WA MALI MALTA USALTA 20170304193A1 AR DATATA TAMAN UTAMA ( 19) United States (12 ) Patent Application Publication (10 ) Pub. No. : US 2017/ 0304193 A1 Soroudi ( 43 ) Pub . Date : Oct. 26 , 2017 ( 54 ) NON - IRRITATING , NON - BLURRING , A61K 31/ 4192 (2006 .01 ) PHOTOSTABLE OPHTHALMIC SUNSCREEN A610 17 /04 ( 2006 . 01 ) COMPOSITION A61K 3330 ( 2006 .01 ) ) U . S . CI. ( 71) Applicant: A . Ebbie Soroudi, Los Angeles , CA CPC . .. A61K 9 / 0048 (2013 .01 ) ; A61Q 17 / 04 (US ) ( 2013 . 01 ) ; A61K 33 / 30 (2013 . 01 ) ; A61K 31 /215 (2013 .01 ) ; A61K 31/ 4192 ( 2013. 01 ) ; (72 ) Inventor: A . Ebbie Soroudi, Los Angeles , CA A61K 31/ 495 ( 2013. 01 ) (US ) (21 ) Appl . No . : 15 /648 , 107 (57 ) ABSTRACT A non - irritation , non - blurring, photostable ophthalmic sun ( 22 ) Filed : Jul. 12, 2017 screen composition contains at least one of the following : bemotrizinol; bisoctrizole ; tris -biphenyl triazine ; and / or Related U . S . Application Data octyl methoxycinnamate . A liquid vehicle base is then a (63 ) Continuation - in - part of application No . 14 /715 , 894 , remainder of the solution by weight. The composition is an filed on May 19 , 2015 . artificial tear formulation or an ophthalmic suspension or ointment. The composition may include at least one inor (60 ) Provisional application No. 62/ 000 , 071, filed on May ganic and /or at least one organic active ingredient . The 19, 2014 , provisional application No . 62 / 361, 189 , inorganic active ingredients may include , but not be limited filed on Jul . 12 , 2016 . to zinc oxide , titanium dioxide , iron oxide , zirconium oxide , and cerium oxide . The organic active ingredients may Publication Classification include, but not be limited to dioxybenzone , octinoxate , (51 ) Int. CI. octisalate , homosalate , avobenzone, octocrylene , para - amin A61K 9 / 00 ( 2006 .01 ) obenzoic acid , cinoxate , methyl anthranilate , octocrylene , A61K 31/ 495 ( 2006 . 01 ) padimate O , ensulizole , sulisobenzone , trolamine salicylate , A6IK 31/ 215 ( 2006 . 01 ) and ecamsule . US 2017 /0304193 A1 Oct. 26 , 2017 NON - IRRITATING , NON - BLURRING , [0008 ]. Accordingly , protecting the ocular structures form PHOTOSTABLE OPHTHALMIC SUNSCREEN UV radiation may be beneficial in preventing such oxidative COMPOSITION damage that leads to all of these very common ophthalmic conditions . Until recently , the only proposed mechanism to CROSS -REFERENCE TO RELATED protect the eyes from UV radiation has been the use of APPLICATIONS glasses with UV protection , sunglasses, and tinted contact lenses . [0001 ] This continuation - in -part patent application claims [0009 ] There is a plethora of prior art suggesting the use priority to application Ser. No . 14 /715 ,894 filed on May 19 , of different physical and /or chemical sunscreen composi 2015 which itself claimed priority to provisional application tions for just the skin and formulations that won ' t damage 62/ 000 ,071 filed on May 19 , 2014 . This continuation - in -part the eye should any formulation get within the eye , but these application also claims priority to provisional application patents and prior art did not envision and / or describe the use 62 /361 , 189 filed on Jul. 12 , 2016 . The entire contents of all of such formulations for protecting the ocular structures in the priority applications (non - provisional and provisional ) any way . For example , Dueva -Koganov et al. ( Pub . No . : US are hereby incorporated in full by these references . 2010 /0226867 A1) proposed a " cosmetic and /or dermato logical” composition that are non - irritating to mammalian DESCRIPTION eyes. While this is a significant advantage for a dermato logical composition not to burn the eyes in case of inadver Field of the Invention tent contact , it does not describe the application of a solution [0002 ] The present invention generally relates to a sun that is designed for “ ophthalmic ” use per se. screen formulation designed for protecting the eyes includ [0010 ] There have been inventions that have proposed ing the conjunctiva , cornea , lens , and retina . More particu formulations specifically for the purpose of protecting the larly , the present invention relates to a non - irritating human eye from UV radiation , but such prior art has sunscreen that is applied directly onto the ocular surface of suggested formulations that are very different than what is the eye for protection from ultraviolet radiation . proposed herein with potential side- effects that may render them impractical for frequent use . Such prior art has pro Background of the Invention posed compositions that would make vision extremely blurry and / or be extremely irritating to the eyes, thus making [0003 ] Ultraviolet radiation is part of the electromagnetic them less suitable for frequent use by the general population . spectrum that reaches the earth from the sun . It has wave [0011 ] For example Michalos ( U . S . Pat. No . 