Haryana Staff Selection Commission Panchkula Afternoon Session Post :- Sanitary Inspector Date :- ZS/LL/ZOL7 1. The hazard forrm infectious sharp waste is (1) Genetic r,rrodification (z) HrV infection (3) Rhinitis (4) Cotd oilBq FTsq q'fir+s frFTr 3rcRlq t (1) $r"friRta,+ilirrd e) ua3nffid*-qur (3) fGilgtus @) garq 2. The face needs special attention because it has (1) thinner skin el thicker skin (3) inner skin (4) whitish skin tr6t +t Fdelc f--qt-f, ai fir 3Trseq+ar t +etfu Ts6r (1) ;aqrqcrfrt t e) ecqrqt&t r (3) $idffrFFqrt | () sh-qrcqrt I 3. The unpleasant body odour can arise from all of the following ,except, (1) chemicals in sweat (21 skin bacteria that thrive in warm, moist, places (3) wastes excreted through the skin (4) whitish skin qrtr eiq q-{ sBq frFdRfud sefr tsr stri H, fdrq (1) qfiitwrqa (z) sqrtfiqrqdrrf, ilqetrdtfrqdqit I (3) as-qr *'qrr--{JT t 3dffid 3TqR}Ec (4) uhE;+qr 4. The disease caused by dog bite is (1) Cholera (2) ryphoid (3) Rabies (4) Convulsions 6A*.mrdS+taqItailart z (1) qtf{r (2) eqcfts (3) tdr.m (4) in;ftl.;;{I 5. An example of Polysaccharides is (1) Sucrose (21 Fructose (3) Glucose (4) Cellulose ddr$*{FsfiITqrf,{urt (2) Fnd-d (4) td,Tfd The one of the functions of fat is transport and storage of Vitamin (1) A (2) Vitamin B (3) Vitamin C (4) Vitamin B12 agt**rdfrttq 6Tqft{fl3it{ejsRqt r (1) ffian (2) ffiae (3) ffiac (4) ffiasrz 7. Vitamin C is also known as (1) Biotin (2) Pantothenic acid (3) Pyridoxine (41 Ascorbic acid Ffttfrf, c ei gs a;a t efr drflr drff t (1) Erdtua (2) ffi)fro(rftg (3) qrqtrdFrn (4) (rF+ffrfi(rfs 8. The graphical representation of variations in the manifestation of disease is cillled as (1) Spectrum of disease (2) Surveillance of disease (3) Sentinelsurveillance (4) lceberg of disease q;6r t4 frI 31ffi'd fr Fafiqtrarsrt h arfu+o tf;1Aq6 fr +qr 5|l cTr t ? (1) ft15vqfaqq (2) t|4firffi (3) Hrf,dfrrRrfr (4) frTfirffi?tn 9. The sociocultural risk group for any disease is (1) behaviour of smoking (2) genetic factors (3) gender of female (4) urban slums ffi efi ffir * R(r srqrffifi-€igfrfi' *Bc- F{d t (1) trr+Err4fiT d€6R (2) irr*iR',roorr+ (3) qfFnrnrftla (4) qrdfraftddFdqt The action taken prior to the onset of diseases is called as (1) primordialprevention (21 primary prevention (3) secondaryprevention (4) tertiary prevention t4 -ST gsrTrd t Tf,A fir 45 ffiur d +-6r qrdr t (1) dftdiq?nq (2) (3) srtrtr{fitr*?l-q. (4) 11. The demolition products such as bricks, masonry can be called as (1) Liquid waste (21 Solid waste , (3) Clhemicalwaste (4) Radioactive waste qr qrar €-Ct, fuTrg dt ffiera r.crEt +Or t (1) ;1-sstfitru (2) dfs6q-rr (3) qmrqfrfiqqr (4) tffia+-qtr 12. The best method for collection of refuse is (1) public bin (2) house to house collection (3) refuse collection vehicles (4) storage frqq 6| g+-gr +ri €r ats6 frfu t (1) qfufififr e) qr-E{fr{sgTsFr (3) ttqa5+-gr*risr&Er6n @) €zf6 13. Refuse that is collected from animal droppings and left over animal feeds are called as (1) Industrial refuse (2) Market refuse (3) Domestic refuse (41 Stable litter refuse t+qa ril ur+*t t ri-st 3lk drfr{t t s}S 6t' uri t rr+q frqr drf,r t, TS 6de H (1) sfrildfirs s,Trr (2) qrfE+qrr (3) qtfr;FTr (4) FlsfrR-.