4402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 19, N. Y., in favor of Honse bill No. 7094, to establish a Branch Sol­ charge of desertion from the record of Orange A. Avery-to the diers' Home at Johnson City, Tenn.-to the Committee on Mili­ Committee on Military Affairs. tary Affairs. Also, petition of employees of Armour Station post-office, Chi­ By Mr. ESCH: Petitions of Grand Army of the Republic posts cago, Ill., favoring the passage of Hous~ bill No. 9565, for the of Hixton, Eleva, Arcadia, and Galesville, Wis., in favor of House retirement of civil employees after long service-to the Commit­ bill No. '7094, to establish a Branch Soldiers' Home at Johnson tee on Reform in the Civil Service. City, Tenn.-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, petition of the National Pa;per Hangers' Protective Asso­ Also, resolution of the Chamber of Commerce of Milwaukee, ciation, Chicago, Ill., against the passage of the Grout bill to Wis., asking for reduction of internal-revenue tax-to the Com­ increase the tax on oleomargarine, etc.-to the Committee on mittee on Ways and Means. Agriculture. Also, petitions of the Methodist Episcopal, Baptist, and Chris­ By Mr. MORRIS: Petitions of Grand Army of the Republic tian churches of Sparta, Wis., and citizens of Lafayette, Wis., to posts of Duluth, Hewitt, Park Rapids, Gray Eagle, an~Paynesville: prohibit the selling of liquors in any post exchange, transport, or Department of Minnesota, in favor of House bill No. 7094, to es­ premises used for military purposes-to the Committee on Military tablish a Branch Soldiers' Home at Johnson City, Tenn.-to the Affairs. Committee on Military Affairs. Also, resolutions of a pro-Boer public meeting in Eau Claire, By Mr. NAPHEN: Resolutions of the Central Labor Council of Wis., &xpressing sympathy with the republics of South Africa­ Cincinnati, Ohio, opposing the passage of the Grout oleomargarine to the Committee on Insular Affairs. bill-to the Committee on Agriculture. By l\Ir. GARDNER of Michigan (by request): Petition of drug­ By Mr. NEVILLE: Resolution of North Platte Commerdal gists of Charlotte, Mich., for the repeal of the tax on medicines, Club, urging adequate appropriation for hydrograpic survey in perfumery, and cosmetics-to the Committee on Ways and Means. arid regions-to the Committee on Appropriations. By Mr. GLYNN: Papers to accompany House bill No. 6794, By Mr. O'GRADY: Petition of Chili Grange, No. 3~3, Patrons granting a pension to the widow of Capt. James McFarland-to of Husbandry, of New York, to amend the present lawm relation the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to the sale of oleomargarine-to the Committee on Agriculture. Also, papers to accompany House bill No. 7538, for the relief of By Mr. PEARRE: Petition of the estate of John Peacher, de­ Edward P. Quinn-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ceased, late of Washington County, Md., praying reference of war Also, papers to accompany Honse bill No. 7536, for the relief of claim to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. Ellen Casey-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. RAY of New York: Petition of Ben Marion Post, of Also~ paper to accompany House bill No. 7537, to correct the Walton, N. Y., Grand Army of the Republic, in favor of a bill military record of John Green-to the Committee on Military locating a Branch Soldiers' Home near Johnson City, Tenn.-to Affaira. the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, papers to accompany House bill No. 5654-to the Commit­ By Mr. SHAFROTH: Resolutions of the Board of Trade of tee on Claims. Leadville, Colo., opposing grants of public lands to any parties. Also, papers to accompany House bill No. 6795-to the Commit­ but actual settlers-to the Committee on the Public Lands. tee on War Claims. By Mr. STOKES: Protests of Abraham Lincoln Lodge, No. 445, Also, petitions of N. G. Lyon Post, No. 43, and Eugene Bronk Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, of Columbus, Ohio, and of Post, No. 117, Department of New York, Grand Army of the Re­ the Building Trades Council and the Central Labor Council of public, in favor of the establishment of a Branch Soldiers' Home Cincinnati, Ohio, against the passage of the Grout bill to increase near Johnson City, Tenn.-to the Committee on Military Affairs. the tax on oleomargarine, etc.-to the Committee on Agriculture. By Mr. GRAHAM: Resolutions of Omaha (Nebr.) Commercial By Mr. SULZER: Resolutions of the Omaha (Nebr.) Commer­ Club, in relation to the reclamation and settlement of arid lands­ cial Exchange Club, in relation to the reclamation and settlement to the Committee on Appropriations. of arid lands, etc.