SUBCHAPTER A—COPYRIGHT OFFICE AND PROCEDURES PART 201—GENERAL PROVISIONS 201.26 Recordation of documents pertaining to computer shareware and donation of public domain computer software. Sec. 201.27 Initial notice of distribution of dig- 201.1 Communication with the Copyright ital recording devices or media. Office. 201.28 Statements of Account for digital 201.2 Information given by the Copyright audio recording devices or media. Office. 201.29 Access to, and confidentiality of, 201.3 Fees for registration, recordation, and Statements of Account, Verification related services, special services, and Auditor’s Reports, and other verification services performed by the Licensing Di- information filed in the Copyright Office vision. for digital audio recording devices or 201.4 Recordation of transfers and certain media. other documents. 201.5 Corrections and amplifications of 201.30 Verification of Statements of Ac- copyright registrations; applications for count. supplementary registration. 201.31 Procedures for copyright restoration 201.6 Payment and refund of Copyright Of- in the United States for certain motion fice fees. pictures and their contents in accordance 201.7 Cancellation of completed registra- with the North American Free Trade tions. Agreement. 201.8 Disruption of postal or other transpor- 201.32 [Reserved] tation or communication services. 201.33 Procedures for filing Notices of In- 201.9 Recordation of agreements between tent to Enforce a restored copyright copyright owners and public broad- under the Uruguay Round Agreements casting entities. Act. 201.10 Notices of termination of transfers 201.34 Procedures for filing Correction No- and licenses. tices of Intent to Enforce a Copyright 201.11 Satellite carrier statements of ac- Restored under the Uruguay Round count covering statutory licenses for sec- Agreements Act. ondary transmissions. 201.35–201.37 [Reserved] 201.12 Recordation of certain contracts by 201.38 Designation of agent to receive noti- cable systems located outside of the fication of claimed infringement. forty-eight contiguous States. 201.39 Notice to Libraries and Archives of 201.13 Notices of objection to certain non- Normal Commercial Exploitation or commercial performances of non-dra- Availability at Reasonable Price. matic literary or musical works. 201.40 Exemption to prohibition against cir- 201.14 Warnings of copyright for use by cer- cumvention. tain libraries and archives. AUTHORITY: 17 U.S.C. 702. 201.15–201.16 [Reserved] Section 201.10 also issued under 17 U.S.C. 201.17 Statements of Account covering com- 304. pulsory licenses for secondary trans- missions by cable systems. 201.18 Notice of intention to obtain a com- § 201.1 Communication with the Copy- pulsory license for making and distrib- right Office. uting phonorecords of non-dramatic mu- (a) General purpose addresses. Mem- sical works. bers of the public must use the correct 201.19 Royalties and statements of account address in order to facilitate timely re- under compulsory license for making and ceipt by the copyright division or sec- distributing phonorecords of nondra- matic musical works. tion to which an inquiry should be di- 201.20 Methods of affixation and positions of rected. The following addresses may be the copyright notice on various types of used for general inquiries made to a works. particular division or section of the 201.21 [Reserved] Copyright Office. Addresses for special, 201.22 Advance notices of potential infringe- limited purposes are provided below in ment of works consisting of sounds, im- paragraph (b) of this section. Anyone ages, or both. who is not certain where a particular 201.23 Transfer of unpublished copyright de- posits to the Library of Congress. inquiry should be directed, should in- 201.24 Warning of copyright for software quire about the proper address through lending by nonprofit libraries. the ‘‘Contact us’’ section on the Of- 201.25 Visual Arts Registry. fice’s Web site (http:// 441 VerDate Aug<04>2004 03:44 Aug 31, 2005 Jkt 205137 PO 00000 Frm 00451 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\205137.XXX 205137 § 201.2 37 CFR Ch. II (7–1–05 Edition) www.copyright.gov) or call the Public computer generated application forms; Information Office at (202) 707–3000. requests for expedited service from ei- (1) In general. Mail and other commu- ther the Certifications and Documents nications which do not come under the Section or Reference and Bibliography areas listed in paragraph (a) or (b) of Section to meet the needs of pending or this section shall be addressed to the prospective litigation, customs mat- Library of Congress, Copyright Office, ters or contract or publishing deadlines 101 Independence Avenue, SE., Wash- should be addressed to: Copyright GC/ ington, DC 20559–6000. I&R, P.O. Box 70400, Southwest Sta- (2) Inquiries to Licensing Division. In- tion, Washington, DC 20024–0400. quiries about filings related to the (2) Copyright Arbitration Royalty Pan- compulsory licenses (17 U.S.C. 111, 112, els (CARPs). CARP claims, filings, and 114, 115, 118, 119, 122 and chapter 10) general CARP correspondence should should be addressed to the Library of be mailed to: Copyright Arbitration Congress, Copyright Office, Licensing Royalty Panel (CARP), P.O. Box 70977, Division, 101 Independence Avenue, Southwest Station, Washington, DC SE., Washington, DC 20557–6400. 