2019 Ohio-approved Courses Use Control (CTRL) + F to search the PDF listing Approval Course Name Beginning Expiration Course Type CEUs Sponsor Name Phone Number Date Date 19S1832 Bal-A-Vis-X 6/4/2019 6/4/2020 OnSite,Series 24 ABC Therapy, Ltd. 330-666-2228 Exercise Training Guidelines for Academy of Oncologic Physical 19S2146 Individuals With Cancer 10/26/2019 10/26/2020 OnSite 8.5 Therapy 202-660-4460 2019 Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference (APPTAC Academy of Pediatric Physical 19S2267 Nov 16, 2019) 11/16/2019 11/16/2020 OnSite 7 Therapy 703-706-3153 2019 Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference (APPTAC Academy of Pediatric Physical 19S2268 Nov 17,2019) 11/17/2019 11/17/2020 OnSite 6 Therapy 703-706-3153 2019 Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference (APPTAC) Academy of Pediatric Physical 19S2242 Nov 15, 2019 11/15/2019 11/15/2020 OnSite 7 Therapy 703-706-3153 Innovations to School-based Physical Academy of Pediatric Physical 19S1330 Therapy Practice Course 2019 7/12/2019 7/12/2020 OnSite 15 Therapy 703-706-3153 2019 Educational Leadership Academy of Physical Therapy 19S2245 Conference 10/17/2019 10/17/2020 CONF 14 Education 470-737-3651 Education Research: How to Begin Your Academy of Physical Therapy 19S2425 Journey (Mini-GAMER 10/17/2019 10/17/2020 OnSite 8 Education 470-737-3651 Medical Education Research Certificate Academy of Physical Therapy 19S2424 (MERC) Workshop 10/17/2019 10/17/2020 OnSite 8 Education 470-737-3651 Academy of Physical Therapy 19S2074 New Faculty Development Workshop 7/11/2019 7/11/2020 OnSite 23.75 Education 470-737-3651 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1999 Aerobic Exercise for Aging Adults 11/9/2019 11/9/2020 OnSite 1.5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Aerobic Exercise for Aging Adults ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1237 (Online) 6/1/2019 6/1/2020 Home Study 1.5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Biophysical Agent Documentation ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1787 Recommendations 10/2/2019 10/2/2020 OnSite 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1631 Biophysical Agent Essentials 9/23/2019 9/23/2020 OnSite 5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 OPTA provides a complete listing of 2016 - 2020 Ohio-approved courses, last updated 2/8/2020. The list is alphabetized by sponsor name, then course name. If you have questions, contact the OPTA at [email protected] or 614-855-4109. 2019 Ohio-approved Courses Use Control (CTRL) + F to search the PDF listing Approval Course Name Beginning Expiration Course Type CEUs Sponsor Name Phone Number Date Date Biophysical Agent Essentials - ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1638 Electrotherapy 8/8/2019 8/8/2020 OnSite 2 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Biophysical Agent Essentials - ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1699 Electrotherapy (Online) 9/8/2019 9/8/2020 Home Study 1.5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Biophysical Agent Essentials - ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1639 Shortwave Diathermy 9/3/2019 9/3/2020 OnSite 1.5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Biophysical Agent Essentials - ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1700 Shortwave Diathermy (Online) 9/8/2019 9/8/2020 Home Study 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Biophysical Agent Essentials - ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1640 Ultrasound 9/3/2019 9/3/2020 OnSite 2 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Biophysical Agent Essentials - ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1641 Ultrasound (Online) 9/8/2019 9/8/2020 Home Study 1.5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Biophysical Agent In Subacute Rehab ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1238 (Online) 1/4/2019 1/4/2020 Home Study 1.5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Biophysical Agents (PAMs) in Subacute ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1788 Rehab 10/2/2019 10/2/2020 OnSite 2 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Biophysical Agents Considerations for ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S0637 Pain Management (Online) 2/1/2019 2/1/2020 Home Study 2 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1095 Chronic Heart Failure & Rehab 7/9/2019 7/9/2020 OnSite 2 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Chronic Heart Failure and Rehab ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S0701 (Online) 4/2/2019 4/2/2020 Home Study 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1114 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 7/8/2019 7/8/2020 OnSite 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1239 (Online) 6/1/2019 6/1/2020 Home Study 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1096 Continence Improvement 7/11/2019 7/11/2020 OnSite 3 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1098 Contracture Management 7/20/2019 7/20/2020 OnSite 3 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1642 Electrode Application & Safety 9/11/2019 9/11/2020 OnSite 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 OPTA provides a complete listing of 2016 - 2020 Ohio-approved courses, last updated 2/8/2020. The list is alphabetized by sponsor name, then course name. If you have questions, contact the OPTA at [email protected] or 614-855-4109. 