{Ms t4. Perchloron is also known as (1) High test hypochlorite (2) chloramine (3) chlorine gas (4) chlorination q{f,dt{id +t qO efr m6r drdr t (1) d-Sfeaorqde-drFc (2) nffid (3) +dtFTets G) +dtrie|f, 15. The equipment required to administer the chlorine gas to water supplies is (1) Horrock's apparatus (21 Paterson's chloronome (3) Orthotolidine (4) Sphygmomanometer cdT fiI :tTrTffi t fr(' Fa}trd ets ar cdtrf, *.i t fu *qa. gErswr t (1) Sf6*,13q5-qq e) f*sa+ftifra (3) Jleifztdrsn @) Rlryrrdfffir-{ 16. The regulatory, the psychomotor level of learning is (1) inrcrease in knowledge (2) behaviour and attitudes (3) ar:quiring new skills (4) healthcare skills frqrffi yfurrq or grq+idrct Fil{ t (1) ardfr@ Q) q+Orrikffiur (3) a('+tardqrudmrdr @) Fdreeqa€€Trd+tra L7. The au'dience which has gathered together with motives of curiosity is called as (11 controlled audience e) Uncontroiled audience (3) llomogenous group (4) Channel qd-6 dr qa R-f,rqr t r*Erq t wr gng gq t, J4.66A S (1) fitifrd3irB{ry e) 3Tfuiff,dsifg+T (3) uqsqqd g) +nn 18. The abnormal growth of premature cells in body can be called as (1) C,ancer (2) Diabetes (3) Arngina (4) Hypertension ertR fr,]Tfffid +tftTonil'firsrgrqr;q efu +) +-6 wr n-+ar S (1) dwr e) qr$6 (3) aeurFil g) FqFffiqrq 19. The prirnary prevention of lung cancer can include (1) Radiotherapy (2) Chemotherapy (3) Controlthe smoking (4) Drugs ilttrtr t *T{ *r qprfrfi iqenq fr' enfrf, d smA t (1) tBmotfr (2) €rdreltqr (3) Qavra qq fr{iTur (4) E-dr{qf 20. Hyperglycemia can be defined as (1) increase level of sugar in blood (2) increase level of sugar in body (3) drecr€?s€ level of sugar in blood (4) decrease level of sugar in body Frqq{?Fr-{SfrqTd ** qfteilftd F+qr dr sf,dr t z (1) qJfrrr&ntH{frqtr (2) effttfrlrtrr*'wfr-.1@ (3) q5fr erfiutFil{fr+-ff (4\ ?ft{ ti ert.rr h Fil{ d .F-ff 2t. The health education in school health can be on allof the following, except (1) Personal hygiene (2) Environmental hygiene (3) Family life (4) Handicap disease education q'd FErPq fr eqr€?a ftlqn frqfrEa €?fr qr d smfr t frdrq (1) eqft64-6sqE6dr (2) qqlqtsr€Ta,dr (3) qisrftofifrf, @) :raffiart+Rlqrr 22. The family planning helps individuals or couples to attain following objectives, except, (1) avoid unwanted births (2) bring about wanted births (3) rergulate intervals between pregnancy (4) increase the number o,f children cfrEn Fiftrq qffi qr srgt 6t ffifud rtsq 6l cpa +ri fr qrq +'rar F, frdrq (1) 3rEiBdil;qertrrI (2) siB-dw-q{Fqtn6{frr (3) araiaeen t drq dara +t lqffia +-cat (4) d-atfid'@rfrEC A birth interval of 2 to 3 years is considered desirable to reduce (1) unwanted births (2) wanted births (3) child mortalitY (4) the number of children ? z fr g d,f ttrqt3idrrd*1aq15qm{etfr('Effiqqraranrt (1) rniB.ailq (2) siBdd;q q@tfi€-€ql (3) ErFr4azI<{ (4) pregnancies are called as The prerventive methods to help women avoid unwanted methods (1) Contraceptive method el Physical methods (3) l'erminal methods (4) Combined +t +Ot qtea3ii +t Jqifua eEhIKq f 6-q-i t fr('qft1qTr.rfi atfi "1rf,I t (1) eratffiEmrdF (2) eafdfdR-qf (3) i'ffi;-aFdffi (4) F,qrdBR-qr visits covering the entire period of lf mother is not able to visit the antenatal clinic, then the pregnancy should be minimum in number of 6 (1) e (2) (3) 3 (4) L rts|til€gr 6r 3]-dfr 6t eIIfrf, 6.{i E|-d qfr 4rdr qaerigd ffi;m +'r dfrr *ag d s8ffi t€i t d Tfr qrldq dfr fir aqrrq dcql 6ffi I 6 (1) e (2) (4) L (3) 3 - by mother 26. During pregnancy, following drug should be avoided (1) Vitamin supplements (2) Tetanus Corticosteroids (3) Folic acid (4) qrldq arartaen t dtrn, qaT fi) 6td €I asrg fi t cqar ? (1) ffiaw-+ (2) ftfd€ (4) (3) stfufr(rfs "tftst€rir$--rs sub-centre should be established as one for every 27. In hilly, tribal and backward areas, the population of s000 (1) 5000 (2) 3000 (3) 4oo0 (4) G-ddEqI *. R('(rm'*'5c d'FnFa q6-9I, 3lrfrrqr$ 3it{ ffi qi{i d 5q*_a d rcq+. frqr'frffrIErF('t (21 s00o (1) 6000 3o0o (3) 4000 (4) 28. The essential health care can also be called as (1) Primary health care (2) Secondary health care (3) Tertiary health care (4) Referral 3{rqarm-Fqr€?,q tsa+ra +t qo }ff 66 ar r+ar t (1) qrqFoscfF-qauetTd (2) E-B.trq-6- FErFq fusTrd (3) qdr+or*rauag8Trfr (4) ts-{f, 29. The one health worker should be available for population of (1) 5000 in plain area (2) 30OO in plain area (3) 1000 in plain area (4) 3500 in plain area G''ilff $rdrfr t fr('(rf, FEfF-q mftnt sq6eu ilat qrF(r z (1) ffiaf*fr sooo (2) darffelrfr:ooo (3) dErffatrd tooo (4) frErfrql-dfr:soo 30. One health assistant should supervise (1) 6 health workers (2\ 5 health workers (3) 4 health workers (4) 3 health workers (rs' FEfRq sdpl-fi +i ffi arffis+t +t qqTarf,fr alar qrFu Z (1) 6 €dfF,qfl-fmdi (2) 5 Fd|€zqfirffid (3) 4 Fdf€?46[ffid' (4) 3 FdfF?4EF.rfm-d1' 31. The food borne diseases that are caused by fungi toxins are all of the following, except (1) Aflatoxin (21 Ergot (3) Fusarium toxins (4) Botulism strtrdT t gfr ffilqY d ++o t furnd q-dlef t +rtur ffr t, ffifua Hefr t fudrq (1) (rtrdzfRTf, (2) ('Jrc (3) ryJlftq-4elF€-d (4) dEfrtr 32. The World Diabetes day is on (1) 4 Novembe r (21 14 November (3) 24 November (4) 30 November 6qaqqf6f{sa-f,rqrdralt (1) 4 d?i{{ Q) 14 adqt (3) 24 a?rr( (4) 30 ftiq{ 33.
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