GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN LOCAL AUTHORITIES BEST PRACTICES GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN LOCAL AUTHORITIES BEST PRACTICES GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN LOCAL AUTHORITIES BEST PRACTICES Copyright © United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), 2008 All rights reserved United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) P. O. Box 30030, 00100 Nairobi GPO KENYA Tel: 254-020-7623120 (Central Office) www.unhabitat.org HS/1016/08 ISBN: 978-92-1-131995-8 DISCLAIMER The designations employed and the presentation of material in this report do not imply of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authori- ties, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its economic system or degree of development. The analysis conclusions and recommendations of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme or its Governing Council. Cover photo:© UN-HABITAT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Principal Editor and Manager: Lucia Kiwala, Ansa Masaud Principal Author: Wandia Seaforth, assisted by Elizabeth Mwaniki, Martha Mathenge, Patricia Sudi, Happy Kinyili Contributors: Mayor�����������������������������������������������������������s Office/i-Governance Program Team, Naga City, Philippines Nest! Foundation, Netherlands Mother Centers International Network, Stuttgart, Germany Center for Partnership Initiatives for Development, Inc. (CPID), Capoocan, Leyte, Philippines Provincial Commission for Women, Bulacan, Philippines Santoanto ��������������������������Andre Municipality, Brazil Bharatpur Municipality,������������������� Nepal Ouagadougou Municipality, Burkina Faso Kuyasa Fund, Cape Town, South Africa Rwandan Women Community Development Network,Kigali, Rwanda Lihok Pilipina Foundation, Cebu City, Philippines Montréal (Femmes et ville), Comité d�action femmes et sécurité urbaine (CAFSU), Québec,Canada Women and Family Policy Bureau, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea Council of European Municipalities and Regions CCRE-CEMR), Paris, France English Editor: ��������������������������Ingrid Uys, Roman Rollnick Design and Layout: Andrew Ondoo Sponsor : Government of Norway Printer: UNON/Publishing Services Section/Nairobi i CONTENTS FOREWORD 1 Gender and Citizenship in the Integrated Programme for Social Inclusion – Santo André, Brazil 51 INTRODUCTION 2 Poverty Reduction 56 SOURCES OF INITIATIVES PRESENTED 5 Rural – Urban Partnership Programme – Bharatpur USE OF THE HANDBOOK 7 Municipality, Nepal 56 SELECTED THEMES AND ENTRY POINTS 8 “The Green Brigade”: Setting-up of a team of women to clean the streets of Ouagadougou, Women’s Empowerment 8 Burkina Faso 59 Governance 10 Housing and Security of Tenure 61 Women’s Safety and Security 11 The Kuyasa Fund, Cape Town, South Africa 61 Housing and Security of Tenure 12 Village of Hope - Kigali, Rwanda 64 GENDER MAINSTREAMING POLICY FRAMEWORK: REGIONAL AND COUNTRY EXAMPLES 14 Women’s Safety and Security 68 European-wide Gender Mainstreaming Family/Community Watch against Domestic and Policies and the Role of Local Authorities 15 Gender Violence, Cebu, Philippines 68 Rwanda: Women Representation in Integrating a Gender Perspective in Governance at National and Local Levels 21 Public Transit - the “Between Two Stops” Service Montréal Québec Canada 72 South Africa: Gender Mainstreaming Policies and the Role of Local Authorities 22 CONCLUSION: LESSONS LEARNED BEST PRACTICES CASE STUDIES 25 FROM THE CASE STUDIES 77 Comprehensive Approach to REFERENCES 79 Gender Mainstreaming 25 ANNEXES 84 Gender Mainstreaming and the Women Women Development Code of Naga City 84 Development Code of Naga City, Philippines 25 Seoul Metropolitan Government’s Implementation Strategy Gender Mainstreaming, Women Friendly City Project 104 Vienna, Austria 30 The European Charter for Equality of Women and Municipal Plan to Promote Men in Local Life 110 Gender equity in Belén, Costa Rica 36 Women’s Empowerment 39 The Grassroots Women’s International Academy 39 Mother Centres International Network /AG International, Stuttgart, Germany 42 Governance 42 Programme on Gender and Development for Capoocanons (Pro-GAD Capoocanon), Philippines 45 Provincial Commission for Women in Bulacan, Philippines 48 ii BEST PRACTICES IN GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN LOCAL AUTHORITIES ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACHPR African Charter of Human and Peoples Rights AU African Union BCW Barangay Council for Women BDC Barangay Development Council CAFSU Le Comité d’action femmes et sécurité urbaine (Women’s Urban Safety Action Committee) CBOs Community Based Organizations CCRE – CEMR Council of European Municipalities and Regions CCTVs Closed-Circuit Televisions CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women CGE Commission on Gender Equality CHRAJ Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice CODI Committee on Decorum and Investigation of cases on Sexual Harassment in the city government of Cebu COHRE Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa CoP Community of Practice CORDAID Catholic Organization for Relief and Development AID CPFs Community Policing Forums CPID Center for Partnership Initiatives for Development CRC Convention on the Rights of Child CSW Commission on the Status of Women DAG Development Action Group DAS Municipality of Ouagadougou iii DIABP Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment DILG Department of Interior and Local Government DJI Deutsches Jugendinstitut EAC East African Community EAGGF European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund EC European Commission ECA Economic Commission for Africa ECE Economic Commission for Europe ECOSOC Economic and Social Council of the United Nations EDPRS Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy EEA European Economic Area EED Der Evangelische Entwicklungsdienst eV (Lutheran Development Service) EFSU European Forum for Urban Safety ERDF European Regional Development Fund ESF European Social Fund EU European Union EUCPN EU Crime Prevention Network FCM Federation of Canadian Municipalities FGM Female Genital Mutilation FIFG Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance GAA General Appropriation Act GAD Gender and Development GBI Gender Budgeting Initiatives GBV Gender-based Violence GDP Gross Domestic Product GFPs Gender Focal Points GRBs Gender Responsive Budgets GRBI Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiatives GROOTS Grassroots Organizations Operating Together in Sisterhood GWIA Grassroots Women’s International Academy iv BEST PRACTICES IN GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN LOCAL AUTHORITIES HIC Habitat International Coalition HIC-WAS Habitat International Coalition Women and Shelter Network HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Countries HIV/AIDS Human Immuno-deficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome IBIS A funding agency ICASA International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa ICPC International Centre for the Prevention of Crime ICPD International Conference on Population and Development ICT Information Communication Technology IDRC International Development Research Centre ILGS Institute of Local Government Studies ILO International Labour Organization INAMU Women National Institute ISPs Internet Service Providers IULA International Union of Local Authorities LGRP Local Government Reform Program LSR Local Sectoral Representation MAP Men as Partners Program MCDGC Ministry of Community Development Gender and Children MD Municipal Departments MDGs Millennium Development Goals MGFT Municipal GAD Focal Team MLGRD Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development MWCSW Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare NCCW Naga City Council for Women NCPC Naga City People’s Council NCPS National Crime Prevention Strategy NDAP National Decentralization Action Plan NEDA National Economic and Development Administration NEDLAC National Economic, Development and Labour Council v NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NGOs/POs Non-Government and People’s Organizations Nisaa Nisaa Institute for Women’s Development NSGRP National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty OSW Office on the Status of Women OVC Orphan and Vulnerable Children PACT-USA A nonprofit corporation PCWB Provincial Commission for Women of Bulacan PO- RALG President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Governments POWA People Opposing Women Abuse Pro-GAD Program on Gender and Development PRS Poverty Reduction Strategy PWC Parliamentary Women’s Caucus RCCTT Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust RWN Rwanda Women Network SADC Southern African Development Community SALGA South African Local Government Association SFWF Seoul Foundation of Women and Family SIDA Swedish International Development Agency SMS Short Messaging Service SPARC Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centres SSP Swayam Shikshan Prayog STCUM La Société de transport de la Communauté urbaine de Montréal TLOs Tole/Lane Organizations (CBOs) UN United Nations UNCDF United Nations Capital Development Fund UCLG United Cities and Local Government UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund vi BEST PRACTICES IN GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN LOCAL AUTHORITIES UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Programme USAID United States Agency for International Development VAW Violence Against Women VoH
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