee for a three-year term commencing 1 January 2011; (d) o consult with the Pension Board and, subsequently, the ACABQ on the intment of Mr. I van Pictet (Switzerland) as an ad hoc member of the ents Committee for a one-year term commencing 1 January 2011; (e) o consult with the Pension Board and, subsequently, the ACABQ on the appoi ment of Ms. Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg (Venezuela) as an ad hoc member of the I vestments Committee for a one year term commencing 1 January 2011. Your tention and kind action on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Warren Sach 2 July 2010 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL NOTE TO MR. NAMBIAR (through Mr. KIM}J/Y' APPOINTMENTS AND EXTENSIONS PRIORITY TITLE CANDIDATES RECOMMENDED DECISION Investments Committee (UNJSPF) The Representative of the Secretary-General for the Investments Committee of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF), Mr. Sach, has forwarded the recommendations for the Investments Committee membership. He requests approval to consult with the Pension Board and Continuing members: the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) on the membership Expiration as is the norm. The recommendations are as follows: -Mr. M. Arikawa (Japan) 31/12/2011 -Mr. E. Cardenas (Argentina) 31112/2012 1) Re-appointments: -Mr. M. Dhar (India) 31/12/2011 Expiration Proposed term -Mr. N. Kidar (Iraq) 31/12/2011 -Mr. A. Kassow (Germany), 31 December2010 three-year term -Ms. L. Mohohlo (Botswana) 31112/2012 -Mr. W. McDonough (USA), 31 December 2010 three-year term -Mr. S. Jiang (China), 31 December 2010 three-year term ,� -Ms. H. Ploix* (France), 31 December 2010 one-year term -Mr. I. Pictet (Switzerland) (ad hoc member), 31 December 2010 one-year term 2) New appointment: -Ms. H. Ochoa-Brillembourg (Venezuela) (ad hoc member), one-year term beginning01/01/201 1 (to replace Mr. Chico Pardo (Mexico), who completed a 15-year term) Received on 0610712010 Log# 10-06391 *reaches15 year term limit 3 1 December 201 � Submitted for your final approval and clearanc Dr Achim Ka ow Curriculum Vitae GENERAL DATA EDUCATION Dare of Birth July6, 1966 1996 Doct0111te (Dr. rer. pol.), Universityof Cologne: Marital Status married, one son 1988-1992 Study of Business Administration and Nationality German economics, University of Cologne Languages German, English. French, Spanish 198.5- 1987 Bank Clerk, Deutsche BankAG PROF:ESSIONAL E RIENCE since June 2002 Commerzbank Group since2004 Member of the Board of ManagingDirectors ' Commerzbank AG 2002-2004 Chief Executive Officer, comdirect blUlk AG 1993-2002 Deutsche Bank Group 2001-2002 Member of the Board of ManagingDirectors- Investment Products Europe Deutsche Bank 24 AG (Private and Business Clients) 1999-2001 Member of the Executive Committee- Ret.iill Banking Deutsche Bank 24 AG (Private andBusiness Client.g) 1998- 1999 Senior Project Manager (Direcror)-Retail Banking Deutsche Bank AG 1996-1998 Executive Assistant(Vice President)- Asset Management Deutsche BankAG 1993- 1996 Corporate Clients Advisor (Associate) Deutsche BankAG Dr Achlm Kassow has g · ed long and comprehensive experience with Asset Management: As Co1porau Clients Advisor of Deutsche Bank he serv ultinational Corporates (i.e. E.ON, Vodafone, ThyssenKrupp) regarding their Asset Liability Management. Later on h b oadened his focus within Asset Management at DWS with assets under management of cUITently more than 256bn euros. s Member of the Board of Managing Directors of Deutsche Bank 24 he was lat�r responsible for investment products d!ilv I pment and selection at Deutsche Bank's European Priv.lte and Business Clients Unit wieh invested assots of more th lOObn euros. After his appointment as 0 of listed comctirect bank, the leading German direct broker, Dr Kassowwas responsible for the bank's treasuryp ortfolio joined in parallel the Commerzbank Pension Trust Committee. Since 2004 he is Member of the Board of Managing Direc o s of Commerzbank with responsibility for a total business volume (!endings, deposits, portfolio investments) of 230bn e s. Furthermore Dr Kassow cha..U-ed the Supervisory Boards of Jupiter International Group in London, of Caisse Centr c de Reescompte in Paris (both leading Asset Management companies), Commerz Grundbesitz­ Gesellschaft in Wiesbaden ( al Estate Asset Management) and stiU belongs to the Supervisory Boards of comdirect bank in Quickborn (Banking), co. · vest Asset Management in Frankfurt (Asset Management), BRE Bank in Warsaw (Bankiug), Eurohypo in Escbboro ( l Estate Financing), Volksfuersorge Deutsche Sachversicherung in Hamburg (Insurance) and ThyssenKrupp Steel in D �g(Stee1). Kassol COMME ANK GROUP- GENERAL INFORMATION AG is Germany's second-largest bank with a market cap of 24.1 bn euros (April 30, onsolidated balance-sheet total of 608bn euros at year end 2006. Roughly 36,000 employees, , 25 of them active outside Germany, look after approximately 9 million c�'1omers worldwide. e ides its core activities in Europe, Commerzbank has a strong presence worldwide with ubsidiaries, branches and representative offices in 43 ·countries. h provides financiaJ followi.llgthree operational corporate divisions: • rcial Real Estate, Public FiJ1anceand Treasury • te and InvestmentBanking • Retai anking and Asset Management Regarding th latter Dr Achim Kassow is responsible for as Member of the Board of Managing Directors. RETNl..B G s an important pillar ofthe Commerzbankgroup. It serves more than 5 million private ss customers and gained revenues of more than 1.8bn euros with roughly 11,000 employees · 2006. At nearly 800 branches throughout Germany and hubs in Switzerland, Luxemburg, stria and Singapore competent counsellors assist private customers and small-sized companies in a 1 i�ues connected with money. Besides this branch presence Commerzbank offerS direct banking d brokerage via its affiliate comdirect bank which is one of the leading direct banks in Germany. nt consists of an international multi-boutique network with global product expertise g assets of 77bn euros in total withoperational affiliates in Frankfurt, London, Paris, d Singapore.
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