1 ASTLEY BRIDGE AND SMITHILLS AREA FORUM MEETING, 21ST JUNE, 2007 Present – 9 Members of the public attended. Councillor Mrs. Fairclough - Astley Bridge Ward (Chairman) Councillor R. Silvester - Smithills Ward (Vice-Chairman) Councillor Lever - Astley Bridge Ward Councillor Walsh - Astley Bridge Ward Councillor Hayes - Smithills Ward Councillor Mrs. Swarbrick - Smithills Ward Also in Attendance Sean Harriss - Chief Executive Brian Shaw - Environmental Services Joe Fox - Environmental Services Sean Croudace - Environmental Services Andy Lancashire - Development and Regeneration Margaret Thornley - Bolton at Home Idris Jeewa - Chief Executive’s Department Helen Longworth - Chief Executive’s Department Stephen Rowson - Chief Executive’s Department Mr. J. Kerambrum - Legal and Democratic Services Department 1. INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME BY THE CHAIR Councillor Mrs Fairclough welcomed and introduced everybody to the meeting. 2. MINUTES The minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Forum held on 1st March, 2007 were submitted and signed as a correct record. 3. NEW FORUM ARRANGEMENTS The Area Co-ordinator reported on the new arrangements that had been put in place to notify interested parties about Forum meetings and how information for the meetings would now be made available. Page 1 of 6 TH/3e2d19d2-6309-4699-a515-826b331f1c84.doc 2 More use would be made of the Council’s website and information would be made available in libraries, the one stop shop, Area Offices, shops and post offices. Resolved – That the report be noted. 4. PRESENTATION: TRANSPORT INNOVATION FORUM The Chief Executive, Mr. S. Harriss, gave a presentation on a proposed bid to the Government by the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority, in conjunction with the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities, for funding to improve the transport infrastructure across Greater Manchester. The bid, if successful, would result in a £2.9 billion investment in the Greater Manchester infrastructure which would be made up of:- - £1.2 - £1.8 billion from the Government; and - the remainder from the introduction of Congestion Charging. The bid would be put together as a package which would deliver a range of environmental, social and economic outcomes and avoid transport becoming a constraint on the delivery of economic growth. Benefits of the package would be:- - the largest ever local transport investment programme outside London of up to £2.9 billion; and - an increase in public transport capacity in the morning peak by some 40% along the corridors affected by the charge. The Government would decide on the Bid and, if Greater Manchester was successful, it would mean:- - extended metrolinks; - additional rail rolling stock and platform lengthening; - new interchanges; - more park and ride spaces; - a step change in travel information; and - a behavioural change programme. Page 2 of 6 TH/3e2d19d2-6309-4699-a515-826b331f1c84.doc 3 Mr. Harriss then went on the outline the proposed charges to be introduced which, in summary, were as follows:- A Two charge points on corridors to regional centre:- - outer charge point – at/close to M60; and - inner charge point – at/close to intermediate ring road. B Charge only during peaks and in peak periods:- - inbound - 7.00 a.m to 9.30 a.m. (A.M. Peak); and - outbound - 4.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. (P.M. Peak). - inbound - £2 (M60) and £1 (Ring Road) - outbound - £1 (M60) and £1 (Ring Road) - round trip to centre and back - £5.00. C Range of choices for traveller:- - change time of trip; - change mode of travel; and - consolidate trips. There would be no charge until the majority of the investment was in place. Following his presentation, Mr. Harriss invited and responded to questions from the Forum and encouraged members to give feedback on the proposals. A number of issues were raised, as follows:- a) how the congestion charges would actually be collected; An electronic tag would be permanently fitted to the vehicle or alternatively number plate recognition technology would recognise when charge points were crossed and charged accordingly. b) How would privately owned bus, tram and rail companies be given the incentive to offer an improved service; Agreements would be in place that would allow Government to have some control and influence over the bus, tram and rail companies. c) the need for a wider consultation process across Bolton; Page 3 of 6 TH/3e2d19d2-6309-4699-a515-826b331f1c84.doc 4 The consultation process would encourage everyone to put their view forward. d) with the charges only being incurred at peak times is there a danger that a new rush hour could be created; This would need to be investigated as part of the design process, however experts can reasonably predict changes in behaviour. Mr. Harriss thanked people in attendance for their input and agreed to pass the feedback on to the GMPTA. Resolved – That Mr. Harriss be thanked for his informative presentation. 