- ▪ - LlflxANTLJHHANI (Jr •▪ •▪ ▪ HAVER FORD COLLEGE A vFPFORP.VFPFORP. PA. Campus nod andand Swath Spat'Spa. MewsNews of HaverfordMaverfordHaverford Mavis's.AgActinide. By Week by WeekW.ek HAVERFORDHAVERFORD NEWSNEWS Hare r f or d inns VOL XX. HAVERFOFtDHAVEHFORDHAVERFORD (AND(AND WAYNE).WAYNE). PA., SATURDAY. JUNE 9, 1928 NUMBER 15 Spoon Man DR. JAMES A. BABBITti Spoon Man GRADUATED THIS MORNING DR. JAMES A. A. BABBITti IIDR.IIDR. COMFORTCOMFORT OUTLINESOUTLINES HELLADIC INFLUENCE I l'NEYI PUTS ELECTED - RETIRES FROM ACTIVE PROGRESS OF YEAR IN ININ PALESTINEPALESTINE SHOWNSHOWN AS 4 SPRING SPORTS SERVICE ON FACULTY GRADUATION ADDRESS BY GRANT DISCOVERY CLOSE GOOD SEASONS Announcement of Appoint- College Improvements, Work College Improvements, Work Excellent Preservation and Ensworth, Kingham, John- ment as Professor Emeritus of Grant Expedition, of Grant Expedition, Variety of Design Mark son and Wistar to Cap- Made by President Scholarships Cited Pottery Unearthed tain 1929 Teams HAS SERVED 35 YEARS DISCUSSES CENTENARY EXCAVATIO% NEARS END MANAGERS ALSO PICKED Retirement ofof Dr.Dr. JamesJame. A. Babbitt Retirement of Dr. James A. Unearthing of • is, from thrive mare threfee .0. a. an• member • member ofof •Ismse. Preektestgresinest isLi awe Iv. lipearthciaTnearthom of a 1..1.1.111Is. 0 colorremilorwlwilorwl With theWe rinsedooreinte of oneoae of the nounometmom from nod, eerthee •• • member of ins W Preelasi W.! twoow IV.tv. end execoquisitely derigu,1denced 11,01410 rameme the fiseerfordPenaltynineerfoedfrarerford Paralty Faculty thd thdand Ida Ida Id.marmot- insp., op.., mid requisitely deemed Heinen raw .....rebore i . no,.spratsAttila merino. neon.nennoth, InIII, Haverford HaverfordHager-ford So uncfulmord en an Institution institutionin en anas • tthoolwheel • well well ea• nes,.em,.Iamb, a a other etherother imp. added,athletic biraoryhistory lenthurt wen.week. three three mere- mer. :wentnewts,. byby the the BondBoaolBttol of ofof Managers Managers me meen Bo ueeful mitool ''etronemom. (rum Cypros near • portion 01 Meter 1.1 wed, three mem. or • • • reties.retie. co.. seldomethicanthdont hebe :,Iet[uns (rumfrom C(W.M Osnear near • •ttrtion portion niel benbete ofof lbethe ChemCM.CM. of of of 1949 lfe.1029 and and end one oneone ofof Profeosor(branderProf.sor a IlmieneIlIlnienemieee andandand Phyalcal Thyarellawn. 'saidmidsaid to the aychycity wenwall whichwhieW they hadorerio.1 peed.. Training,TraltOng, emeritusemeritu,aerituse sm•em•we• •nnouneed•anouneed•onounced thin ha. Wind. IAfellNed. There There areare factorsfactors to Ito which they hodland predoner1 0.W Cie.Chin Cts. of of 11130 IMO1930 were were electedelected to lead . There are factors to ito derided hot 10emtarste tigers. thin R.011. year. rear, yett. hashe. ...amorning by Pi-nu:lentby by rrenident Freon. W. W. W. W. W. W. Comfort, Comfort.Comfort. UPIII,lee rebichwhich inevitablyinevitably favorfavor semensome.some. midandaell dmIded hathot 1010 525Hale the avert.AtarletMad. •ndend •ed MarkMeek Meek tea.team. rea. neat neatneat ◗❏❒❅ n Ned the Ha ".1 ArcWsfo.lnll ra T. menmen shue thus honoredLoma. byby into hinhie rommancementcommencement addreas.addreas. 