BAHA'I NEWS NO. 192 FEBRUARY, 1947 YEAR 103 BAHA'I ERA Four More Pioneers Leave for Europe "Deeply Touched" The European Teaching Commit­ der Mrs. Anne Lynch is proving of tee is happy to report the imminent great benefit and value to the overall Thrilled by generous response . departure for Europe of the following European teaching work. of believers to Temple . Fund . pioneers: Miss Madeline Humbert Pioneers already in the field in Deeply touched. Hail striking of the New York community, to Brus­ Europe send us very encouraging evidence of the magnificent sels, Belgium, January 29; Mrs. reports concerning their work. Mrs. spirit, unshakeable solidarity Alice Dudley of the San Francisco Corbit in Oslo, Norway, writes that and unflinching resolve of community, to Stockholm, Sweden, her fireside groups are proceeding February 19; . Mr. and Mrs. Ugo satisfactorily and she is especially American Baha'i community. Giachery of the New York commun­ happy that such a large percentage Deepest loving gratitude. ity, to Rome, Italy, February 9. Miss of those attending are young people. (signed) SHOGHI Honor Kempton was requested by the In accordance with the Guardian's Guardian to remain one month in Eng­ directions, this committee is now in land to assist with the British teach­ the process of preparing to send itin­ ing campaign before taking up her erant teachers to Europe to assist Ten Groups Reach Assembly post in Luxembourg. This Miss Kemp­ our pioneers. One of the first to go Status ton has done and she will be at her in this capacity will be Mrs. Marion post in Luxembourg on February 1. In a cable sent June 12, 1946, the Little of the New Orleans communi­ 'The committee feels sure that all the Guardian pleaded for the speedy con­ ty. Mrs. Little is eminently qualified believers will join them in their pray­ vers~on of thirty groups to Assem­ by reason of much teaching experi­ ers for the success and confirmation bly status and added, "Devoutly hop­ ence, together with an ability to of the arduous task these dedicated ing, fervently praying number As­ speak French fluently, to undertake pioneers are undertaking. semblies functioning North America this important mission. Others reach seventy-five ere expiry second Frequent letters are being received equally well qualified will follow her year second stage Divine Plan." That i'rom Mrs. Graeffe reporting on the in the near future. means that thirty groups should be <:onsolidation of the work of the Ge­ If any of the believers have fam­ ready for Assembly status as soon neva office of the European Teach­ ily, friends or acquaintances resid­ as possible and forty by April 21st, ing Committee. The close coopera­ ing in any of the goal countries who !948. tion between the E.T.C. office and they think would be good Baha'i con­ the International Baha'i Bureau un- Of this number, ten groups are Continued on vaae 2 assured of Assembly status by April, 1947, owing to the diligent work of Panama Conference to Open Regional Teaching Committees and Word has arrived that delegates Buenos Aires conference from the the Extension Teaching Committees from Guatemala, Mexico, El Salva­ south, and Mrs. Gayle Woolson, who of various Assemblies. Thirty-eight dor, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa comes from a trip to Caracas, Vene­ groups hold promise, and on these Rica, Colon and the Dominican Re­ zuela, where she will return after the concentrated attention of the Na­ public are now arriving in the City the conference and after a visit to tional Teaching Committee is being <>f Panama for the first official con­ Miss Lotus Peterson of Duluth, focused. ference of the northern Latin Ameri­ Minn., who has just arrived in Mara­ These groups, each having six or can countries, that are to elect the caibo, Venezuela. more members are: West Haven, second National Spiritual Assembly Miss Peterson's arrival is one of Conn.; Buffalo, New York; Mont­ of Latin America in April, 1951. It those small and great miracles of clair, Bergenfield, Englewood, Jer­ is hoped that delegates from the Baha'u'llah, which are constantly sey City, and Red Bank, New Jersey; other islands of the West Indies will seen and experienced by the be­ Columbia and North Augusta, South arrive when the conference opens lievers who have had courage to give Carolina; Knoxville, Tennessee; San on January 19th. Charles Mason up their all and to hurl themselves. Antonio, Texas; Toledo, Findlay, Remey is the distinguished visitor upon His mercy and guidance in full Granger Township, Hinckley Town­ from North · America to the. service to Him. Lotus arrived in Chi­ ship, Urbana, and Lakewood,. Ohio; Conference. cago recently en route to take her Kalamazoo and Dearborn Township, The traveling pioneers are repre­ boat at New Orleans for Maracaibo. Michigan; Champaign, Park Ridge, sented by