June 17, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3661 merely strikes the Senate language Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, Mr. BISHOP of Utah. I reserve the that allows donor recognition across I thank the gentleman from Utah and balance of my time. The Mall and reinserts my original lan- the gentleman from the Northern Mar- Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, I have no guage from H.R. 588. This language has iana Islands for their management of further speakers, and I yield back the been through the full committee proc- this important legislation. I certainly balance of my time. ess and is sound legislative text. want to pay a special tribute to my Mr. BISHOP of Utah. I appreciate the However, not all of the Senate addi- good friend, the gentleman from Alas- comments that were given by the gen- tions are bad. In this bill, we will keep ka (Mr. YOUNG), for his authorship of tleman from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG), the one portion of the Senate’s language, this bill. gentleman from the Northern Mariana which extends the legislative authority Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong Islands (Mr. SABLAN), and I especially to construct the Vietnam Veterans support of this resolution to amend the respect and appreciate the comments Education Center from 2014 until 2018. Senate amendment to H.R. 588, the by the gentleman from American Samoa, who has done so much, and I b 1710 Vietnam Veterans Donor Acknowledge- ment Act of 2013. appreciate all of those. In everything It is unfortunate that we must pro- that we are doing, in fact, their com- vide this extension, though. Our Na- I want to thank my good friend again, Congressman DON YOUNG from ments were right on; that what we are tion’s Vietnam veterans have waited trying to do is ensure that what we do too long for this education center. It is Alaska, for his leadership on this very important issue. He has always been a here is to return to the cliche of the a shame that a long line of political House, which is regular order, which gamesmanship has delayed its con- strong supporter of our military serv- icemembers and veterans and has been means we go through a legitimate struction. process of trying to look at something instrumental in moving forward to Mr. Speaker, after the Vietnam War, instead of just flying by the seat of our building the Education Center at the many of our Nation’s bravest were wel- pants. comed home not with joyous cheers or Wall that will educate the millions of Therefore, because this was changed words of thanks, but dirty looks and visitors to the Vietnam Veterans Me- significantly in the Senate without snide remarks. morial about its history and purpose. much input at all, we are simply doing Mr. Speaker, last month the House, Let us end these political games. I two things. First of all, we’ll be remov- with overwhelming support, passed call upon my colleagues in the House, ing the provisions effected by the Sen- H.R. 588, the Vietnam Veterans Donor but especially on my colleagues in the ate changes so that the Vietnam Visi- Senate, to quickly pass this resolution Acknowledgement Act of 2013. As we tors Center can move forward under so this education center can finally be all know, H.R. 588 is supported by all this bill without any delay, and it will built. I think we can all agree that this the major veterans’ organizations enhance the ability to raise their pri- legislation and this center are a long throughout the country. Unfortu- vate funds, but also we want to give time coming. nately, during its consideration, the careful and due consideration to the Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Senate significantly amended the bill, Senate-added provisions. myself such time as I may consume. which has drastically altered the origi- So the text of the Senate language This is a very important issue before nal intent of the bill. Much of the addi- affecting future memorials is being in- us today. The Senate amended H.R. 588 tions to H.R. 588 have not been evalu- troduced today as a standalone bill in to allow any new memorial in D.C. to ated or considered by way of markup, the House. We will have a public hear- acknowledge donors. by either the Senate or the House, ing. We will go through the process, to The original bill passed by the House which is critical in considering any leg- only allowed donor acknowledgement be held very soon on this particular islation. For this reason, my colleague bill, and then further action by the for the Vietnam Memorial Visitor Cen- today offers this resolution to rein- ter. The Senate amendment also pro- committee will follow. Once again, this state the original bipartisan language. is our process to re-ensure regular vided a 4-year extension of the legisla- Mr. Speaker, as a Vietnam veteran tive authority for the Vietnam Memo- order. myself, I strongly believe that my fel- I urge my colleagues to vote for this rial Visitors Center. low soldiers and I have waited long particular resolution, and I yield back The resolution before us today would enough for the construction of this im- narrow the Senate language back to the balance of my time. portant educational center. It will ben- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The apply only to the Vietnam Memorial efit the many tourists that visit our question is on the motion offered by Visitor Center while continuing to pro- Nation’s capital and educate and in- the gentleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) vide the visitor center with a 4-year ex- form many of those who question why that the House suspend the rules and tension of their authorization. Mr. Speaker, our preference would be the thousands of names are engraved agree to the resolution, H. Res. 264. The question was taken; and (two- to send a bill to the President to sign on such an extraordinary memorial. Mr. Speaker, it is so beautiful to see thirds being in the affirmative) the today; however, the majority is insist- that our veterans coming from the Gulf rules were suspended and the resolu- ing on amending the Senate legislation tion was agreed to. and sending this bill back to the Sen- War are being praised by the American public, which is great. Unfortunately, A motion to reconsider was laid on ate instead of to the President. While the table. we do not object to a policy of allowing those of us who were part of the Viet- donor acknowledgement, we are con- nam legacy of the war that occurred at f cerned that amending the Senate that time did not have a very sweet Y MOUNTAIN ACCESS amendment will unnecessarily delay welcoming home I can say, Mr. Speak- ENHANCEMENT ACT er, being called ‘‘baby killers’’ and enactment of this legislation. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I Given this is the only option we have ‘‘warmongers’’ and all of this. To this day I’m still very bitter in terms of the move to suspend the rules and pass the to support the Vietnam Memorial Vis- bill (H.R. 253) to provide for the con- itor Center, we support passage of this treatment of our soldiers and veterans who come from that terrible war that veyance of a small parcel of National bill, and I reserve the balance of my Forest System land in the Uinta- time. our country was involved in. This education center is so critical to Wasatch-Cache National Forest in Mr. BISHOP of Utah. At this time, I Utah to Brigham Young University, reserve the balance of my time as I will educate the American people—to edu- cate America for that matter—so that and for other purposes. be the last speaker. The Clerk read the title of the bill. Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, at this they will understand and better appre- The text of the bill is as follows: ciate the sacrifices and the contribu- time I yield as much time as he may H.R. 253 consume to a Vietnam War veteran, tions that our veterans and those who Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- the distinguished gentleman from wore the armed services uniform made resentatives of the United States of America in American Samoa (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA). in protection of this country. Congress assembled, (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA asked and Again, I thank my dear friend, Mr. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. was given permission to revise and ex- YOUNG from Alaska, and I urge my col- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Y Mountain tend his remarks.) leagues to support this bill. Access Enhancement Act’’. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:33 Jul 12, 2013 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\H17JN3.REC H17JN3 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H3662 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 17, 2013 SEC. 2. LAND CONVEYANCE, UINTA-WASATCH- (Mr. CHAFFETZ), with the under- the residents of the city of Provo, CACHE NATIONAL FOREST, UTAH. standing that he will explain to you Utah, as ‘‘Y Mountain’’ to Brigham (a) CONVEYANCE REQUIRED.—On the request that Y Mountain is not the same thing Young University. of Brigham Young University submitted to the Secretary of Agriculture not later than as Yucca Mountain. Located directly east of the BYU one year after the date of the enactment of Mr. CHAFFETZ. The gentleman from campus, the Y Mountain includes a this Act, the Secretary shall convey, not Utah is very correct, this is very dif- trail that leads 1.2 miles from the later than one year after receiving the re- ferent and not nearly as controversial, mountain’s base up to a large white quest, to Brigham Young University all I assure you.
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