5. AREA FORUM BUDGET UPDATE Mr. I. Jeewa, Area Co-ordinator reported that the Astley Bridge and Smithills Area Forum had received an allocation from the Council’s Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF) of £40,000 for 2006/2008. The Forum was reminded that members had already spent £38,000 on youth related projects which meant there was still £2,000 unallocated from the NRF budget for 2006/2008. It was stated that the Forum had received an allocation of £29,000 from the Council’s Highways Maintenance Budget for the 2007/2008 municipal year. There would be £14,500 made available to each ward but as yet no decision had been made on how the money would be spent. The Area Co-ordinator further reminded members that the Forum had received an allocation from the Council’s Community Safety Budget of £10,000 for 2006/2008. The Area Co-ordinator stated that members had already spent £5,000 of this on Astley Bridge Park. This left the Area Forum with £5,000 unallocated from the Community Safety Budget for 2006/2008. Resolved – That the update be noted. 6. VOLUNTARY SECTOR GRANT APPLICATIONS The Forum was advised of the receipt of two applications for voluntary sector funding, as follows:- a) Johnson Fold Youth and £400 towards the cost of taking a Page 4 of 6 TH/3e2d19d2-6309-4699-a515-826b331f1c84.doc 5 Community Support group of children on an activity Group weekend to Silverdale. The time would be spent team building, playing sports and swimming. b) 5th Bolton Scout Group £500 towards the cost of a long weekend away, including site fees, country activities and a one day visit by the Beavers. It was stated that there was currently £4,000 remaining to be allocated and, if both grant applications were approved at the amount requested there would be a balance of £3,100 remaining to be allocated. Resolved – That approval be given to the grant applications as now indicated. 7. OPEN FORUM Verbal and written queries were received which detailed the following issues:- Councillor Lever declared a personal interest in the following item of business (question on Thorney Dike Avenue) as he was a resident within the area. a) The Forum was informed of the outcome of a meeting between Ward Councillors and residents regarding the traffic issues on Thorney Dike Avenue. It was agreed that the issue be referred to the Environmental Services Department and would be reported back to a future meeting. b) Concerns were raised over the unsightly view caused by the girders positioned on top of the Sir John Holden mill on Blackburn Road. The Area Co-ordinator stated that this issue was currently being looked into by the Planning Division. Ward Councillors informed members that they were in the process of arranging a site visit. c) Concerns were raised as to the length of time taken to complete the work at the junction next to Asda, which was causing traffic problems. Page 5 of 6 TH/3e2d19d2-6309-4699-a515-826b331f1c84.doc 6 Councillor. J. Walsh informed the Forum that when complete the Traffic Intelligence System would considerably improve traffic problems. The Area Co-ordinator agreed to refer this issue to the Environmental Services Department and report back to the Forum. d) Why were many of the major roads such as Moss Bank Way and Crompton Way being reduced to one lane? The Area Co-ordinator stated he would look into this matter and report back to a future meeting. 9. CHAIRMAN’S CLOSING REMARKS The Chairman thanked members, officers and the public for their views expressed during the meeting. 10. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Astley Bridge and Smithills Area Forum was scheduled for 6th September, 2007 at Church Road Primary School. (The meeting started at 7.00 p.m. and finished at 8.30 p.m.) Page 6 of 6 TH/3e2d19d2-6309-4699-a515-826b331f1c84.doc .
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