Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management ISSN: 1463-4988 (Print) 1539-4077 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uaem20 Composition and seasonal variations in abundance of Copepod (Crustacea) populations from the northern part of Lake Tanganyika Déo Mushagalusa Cirhuza & Pierre-Denis Plisnier To cite this article: Déo Mushagalusa Cirhuza & Pierre-Denis Plisnier (2016) Composition and seasonal variations in abundance of Copepod (Crustacea) populations from the northern part of Lake Tanganyika, Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 19:4, 401-410 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14634988.2016.1251277 Accepted author version posted online: 27 Oct 2016. Published online: 27 Oct 2016. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 17 View related articles View Crossmark data Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=uaem20 Download by: [] Date: 22 December 2016, At: 23:40 Composition and seasonal variations in abundance of Copepod (Crustacea) populations from the northern part of Lake Tanganyika Deo Mushagalusa Cirhuza1,* and Pierre-Denis Plisnier2 1Department of Biology, Centre de Recherche en Hydrobiologie (CRH, Uvira), P.O. Box 73, Uvira, Democratic Republic of Congo 2Earth Sciences Department, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium *Corresponding author: [email protected] Copepod has an important ecological role as a main food of several fishes on which commercial fisheries are based in Lake Tanganyika. However, very little multi-annual monitoring programs have been conducted for this group of crustacean zooplankton. This study was conducted in the northern part of Lake Tanganyika by weekly sampling at both pelagic and littoral sites over three consecutive years (2012–2014). The analyzed samples showed that Lake Tanganyika copepod was essentially composed of three suborders including Calanoida (30% by number) with a single endemic species, Cyclopoida (69%) with four dominant species and Harpacticoida (1%). These taxa showed variations in their abundance respectively at pelagic and littoral sampling sites. The average densities of copepods did slightly vary during the sampling period in both areas although higher peaks were observed in 2013. For the post-nauplii stage, Tropocyclops tenellus predominated while the nauplii of T. simplex predominated at both sampling sites. Seasonal fluctuations of copepod densities showed higher peaks in September/October and April/May, respectively, for the three most common species. T. simplex and M. aequatorialis ovigerous females showed higher peaks in the rainy season in 2013. These results can benefit pelagic fisheries research and lake environmental management efforts as the copepod abundance seems to be closely correlated to that of sardines in Lake Tanganyika. Keywords: copepod diversity, zooplankton ecology, density, development stage Introduction copepodswhichoccupyakeypositioninboth food chain and energy transfer between primary Lake Tanganyika is remarkable in its large producers (phytoplankton) and superior taxa biodiversity and high fish production (Mannini, (Langenberg et al., 2003). In Lake Tanganyika, 1999; Phiri and Shirakihara, 1999). Commercial copepod spatial distribution is mainly due to the fisheries mainly target two pelagic clupeids, Sto- increase in phytoplankton biomass closely lothrissa tanganicae (Regan) and Limnothrissa driven by hydrodynamics and water mixing miodon (Boulenger), and four latids, especially (Plisnier et al., 1999, 2009). Nevertheless, cope- Lates stappersii (Boulenger) (Roest, 1992; Sar- pod populations have been the subject of few vala et al., 1999). Clupeids feed mainly on environmental studies in Lake Tanganyika. 401 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 19(4):401–410, 2016. Copyright Ó 2016 AEHMS. ISSN: 1463-4988 print / 1539-4077 online DOI: 10.1080/14634988.2016.1251277 402 Mushagalusa Cirhuza and Plisnier/Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 19 (2016) 401–410 Earlier studies on their ecology (e.g. seasonal Materials and methods variations in abundance) were also limited by difficulties linked to the determination of many Study site endemic species still requiring revision (Dussart et al., 1984). The description of Lake Tanga- Lake Tanganyika is located in Eastern Africa nyika copepod species was previously conducted and is bordered by Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Demo- by Sars (1909), Gurney (1928) and Lindberg 2 (1951). The Copepoda group is more diversified cratic Republic of Congo covers over 14,800 km than other zooplankton groups and only harpac- (45%) of the surface of the lake and 795 km ticoids, cyclopoids and calanoids are well repre- (43%) of its perimeter. Monitoring of copepods sented in Lake Tanganyika (Lindberg, 1951; was carried out in the open waters off Uvira at the extreme northwest of Lake Tanganyika. Two sites Dussart et al., 1984). Thirty nine cyclopoid spe- and two different sampling approaches were cho- cies are present in Lake Tanganyika with three sen: in pelagic site (0324056.7, 2910038.100E) at dominant species in