t. wl HAVE COAL. COAL. TH* LARGEST AND ONLY HALL * WALKS* PADDED PURN1TURB < Wellington Colliery MOVING VANS IN TUB CITY. Co. IMS C.OVKK-VMEXT ST. Burt’s Wood Yard "X.: Phone 82 Dijefori* tvxt# Phone 828. Î38 Pandora Ave. VICTORIA, B. 0, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1909. NO. 137. VOLUME 47. the family were given a much larger THE HAWAIIAN STRIKE. amount. BIG BLAZE IN PLEASED PARTY THROWS LIGHT Wm. M. Hoag’s will also provided Aeletlc Merchente ol San Franctaro RUSSIANS OPEN FIRE that the 115,000 left to his brother should Are Making an Investigation. be Invested by the exécutons of the es­ PRAIRIE CAPITAL OF PUBLICISTS OH WALL STREET tate and only the income turned over, San Francisco, Cal., June 17.—Be­ to James A. Hong. He directed that ON BRITISH STEAMER lieving that Japanese strikers on the should James A. Hoag attempt to dis­ pose of this property held In trust for MANUFACTURING PLANT Hawaiian Islands sugar plantations do EASTERN WRITERS ARE COMMITTEE REPORTS the legatee’s sons after their father’s not deserve the assistance of their TO GENERAL HUGHES death, that the Income should be taken DESTROYED DT FIRE countrymen residing on this coast, a HERE AS C. P. R. GUESTS away from him and turned over to the committee of prominent Asiatic mer­ two sons. These sons were also left Captain Is Reported to Have Refused to Obey chants to-day sent K. Klyoee to Hono­ $2.000 eaçh. The principal bequests In the will Loss Placed at $700,000— lulu to make a report on the merits Entertained at Luncheon by Recommends Repeal of Char­ were $15,000. some real property and an of the strike. Order of Commander of Torpedo Boat- ters of Mercantile and Metal Income of $200 a month to Mrs. Kate Company Will Rebuild Although 'the men who were instru­ Local Government Cunningham, for 25 years housekeeper mental in sending Klyoee to Honolulu One Sailor Injured. Exchanges. for the aged capitalist. Her- children at Once. are members of the Japanese Associ­ To-day. were left a further sum of $13.000 and ation of America, the secretary of that Dr. Chas. N. ElTlnwood. Hoag's family organisation announced to-day that he physician, and his wife and children would not act as Us representative. Times Leased Wire.) (Special to the Times.) There is a highly delighted group o! were given $8,000. Tlie association fears that if It were (Times Leased Wire.) Robertson and demanded that he leave New Sork, June 17.—WaU street Is • Hogg was the family name of the Winnipeg. June 17.-President E. F. to stand behind Klyose’e Investiga­ newspaper editors and magazine writ­ Hutchings, of the Great "West Saddlery St. Petersburg, June 17.—Firing upon the vicinity at once. No attention was to-day eagerly discussing the report of deceased capita Ti-t, but he "had It tion, It would be Investing his mission ers In the city to^dwy;—here ns th** Company, whose premises were gutted paid to the command and the war ves- - the committee a|»pointed by Governor changed to Hoag, byjUie courts many with too great Importance and might the British steamship Northburg, a guests of the C. P. R. and with. J. i». years ago. by tire at an early hour this morning, lead to complications. set fired upon the English ship* hitting bennis, head of the irrigation depart­ Hughes to investigate speculation in torpedo boat accompanying the Csar’s stated at noon to-day that the total a smokestack and injuring one sailor. ment, and Richard Marp- curitles and commodities and deal- loss would reach $700,900, of which $76,- yacht Htamlart to PIZUtpas bay ta 060, Is the va Hie of the building and Meeting of Rulers. meat the Kaiser, Injured an English the balance on the big stock and the LIVELY TILT "'The meeting between• the rulers tfsfijF ™ch w“ HEIRS SEARCHING ; sailor last night, aeçording to^ advtCel I lo the. members of the party. mart ufa< luring plant. TM low 4a to-day: à* schédülèd. The Stand- ■ The.-committee thoroughly Investi-, .. r IWtm **xxaai DAD CADTUME i>reffy welT covered by |nsunmre, ttw4^ received here to-day. The shol WXi art and Gentian yacht HohemcoUern. T to Victoria and » sight, of tbeu beauU gated the New Yeyk stock exchange, run runiunn details of which are brin* prepared. fired because Capti Robertson, com escorted by waf ships representing the fuf setting Of this queen city of the VGOULD CASE the comwlklatedr the cotton, produce, and the company wlH at -mandtng the Northburg, refused t-r nations flteamed into the bay at -—Seit"." . X •**-. - « offre, inercantllè and metal exchanges, Btitid. --------------------------- -----------; heed the torpédo boat’s warning tc almost the same time and exchanged y In the party are