Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday GAZETTE By The Courlar-Gsaette., 465 Main St, THREE CENTS A CORY Established January, 1646. Esters* an Second Clast Mall Mattar. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, March 17, 1925. Volume 80............... Number 33. The Courier-Gazette SILSBY HOSPITAL CLOSING CHURCH TAKEN TO TASK THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK Present Owner, Conducting Another Busineu, Doe, Not Be“' Bu‘ N° ?"'„Kno“* ALL THE HOME NfcWS How To Throw In the Clutch, Says L. A. Walker. Equal the Which It Envolves. Subscription $3.00 per year payable In ad­ Feel To Care vance ; single copies three cents. Advertising rates bused upon circulation and very reasonable. Editor of The Courier-Gazette: — cerlty now and then, It is all that it NEWSPAPER HISTORY An announcement was made yes­ addtd work more than she feels able Last Sunday while walking with Is practical to expect. But let us not The Rockland Gazette was established in IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY terday which will bring sincere regret to assume. The maternity hospital be guilty of the profanation of think­ 1846 In 1874 the Courier was established the multitude to the House of God and consolidated with the Gazette in 1882. KATHLEEN M. SNOW ............. LIBRARIAN I to many persons, not only in Knox has already been closed and the sur­ ing of our relation to the disorderly my mind persisted in dwelling upon The Free Press was established in 1855, and I County, but In the territory contlg- gical department will follow suit as Woman as “Christian.” The first in 1801 changed its name to the Tribune. Week days: 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. soon as the present patients can ,be tlte unfortunate women who had just These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. j units to It. It concerns the closing step toward sincerity here is to sin­ Sundays: 3 p. m. to 6 p- m. i of Silsby Hi^pital, which since its safely discharged. been haled into our police court and cerely recognize that we are all ar­ disposed of according to law. It is .*» •«. ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• M ! establishment by the late Dr. E. It. Silsby Hospital has graduated rant hypocrites. — "The choice of books is not the evident that we have a good and When a woman migrates to Rock­ ••• Chance nevec helps those who do least pa"rt of the duties of a scholar.” competent Judge who knows how to land from some other town ar.d — not help themselves.—-Sophocles. ••• apply the law and who does apply It proves herself undesirable, the judge '•* constructively Yet, here was a may as well order her to “move on ” ‘4g .«. e*e, e«< e«< e«e a«< e«o e»e ••• ••• «•••«•••• Have you read Edward Slosson's latest book, “Keeping Up With Sci- I perfect torrent of gospel to be poured We cannot shoulder responsibility for out at 10.31) Sunday morning with no THE CHAPMAN CONCERT pnee?” It is written especially for migratory disorder. However, that j those readers who have neither time J prospect of any drop of its energy ] course Is only local palliation and RED WING THOROUGHBRED Miss Muriel H- Wilson, soprano, ] nor inclination to study technical ar- being applied to the poignant prob­ affords no cure either for us or for lem of these disorderly women. The our neighbors. Collective intelli­ “The Motor With Power to Spare” ; and Gutsseppe Lombardo, tenor, with 1 tides, but who wish to have some appalling spectacle of such a Niag­ gence Is called for. In Nine Different Models—4 to 90 H. P. j William R. Chapman at the piano, knowledge of the constant advances ' | will give a notable concert in the ' in the various branches of science. I ara of wasted power on one hand, and His Honor, the Mayor, is right. of such pitiable social liability on the : : : AGENTS FOR : : : i First Baptist church Thursday even- , The articles are authoritative but are . This lg more of a church than a mu­ • other prompts these thoughts which nicipal /problem. A broken life be­ Red Wing Kermath Scripps Searchlights, etc. ! ing, under the auspices of Wight ; written in a popular, chatty style] I Philharmonic Society. This' pro- which makes the book especially' I submit for what they may be longs to the church to repair. In Winton Unimote Generating Outfit Speedway Mianus worth. Dickens’ "Bleak House," “Poor Jo," is Johnson Reliance Tachometer! gram will be presented: 1 adapted to "flll-in” reading. Lathrop Fritbie Our churches are ostensibly or­ told to “Move on” until, at last, in Evinrude Cadyford and Electric Bilge Pumps I (a) Rlntiieanto ........................................ Toselll Mr Lombardo ( To those who have not time to ganized and maintained to "seek and his misery and animal ignorance he Sterling Standard Many Electric Windlasse* ’ 25?