LETHBRIDQE CoMiviuNny COUEQE This Week PLO pg2 Sifton House pg 3 THE INIMPQRJ Flying machines pg 6-7 Vol. XVII-No. 9 Thursday, November 18, 1982 Weekenders pg 8 Ex-LCC president testifies In lawsuit By Chtryl Hesse for funher information, he said McPher­ son provided nothing funher in writing, Testimony is expec ted to conclude to­ but made allegations against Holden oral- day in Coun of Queen's Bench in a suit ly- for unlawful dismissal againsi the LCC Holden's lawyer, Roben Smythe, ques­ board of govemors. tioned Anderson about McPherson's William Holden. former full-time elec­ comments. Anderson said Holden had trical instructor at LCC from 1976 to been accused "on several occasions" of 1979, is suing the board of govemors for making errors in ordering equipment, but over S38.0OO in damages. thai McPherson would have been the Holden's action follows his notice of authority reciuired to sign the requisitions dismissal from LCC on April 25, 1979. He As for Holden's supposed fratffnizing was let go by reason of a disappearance of with the students, Anderson said faculty duties clause in the collective agreement members should be by no means aloof to under which all instmctors are hired. the students and said he deduced frotn this Holden testified Tuesday, FB. accusation that "Holden probably had McPherson, director of technology and coffee with the students." trades department, received a projection Anderson said comments Holdeii was of enrolment from the electrical appren­ not following the apprenticeship prograni ticeship board in Edmonton in the fall of curriculum were contradicted by the high 1978. The projeaion showed an unex­ success ratr of students on provincial ex­ pectedly low number of students would be ams enroling for the 1979-80 term Anderson said he voted against Holden said on February 8. I9''9. McPherson's recommendalion. which Got a match? pho.ob»»*.«£,i.ci.«.o McPherson discussed v*iih him his pro­ was passed bv the hoard of governors on posed dismissal on the basis ot decreased April 21. 1979. He said it was his position enrolment McPherson then informed .lane McClain, nurse at LCC's health centre explains to Paul Sparling the harm that the board was concemed with the dit- Holden he had been chosen to be recom­ ftailties It woutd face by ovrrrulingone ol cigarette smoking can cause. A display on the evils of smoking was set up in mended to the board for dismissal. front of the Peanm Gallery in the Kale Andrews building this week. the college's senior adminisiraiors Holder had been the first fuU-time in­ (McPherson). stmctor hired in lieu of-«es<ionai instmc­ Smyihe also questioned Anderson tors in 1976. In his two following years at abPui other "disappearance-of-duties" LCC, two additional instmctors we^ incidents during his time al the college hired to handle increased enrolment. Both Anderson said in 1979. two probationary Wicked ticket wicket licked were still hired on a probationary basis in instructors had been dismissed, one in 1979. wdding and one in biotogy. Boih deci­ Holden said he later approached sions were ma^e by the board on McPher­ by shuffle to main office McPherson for clarification of why he son's recommendation. The coun noted had been chosen for dismissal over the that in accordance with the collective other two instmctors. McPherson said he The new central core at LCC. when people lined up two hours before the agreement. March 15 was the deadline for fdt Holden was fraternizing with the dismissing any probationary instmctors. built, should help lo alleviate the problem tickets went on sale. students, and that there wae unsolicited of long line-ups for cabaret tickets, says Bob McGregor, financial coordinator The board of governors decision to remarks from otha faculty members to dismiss Holden. a tenured instmctor, was Terry Peck, siudeni activities coor­ says policing the line-up would not be this effeci. dinator. feasible because it would require hiring a not made until April 21. Fonner college president Don Ander­ number of people to work, thus adding to As picsident. Anderson said he had op­ In the drawing stage now. the new cen­ son testiried Wednesday he became aware the costs of cabarets. ponunity to evaluate McPherson and this tral core will include the new student of the situation in the spring of 1979. He A number system using tickets, says evaluation had not been positive, he said. council offices. In the main ofTioe will be said he had disagreed with McPherson's Peck, isn't a bad idea but would be hard Anderson said he left Ihe college in ticket sales for all of th'e campus tickets, recommendation and he indicated it including cabaret tickets. to