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Illustrated. 49 Oxenford's French Songs, includin; tlOl Hume's History ] Costello's Lays of the Troubadours to of ^ 6 vols. 60 Gil Bias (The Adventures of). tl06 England. j 51 The Talmud (Selections from), iu7 Hawthorne's Tanglewood Tales. 62 Virgil (Dryden's), ('fhe Works of). NOTICE.—These Volumes (f) can only be supplied bound in cloth. A BAD BOY'S DIARY "innalniDacb SMtion LON DON FREDERICK WARNE AND CO. BEDFORD STREET, STRAND CONTENTS CHAPTEB I.—How HE BEGAN IT . II.—THE PHOTOGRAPHS . III.—THE PARTY II IV.—THE ELOPEMENT 14 V,—"HE DIDN'T KNOW 'TWAS LOADED" 17 VI.—UNDER THE TABLE 20 VII.—THE LITTLE PRESTIDIGITATE'JR 23 VIII.—MISTER V/ILKINS TAKES HIS Sisirn OUT TO P-IIE 2g IX.— HE HELPS HIS SISTERS AT THE FAIR O* X.—THE SURPRISE PARTY 36 XL—HE GOES TO CHURCH 40 XII.—HE BECOMES A BURGLAR . 44 XIII.—THE LAST STE.\W 49 XIV.—A GREAT IMPROVEMENT 53 XV.—HE BECOMES A KLEPTOMANIAC 57 XVI—HE IS SUSPENDED 61 XVII.—" GOODNESS ME ! IT WAS THE CAT^ 66 XVIII.—HE MAKES AND FLIES A KITE 70 XIX.—HE ENJOYS THE FIRST OF APRIL 74 yx. THE WAY HE EARNED HIS PONY 78 iv Contenis. '-'"•"'"" ,^ TO THE WEDDING XXL—HK COMTRIVES TO QO TO Tut. XXIL—IN TUE LIONS DEN XXIII. HB IS DISINHERITED XXIV A FATAL EXPERIMENT . XXV.—HOW HE RAN THE BALLOON . XXVI.—HE RUNS A LOCOMOTIVE . .ivXA'IL—HE VI.SITS THE FALLS XXVIII,—HE T.-VKES PART IN THE ELECiiON XXIX.—HE I\IIXE3 IN POLITICS . XXX. - I!i; li Di.-,L,,-ui;AGLD , . A BAD BOY'S DIARY. CHAPTER L HOW HE BEGAN IT. I WAS ate years ole yesterday, an' an' he red this out loud to Lil and mamma she ,says to me : Bess, which was in the room all " Georgie, wot would you like for fixed up to fits : a burthday present ?" "I wish that stupid ole Bill Smith So I said a " diry," cause all m.y would keep hisself to home. He growed-up sisters keep a diry, an' 1 came agen Sunday night. I never, thought it would be about the figger. never, never, never shall like him So mamma she got me one. I one bit, but mother says he's wrich wanted to begin it all rite, so I stole an' I must accept him if he offers. up to Lily's room to copy suthin out Oh, how crewel it is to make me o' hern; but she keeps it locked xip practis such dooplicity ! It seems as in her writing-desk, an' I had a if my heart would brake. What offal time getting a key that would awful gr.ate big red hands he's got fit. At last I found one, an' set an' can't talk about nothin' but how down when Lil was out a calling an' many houses he owns, an' his cra­ cop pied oph a page good as I could. vats is in retched taste. I wish he'd I've got three sisters what all stay away an' done with it. He kepes their dirys an' v/rites into 'em tride to kiss me wen he was goin' every night after their hair is took Sunday night, but I'd just as soon oph an' put in the buro drawer, have a lobster kiss me. Oh 1 he is 'xcept what is put in crimps. So to- so different from my sweet, sweet nite Mister Wily em Smith he come Montague De Jones. Wot a pity to see Lil, like he does most every Montague is a poor clerk! I can evening, a big, ugly ole bashlor not bare this mi.^ery much longer. that my sisters makes fun of be­ Montague is jellus an' reproaches me hind his back, an' I was in the par­ biterly. Oh, wot a fraud this hfe lor with my diry in my hand an' he is ! I'm wery of it." ast me wot I got, an' give me sum Lil she was a screechin' an' a candy, an' I showed him my diry, try in' to snatch it all the time, but A Bad Boy's Diary.
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