Mrs. Marcia Steward, who She found unexpectedly that there Limestone Township, and Winnetka, is doing a· special project in the Cen­ are a thousand and one red tape de­ Illinois; Green Bay, Shorewood, and tral Americas; Artemus Lamb, who tails which usually impede the ob- Somers Township (Kenosha), Wis- is bringing the inspiration of the Continued on vaae 4 Continued on vaae 2 2 FEBRUARY, 1947 Ten Groups Reach Assembly Status Notice to Assemblies Ccmtinued from page 1 To Reach the Goal The Regional Teaching Commit­ consin; Glenfield, North Dakota; 175 functioning LSA's "ere ex­ tees, through the National Teaching North Albuquerque, New Mexico; In­ piry second year second Committee, have been requested to glewood, El Monte Township, Arca­ stage Divine Plan." render assistance to the smaller dia, Monrovia Township, Monrovia, 135 LSA's now established communities in their efforts to in­ Pasadena Township, Southgate, and North America. crease their numbers and preserve San Mateo, California; Monroe, and 40 LSA's to be established by their Assembly status. Assemblies of Kirkland, Washington. 1948. the smaller Baha'i communities are 38 Groups hold promise of free to request this assistance. Seventeen Settlers Urgently LSA status. In order to enable traveling be­ Needed 10 Groups now assured of LSA lievers to make contact with the status April. Baha'is of cities visited, the local Nine Assemblies need reinforce­ Assemblies are advised to register ment by April 21st or they will re­ 9 LSA's in need of reinforce­ ment by April. their permanent address, their vert to group status. In order to pre­ meeting place and their schedule of vent this seventeen settlers are 17 Settlers needed to maintain present LSA's. meetings with the local Chamber of needed. If you are free to move to Commerce. A telephone listing using one of these goal cities, please write the name "Baha'i"· is also very im­ to Mrs. Sarah S. Walrath, secretary portant if it can be arranged. of the National Teaching Committee, photograph; by posters at the Pub­ 4639 Beacon Street, Chicago. lic Library, International House, Three More Pioneers Leave The first objective mentioned in Berkeley Women's City Club, etc; for Europe the Guardian's outline of the Second and by· the sending of printed post­ Continued from page 1 Seven Year Plan to the 1946 Conven­ cards to contacts and friends. The tacts, please send · their names and tion was "consolidation of victories book exhibit, the youth ushers, and addresses to our chairman, Miss Ed­ already won throughout the Amer­ the attractive surroundings, as well na True, 418 Forest Ave., Wilmette, icas, involving multiplication of Ba­ as the 30 Baha'is who came from Ill., so that she can forward them to ha'i centers, bolder proclamation of ;nearby cities, contributed to the the pioneers in the respective the Faith to the masses." In order to success of the meeting. Almost every countries. hold on to the victories won under one of the 75 non-Baha'i attending the first Seven Year Plan, these sev­ signed the guest book and took litera­ enteen settlers must be found. ture. Later these individuals re­ Baha'i News ceived the invitation and program Baha'i News is published by the for the succeeding meeting. National Spiritual Assembly of the Berkeley Holds Successful Baha'is of the United States and Can­ Public Meetings The meeting of October 16 was ada as the official news-letter of the held in the spacious lounge of the Baha'i Community. The first issue aP­ The Berkeley Baha'is have held a College Women's Club. This pro­ peared in December, 1924. series of three public meetings in gram featured a beautiful short con­ On April 10, 1925, the Guardian order to present to the thinking peo­ cert by Walter Olitzki, Baha'i artist wrote: "The News Letter which you ple of the town and the University have lately initiated fulfills a very of the Metropolitan and the San vital function. I would urge you the broad scope of the Baha'i Faith. Francisco Opera Companies, ac­ to enlarge its scope . that in The first two meetings were . held companied by Fritz Berens, and out­ time it may devote a special section three weeks apart with excellent standing talks by .Sally Sanor on to every phase of your activities, ad­ audiences and great interest. ministrative, devotional, humanitar­ "The Cause of Strife" and by ian, financial, educational and other­ On September 23 the Patio Room Arthur L. Dahl, Jr. on "The Baha'i wise. of the Women's City Club was packed Contribution to World Peace." At­ "It should become a great factor to overflowing with 125 people. tractive invitation-programs were in promoting understanding, provid­ Marilyn Zahl played selections from ing information on Baha'i activity, mailed to the "key list" of Univer­ both local and foreign, in stimulating Chopin.
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