ATWSPre-Tour Ticino operatedbybaumeler baumeler Hiking& Adventure Ticino Ticino GuidedHiking&Adventuretour 4 days / 3 nights The Italianflairof Switzerland. The Mediterraneanregionseemstobegin on the southern sideofthe Alps. Thereis a feelofItaly, withpalmtreesat clean beaches and lanes and alleywaysleadingtopiazzas and churches. But the Alps arealwayscloseby. Mountain toursthatstart in snow, ice and rock, end in balmychestnutforests. Gentianblooming on Alpine pastures and woodedhillsrisingto high peaks on theshoresofTicino'slakescontrastwithrichcamellia on lakeshorepromenades. Weshowyoutheverybestof Ticino combinedwithsomeamazinghikingtours and adventurousactivities. Alpine and Glacier worldof Ticino Oneovernight in themountainhutCristallina ForoglioWaterfalls. Pretty cities Locarno, Ascona, Bellinzona& Lugano Visitthe UNESCO castlesof Bellinzona Automnfestival in Lugano CanyoningAdventure baumeler Hiking& Adventure Ticino Travel Itinerary 1stday Oct 4 Alpine adventure Hiking time: approx.2.5 Stunden Individual journeyto Bellinzona. 11:00h Meeting-point at Hotel Internazionale in Bellinzona. Storage ofyourluggage. Bepreparedfor a 2-dayhike (hikingboots, appropriatecloths, sunprotection, rain cover, snacks and water and a backpackforyourstuff) 11:30-13:30h Transfer totheNaret Lake fromwherewestartourtoday'shike. On boardwehave a picknick-lunch. A pleasantfootpathleads in northerlydirectionfromthelakealongtheriveruptotheNaret Pass. FromheretheCristallinahutisalreadyvisible. 17h30 Arrival attheCapannaCristallina, Altitude 2575 m s / m. Dinner and overnightatthemountainhut - bepreparedtosleep in a dormitory. baumeler Hiking& Adventure Ticino 2ndday Oct 5 Glacier world,waterfalls and culture Individual breakfast atthehut and check-out. 08:00 Hikefrom the Cristallinahut to San Carlo (duration 3h). The mightyBasodino Glacier graduallycomesintoview, a glittering white peakagainst the backdrop of a granite and gneiss landscape. Crystal clear, turquoise-green or ice-bluelakes in a majestic High Alpine world, surrounded by granite massifs and glaciers. 11:45 ContinuationoftheescursiontoSonlerto and thentoForoglio. A spectacularsightistheForoglioWaterfallrushing down a 80 meter high rockintothe Val Calnegia, whichcanbereachedfromForoglio. Like in other alpine valleys, thehistoryoftheBavonavalleyhasbeengreatlyshapedbytheseasonalmovementsofits population. In theBavonavalleyyoucan still clearlyseetheeffectsofthiscustom, alongwiththetracesleftby man. 12h30 Lunch attheGrotto La Froda in Foroglio – Tel: 091 754 11 81. 14:58 Transfer fromCavergnoto Locarno 15:55 Arrival in Locarno and visitoftheoldtownsurroundedbynarrowstreets and littleshopswithhandicrafts, attractiveoldbuildings and invitingcafésincludingthe Piazza Grande whichisthelargestpiazza in all of Switzerland and hostsinternationallyknownevents, likethe Film Festival of Locarno in August. Option: excursiontoCardada. 18:03 Departurefrom Locarno toBellinzonabytrain. Check-in atthe Hotel Internazionale*** 19:30 Dinner atthehotel. baumeler Hiking& Adventure Ticino 3rdday Oct 6 Change ofscenery Individual breakfast atthehotel and check-out. 08:00 Meetyourguide, Ms. XX, atthehotelreception. You will visitthethree UNESCO castlesof Bellinzona, Castel Grande, Montebello, and SassoCorbaro. 09:27 Departurefrom Bellinzona trainstationto Rivera: 09:39 Arrival in Rivera trainstation and gotothe The Monte TamarofortheTamaro- Lemahike, oneofthemostbeautifulhikes in thewholepre-alpine region. 12:00 Lunch bagatthe Mount Tamaro – Lema. 15:00 Transfer fromMigliegliato Lugano 16:00 Arrival in Lugano. Transfer tothecitycenter and visitofthewinefestival. 19h00 Dinner in oneofthenumerousgrottinioperatedbylocalcompanieswhich will offertypicalTicinesespecialties, such aspolentawithsteworbeans and mortadellaorroastpork, risotto, minestrone, gnocchi and manyother exquisite localdelights. The Autumnfestivalconcludestheopen-aireventswith a large fair in thepedestrianzoneof Lugano. 21h12 Departurefrom Lugano Train Station to Bellinzona. baumeler Hiking& Adventure Ticino 4thday Oct 7 Canyoning - dayofadventure 08:00 Individual breakfast atthehotel. 08:35 Departurefrom Bellinzona toCrescianobybus: Canyoning in Ticino. Thatisfollowing a streamthrough a narrowgorge, a greatwateractivitywith a high funfactor. Weusethestreamtofollowthegorge: weslide down beautifulrockslides, swimthroughclearpools, jump intothewater (optional) and abseil down waterfalls. Noexperiencerequired. 11:02 DeparturefromCrescianoto Bellinzona 11:23 Arrival in Bellinzona Hotel Internazionale, time tohave a showeratthehotelbeforehaving lunch atthe Restaurant Casa del Popolo (besides de Hotel Internazionale) ataround 12:15. 14:06 Departurefrom Bellinzona Train Station to Lucerne Insurance istheresponsibilityoftheparticipants. Programsubjecttochange. Contact Baumeler Travel Ltd. Marina Tonn Incoming Manager +41 (0)41 418 65 19 [email protected]; www.baumeler-travel.com TICINO TURISMO Veronica Lafranchi Country Manager Overseas +41 (0)91 825 70 56 [email protected]; www.ticino.ch .
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