Parliamentary Documentation Vol. XXXIX (1-15 November 2013) No.21 AGRICULTURE -(INDIA) 1 NATESAN, P and Others Agriculture in India: a report card. FACTS FOR YOU (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2013(Aug, 2013): P.37-42 Throws light on the resilient growth of Indian agriculture sector. ** Agriculture-(India). -AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES-COTTON 2 MAHESKUMAR, S Cotton: India's white gold. FACTS FOR YOU (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2013(Aug, 2013): P.9-14 Observes that technological upgradation on the manufacturing front have encouraged Indian cotton industry to flourish internationally. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Commodities-Cotton. -AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES-FRUITS 3 AMIR ABBAS BAKHTIAR and AMIR HEMATIAN Design, fabrication and evaluation of a picking mechanism for fruit harvesting. INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (NEW DELHI), V.83 (No.10), 2013(Oct, 2013): P.27-30 ** Agriculture-Agricultural Commodities-Fruits. -AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES-SUGARCANE 4 JOSHI, N C Need for sugar decontrol. FACTS FOR YOU (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2013(Aug, 2013): P.27-28 ** Agriculture-Agricultural Commodities-Sugarcane. -AGRICULTURAL PRICES-ONION 5 TAKLE, Niranjan Core of exploding onions. WEEK (KOCHI), V.31(No.41), 2013(13.10.2013): P. 24-31 Examines the role of Onion mafia in soaring the onion prices in India. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Prices-Onion. ** - Keywords 1 -ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 6 PRASAD, M V S Development of poultry sector. FACTS FOR YOU (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2013(Aug, 2013): P.15-16 Focuses on the development of poultry sector in India. ** Agriculture-Animal Husbandry. -FARMS AND FARMERS 7 VENKITESH RAMAKRISHNAN Price of patriotism. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.30(No.21), 2013(1.11.2013): P.116-121 Expresses concern over the Gujarat Government's apathy towards the Sikh farmers settled in Kutch region of Gujarat. ** Agriculture-Farms and Farmers; Regional Politics. -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND ACQUISITION-(INDIA-GUJARAT) 8 SHAH, Amita Mainstreaming or marginalisation: Evidence from Special Economic Zones in Gujarat. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.48(No.41), 2013 (12.10.2013): P.55-59 Examines the impact of Special Economic Zones on the livelihoods of local communities in Gujarat. ** Agriculture-Land and Land Reforms-Land Acquisition- (India-Gujarat). BIOGRAPHIES -POLITICAL LEADERS-GANDHI, RAHUL 9 ANSHUMAN KUMAR and KUNAL PRADHAN Rahul raj. INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI), V.38(No.41), 2013(14.10.2013): P.22-28 Examines the challenges ahead for Indian National Congress leader Rahul Gandhi keeping in view of 2014 General elections in India. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-Gandhi, Rahul; Indian National Congress. ** - Keywords 2 -POLITICAL LEADERS-SHAH, AMIT 10 MAHURKAR, Uday Man Modi trusts the most. INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI), V.38(No.41), 2013(14.10.2013): P.34-36 Throws light on the organisational skills of Narendra Modi and his closest aide Amit Shah. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-SHAH, Amit; Bharatiya Janata Party. -POLITICAL LEADERS-YADAV, LALU PRASAD 11 SRIVASTAVA, Amitabh Sun sets on Lalu era. INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI), V.38(No.41), 2013(14.10.2013): P.30-32 Gives opinion on the political downfall of Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Lalu Prasad Yadav in view of his imprisonment for five years in 950 crore fodder scam. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-YADAV, Lalu Prasad; Rashtriya Janata Dal. -PROMINENT PERSONS-TENDULKAR, SACHIN 12 PRADHAN, Kunal Salaam Sachin. INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI), V.38(No.42), 2013(21.10.2013): P.18-24 Throws light on the illustrious carrier of cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar. ** Biographies-Prominent Persons-TENDULKAR, Sachin; Cricket. COMMERCE -E COMMERCE 13 NAGARAJAN, P S and ASHOK KUMAR, J Security challenges to the growth of e-commerce. FACTS FOR YOU (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.11), 2013(Aug, 2013): P.33-36 ** Commerce-E Commerce. -INTERNATIONAL TRADE-REGIONAL TRADE ASSOCIATIONS-ESCAP 14 GILBERT, John Economic impact of new regional trading developments in the ESCAP region. ASIA PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL (NEW YORK), V20(No.1), ** - Keywords 3 -INTERNATIONAL TRADE-REGIONAL TRADE ASSOCIATIONS-ESCAP 2013(Jun, 2013): P.121-141 ESCAP: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. ** Commerce-International Trade-Regional Trade Associations-ESCAP. -INTERNATIONAL TRADE-WTO 15 PAL, Parthapratim Multilateralism: Current state of play. FOCUS WTO (NEW DELHI), V.15(No.1), 2013(May-Jun, 2013): P.1-7 WTO: World Trade Organisation. Analyses the future of World Trade Organisation as a sole supervisor of international trade in view of the proliferation of Regional Trade Associations and Agreements witnessed recently among developing countries. ** Commerce-International Trade-WTO. 16 SCOTT, James and HARMAN, Sophie Beyond TRIPS: Why the WTO's Doha Round is unhealthy. THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY (LONDON), V.34(No.8), 2013: P.1361-1376 WTO: World Trade Organisation, TRIPS: Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. Examines the negative effect of the Doha Round of World Trade Organisation's negotiations on regulating services in low income countries. ** Commerce-International Trade-WTO; Patents. -PATENTS 17 BOLDRIN, Michele and LEVINE, David K Case against patents. