Local Development Framework UDP / LDF Annual Monitoring Report for financial year 2005/6 submitted December 2006 Based Upon Ordnance Survey data. © Crown copyright. All rights reserved 100019441 [2006]." If you need this document in Braille, large print, audio tape, or another language, please contact us on 020 8891 7322 or minicom 020 8831 6001 Albanian Arabic Bengali Farsi Gujarati Punjabi Urdu The Local Development Framework for the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is prepared by the Policy Section of the Environment Directorate Policy Section Environment Directorate London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Civic Centre 44 York Street Twickenham Middlesex TW1 3BZ Telephone 020 8891 7322 Fax 020 8891 7768 Email [email protected] Website www.richmond.gov.uk UDP/ LDF Annual Monitoring Report 2005/6 London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Annual Monitoring Report for financial year2005/6 Published January 2007 Produced by Policy & Research Section. Contact [email protected] g:\data&research\AMR2006\AMR 2005-6 Final Report.doc 14/02/2007 14:01 UDP/ LDF Annual Monitoring Report 2005/6 Contents page 1. Introduction 1 2. Non-technical summary 3 3. Richmond upon Thames Profile 5 4. Progress with Unitary Development Plan & Local Development 11 Framework 5. Implementation of UDP policies & proposals 19 6. Open Environment 2 7. Conservation & Built Environment 26 8. Transport 29 9. Housing 36 10. Employment 42 11. Community Uses and Local Services 51 12. Town Centres & Access to Shopping 58 13. Sustainability Indicators 66 Appendices 1. Implementation of Proposal Sites 90 2. Key shops and services available in local centres 93 3. Use of policies in determining planning applications for 96 development completed in 2005/6 financial year 4. Report of Appeal Decisions Monitoring 2005-6 100 5. Guide to the Use Classes Order 109 6. Improvements to the Monitoring system 110 List of indicators Indicator page 1: Number of Departures from development plan 19 2: Appeal Decisions allowed 19 3: Implementation of proposal sites 20 4: Planning Obligations agreed each year 21 5: Loss of/ inappropriate development on open space designations 24 6: Loss of / inappropriate development on nature conservation designations 24 7: Loss of/ inappropriate development on Public open space 24 8: Listed Buildings & Buildings of Townscape Merit demolished 26 9: Buildings on “At Risk” Register 26 10: Conservation Areas designated 27 11: Conservation Area Studies completed 27 12: Number of Buildings of Townscape Merit designated 27 13: Article 4 Directions made 28 14: Completed non-residential development complying with parking standards 29 15: Public transport accessibility of new residential development 30 16: Footpaths easy to use by the public 32 17: Reduction in road casualties 32 18: Vehicles flows by mode 34 19: Net additional dwellings over previous years 36 20: Net additional dwellings for the current year 36 21: Projected net additional dwellings 36 g:\data&research\AMR2006\AMR 2005-6 Final Report.doc 14/02/2007 14:01 UDP/ LDF Annual Monitoring Report 2005/6 Indicator page 22: Net additional dwelling requirement 36 23: Annual average net additional dwellings needed to meet overall housing 37 requirements. 24: New/converted housing built on previously developed land 38 25: Housing density 38 26: Affordable housing 39 27: Homes built to wheelchair standards 40 28: Percentage of small housing units 40 29: Percentage of small housing units in mixed use areas 40 30: Amount of employment floorspace developed by type 42 31: Amount of employment floorspace developed by type – by employment area 42 32: Employment floorspace built on previously developed land 42 33: Employment floorspace in mixed use areas 42 34: Employment floorspace available (permissions for financial year) 44 35: Losses of employment land 44 36: Amount of employment land lost to residential 44 37: Unemployment rate 46 38: VAT registrations & de-registrations 47 39: Proportion of people of working age in employment 48 40: Workers in the borough 48 41: Community facilities 51 42: Pedestrian crossings with facilities for the disabled 53 43: Amount of completed retail, office & leisure 53 44: Amount of completed retail, office & leisure in mixed use areas 53 45: Location of new retail development 58 46: Retail uses in key frontages 60 47: Basic convenience shopping facilities in smaller centres 63 48: Capacity of new waste management facilities by type 66 49: Amount of municipal waste arisings 66 50: Percentage of household waste arisings i) recycled & ii) composted 67 51: Percentage of total waste arisings to landfill 67 52: Planning permissions granted contrary to the EA advice 67 53: Change in areas and populations of biodiversity importance 68 54: Percentage of eligible open space managed to green flag award standard 78 55: Renewable energy capacity installed by type 79 56: Energy use per household 80 57: Sites identified as contaminated land 83 58: Number of contaminated sites remediated 83 59: Amount of vacant land 83 60: Number of days when air pollution is moderate or high for PM 10. 