BARTER THEATRE CONGRATULATIONS •> TOMORROW NIGHT SCHOOLMA'AM! -MADISON COLLEGE- Vol. XXIII Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, October 25, 1946 No, 13 Shakespeare's Play Three To Star Oldgirl—Newgirl Hockey Game Commences Barter In New Play Wedding Oct. 31 Theatre Programs Madison's traditional Oldgirl-New- Here Nov. 2 Westhampton and Madison College Tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in Wil- The characters for the play, "Sup- girl wedding will be held October 31 will renew an old contest when the son Auditorium, i the famed Barter pressed Desires," to be presented on in Wilson auditorium at 4:30 p.m. two varsity hockey teams meet Sat- Theatre of Virginia will present Wil- November 1, have been announced by This ceremony will represent the un- urday, November 2, at 2:30 p.m. on liam Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Bee Vee Manuel. ion of old students and new students the Madison hockey field. This prom- Nothing." Baylor "Nick" Nichols will play ises to be an excellent inter-collegiate . The production is most elaborate the part of Stephen Brewster, a prom- in the bonds of love and loyalty to game. with its cast of twenty-seven and its inent architect in whose home the each of her and to the college. Madison competition with West- skillful blending of comedy and trag- action of the play progresses. Hen- The bride, maid of honor, eight hampton in hockey was once as tradi- edy. It was more than two genera- rietta. Brewster,. the psychoanalytical- bridesmaids, two flower girls, and ring tionally keen a contest as are our tions ago that the play was last pro- ly minded wife of Stephen Brewster bearer will be picked from the mem- basketball games with Farmville Col- duced on the Broadway stage. will be played by Ha Mae Cary. bers of the freshman class and trans- lege. During the war our co-education Don Pedro, prince of Aragon, is Mable, Henrietta's naive young sis- hockey games were discontinued. brought near tragedy by his evil ter from Chicago, will be played by fer students. They will be selected by Transportation difficulties last year brother, creating more excitement. June Hoff. a committee composed of Hilda Davis, necessitated division of Virginia women This stunning character is played by "Suppressed Desires" is a rib-tickl- president of student government; ROBERT PASTENE college teams into two groups to the young and handsome Robert ing satire on the fad for psychoanaly- Nancy Bristow, chairman of social compete in eastern and western tour- Pastene. sis that has swept the nation in re- committee; Unity Chappell, chairman naments. Westhampton made a nice Pastene joined the Barter Theatre cent years. Yearbook Gets of standards committee. showing in the eastern tournament upon being released to inactive duty Mable, the young sister-in-law, against William and Mary, R.P.I., in the Naval Reserve. The St. Louis- Hilda Davis, president of student comes to visit the Stephen Brewster Farmville, and Mary Washington. In an was first sent to Barter by Ethel National Honor government, will act as minister and home, in which a great controversy previous years both teams have been Barrymore on a scholarship in 1941, National recognition has come to between architecture and analysis perform the ceremonies. The groom so closely matched that the wins have and then appeared with Raymond the editors of the 1946 Schoolma'am (psycho) is raging. Things really be- will be Mary Jane Fulton, vice-presi- been almost evenly stacked for both Massey in "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" for their excellent publication. gin to happen when Mable is set on dent of student government, will be teams. on the road, attending the Neighbor- "Forward looking books caught the the trail of hej_."suppressed desires." the father of the bride while Trigg Jane Hartman who plays left in- hood Playhouse, where he studied spirit of 1945-46. 'Hands to the Fut- Holliday, will act as best man. ner position, and Margaret Kash, with Sanford Meisner and Martha ure' knit together the Schoolma'am, hockey sports leader, will co-captain Graham. Groomsmen will be June Sterling, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Vir- Sorority Presidents recorder of points, Bettie Norwood, Jthe Madison team for her second ginia; skillful use was made of pic- Name Girls Bidded editor of the Handbook; Unity Chap- consecutive year. Ethyl Watson of Walker Announces tures of hands in the opening section pell, chairman of standards commit- Randolph Macon and Margaret Mc- and divisions," said an article which By Their Sororities tee; Nancy Bristow, chairman of so- Key of St. Catherine's School will Fire Marshals appeared in the October issue of the cial committee, Geneva Hughes, officiate. ■ Fire marshalls for campus dor- Scholastic Editor, a national maga- Rush week ended last Saturday with Hannah Finnley, and Margaret Kash, Will Madison's skill and teamwork mitories have been announced by zine for all student publications. the bidding of one, hundred and senior class representatives to the defeat the Westhampton lassies'? Marion Walker, fire