the open waters: Mesocy- 5 km from the shore and at an estimated depth of clops aequatorialis aequatorialis (Kiefer), Tro- over 60 m; and in littoral site (0325001.200S, pocyclops tenellus (Sars) and Microcyclops 0 00 cunningtoni (Sars) (Coulter, 1991). The cyclo- 29 02 56.9 E) nearly 10 m from the shores with a poids are the most diverse group with a high variable depth estimated from 1 to 2.5 m. These endemicity while Tropodiaptomus simplex (Sars) sites were accessible from the Centre of Research is the unique endemic calanoid species known, on Hydrobiology (CRH, Uvira) and the pelagic widely distributed in Lake Tanganyika open site was very close to that of the LTR/FAO/FIN- waters (Lindberg, 1951; Mgana et al., 2014). NIDA project (Plisnier et al., 1999). In littoral areas we sampled at a site characterized by mixed The harpacticoid are reported but poorly known substrates (rock-sand) with strong influence of in Lake Tanganyika. Most species of this group human activities. seem to be parasites and benthic (Coulter, 1991). Previous researches on zooplankton have highlighted the vertical distribution of copepods Data collection and sampling design in relation to planktivorous fish in the lake (Mulimbwa, 1988; Kurki et al., 1999; Vuorinen Sampling was conducted following two levels: et al., 1999). Not much attention was paid to spatial (pelagic and littoral) and temporal (weekly) species diversity. Calanoids were noted to be from January 2012 to August 2014. At each site, a more abundant in the south whereas cyclopoids double and regular sample was taken weekly were observed to dominate in the north (Kurki (every Tuesday) between 8–10 a.m. using a plank- et al., 1999). Fluctuations in copepod abundance ton net (100 mm aperture mesh, 25 cm diameter). between both pelagic and littoral zones and the Each sample was collected in a plastic pot and different life cycle stages (nauplii and post-nau- adjusted to a volume of 50 ml and immediately plii) were not well investigated in Lake Tanga- preserved in 4% formalin (Haney, 1988). The net nyika previously, despite their high biomass and was ballasted with a lead seal and raised slowly relation with fish distribution. Densities and bio- (0.5 m/s) on a vertical haul from 60–0 m in the mass of copepod taxa observed previously were pelagic zone or attached on floaters and pulled preliminary and did not permit conducting com- horizontally over a distance of 20 m slightly below prehensive analyses due to the diversity of sam- the lake surface in the littoral site. The identifica- pling methods used in the lake (Sarvala et al., tion of copepod groups and species was conducted 1999). Although zooplankton is sensitive to cli- mainly in the laboratory of Biology at the CRH, mate change (Richardson, 2008), it has not been Uvira (DR Congo) and complemented in laborato- used for this type of analyses in Lake Tanga- ries at the Royal Museum for Central Africa and nyika. To overcome this knowledge gap, the Royal Institute of Natural Science of Belgium. For present study performed regular monitoring to this, each sample was transferred into 70% ethanol evaluate copepod populations in both pelagic and isolated specimens were dissected into 10% and littoral waters and analyzed their inter- glycerin solution onto slides using fine forceps annual, seasonal and spatial variations in the (Type brucelle Dumont clockmaker). To perform northern part of Lake Tanganyika. copepod preparations, we followed patterns given Mushagalusa Cirhuza and Plisnier/Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 19 (2016) 401–410 403 in Kiefer (1956) and revised by Dussart (1980). p < 0.001) in Lake Tanganyika (Figure 1). Total For copepod species identification, a sound knowl- densities indicate that cyclopoids with four com- edge of their morphology was required and for this mon species predominate with ascending percen- we used both light-microscopic observations and tages of T. tenellus (52%) > M. aequatorialis scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods (14%) > Thermocyclops oblongatus (2%) > M. according to the scheme proposed by Dussart and cunningtoni (1%), respectively, followed by cala- Defaye (2001), Harnandez-Chavarria and Schaper noid T. simplex (30%) and harpacticoids (1%) (2000) and Fiers (Unpublished data). These proce- throughout the sampling period (Figure 1). Cope- dures permitted broader view of specimen appen- pods are more abundant in the pelagic (n D 142, dices of copepod taxa. Microscopic counting mean of 2069 ind.m¡3, 66%) than in the littoral (OLYMPUS CH30RF200 and DIALUX 20) was (n D 142, mean of 1060 ind.m¡3, 34%) sites sam- carried out by sub-samples of 1 ml from the entire pled here (F D 61.5, p < 0.001). Harpacticoids, adjusting sample using a pipette (4 mm opening) although observed in both sites, were rare in the (Isumbisho et al., 2006a,b). Counting taxa accord- pelagic site. Average densities of copepods has ing to their development stages (nauplii and post- varied slightly during the study period (r D 0.086, nauplii) was conducted following the methods F D 7.4, p D 0.001).
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