84 61: Number of transport-related noise complaints & requests for compensation (not air 85 transport) 62: River water quality 85 63: Proportion of new build and retrofit homes meeting EcoHomes “very good” standard 86 64: Proportion of commercial buildings meeting BREEAM “very good” standard. 86 65: Number of recorded crimes per annum 86 g:\data&research\AMR2006\AMR 2005-6 Final Report.doc 14/02/2007 14:01 UDP/ LDF Annual Monitoring Report 2005/6 List of Figures List of Figures Page Figure 1: Household Type 5 Figure 2: Distribution of BME groups 6 Figure 3: Mapping of Index of Multiple Deprivation 2004 7 Figure 4: % of population with a limiting long term illness 8 Figure 5: Mode of journey to work (2001) 8 Figure 6: Main employment areas 30 Figure 7: Casualties in the Borough 2000 – 2010 34 Figure 8: LB Richmond upon Thames Housing trajectory 37 Figure 9: Percentage of A1 use in smaller centres 63 Figure 10: Condition of SSSIs in Richmond Park 2005 & 6 70 Figure 11: Condition of the SSSI in Barn Elms Wetland Centre 2006 71 Figure 12: Percentage area of land designated as a SSSI which is found to be in a favourable 72 condition Figure 13: Songthrush records 76 Figure 14: 2005 Stag Beetle Hunt – Results of 77 Figure 15: Records for Watervoles in borough 2001-3 78 Figure 16: Renewable Energy – Number of sites (2005) 80 Figure 17: Renewable Energy – Capacity (2005) 80 Figure 18: Renewable Energy Power Generation (2005) 80 Figure 19: Average annual domestic consumption of electricity (KWh) 81 Figure 20: Average annual domestic consumption of gas 81 Figure 21: Area of derelict land available for reuse that is derelict (previously developed) 83 Figure 22: Proportion of developed land that is derelict 84 Figure 23: Number of days exceeding air quality standards 2000-2004 84 Figure 24: All Crimes - Richmond upon Thames April 2004 –March 2005 (offences per 1000 87 population) Figure 25: Violence against the person for Richmond upon Thames April 2004 -March 2005 87 (offences per 1000 population) Figure 26: Burglary for Richmond upon Thames April 2004 – March 2005 (offences per 1000) 87 Figure 27: Theft from a vehicle for Richmond upon Thames April 2004 – March 2005 (offences 87 per 1000) List of Tables List of Tables Page Table 1: Key to Indicator Families 2 Table 2: Population estimates and projections 5 Table 3: Household and Family Type 5 Table 4: Ethnic group of borough residents 6 Table 5: House price data for Apr-Jan 2006 7 Table 6: BVPI indicators on educational attainment: Comparison with selected neighbouring 8 boroughs Table 7: Journey to work of residents 8 Table 8: Direction of in and out commuting 9 Table 9: Largest employers in the borough 2005 10 Table 10: BVPI indicator 45 (absenteeism): comparison with selected neighbouring boroughs 10 Table 11: Number of departures for the financial year 2005 – 2006 19 Table 12: Appeal decisions for the financial year 2005 – 2006 19 g:\data&research\AMR2006\AMR 2005-6 Final Report.doc 14/02/2007 14:01 UDP/ LDF Annual Monitoring Report 2005/6 List of Tables Page Table 13: Progress with implementation of proposal sites 2005- 06 20 Table 14: Proposals completed 20 Table 15: Proposal sites under construction / partially completed 20 Table 16: Summary of types of obligation 21 Table 17: Obligations for financial year 2005 – 2006 22 Table 18: Buildings currently on the English Heritage “at risk” register 26 Table 19: ODPM indicator 3b 31 Table 20: BVPI indicator 178 (footpaths easy to use) - comparison with selected neighbouring 32 boroughs. Table 21: Casualty data 2000 – 2005 and predicted figures for 2006-10 (BVPI 99) 32 Table 22: Traffic Volumes 2001-4 34 Table 23: Volume of walking and cycling trips in the borough 34 Table 24: Housing completions in the borough 1997/8 to 2005/06 36 Table 25: Number of new dwellings (gross) completed in 3 density ranges 38 Table 26: Affordable housing completed in financial year 2005/06 39 Table 27: Affordable housing completions by financial year 1997/8 to 2005/6 39 Table 28: Percentage of housing completions which were small units 2005–06 41 Table 29: Change to employment floorspace – completions in financial year 2005/06 43 Table 30: Planning permissions for employment use granted 2005/06 44 Table 31: Amount of employment floorspace developed 2005/06 45 Table 32: Employment floorspace developed for other uses 2005/06 45 Table 33: Unemployment rates in the borough 46 Table 34: VAT registrations and de-registrations in the borough
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