4 ,923 ,693 ) lengths shorter than visible light , making it invisible to the proposed the use of 0 . 3 - 0 . 4 % hydroxypropylmethylcellulose naked eye . These wavelengths are classified as UVA , UVB , in the form of an eyedrop or ointment applied to the eyes or UVC . UVA has the longest of the three at 320 -400 prior to exposure to UV radiation ) . This formulation , while nanometers . UVA is further divided into two wave ranges , effective against UV radiation , would affect vision tremen UVA I, which measures 340 -400 nanometers (nm , or bil dously and make it difficult for the user to see clearly for lionths of a meter ) , and UVA II which extends from 320 -340 hours . nanometers . UVB ranges from 290 to 320 nm . With even [ 0012 ] Baron ( U . S . Pat . No . 5 ,041 , 244 ) described an oph shorter rays , most UVC is fortunately absorbed by the ozone thalmic liquid sunglass that is composed of dosages of layer and does not reach the earth . chromophores in aqueous gel to block transmission of all or [0004 ] Both UVA and UVB penetrate the Earth ' s atmo various spectrums ofUV from the eyes . He has described the sphere and play an important role in conditions such as use of high molecular weight polymers which form viscous premature skin aging , eye damage , hair damage , and certain dispersions and can be used to prolong the curation of the skin cancers . chromophore when the gel is applied to the eye . This alone [0005 ] Photoconjunctivitis and Photokeratitis describe would cause significant blurring of the users ' vision . Further , conditions where ultraviolet radiation inflames and / or dam there is no mention of the irritation that' s caused once this ages the delicate structures of the ocular surface ( the con mixture is directly applied to the eye . This makes Baron ' s junctiva and the cornea , respectively ) . UV exposure to the invention not entirely practical for frequent use by the eyes ( either direct or indirect ) can cause severe redness , public . dryness , irritation , tearing , photosensitivity , and pain . This [0013 ] Smith ( U . S . Publication Number 2013/ 0331362 pain can be so severe as to cause chemosis and sloughing of A1) has described an Ophthalmic Solution For Absorbing the corneal epithelium with resultant scarring and even Ultraviolet Radiation and Method For Absorbing Ultraviolet permanent vision loss . Radiation , where he proposed two active organic ingredients [ 0006 ] Long - term ophthalmic exposure to UV radiation to protect the eyes from UVA and UVB radiation , respec has been associated with permanent thickening of the con tively . This formulation , while effective in theory , would junctiva ( called a pingueculum ) , vascular proliferation and cause significant irritation to the users ' eyes to the point that tissue growth over the cornea ( called a pterygium ), conjunc it would render the formulation unusable due to its severe tival discoloration (melanosis ), even cancer ( e . g . , conjunc side effects . These ingredients , used as described , would also tival/ uveal melanoma) . cause severe blurring of the users ' s vision due to the size of [ 0007 ] Long -standing UV exposure to the eyes has also the molecules proposed . This would also render the Smith been associated with damage to the internal structures of the formulation a poor candidate for regular use . Last, when it eyes , e . g . , the natural lens and the retina . Certain forms of comes to an ophthalmic preparation , the formulation must cataracts ( e . g . , nuclear sclerosis ) , as well as macular degen take into effect the fact that the ingredients used must be eration have been linked to the damage caused by oxidative photostable ( i. e ., that the UV filters don ' t break down or damage from UV exposure . degrade once exposed to UV light) . The Smith patent US 2017 /0304193 A1 Oct. 26 , 2017 proposes the use of avobenzone or octisalate , two of the homosalate, avobenzone , octocrylene , para - aminobenzoic most unstable sunscreen agents . This would further render acid , cinoxate , methyl anthranilate , octocrylene, padimate this formulation ineffective for its proposed use . O , ensulizole , sulisobenzone , trolamine salicylate and ecam [ 0014 ] From another standpoint, it is very important to sule . consider how to dissolve or disperse the proposed ingredi [0021 ] The first portion may comprise 0 . 25 percent to 10 ents in a mixture , which could be utilized as an eye drop / percent by weight. The first portion may comprise 0 . 25 suspension /ointment . The Smith patent publication has not percent to 5 percent by weight. The liquid
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