P Y'y'1 -YI~ 340 341 the Plant Names Nsed Are According to Hillebrand Ex N

P Y'y'1 -YI~ 340 341 the Plant Names Nsed Are According to Hillebrand Ex N

339 ,lererence Tables of the Hawaiian Delphacids and of Their Food-Plants. CO~lPILED BY WALTER ::IL GIFFARD. ~ The compilation of the following ready reference lists of ·"known species of Hawaiian Delphacids and of their food­ ''plants was undertaken in the hope that it might in a measure of some assistance to local collectors of this interesting fam- '.l,r. Qnite a numher of food-plants have Leen added in thes(• ~Is to those already known and previonsly recorded, lrnt mnch •. t.s yet to be learned in this particular direction by continued :.tJ!lematic collecting. T haw~ followed l\Ir. Frederick :Muir's Jf\'('llt Heview of the Hawaiian Dclphacidaei+ in listing the :~1era and species together with the compilations of food-plants rr.orde(l therC'in as well as those published in Fanna T-Iawaii­ ·:nsj~ hy my frieml, the late Mr. George \Y. ICirkaldy:t" To ~llir::r has been r.dcled informatio11 supp1ied me by fllcssrs. Timlic>rlake, Swezey, and Bridwell and obtained by them on ff{'(>llt collecting trips in the rnmmtainons regio11 of the Island ·.,( Oahn. The author has also i11cl11ded his 1·c·sults of sys­ lftnntic collecting of Delphacids for ~Ir. ~I ni r 011 hrn rerent ti~it~ to the Kilauea region (4,000 fret elernti011) on the l~lancl of Ha\rnii aml on Tantalns (L"JOO feet ('lcrntion),. Oahu.:j: Co11ti1111ecl systematic collecti1lg of om t•11clemic Del­ ,plia<'ids and other Homoptera will nndonhteclly fnrnisli pre8ent :ad fntme workers in this group \\·ith a still better knowledge :~ti thr trees ancl plant,; on which they feed and this i11 tnm \\'ill of material assistance in the future work of identification. I am mnch indebted to m.Y friends, Messrs. ~Ini r, Swezey, '.'~nd Timberlake, for. their generous assistance hy means of their '.:fotlwtions and field notes. •Proc. Haw. Ent. Soc., III, No. 3, September, 1916. ; ' t Fauna Hawaiiensis, Vol. II, Part VI (Supplement), pp. 578-598, 1'10. t The numbers given ·in Table I following the author's name as collector are those taken from his field notes which give full details aid data as regards environment and the special food plants under •er1·ation. The individual specimens in his collections bear corre­ QOndlng numbers. Proc. Haw. Ent. Soc. III, No. 4, May, 1917. P Y'Y'1 -YI~ 340 341 The plant names nsed are according to Hillebrand ex N. antidcsmac Mnir Antidcsma platyphyllum Mann, No­ m a fern· cases where a more recent name yernher, 1916, Giffard and Fnllaway. 11sed. JV. j'letus (Kirk.) Snttonia sp., December, 1910, Munro. TABLE L r:r·:FEHE:\C'E L[ST OF IL\WATL\:\ DELPIL\CTDAE WITH Tirnm FOODi, N. guliclti ::\Inir, J!etrosidcros polymorpha Ga11cl. (2); .Tan­ l'LA :\TS.,~. narv 1917 lono· series of both sexes, ~fuir aml Gif •'' ' b LmALOIJ ,\ ford; Osman thus sandicensis (Gray), ;January, 1917; one nymph bred to matnrity, :JI11ir and Giffard. J,. na11iirn!a (Kirk.) Jfelrosideros poly111.01pha Gand. (!)~ 71. Zell 11ar• (E:irk.) Jfl'frosideros polymorpha Gand. (1). 1V. bobeae (Kirk.) Bobca. sp. (1). f,. lcl111al' !11111'uiil'11sis ~fnir jfefros1:dcros poly11wrplw Gaud.