-to the Committee on the Public Lands. Also, petition of the Drug Exchange of Philadelphia, Pa., urging By Mr. WANGER: Petition of M. Y. Johnson and 32 other the purchase of the Calaveras big trees of California by the Gov­ farmers of Montgomery County, Pa., in favor of the Grout oleo­ ernment and to set aside the grove as.. a national park-to the Com­ margarine bill-to the Committee on Agriculture. mittee on the Public Lands. By Mr. WARNER: Petition of the Christian Endeavor Society By Mr. GREENE of Massachusetts: Petition of vessel owners; of Urbana, 111., for the passage of a bill to forbjd the sale of liquors master mariners, and citizens, relative to improvements in harbor in canteens-to the Committee on Military Affairs. of Fall River, Mass.-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. By Mr. WEYMOUTH: Petition of E. S. Clark Post, No. 115, By Mr. HENRY of Connecticut: Petition of Enfield Grange, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Massachusetts, No. 151, Patrons of Husbandry, of Enfield, Conn., in favor of the favoring the establishment of a Branch Sold~ers' Home a~ John­ passage of House bill No. 3717, amending the oleomargarine law­ son City, Tenn.-to the Committee on Military Affairs. to the Committee on Agriculture. Also, petition of the Union Temperance 1\1eeting and Woman's Also, petition of Enfield Grange, No. 151, Patrons of Hus­ Christian Temperance Union of Bolton, Mat>s., urging the enact­ bandry, of Enfield, Conn., in favor of Senate bill No. 1439, relating ment of the anti-canteen bill-to the Committee on Military to an act to regulate commerce-to the Committee on Interstate Affairs. · and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. J.AMES R. WILLIAMS: Paper to accompany House By M.r. HOPKINS; Petition of Barnes Post, No. 395, of King­ bill for the relief of Faiba Newby--to the Committee on Invalid ston, Ill., Grand Army of the Republic, in favor of a bill locating Pensions . a Branch Soldiers' Home near Johnson City, Tenn.-to the Com­ .Also, paper to accompany House bill for the relief of Andrew mittee on l\iilitary Affairs. J. Miller~to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By l\1r. JACK: Petition of Mechanicsburg Post, No. 441, of By l\Ir. ZIEGLER: Papers to accompany Honse bill to correct Brush Valley, Pa., Grand Armyof the Republic, in favor of a bill the military record of Abraham Myers-to the Committee on Mili­ locating a Branch Soldiers' Home near Johnson City, Tenn.-to tary Affairs. the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, papers to accompany House bill granting a pension to By Mr. KlTCHIN: Petition of the Representative Meeting of the Albert Wetzel-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends, favoring the enactment Also, papers to a~company House bill increasing tbe pension of of a clause in the Hawaiian constitution forbidding the manufac­ Sarah J. Warren-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ture and sale of intoxicating liquors and a prohibition of gambling and the opium trade-to the Committee on the Territories. Also, affidavit to accompany House bill No. 462, gi-anting a pen- SENATE. 2ion to Edward Henry-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. LONG: Resolutions of Haven Post, No. 435, Depart- THURSDA¥, April 19, 1900. ment of Kansas, Grand Army of the Republic, in favor of a bill Prayer by the Chaplain. Rev. w. H. MILBURN, D. D. locating a Branch Soldiers' Home near Johnson City, Tenn.-to The Secret~ryproceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro- tbe Committee on Militarv Affairs. h f l\f R db · By Mr. LYBRAND: Petitions of Torrence Post, No. 60, of Del- cee a·mgs, w en,onmotiono r. AWLINS,an yunammouscon- aware, and James Sailor Post, No. 440, of Degraff. Ohio, Grand sent, the further reading was dispensed with. Army of the Republic, in favor of House bill No. 7094, to estab- ThePRESIDENTprotempore. Without objection, the Journal lish a Branch Soldiers' Home at Johnson ()ity, Tenn.-to the Com- will stand approved. mittee on Military Affairs. REPORT ON EDUCATION IN PORTO RICO. Also, petitions of the St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church. of The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com- Delaware, Ohio, and Christian Endeavor Society of Marysviile, munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response Ohio, for the passage of a bill to fo.rbid liquor selling in canteens to a resolution of the 12th instant, a letter from Brig. Gen. George and in the Army, Navy, and Soldiers' Homes-to the Committee W. Davis, together with the report of Dr. Victor S. Clark on edu­ on Military Affairs. cation in the island of Porto Rico; which, with the accompany- By Mr. MANN: Papers to accompany House bill to remove the . ~ng papers, was referred to the Committee on Printing. • 1900. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 4403 , SCHOONER ORANGE. N. Y., praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit the The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com- sale of intoxicating liquors in Army canteens and in any of the munkation from the assistant clerk of the Com·t of Claims, trans- newly acquired possessions of the United States; which were re­ mitting the conclusions of fact and of law filed under the act of ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
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