January 18, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E61 A TRIBUTE TO LOUISA JOSEFINA about how government works. I hope that in To paraphrase Hugo Black, our constitution MORRIS the future our children will be able to meet was not written in sand but in the foundation with their representatives without endangering of our state and Nation. It is our bedrock and HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS their lives. is not to be altered by the shifting winds of As a Member of Congress who has worked OF NEW YORK current sentiment. Our constitution must al- with Representative GIFFORDS, I am especially IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ways be followed strictly and faithfully by touched by this senseless tragedy. Represent- those who elect to serve. It is what our found- Tuesday, January 18, 2011 ative GIFFORDS is a very friendly, hard working ers put in place to protect those at home from Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in colleague. She is someone who is easy to get those of us in Columbia and Washington. It is recognition of Louisa Josefina Morris on the along with and always willing to chat and lend a limit on what we can do. The constitution is occasion of her 100th birthday. a helping hand. She was doing what is ex- both the means to an end as well as the be- Louisa Josefina Morris was born in Colon, pected of all of us who represent our constitu- ginning and end of what we do. We must Panama on January 17, 1911 to Elmina Cox ents—we meet with our constituents and we never allow our desire to achieve some laud- and Charles Watts. She was raised by her listen to their concerns and we try to help able goal tempt us to try and bypass the con- grandparents Ella and Ernest Beury in Pan- them. That is what we were elected to do— stitution. No great right will ever justify the ama’s Gatun, Cristobel Canal Zone. Her and so it is especially hard to see that one of wrong needed to get there. grandparents proved to be important role mod- our own was injured while doing—what we all Let us depart from each issue we confront els; they provided a loving and caring home do—our job. as we leave this celebration—united in a de- for her to develop and grow. Please let me conclude by saying that my sire to provide for a better future for our chil- Louisa met and married Irving Benjamin thoughts and prayers are with all of those who dren and grandchildren. With God’s will, we Morris, and together, they had five children: died or were injured and with the families who will muster the strength, wisdom and patience Irene Walker, Davina Morris, Olivia Aikens, loved them. My prayers are with Representa- to do what we must do. Leo Morris, and Elisa Morris. tive GIFFORDS as she recovers and my hope Our state’s motto is ‘‘Dum Spiro Spero’’ or In 1958, Louisa left Panama and relocated is that soon she will be back with us here in ‘‘while I breathe, I hope.’’ Let us leave here to the United States, where she got a job at the House of Representatives where she be- and have each breath we take and each word a local hospital. She became a citizen five longs. we speak give hope to those at home that our years later. Her children and husband all f best days are not behind us but yet are still came to the United States shortly after Louisa. HISTORIC INAUGURATION IN ahead. All of her children grew up and had children SOUTH CAROLINA f of their own, giving Louisa and Irving many grandchildren. Louisa contributed to raising HONORING DAN PETTY the first generation of her grandchildren. Now HON. JOE WILSON each of her grandchildren has children of their OF SOUTH CAROLINA HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES own. OF TEXAS Through the past 100 years, Louisa has Tuesday, January 18, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lived a full life, through World War I and World Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- Tuesday, January 18, 2011 War II, Vietnam, segregation, Martin Luther er, Senator Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston) King, Jr., Malcolm X, the assassination of presided over the historic inauguration in Co- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. President John F. Kennedy, and the election lumbia, South Carolina, on January 12, 2011, Mr. Speaker, I am honored to pay tribute to a of President Barack Obama, and says now as President of the State Senate. With the In- good friend, great Texan, and wonderful indi- that she has seen it all, and has had the auguration of Governor Nikki Randhawa Haley vidual, Dan Petty, former President and CEO pleasure of doing what many have not been as the first female Governor in the 341-year of the North Texas Commission, who passed privileged to do. history of the state and in the first all-Repub- away on January 11, 2011, leaving a legacy of Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join lican inauguration in over 130 years, Senator accomplishments and good will that will last me in recognizing the life of Louisa Josefina McConnell delivered a moving tribute to our for generations to come. Dan was a kind man Morris. Constitution: with a drive to bring people together to col- f Welcome to the inauguration of the 117th laborate on projects that impact the entire Governor of South Carolina and for the Inau- North Texas region. His proudest moment was EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE guration of the Lt. Governor of South Carolina the region-wide collaborative efforts that re- REGARDING ARIZONA SHOOTING and Constitutional Officers. sulted in North Texas hosting Super Bowl As a wife and the mother of two, Nikki XLV. SPEECH OF Haley understands the importance of what is Dan Petty was a 1957 Texas High School HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO at stake both for our state and for her family. graduate, received a Bachelor of Science in OF NEW YORK With young children and a husband who civil engineering from the University of Texas IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wears the uniform of our state and Nation, she at Austin, Master of Government Administra- should know full well the importance of what tion from the Fels Institute of Government at Wednesday, January 12, 2011 is ahead in the coming years for our state and The Wharton Graduate School, Master of Arts Mr. SERRANO. Madam Speaker, it is with this country, and knowing that, she has of- in Public Administration from the University of heartfelt sadness that today I remember those fered herself for service in this difficult time. Texas, and a Master of Management in Elec- who lost their lives in this tragic shooting in Her steadfast convictions have brought her tronic Commerce from the University of Dallas. Tucson, Arizona on January 8, 2011. I remem- here today ready to do what she believes is A lifelong Longhorn, Petty played football on ber those who reacted with bravery in trying to best for all South Carolinians. scholarship at the University of Texas in stop the gunman. I remember those who were We have come again to celebrate the won- Coach Darrel Royal’s first recruiting class. His wounded and even now are fighting to recover der of our system of government—a system of modesty kept these and other recognitions in from their wounds. I remember all of the family government that allows for the transition of the background as he worked with state, local members who are struggling with great losses. power from one person to another without the and academic leaders across the state for the Finally, I remember with hope for her speedy need for guns or violence but with only words benefit of Texans. recovery, Representative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. and ideas. In addition to being the former President This is a sad time for our Nation, a time We have all been called to serve for myriad and CEO of the North Texas Commission, he when we reflect on how all too often violence reasons. We all have different ideas and var- served as President of Henry S. Miller/Grubb strikes and randomly takes some of our best ied goals. Despite our different issues and the & Ellis Commercial Realtors; President of the and brightest. All of the lives that were lost different paths we take to get there, our legis- Woodbine Development Corporation/Hunt Re- were special to those who loved them—to lative journey must all have the same starting alty Services and Wilcox Realty Group; Assist- their spouses and their children and their point—our oath of office. No matter the polit- ant City Manager of Lubbock, Texas; Director grandchildren. Judge John Roll was a public ical party or our philosophical bent we all have of Urban Affairs for the North Central Texas official serving our country with distinction and one thing in common: the bedrock of our polit- Council of Governments; Executive Assistant dedication. Christina Taylor Green was a ical service is our sworn oath to uphold and to the Governor of Texas; Director of Public young child with an interest in learning more follow the constitution. Affairs for the University of Texas; Assistant VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 Jan 19, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18JA8.007 E18JAPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with REMARKS.
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