111{,11* The ,t demand a :7Alt RM..wing.ring. The T. now thea lionered by W.With Ile bile retiremnit retirement today.W., Dr. Dr. Bab- Bab- leh. 1,11* 1 The 1111 111.11.,:1 lodv": "v111122.1.1:5 1j-:1.,1 Gleam,Werth,ften, of of BOLO Litersture.LterstueLiterstore tie toto their temootnntec terreatnnte.lemma. tree meare Herbert HerbertIleriwrt K.K. K. Elan Ea.Ea. bitt trenclude•renclude• 2f,3rr3r, yearn'year:year.. setteractive active mrviceservice .mice nowelbowthow definitely definite& definitely theranMe re.,tadscode torterthe todence iodine. id teorth.worth. "-oil 'Ai'01 ...ehmatt; nett:; KennethKenneNethethE.th E. Elogham,iii.haut, Klima.. on the IlaverfordHaverfordHarerford faculty.faculty. He came to wolb. Heller,Hells. cationcohereenitom . .Beth. litheBee Shemesh,ithemesh,ithemesh. 211 beneboll:beneball:btheballi GeorGeorgege W. J. J. Johnenon, Yemen,John..., He came to JOHN T. EVANS r.11,3to lb.1'...o :74 4.:"r ,:1" ot le ter 0,1.11,11Bra. dt land..lisverterd in HOP in HMS its madirector dirretor of of PIO- Ph, JOHN T. EVANS with'MA, itI,s new new dee deemed..med.. treshtense trealoni end rad ntot letter ...teed toto }Ire. Ern.B. GreatGroat Groat llidi tennis,tesaiw end andend Thomas ThomasThomoe Winter. Wlear. Wear. JewJ..Jr.. 'Ali,'Id,'28 liner-Me en HMO ma dtrector of Plei new domande. fresh add toe W evinktt. The &alsiad and and athletes nthletie wort, wort,won, as•Istantandsrantaisittant to1l CI:ZtrorlrCI:irepr • .0iva4:, CLASS OF 1928 mieko.evicke, The The newlynewly newly enviedelettni elmtnal monoAramanatee maw.. re• skid and athletie CI:Ztrorlrorlr ifiVa:Zorciratgti:;u7s".:Zerdiatr g Oiti:;ly gaeoetertrik25'conteOVIrii ret:;..fa ii,,,,I1L jjaa4L4LonononzeredIe2zzeredertulw.itesbes2z2z CLASS OF 1928 swertiveir ere: Neithen T. Folsealh 29, ProfensorPrefentorFrefensor Francis Francis B. B. CommentCummere Cuomo, In dean thle GgeonteOr'srii ra!;..fa sperthelysweetly.. ore: ore: AC:then Neaten T. T.Folseall, Fol.% '10.29, male • 0r1lnmlI r, predict.predict...enema •o enemala an Iet.n forward forward The anprn TOP RIO-E, track: John B. Cooper. 211. dentethemethemecorreed.. coerce.. coerced., •and and asantant and athatant ...ant to toto the theMs Jr."•11.13:Jr."•11.13: I.I.In °the .the"the aweMoo fnnot mpectin°:.epeelm noechL°:thw. "fon.foon"Mo. TOP RIO-E, H. Rs....Resulak.Rem.. H. H. 8, H.9, blephey, blerabay,9, M.., P. P. W. P.W. Mimmo,W. Mimeo, MI.., R.Ft. S.9. Oasis.Davis. track: John R.H. Cooper. 29.'Z. baseball.leneball: tr.,. Is. amts.win.- mrote&uoteldeitolde • •tomb Meshboob Ls Ls the thethe remains remainsremains ofof thethe W. ILR.R. BroadyBrea Brea.,ds, 3cl.Ad,Id, T. Vraltlehey.Wildlet.y.WhIttehey. Jr- Jr.Jr- A. A. B.T B. B.B. Hallett, Hallo.Hall., ft,ft, C. Hull.BMAMIL Sees.Seas. Cherie.Cher:leeChnelen ALM. M, Ltmatleon, R8, tam. sodend Preside. im in executive exec..neon. care care of of ender-ender. ander. l4 I•flel1$:.„*.rj„..1 Ixt0 .1.;.:ir.mts.1. tr. rtryrbnoteti"rninrrra:Orlinotttl"aVartr°31ittie.1"riencbinrcaVttaVl"taVfnr..'ert.'l"°' city, whwhenere the ehattres of nee., -d. Hamner. NM tennisteeets amI greduates. nppobstre.teppollistaant to to thethe pro-pro- Inin thethe past. pathpa. LotLo Lot eh... ohm. we 1' de. do. :ad :-. It city, where dmdot Chancestanners of of perfect nerd., William [labeled 'rahiikh'AN cricket.edeket....het. greduntem. sppolistre.t to the arm P.MImrt etIt the t M.S. we do.