2019 Ohio-approved Courses Use Control (CTRL) + F to search the PDF listing Approval Course Name Beginning Expiration Course Type CEUs Sponsor Name Phone Number Date Date Electrotherapy, Effective Alternative for ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1240 Opioid Reduction (Online) 6/1/2019 6/1/2020 Home Study 1.5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1099 Fall Prevention 7/11/2019 7/11/2020 OnSite 3 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1333 Hemiplegic Gait 8/11/2019 8/11/2020 OnSite 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S0608 Neuralgia 3/8/2019 3/8/2020 OnSite 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S0609 Lower Quadrant PENS 3/8/2019 3/8/2020 OnSite 2 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Optimizing Clinical Efficacy and Treatment Efficiency: A Guide to Group ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1736 and Concurrent Delivery Modes 8/1/2019 8/1/2020 OnSite 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1129 Pain Management 7/20/2019 7/20/2020 OnSite 3 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S0636 PENS to Facilitate Function (Online) 2/1/2019 2/1/2020 Home Study 1.5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Physical Agent Modality Documentation ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S0702 Recommendations (Online) 5/2/2019 5/2/2020 Home Study 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1334 Post Operative Hip & Knee Therapy 8/31/2019 8/31/2020 OnSite 2 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Postural Assesment and Exercise Recommendations for Continence ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1251 Improvement (Online) 6/1/2019 6/1/2020 Home Study 2.5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Progressive Resistance Exercise With ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S2003 Elastic Bands 11/9/2019 11/9/2020 OnSite 1.5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Progressive Resistance Exercise With ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S0700 Elastic Bands (Online) 4/2/2019 4/2/2020 Home Study 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 OPTA provides a complete listing of 2016 - 2020 Ohio-approved courses, last updated 2/8/2020. The list is alphabetized by sponsor name, then course name. If you have questions, contact the OPTA at [email protected] or 614-855-4109. 2019 Ohio-approved Courses Use Control (CTRL) + F to search the PDF listing Approval Course Name Beginning Expiration Course Type CEUs Sponsor Name Phone Number Date Date ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S2000 Residual Limb Therapy 11/6/2019 11/6/2020 OnSite 2 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Wrist and ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1094 Hand 7/20/2019 7/20/2020 OnSite 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1100 Stroke Hand Edema 7/20/2019 7/20/2020 OnSite 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1101 Stroke Recovery 7/20/2019 7/20/2020 OnSite 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S0678 Therapy Tests and Measures - 1 Hour 5/2/2019 5/2/2020 OnSite 1 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S0679 Therapy Tests and Measures - 2 Hour 5/1/2019 5/1/2020 OnSite 2 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Total Joint Arthroplasty Pathway to ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1241 Outcome Success (Online) 6/1/2019 6/1/2020 Home Study 1.5 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S0610 Upper Quadrant PENS 3/8/2019 3/8/2020 OnSite 2 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S2001 Virtual Reality Augmented Therapy 11/6/2019 11/6/2020 OnSite 2 (ACP) 800-350-1100 ACCELERATED CARE PLUS CORP 19S1102 Wound Healing 7/20/2019 7/20/2020 OnSite 3 (ACP) 800-350-1100 Concussions: Education, Testing and 19S0885 Management 4/2/2019 4/2/2020 Home Study 2.25 AdvantageCEUS.com 405-974-0164 Dance Rehab: Pre-Season Screen/Nutritional Concerns/Common 19S0884 Injuries/Treatment Strategies 4/2/2019 4/2/2020 Home Study 3.25 AdvantageCEUS.com 405-974-0164 Differential Diagnosis - Module 1: Intro to Screening for Referral/Physical 19S0976 Assessment 4/2/2019 4/2/2020 Home Study 10 AdvantageCEUS.com 405-974-0164 19S0971 Gait & Posture Assessment 101 4/2/2019 4/2/2020 Home Study 7 AdvantageCEUS.com 405-974-0164 Keys to Understanding Common Nerve 19S0975 Entrapments 4/2/2019 4/2/2020 Home Study 5 AdvantageCEUS.com 405-974-0164 OPTA provides a complete listing of 2016 - 2020 Ohio-approved courses, last updated 2/8/2020. The list is alphabetized by sponsor name, then course name. If you have questions, contact the OPTA at [email protected] or 614-855-4109.
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