well known writers and recommendations looking to im­ The tt« dUT ônérïmd^ relûtes. The Czar waa accompanied irom eastern and middle-west Ameri­ provement of existing conditions are BELIEVED TO AMOUNT situated in the centre of a number of ATTORNEYS ALMOST stay away from the bay where .the by Mlpiater of Foreign Affair,* Is- can cities, who are getting an Insight made at length. frame or veneer buildings opposite the Russian And German rulers met to­ wolsky ahil others of his chief advisor i. Into the surpassing wealth of Qan- Perhaps the most drastic finding Is TO EIGHT MILLIONS city hall, and with the high wind" a COME TO BLOWS day. Foreign Minister Von Rchoen headed big section of the city would In ail, ada’s prairies and" mountains. Assen; that referring to thé metal and mer- News regarding the firing on the the party, of German diplomats who sat bllng at Chicago the company's guesn •antlle exchanges. Thé report says: probability have been laid bare had tt with the Kaiser. not been for the splendid work done British vessel la censored and but UU cams in special sleepers via the . Suu. “Under present -condition» we are of No Protest Yet Lodged. line, Calgary and the main line through the opinion that the mercantile and by the new high pressure water plant, tie can be learned of the ineldent. but Estate is Supposed to Have Charge Against Mrs. Gould’s Copenhagen. June 17.—Reports that m the mountains. After seeing- what the metal exchanges do actual harm to .which received Its first big test and rumors which-are being circulated hen1 a Russian torpedo boat fired on the company Is doing along the E. A N. producers and consumers, and that emerged triumphant Been Left by French- Legal Representative have caused the greatest excitement. British steamer Northburg have not line in opening up lands for settlement, their charters should be repealed." According' to the meagre advices, the been confirmed here, but are generally the party will visit the A. Y. I\ fair The committee declares that specula­ Starts Row. Canadian. BEMB0 WINS THE Northburg was In waters from which and will then return east through the tion In general may be wholly legiti­ credited. southern portion bf the province and mate, pure gambling, or something all foreign vessels had been barred The fact that no protest has been the Crow’s Nest Pass line, moving by partaking of the qualities of both, that ASCOT GOLD CUR pending the meeting of the monarch’, formally made indicate; that the af­ (Times Leased Wire.) (Times Leaned Wire.) fair Is not likely -to create any serious easy stages and looking over thé hi some form it Is a necessary Incident when she was encountered by the tor­ chances for investment In land and in San Francisco, Cal, June 17.— New York, June 17..—Accusing court- International difficulties. _ '• of productive operations; that It tends pedo boat, which wa* one of-a flotilla Latest reports received here deny dustrleg throughout that exceptionally to steady prices, ^nd thatfor the mer­ Searching for an estate of $8.000,000 éet foi Mrs. Howard 4}oUld, who is accompanying the Stnndart. The com­ that an Enirltsh Beamon was hurt by rich part of the province. In southern chant <>r manufacturer the -speculator which they believe was left by Gilbert Victory of Lord Carnarvon’s suing her husband for Separate main­ mander of the torpedo boat hailed Capt. the shot. Alberta the Immense Irrigation works, performs a service which has the ef­ Gagnon, a French-CanatUan. who came Horse Surprise of the tenance, with .resorting to blackmailing which are being carried out by thé C. fect of Insurance. to California from Canada In 1851, three tactics. Attorney Nicoll, representing P. R. will be Inspected, and the party Continuing, the report says: Meet. Gould, started a row in court to-day will see how thousands of acres In an "In law, speculation becomes gambl­ men representing the 25 titelrs to tha CHILDREN ACCUSED arid belt are being made to yield large ing when the trading which it Involves fortune are In San Francisco to-day whhrlt threatened to end In blows. The RUSHING TEA harvests. does not lead, and Is not intended to conferring with their lawyers. court pacified the attorneys before they OF SHOPLIFTING The members of the party are: Wil­ lead, to the actual passing from hand V. Letteur head. the pert,, he her- <TUn" Wlre > had time to meet In a physical en­ bur D* Nesblt, novelet and editor of to hand of the property that is dealt been authored repreeen, the JUc T^k, *,^ X~.lt counter, and Nicoll apologised to the ACROSS PACIFIC vjh|L Poat Syndicate; Robert R, Jones, in.
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