· "V. mandala :Jf11ir. Jfaba sandll'icensis D. C., long series, .Ta1111ary, 1DLJ, ~\fl1ir nncl Giffard; .T annary, mm, 10111: Osmanthus sandwiccnsis (Gray), nymphs bred to ma serif's \rith young, Giffard Ko. 7a. Some nymphs h~. tnritY .Tan11arv 1917, Giffard and jfoir. ,, ' ,; ' to rnatmity on Stmussia sp., .T annary, 1917, Giffa'4! 1V. pe1.Z.insi (Kirk.) Sutto11ia sp. (1). n11<l J[11 i r. !1. ohiac (I\irk.) Jlctrosideros polymorpha Gaud. (1). N. ierryi (Kirk.) Osma111l1.11s sa11d11·icc11sis (Gray), April, 191G, Swezey. :\ ESODRYAS "Y. frcyc1:1wfiae Kirk. Frr,ycinctia arnott1: Gaud. (1); F!.ft. 1Y. 1mmrm J\fuir. Dodonaca riscosa L., December, 101G, nuny, 191G, long series "·ith young along with Nf'.~O-~~ Jfnnro. 11c l/({7ia Kirk., Giffarcl No. 13a. f .\r.on.1. "Y. r;i/frmli Kirk. Cyrtandra grnndiflora Gand. (1); cy,J: :I. ipomocac Kirk. Izwmoca pes-cnpmc, I. bataias, I. bo­ ta 11dra yarn of i1111a Gand. A ngnst, 1916, Rolla11tfic nanox,. I. tubcrcnlata, I. 1"11sularis (1) Sca1n·ola coriacca ,r;ra11difolia I1bd. Jfarch, April, 1916, long series, Tim-;~ X11tt., A ngust, Swezey. berlake. .~. Ji ..t. 111yopo1·icola Kirk. Myoponum sandwiccnse Gray (1); .Y. clrtl'OC!ll'j!i 1\ irk. Rlacoca1·1rns u·ifidus Hook. al}(! .\1'1.' Pclea. rulca.nica Gray., ad nits and nymphs, .Tan nary, (1); ('yrlo111lm ;}l(/11dosa Gaud .•Tune, mm, Scncrollc rn17, Muir and Giffard. mo!lis 11ook. all(l "\rn . .Tnue, 191G, long series, Tim-:· ,I. plr:r:frwdhi Muir. Plcctra11fh11s pa1Tiflorns ·willd., liedake. ~farch, 1916, Swezey; April, Oshorn, reared from eggs, .Y. e11:;e11i11t l\il'k. Sy.zyq/11111 s11nd11'1:ccnse (Gray) (I);·: no adults taken (2). :JlarC"h, .\pril, mm, 1011g series with young Giffard. .I. kirl.-aldyi ::\[11ir, Eupltorbia hillcbramli Forbes, .Tnly, X. rlodo11aca1' J!11ir. Dodm1ara sp. (2). mm, long series, Bricl1Yell, Timberlake . Y. dryo;Je J(il'k. .l11/irlcsnw J!fatyphyllurn l\fann, .Tan1-: ..:! • s//'ezryi j] uir. Campylotheca macrornrpa. libd., Feh­ ary, Hl17, j[uir arnl Giffard. rrnll')', 1917, series of both sexes, Timherlakl'; Lythrnm sp., .Tnne, 191G, onr male, S\\'ezey. * ( 1) Refers to Kirkaldy, Fauna Hawaiiensis, Vol. II, Part \1,: 11p. ii77-598. (2) Refers to Muir, 1916, Pro. Haw. Ent. Soc., III, :\o. I;· .I. 1f'uil117Jcnsis Mnir. Coprosma longifolia Gray, Jnne, pp. I GS-197. Other numbers refer to writer's field notes. 1!11G, 011C male, Timberlake. 343 342 N. koae-phyllodii ~[uir. A ca.cia k·oa Gray, on the phyllo­ A. flarncollai·is Muir. D uuautia la.ra Hook. and Arn., dia (2). D. plantaginea Gancl., Jnly, 1916, long series, Timber· lake, Rriclwell. N. pele Kirk. Sfranssia sp., January, 1D17, Giffard ancl Muir. A. d11()(wtiac (Kirk.) Duuautia plantaginea Gaud. (1); 1V. oahuensis ~Iuir. Charpentiera obovata Gray, ~larch, D. la:ui Hook. and .Am., :March, Oct., 1916, Timber· lake. April, June, 1916, long series, Timberlake. N. cyrfanclmc ~Inir. Cyrtandra sp., September, Swezey. 11. nrtem·isiuc (Kirk.) A rlcmi~·ia australis Less., Kirkaldy, Proe. lLm. Ent. Soc. II, 1910, p. 118. X. youldiac Kirk. Gouldia'* sp. (1); Cyrta1ulr:i gm1'.di­ /lora. Gaml., August, October, 191G, long series, T11u­ /l. 1:11111;1yfo//1ccae Muir. sp. (2). CamzJylothcca berlake. /1'. hwfe11sis ?.fnir. C'n111pyloihcca sp., .Tnly, 191(), ]011!! N. /Jlacld!111"111: .l\rnir. Pipfor11s ali/Jdus Gray; Jannary. ~(·rH·~. Ti111LC'rlakc. 