™ <flla 8'5®* .................. J^ank ',olr 1 read the many short stories of cur- to save the lost," yet if one of these moves with indefinite pathos Into the Universal Reg alt Others Brunner Air Compressors (b) The Jattlnilne Door .............. Alicia Scott , n>vj.iAn.a j j,lis wilson i rent- magazines Edward O Brien s outcasts were to be conducted up the unknown mystery. So stupidly und aisle this Sunday morning’, what Our marine railways accommodate boats up to 80 feet. (a) Rimpeanto ..!................................ Toselll i "Best short stories of 1924,” will The Silsby Hospital cruelly do we deal with that sin Wo build boats of all sizes from dories to bankers. ■ lb) (iod Bless You My Dear ......... Edwards prove most interesting. One may not construction would lie put upon her which according to the Master in­ (c) I Love the Moon^....................... Reubens enUre,y arge<1 wHh Mf O'Brlen. in presence liy the good people oj the Engines installed. volves less moral turpitude than ! Ombra Legere Lagrlma .................. Meyerbeer hl« choice but it is indeed to be ap- Silsby, has been one of the most im­ many nurses, and there are still sev­ church? The Salvation Army Is those great wrongs which may be Write for an estimate on your requirements. Mlss Wilson „ ! predated that one be spared read- portant institutions of Ils kind in eral connected with the Nurses' tlte only branch of the church which committed "within the law.” Una Furtlva Lagriina ...................... Donizetti ing the many mediocre stories in Eastern Maine. Training School. Arrangements makes any attempt to rehabilitate The probation officer represents LET US SELL YOUR BOAT Mr Lombardo .Since the death of Its founder the this class of sinners. The Army is (a) “Deln Angeslcht .................. Schumann search for one that is of real worth. have been made to transfer them. civilization, sincerity, mercy, Intelli­ (b) The Cry of Rachel .. Mary Turner «alter Charts showing the comparative hospital has been conducted liy his "The field is large enough for two a long range medium through which gence, social and individual con­ JOHN M. GAMAGE & SONS, INC. .... Miss Wilson rating of various magazines in re­ dnughter. Mrs. Harriet Silsby Frost, hospitals,” remarked a prominent we edntribute without coming Into struction. A police matron contri­ Until ................................................... Sanderson defiling contact. Yet. there is some­ Mr. Lombardo lation to the number and grades of Whose desire has been to continue the Rockland citizen yesterday; "in fact butes the necessary feminine ele­ EOAT BUILDING AND REPAIRING I (a) Thank God for a Garden Teresa Del RJego short stories printed and an index maintenance until such time ns other one hospital nunnot begin to handle thing insincere In this handing out ment to all those things. Both are : : BOAT BROKERS : : (h) The Night Wjnd .......t Roland[Farley to ajj .vfoort stories of the year are parties might desire to take it over. all of the cases at times I hope the help on the end of a long pole, with­ essential to an advancing community (ib) The Cry of Rachel. .i.Mary Turner Balter out sympathy, understanding or sac­ Miss Wilson other useful sections of this book. Immersed in her own business as proper parties can be found Io con­ as large as Rockland. ROCKLAND, ■ ■ ■ MAINE Duet—Morir! si para e bella, “Alda”.. Verdi • • • • florist she has the responsibility and tinue this second hospital.” rifice. But where does the church come in., TELEPHONE 702-W IMiss Wilson and Mr. Lombardo Alfred Noyes’ “Some Aspects of No saving work can he done with­ Usually as the most prodigious Modern Poetry” has brought forth a out sacrificial suffering, without per­ waster of the most tremendous power storm of criticism To the hcrald- ROCKLAND’S FIRST AUTO SHOW sonal risk. Mountains of hypocrisy lit the world. The trouble Is that KEEP KLEEN KUFFS ers of Sandburg, Lindsay and Low- rear their heads between the smug the church Is Idling her mighty en­ el’. Mr. Noyes’ conservative opin­ . » church member and the creature in gines. They are being stoked at For Men and Women ions ‘belong in the 19th oentury arid the prisoner's dock. enormous expense; flags are flying, Many Cars Will Be Exhibited At the Arcade Beginning We have built and cherished a J have no worth in criticising the drums beating. Oratory and baked poetry of today. By those more Tomorrow—A Fine List of Entries. social convention that her sin is un­ beans are plentiful but no one thinks conservative readers who can still pardonable and her character un­ to connect those dynamic engines up derive much pleasure from Wads­ saleable. The sincerity of Jesus with the work. No one knows how EARTHQUAKE worth. Tennyson, or Meynell or who frankly declared her character to throw In the clutch. This is the week of the Rockland Graham and expect to be In line much better than that of hypocritical Manufactured by Longfellow, Mr.
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