chief. They are: The National Scholastic Press As- twenty girls. student council; and Betty Coyne, Come to the game, Madisonites, and Alumnae, Bob Monahan; Ashby, sociation, publishers of the yearbook Twenty-four girls received bids from junior student council representative. this difficult question will be ans- Irene Munson; Carter House, Jo scorebook, also honored the Madison Alpha Sigma Alpha announces Betty Other members of the council and wered completely and, with your Vaughan; Home Management house; publication. The 1946 Schoolma'am Jo Stretchberry, president. These girls the presidents of the classes will act cheering support, most satisfactorily. Juanita Yow; Jackson, Jinx Farmer, came out with a First Class Honor were pledged Tuesday night in Pan as members of the family.. and Johnston, Barbara Pamplin. Rating, two jumps ahead of the 1945 Hellenic room. These girls are as Music will be furnished by the Alumnae Hall Has Largest Fire marshall in Junior is Evelyn edition. Only those yearbooks sub- follows: Bertha Mae Boswell, Nancy music department. Church Attendance Sun. Michie; Lincoln house, Mary Gore; mitted to be rated were classed. Lee Bradley, Nancy Rose Bryant, The third Sunday in "Going-to- Messick house, Marguerite Berry- "The top or highest rating, 'The Mildred Bushong, Katherine Collie, Church" month at Madison found man; Senior, Margaret Walker; Shel- Ail-American Honor Rating' is our Sue Deaton, Ernestine Gillespie, Lucie Nominees Selected Alumnae Hall ahead in church atend- don, Ann Horn; Shenandoah apart- goal for the* 1947 Schoolma'am," an- Goettling, Marilyn Johnson, Mary A nominating committee of the ance with 57%. Spottswood followed ments, Lynda Yeatts; Spotswood, nounced Claire Bennett, editor. Love, Lynn Mitchell, Jerry Neathery. freshman class, with the junior class in second place with 53%. Carter, Elsie Thornhill; and Sprinkle house, Caroline Peters, Emily Pierce, Mary president as advisor, have nominated Messick and Shenandoah Houses Jane Sherman. Roggli Is Speaker Rudasill, Eugenia Savage, Betty Gray four girls for the position of presi- tied for third place with 50% each. Scott, Etheline Smith, Hazel D. dent. These girls are Barbara Ban- Sprinkle and Lincoln Houses tied At Achievement Day Smith, Jennie Snowden, Lois Stine, ish, Sarah Strader, Ann Lyons, and for fourth place with* 38%. "Y" NOTES Carol Thompson, Ann .. Yeatts, | and Peggy Shomo. Other girls will be The remaining percentages were: Leach to Speak Miss Dorothy Roggli of the Madi- Rebecca Settle. nominated from the floor at the meet- Jackson, 35%; Junior, 34%; Johnson, "Prayer" will be the theme of ves- son Home Economics department was Pi Kappa Sigma ing which will be held Tuesday, Octo- 28%; Ashby, 18%; Sheldon, 17%; and Senior, 13%. pers Sunday and Dottie Leach, relig- guest speaker on Wednesday at the Becca Chappell, president of Pi ber 29. ious education director and secretary Rockbridge County Achievement Day Kappa Sigma, announces the twenty- of the Harrisonburg Methodist church which was held in the Presbyterian seven girls who received bids. These Announces Dance News Church annex in Lexington. The an- Orchestra Accepts Brandt Nancy Bristow, chairman of social will be guest speaker. Gwen Snapp girls were pledged Thursday night nual achievement day was held by committee, announces that only fresh- will sing "Tire Lord's Prayer." in Pan Hellenic room: Mary Shep Marguerite Coffman, president of and for all the Home Demonstration men and juniors may attend openings Questionnaires Sent Alberts, Margaret Jessup, Jackie Bur- the Madison College orchestra, has on November 2Z. Sophomores, seniors The questionnaires which you have clubs in Rockbridge County. ton, Kitty Dance, Ebie Copely, Jessie announced the acceptance of a new and sorority girls may attend the pan- received this week have been pre- Besides the planned program on Comann, Kathy Walters, Ginny member, Lois C. Brandt, drummer, hellenic dance on December 7. pared by the Y and sent to you in which Miss Roggli took part, reports Moody, Annalee Messick, Virginia into the orchestra. order that we can know what topics on the achievements during the past Wooten, Biddy Fensterwald, Mae and problems the student body would year of the various individual Home Zirkle. Charles Tobin Speaks Monday Night like to have discussed by Miss Mar- Demonstration clubs and 4-H Clubs Mary Julias, Vivian Connelly, were given, and exhibits of the work garet Slattery, who will be our guest GVacie~ Lee Van Dyke, Lois Brack- For Second Forum-Lecture Program speaker during Religious Emphasis of the members of all the clubs were et!, Lois Campbell, Jane Grant, Mar- "Getting Together in the Orient" week. Each student is requested to on display. garet Powell, Bobby Hummell, Ida fill out a questionnaire in order that will be the subject of the Institute Miss Rogli used "Dress for Good Hart Chappell, Joan Kirby, Jo Hodg- Religious Emphasis week be success- of International Understanding lec- Figures" as her topic and discussed son, Mary Stuart Moffett, and Evelyn ful and meaningful.
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