implement here at LCC. 1979. panly because he was "fmstrated should be one of the probationary instmc­ by an inertness- a rduaanoe to change." This would make tickets available to the "What would there be to stop one per­ tors who was let go. students /on Monday moming when the son coming and taking thirty-Hve He said the low turn-over of personnel on Anderson said the repon McPherson office opened up. spreading out the sales numbers?" the board of governors resulted in a secure gave him did not. in his opinion, provide of tickets throughout the week. There would also bc the problem of two feding. or "conservativeness." the basis to makea deciaon "objectively" line-ups. One line-up to get a number and The trial is expected to end this afta- Cenain cabarets however, says Peck, on one person over another. will still have long line ups. another to get cabaret tickets. noon after continued cross-examination When Anderson pressed McPherson "Halloween is always a problem Peck says for now studenis are going to of Holden. cabaret." says Peck. "There is always a have to be more assertive in getting their scramble for tickets." Peck says every tickets. When other people barge in to the year its that way. "It's such a fun cabaret line then people are going to have to tdl everyone wants to go." them to go to the back of the hne, says Programs face cost hike The Halloween cabaret this year saw Peck. A possible 15 per cent inaease on some instmction in the different areas. LCC mral continuing education programs This would mean teachers wotild bc prompted a group of district ad­ available in the community and costs ministrators to attend the board of gover­ would be diinin'ated for instmctors to be Free drink for all cruisers nors meeting lasl Wednesday. brought in from Lethbridge, he said. Patterson said they would also like to Concerning Ihc Christmas Ernie Patterson, spokesman for the Students will now be able lo buy see a teleconference program, leadership decorating contest, couricil decided group, asked the board to drop the pro­ cabarei lickcis on Wednesdays from LCC, emphasis on regional in­ the winning club will recdve $100, posed administrative increase because he from noon to 2:00 p.m., as wdl as terests, and more workshops for and the second-place club SSO. said as the costs go up, enrolment in the on Thursdays and Fridays. Student volunteers. They would also like credit Also, each club will bc reimbursed courses go down. council decided ai Tuesday's courses divided into halves or quaners to up to $25 for the cost of decora- meeting thai bus passes, cabarei One of about IS administrators said the allow more people to enroll in the courses. lions. The contesi ends Dec. 8. tickets, and tickets to any other col­ area may be back to offering six or seven Also at Ihc meeting, the board approv­ The feasibility of a yearbook was lege funciion will be sold on classes as opposed to 21 this fall and 23 in ed a child and youth care prograni for also discussed, and vice-president Wednesdavs the spring if the increase takes effect. LCC. 1J arcy Pyne said if 20 ads can be In other business, councii voted Barbara Bond, board chairman, said ll is a two-year course to train students sold for S350 each for a total of to give one Irce dnnk, either liquor the board doesn't have all the answers, in the carc^ ireaimcnt and counselling of S7.00(). it would cover basically the or beei. to every person who dresses but will consider the request to drop the emotionally distrubed and ddinquent entire cost, lime will be a facior, greaser style at the Cruiser Cabaret cost increase. youths between the ages of six and 16. on IXv 4 C osi (i| the drinks will be said president Brenda Pasolli. as the The districts arc just being charged the book has to be ready for printing bv Keith Robin, academic vice-president, shared bv .OUIKII anil ilie Media overhead cost. Bond said. said there is a high turnover in this type of Mama club wlic arc piitim;; on lb. I ebruarv Approval wa.s given lo go "We have lo cover our costs also," she .iheail vMiti plans lor lhc bool. work and the demand is high ^ab.irct said • "There arc about 200 or 3lX) iob vacan - Patterson also suggested a one-to-one cies throughout ihc province." he said. 2 THE ENDEAVOR Ttanday, Nov. 18, Ittl PLO member presents case at U of L Story and Photo That, and also because PLO icsisiarice "Israd looks upon Palestinians as ter- another way to solve the Palestinian pro­ By Rosanne Aden in Bdnit was strong for the past two and a rorias that should be dealt with with blem." half months, is the reason the invasion in­ force," he said.
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