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES (TENNESSEE), V.27(No.1), 2013(Winter, 2013): P.3-22 Discusses over the rationale of existing current Patent system and its impact on the rate of innovations and productivity in various fields. ** Commerce-Patents. 18 MOSER, Petra Patents and innovation: Evidence from economic history. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES (TENNESSEE), V.27(No.1), 2013(Winter, 2013): P.23-44 Studies pros and cons of the existing patent laws concerning to the research development, high prices of ** - Keywords 4 -PATENTS the product and patent monopolies etc. ** Commerce-Patents. -TRADE UNION 19 BHAT, T R Right of Unions to demonstrate peacefully. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.48(No.43), 2013 (26.10.2013): P.15-17 Applauds the recent ruling by the Madras High Court in favour of Trade Unions' right to hold demonstrations peacefully. ** Commerce-Trade Union. COMMUNICATIONS -TELECOM POLICY-(INDIA) 20 JOSHI, Rakesh Curate's egg. BUSINESS INDIA (MUMBAI), No.929, 2013(27.10.2013): P.50-54 Discusses the salient features of the Draft Mergers and Acquisition policy in Telecom Sector. ** Communications-Telecom Policy-(India); Companies Takeover. COMPANY AFFAIRS AND MANAGEMENT -COMPANIES FINANCE-SHARE MARKET 21 PRABHAT ANANTHARAMAN Quarterly results: Poor performance. BUSINESS INDIA (MUMBAI), No.929, 2013(27.10.2013): P.108-109 Comments on the current performance of Indian stock market. ** Company Affairs and Management-Companies Finance-Share Market. -COMPANY LAW 22 Companies Law gets a comprehensive makeover. MONTHLY COMMENTARY ON INDIAN ECONOMIC CONDITIONS (NEW DELHI), V.55(No.2), 2013(Sep, 2013): P.7 Highlights the salient features of Companies Bill, 2011. ** Company Affairs and Management-Company Law. ** - Keywords 5 -CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 23 MOHANTY, S C Analysis of liquidity management in selected public and private organization in Mining Sector in Odisha. MONTHLY PUBLIC OPINION SURVEYS (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.12), 2013(Sep, 2013): P.19-26 ** Company Affairs and Management-Corporate Governance; Mining. DEFENCE 24 MANOJ KUMAR Environment change: The new arena of defence cooperation. DEFENCE AND DIPLOMACY(NEW DELHI), V.2(No.4), 2013 (Jul-Sep, 2013): P.11-21 Contemplates for cooperation by the defence forces to strengthen environmental protection in India. ** Defence; Environmental Protection. -ARMY-(INDIA) 25 SAWHNEY, Pravin and GHAZALA WAHAB Back to basics. FORCE (NEW DELHI), V.11(No.3), 2013(Nov, 2013): P.12-16 Suggests the steps to be taken to boost the morale of the soldiers in Indian Army. ** Defence-Army-(India); Personnel Management-(India). 26 SAWHNEY, Pravin Red herring. FORCE (NEW DELHI), V.11(No.3), 2013(Nov, 2013): P.21-22 Focuses on the anti-infiltration operations conducted recently by Indian Army in Keran Sector of Jammu and Kashmir. ** Defence-Army-(India). -ARMY-ARMY AND CIVIL RELATIONS-(INDIA) 27 KARNARD, Bharat Myth of politicised army. INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI), V.38(No.41), 2013(14.10.2013): P.9 Expresses concern over the politicisation of Indian Army in view of the allegations leveled against Ex-Army Chief General V K Singh to run a covert Technical Support Division in Jammu and Kashmir. ** Defence-Army-Army and Civil Relations-(India). ** - Keywords 6 -DEFENCE POLICY-(EUROPEAN UNION) 28 KIENZLE, Benjamin European contribution to non-proliferation? The EU WMD strategy at ten. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (OXFORD), V.89(No.5), 2013 (Sep, 2013): P.1143-250 EU: European Union, WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction. Reviews the performance and outcomes of the European Union's policies on the proliferation of Weapon of Mass Destruction after the Iraq crisis. ** Defence-Defence Policy-(European Union); Disarmament. -DEFENCE POLICY-(UNITED STATES) 29 PRASAD, Nidhi US alliance system and the East Asian paradox. DEFENCE AND DIPLOMACY (NEW DELHI), V.2(No.4), 2013 (Jul-Sep, 2013): P.95-104 Focuses on the United States Defence Policy towards East Asian paradox. ** Defence-Defence Policy-(United States). -DEFENCE RELATIONS-(AFGHANISTAN-UNITED STATES) 30 ELIAS, Barbara America's missing leverage in Afghanistan and Pakistan: A structural analysis. THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY (LONDON), V.34(No.8), 2013: P.1392-1408 Focuses on the United States defence policy towards Afghanistan and Pakistan. ** Defence-Defence Relations-(Afghanistan-United States). -DEFENCE RELATIONS-(INDIA-CHINA) 31 SANA HASHMI Applicability of Panchsheel in India-China relations. DEFENCE AND
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