20024–0977. (3) Copies of records or deposits. Re- [69 FR 39331, June 30, 2004] quests for copies of records or deposits for use in litigation or other authorized § 201.2 Information given by the Copy- purposes should be addressed to the right Office. Certifications and Documents Section, (a) In general. (1) Information relative LM–402, Library of Congress, Copyright to the operations of the Copyright Of- Office, 101 Independence Avenue, SE., fice is supplied without charge. A Washington, DC 20559–6302. search of the records, indexes, and de- (4) Search of records. Requests for posits will be made for such informa- searches of registrations and tion as they may contain relative to recordations in the completed catalogs, copyright claims upon application and indexes, and other records of the Copy- payment of the statutory fee. The right Office should be addressed to the Copyright Office, however, does not un- Reference and Bibliography Section, dertake the making of comparisons of LM–450, Library of Congress, Copyright copyright deposits to determine simi- Office, 101 Independence Avenue, SE., larity between works. Washington, DC 20559–6306. Records (2) The Copyright Office does not fur- dating from January 1, 1978, forward nish the names of copyright attorneys, are available for searching on the publishers, agents, or other similar in- Copyright Office’s Web site at http:// formation. www.copyright.gov: COHM, which in- (3) In the administration of the Copy- cludes information on all registrations right Act in general, the Copyright Of- except serials; COHD, which includes fice interprets the Act. The Copyright information on recordations; and Office, however, does not give specific COHS, which includes information on legal advice on the rights of persons, serials. whether in connection with particular (b) Limited purpose addresses. The fol- lowing addresses may be used only in uses of copyrighted works, cases of al- the special, limited circumstances leged foreign or domestic copyright in- given for a particular Copyright Office fringement, contracts between authors service: and publishers, or other matters of a (1) Time sensitive requests. Freedom of similar nature. Information (FOIA) requests; notices of (b) Inspection and copying of records. filing of copyright infringement law- (1) Inspection and copying of completed suits; 3 comments for rulemaking pro- records and indexes relating to a reg- ceedings; requests for Copyright Office istration or a recorded document, and speakers; requests for approvals of inspection of copies or identifying ma- terial deposited in connection with a completed copyright registration may 3 All litigation material is time sensitive and must be addressed to the appropriate be undertaken in the Certifications and section of the Copyright Office; the Office is Documents Section. Since some of also publishing new regulations governing these materials are not stored on the legal process. immediate premises of the Copyright 442 VerDate Aug<04>2004 03:44 Aug 31, 2005 Jkt 205137 PO 00000 Frm 00452 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\205137.XXX 205137 Copyright Office, Library of Congress § 201.2 Office, it is advisable to consult the right claimant or his/her authorized Certifications and Documents Section representative, and to determine the length of time nec- (ii) In the case of documents, upon essary to produce the requested mate- the request of at least one of the per- rials. sons who executed the document or by (2) It is the general policy of the an authorized representative of that Copyright Office to deny direct public person. access to in-process files and to any These requests should be made to the work (or other) areas where they are Public Information Office, and the re- kept. However, direct public use of view of the materials will be permitted computers intended to access the auto- there. No charge will be made for re- mated equivalent of limited portions of viewing these materials; the appro- these files is permitted on a specified priate search fee identified in § 201.3(c) terminal in the Records Maintenance or § 201.3(d) will be assessed, and the ap- Unit, LM B–14, Monday through Fri- propriate copying fee identified
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