12546 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 9 July 26, 2012 TOM BROWN considered the best since 1984 when the Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. As a United States won gold at the Los Angeles matter of fact, Turkish Cypriot people have HON. SAM GRAVES Olympic Games. long proven their readiness to renew the Part- OF MISSOURI Jake, like all other Americans participating nership State. In 2004 they demonstrated the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the Olympics, gives our country a great necessary political will for a comprehensive sense of pride. I join my fellow Nevadans and solution by voting strongly for the UN Settle- Thursday, July 26, 2012 the rest of the country in wishing good luck to ment Plan in the separate and simultaneous Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, it is Team USA and Jake as he tries to bring home referenda, a proposal that was overwhelmingly with great pleasure that I rise today to recog- the gold to the Silver State. rejected by the Greek Cypriot side. nize the outstanding service of Mr. Tom Brown f Since assuming the European Union term of Kansas City, Missouri. Mr. Brown has been presidency on July 1, there is no better time awarded the Phoenix Community Achievement COMMEMORATING THE LEADER- for the Greek Cypriot government to take the Leader Award. His years of service to his SHIP ALLIANCE AND THE UNI- long-awaited substantial steps towards a com- community make Mr. Brown well qualified and VERSITY OF VIRGINIA prehensive settlement with the Turkish Cyp- deserving of this honor. riots. I hope this new EU role for Cyprus will Tom is currently serving as my Chief of HON. ROBERT HURT not hinder the continuation of reunification Staff, and to see him receive this award for his OF VIRGINIA talks. In fact, I believe that Cyprus’ six-month dedicated service to the community gives me IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES term in the presidency of the EU brings extra extreme pride. One of Tom’s strongest con- responsibilities to show sincere efforts towards Thursday, July 26, 2012 tributions to the area is his work for St. Luke’s peace. Hospital, where he is currently a board mem- Mr. HURT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to com- The international community and the United ber. He also serves on the board for St. memorate the 20th anniversary of the Leader- States will have to answer a fundamental Luke’s Northland Hospital, St. Luke’s College ship Alliance. The Leadership Alliance, which question in the days ahead: Are we going to and The American Hospital Association’s includes the 5th District’s University of Vir- put in place all necessary efforts in order to Committee on Governance. He has previously ginia, is a national academic consortium of reach a comprehensive solution in Cyprus, served on the Tri-County Mental Health Serv- leading research universities and minority and thus demonstrate the political will to that ices Board and as Clay County Commissioner serving institutions with the mission to develop effect, or are we going to let an achievable from 2000–2004. underrepresented students into outstanding settlement slip away once again, all the while Tom has been active in many other civic, leaders and role models. perpetuating the illegitimate and unjust isola- social, and political groups in Kansas City. He In the 20 years since its establishment, the tion of the Turkish Cypriot people? A contin- has served as Chairman of the Missouri Lot- Leadership Alliance has mentored over 2000 ued status quo in Cyprus is not beneficial to tery Commission and of Safe Haven, Inc., and undergraduates who have participated in the any party, and the time is now to solve a dis- was a former member of the Missouri Port Au- Summer Research Early Identification Pro- pute that has lasted for more than forty years. In light of recent actions by Syria and others thority Commission. Furthermore, Mr. Brown gram and over 200 alumni who have obtained in the Middle East, Turkey has continued to was the secretary of the Clay County Eco- their PhD or MD–PhD degrees as Leadership operate as an important U.S. ally in the re- nomic Development Corporation and Vice Alliance Doctoral Scholars. gion, and all parties acknowledge that Tur- President of Clay/Platte Development Cor- In the 5th District, the University of Virginia key’s membership to the European Union can- poration. Mr. Brown’s commitment to his com- has mentored over 15 participants in the Sum- not be achieved without first tackling these munity has affected more lives than he may mer Research Early Identification Program issues in Cyprus. Therefore, all sides should ever know. and the Summer Undergraduate Research return to the table and set a timeline for ac- Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me in ap- Program in fields ranging from Education to tion, and this Administration should work with plauding Mr. Tom Brown for his continued Biomedical Sciences. all stakeholders to ensure that any agreement commitment to bettering his community. I I am pleased today to congratulate and respects human rights and ensures the funda- know Mr. Brown’s colleagues, family and commend the Leadership Alliance and the mental freedoms for all Cypriots. friends join with me in thanking him for his University of Virginia for 20 years of mentoring While the people of Cyprus must ultimately commitment to others and wishing him happi- a diverse and competitive workforce. decide their own fate, there is no better time ness and good health in his future endeavors. f for the international community to support f SUPPORTING INTERNATIONAL EF- such reunification efforts. As all eyes remain NORTHERN NEVADA’S OLYMPIAN FORTS FOR THE REUNIFICATION on Cyprus during its term with the EU presi- OF CYPRUS dency, and continued talks would signal to the HON. MARK E. AMODEI world that both parties are committed to estab- lishing a peaceful and prosperous future for all OF NEVADA HON. STEVE COHEN Cypriots. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TENNESSEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Thursday, July 26, 2012 Thursday, July 26, 2012 RECOGNIZING NORTHWEST FLOR- Mr. AMODEI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IDA’S JUSTIN GATLIN AS A congratulate Jacob ‘‘Jake’’ Dalton of Reno, Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to MEMBER OF THE 2012 UNITED Nevada as he represents his country in the urge the Administration to join in the inter- STATES OLYMPIC TEAM 2012 Olympic Games in London as a member national effort to reach a comprehensive set- of the U.S. men’s gymnastics team. tlement in Cyprus as a bi-zonal and bi-com- Jake, a 2009 graduate of Spanish Springs munal federation. This continued dispute has HON. JEFF MILLER OF FLORIDA High School and scholarship recipient at the real regional and global implications. It threat- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES University of Oklahoma, has the reputation of ens effective NATO–EU cooperation, affects a fierce and proven competitor. Only 20 years regional stability, and also remains an obsta- Thursday, July 26, 2012 old, Jake is already a champion, winning two cle to Turkey, our key partner and ally, gaining Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise NCAA titles in 2011 and the all-around gold in full membership to the European Union, which today to recognize Northwest Florida’s Justin the Winter Cup Challenge in 2011. the United States has long supported. Gatlin as a member of the 2012 United States To earn his place on the team, Dalton ex- I continue to believe that a just and viable Olympic Team. Every 4 years, our nation joins celled in the U.S. Olympic trials in San Jose, solution to the longstanding Cyprus problem is together to root on the athletes that represent California, winning both the vault and the floor not only achievable, but also urgent and nec- us at the Summer Olympic Games and for exercise. His teammates are Jonathan Horton, essary. The key to the settlement in Cyprus is those of us from Northwest Florida, we will be Danell Leyva, Sam Mikulak, John Orozco, and the renewal of the Partnership between the rooting even harder when Justin competes in alternates Chris Brooks, Steven Legendre, two equal co-owners and co-founders of the the 100 meter sprint to bring the gold back Alex Naddour. This men’s gymnastics team is ‘‘Republic of Cyprus’’, as established in 1960: home. VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:32 May 26, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E26JY2.000 E26JY2 jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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