1915, Jlnir and Giffard; October, 1915, and Jan nary, rn rn, long series IYith yomig fro11i isolated trees, Gif­ fard X os. 5, 10, 11, 1-t, 17, 5a, Ga, lla; Stenogy11c .\-. j'ificico/11 J\ i rl::. Frrns ( 1). ca l a11n'll· tlwu · z cs G ray,- ,T an11a1,;, · · 1(\lGu , 10110·,., seriesc "·ith• X. 11i111f!llia (Eid::.) l'lu•r;o1iteris sp., Ap1·il, mm, Ti111- Yom10· Giffard, ·yos. 2a, +a, Lia; Cll'n11ontia parvi­ lJcdak(•. J'lora '"';·ar. plcia.1dha Uillcb., .January, lDHi, small series ),~< >T II U]{ES'l'L\:'; with yom1g, Giffard No. 14a. S. fiadia .\I 11ir, Ferns. one male, Timbcrlakt>. N. piptu.ri Kirk. Pipt'llrus albid11s Gra,Y (1), Febrnary, rnlG, long series with yonng, Giffard, Ko. !'la. l) I ('TYO l'II OHO DE!. Pl I AX ~Y. chamucrsi Kirk. Raillardia sp. January, 101;), Muir D. mimlJilis Swezey. l'itiosponi.m glaDrwn Hook. a111l and Giffard; January, mm, long series "·ith young, ~~ni., :\Iarcli, 191G, t\\'o males, Bridwell, Timberlak1·: Giffard X o. 3a, 12a. E upli orbia cl11siae/ul1:a. Hook. and Am., June, ,July. Scptembc·r, 1D1 G, long series, Briel well, Sweze.r, Tim­ N. cyathodis Kirk. Cyatlwdcs tamcia111eia1· Cham. (1); herlake: R11;11ior!Jia hillc!Jm11d·1: Forbes, ,Tnly, lDlfl, ~ .T anuary, 1!11;\ long series, Mnir and Giffard; . ?cto­ bcr, l!)l;), and ,J annary, 101G, Yery common, G1H~ml adnlt~ and ll_Ylll]>lis, Timberlake, Swezey, Brid1Ycll. Xo. 2. -:.:· J.:S< lS \'DX E V 7ea71£ (1\irk.) Lipochar:!a sp. J\irkaldy, mo-~. Euto1110:­ "\'. l<oae 1~ irk .. l rn1·i11 l<ua Gray, 011 the young lmwcs, man.'· ogist p. 17 G ; Lipochacta t_alyrnsa G~·a.", 1 l ii, rc·c'.on];; of ailulls a11cl nymphs. ·'. '.m'.', n long series, Timberlake; T,1.poc 1we t a 1 n te:;n t o7 1a Gra.Y, _y_ nt11es!'e11s Kirk. :1ml ,·ar. J!lilla ·~Iuir. Acacia koa. Gray. November, 101G, long series, Timberlake. on tl1e pliyllodin, 111any n•corcls of adults and yonni?. .Y. raillardiae F irk. Nail!ardia s11. (1) : Rai17ardia .) ni1· Stray spPcin1e11s of 1Y. J.,oap arc fo1111cl on the phyllodia nary. rn1 G, series \\'ith y01rnµ:. Giffard X o. 10a: .T flll· ;111d j'. r11/11•scc11s nn leaves. _y_ 11se11dont11cste11s '.\lnir. Aracia l.·ua Gray (2), .Tann· • (foulrlia. of Kirkaldy was no doubt a misidentification. The plant ary, rn17. Giffard and ilfoir. ID question was undonbtdly ('yrt11111lm sp. fEd.] .._ 345 nnry, 1817, lung series \ritli yo1mg and oue macroptl'r· 011s female, ::\J11ir arnl Giffard. iELJSIA 1.L sporo Iw 1tcu. lo · Eirl·'· OJJOl"Ouol11s cirginiClls Kth. (1). X. ipo111ocico!a Kirk. Ipo111om sp., J ussiaca villosa, Do/i. 1r· ·\· P1·agrostis variabilis Garnl. October, clios la1J/a(J (I); Ipo111oca sp. Eebrnary, lDlG, long se· ]{, swczcyi '"11 '· " ~ G"f- HllG, Swezey aml Timberlake; 1\m·embcr, 10 16 ' 1 ries \\"ith yo1111g, Giffard :l\' os. 10a, 18a; Sadlcria an•I ford and :Fnllaway. Ciuotium ferns; October, 1915, and Jan nary, 191G. long series \\"ith young, Giffard KOS. 1, 3, 4, 9, 12, rn. ]{, paludum Kirk. JI crpcstis monnieria and a sedge (J Ull- Ilia; Lyt11 r11111 maritimum H.

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