[ht.thin day's :-.els's ...ad.prenereationor...madon are seeMich are Mob Merh km tem Mu eve, eveneven than theethou W:7: gaL. Wit 1:4., - tri V1;7.; .1,J,144I,Fth4.._Fiviml.'N W!: in .0 II ehe r tht. der'. in dieturbed toltdIa" toIMIA"MIMIC" lir.lie. Otent's Omar.Omar. let.lenlel. '0..'0:0.. sr....sem.. 'Thin. .Ths. row-th. res-se,n0row-tal. et. Hering. L F,F, P. ANIMAor. Jr.Jr. MotworthEnnworthEn.worth hold. hold,hold. the the CoheColien Coll..re recordrecord lewormhiplemionthiplemeonthip of of Breen,of Hag.. Hr... midend mad rhettimilPhenix.' 1.0ra 1, se Heresn. L r.Rinke. P. brill..,Cheat. ofot 22 mconde...ends flat flat fur fur thethe =spied.1.yerd Education waswe modemode 1/./ 1,,...nrd.1nrd 0 M fGeee tter:afT:re:' ter nald.id. ot 22 mowed. flat fur the .3.yed hy the fWord of VIV*CtIX ,1 '00°101.y°1'. of of The demidenIgna de...ans Ma etiffthat bla& ,visible vlsibir oan C. I raiti.7,;.rarf:.1:it1i.7,;. Zt.".ibt Muth. entablinbealin In the the Swarthmore Swarthmore Fitit..._i e..d...enell... years years years there there there hme herIme notnot Monbbenrim fit. vlsiMe on A. F. Herten.H•eten. Jr.,Jr.. LL E.E. Yoder. Yetis, R.H. Muth. entablisheal in the Swarthmore 'it:a:714'2(111f3t7ifte;t7f1:714 '21111f OM05 O. ofof beintainanceormwe EVANS GIVEN HIGHEST theth sorra,gotta,rata, b1ttMrbl. ni 1to other '°tee.thee mmmmAg andandea A. F. Herten. Jr.. L E. Yoder. R. Shank,&mak,Shan, J.J. O.G. Yr,Jr.,Jr, 1.1, H. meet lalardt seam..seenon.ante( endend end inin in jointjoint joint bolderbolder Is1lam10r1 year,year. followedfellafollowed byby by the the the empfroth *matt. roan. EVANS GIVENGIVEN HIGHEST ■ pith,,,pith.,,V„here Linka.L. lIkhardm•Plkhard.Rkhards. J. J. A.A. H.H. RonkKeithKett, Mete0-8Sse.0-, B. B. Merest.,Marne. Mar.., , C. C.C. K.K. Fel. Fla.Fn, J. T. :2:tu:2:uL:u letryIM-y°n° brabr-21:71lurr; ri;,77.;7..;21 Ity,77.;7..;21dmiea 7: Linka.Le M. W. W. E... F. M. of the etiatie erieities...tines ...Wardotarelard ...era of of 10 10 emend.:second. operetion.eperttlon. trodad•th nay naynay protracted protractedprotracted mmeal-moral-mow. ThatTh. 0P 0 •• loonloti.• to. tome ntiomwe to to bebtoe warted mires.marred Ityby W. rem. F.F. M. Bermes.Blif11.1.811,51.1. T.T. B. B. Hebei, Heal, flat for thethe hundredhundred set set by by N. N. 11. IL Hewettmeow.weaves, Inin In Eissece. A.M..a:WOW. I I0.• 1bare have felt felt feltphysirel. o Miyake.b.... no omelinseovOngeavenge ofof fhbMtnthin, LmlMmikthd in tuor •• arommomere... hamfromtram wards.wird,.spirals. coweeenni- coweeellyiegerscearrie moles males atedatel ate 1stlet. le. flat for the hundred set by N. M. ly unableunableMare tot too ter,ear, adeadmostelyade.mlyquately tbe tbethe ticea tikee Ik ticetin work work toto repeollrotatioesnemokemetioesreprollentationsTe of ofrre birds.buds. bon. Jones.Joann. 'Itle. TheThe The maptale-dectraplaimelect raplaimelect ofof of Creaktrack trek wallrealmeinal dutiesduties ofof thethe pbyttealoplbyeicalomical department"de.rtment.II' HONOR BY CLASSMATES ."!,T.g.^.:•d.7.47.1:7=1,trz.tI animal. and andand Mount hem.hen. beinbeings.dung..gs. Th..Them. are are hieherbar Menbeen Cos..CoenCash Thwitlietotee Tholtactote•Ibuldletonie merkwark Dr. Babbitt mid in direuthi hls not.
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