•un General W. S. Grant Baseball And Track To Make Final V< Teams Taste Defeat; Address To '41 ttfaiet Page 5 VOLUME XXXIV—Z-778 LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, APRIL 7, 1941 NUMBER 24 Lt. F. H. Barksdale, Draft Dirctor Asks Congress Repeal Student Deferments Commanding General '40, Assigned to Duty Duty Postponement Unlikely Washington, March 29—Brig. no registrant be inducted until he Gen. Lewis Hershey acting direc- Of Third Corps Area has had ample opportunity to exer- With Cavalry Here tor of the selective service system, cise all his legal rights." called today for the repeal of the law's provisions which give defer- Refusals Frequent New Officer ment to high school, college and uni- Final action on Several requests for deferment in the date on which To Speak Here Finals versity students to enable them to To Arrive complete their educational courses they will be called to active duty before reporting for their year of have been received by members Gen. Grant -On April 14 Army training. Repeal of the defer- of the First Class who will receive ment clause is expected to be rec- their Reserve commissions in June. Press Group The War Department notified the ommended to Congress before the None of them weer from the Head- To Address PMS&T of the Virginia Military next school year begins. quarters of the Third Corps Area. Hears W. & L. Institute last week that Second Gen. Hershey also announced to- One cadet, who lives in the Sixth Graduates Lieutenant Flournoy H. Barksdale, day the flrst step in a broad policy Corps Area, had requested twelve United States Cavalry Reserve, has of "liberalizing" procedure pending months deferment for the purpose Professor Major General Walter S. Grant, been assigned to duty as Assistant proposed revision of the act. It was of taking post graduate work in Mr. O. W. Riegel, director of the Commanding General of the Third Professor of Military Science and announced that effective April 7 the Engineering. His request was disap- department of journalism at Wash- Corps Area of the United States Tactics and Cavalry instructor at present five-day limitation for the proved. The request of two others ington and Lee, was the principal Army, will be the principal speaker VMI. The order stated that he is to filing of appeals to the President for 48 months deferment for the speaker at the flrst formal meeting at the Final Exercises in Jackson report for duty April 14, 1941. would be extended to ten days. Ad- purpose of completing their courses of the VMI Press Association held Memorial hall on Wednesday, June Lieutenant Barksdale is being ditional time may even be granted in medicine were not favorably con- in the auditorium of the Preston 11, 1941. The speaker, who will added to the ROTC staff here to by local boards if they are con- sidered by the Commanding Gen- Library last Wednesday evening. make the address to the members of eral of the Second Corps Area. complete the complement of Army vinced that the failure of a regis- The association was formed for the graduating class, is the father That same commander disallowed officers here, which recently pro- trant to appeal is due to lack of the purpose of promoting journal- of Capt. Walter S. Grant, Jr., a deferments to three who had re- vided for an increase in the allot- understanding of his rights. istic interests at VMI, and members member of the faculty of the Vir- quested it for varying periods to ac- ment of Cavalry officers. The next step will be to increase of the group expressed themselves ginia Military Institute, who has cept positions with industries not The new instructor, who is a na- the five-day limitation to ten days as feeling that the body was very recently been called to active duty essential to the defense program. tive of Roanoke, Va., was graduated on filing appeals from local board fortunate in having Mr. Riegel make with the U. S. Engineers at Fort One request for a twelve month's from VMI in the Class of 1940. After decisions to the appeal boards. the flrst in a series of lectures. Ap- Belvoir, Va. deferment for the purpose of ac- graduation he was employed in Bal- For the registrant or his depen- proximately 45 of the 54 members of General Grant is an especially cepting a position with the U. S. timore, Md., before his call to active dents to appeal to the Presidnt, the the association were present for the fitting speaker for the class of 1941 Steel was approved. duty with the Cavalry Reserves. He sole basis continues to be that of al- very interesting discussion. in view of the present condition of leged dependency. The above specific actions are was assigned to duty at Fort Knox, Professor Riegel made his talk world affairs. He is a graduate of "The selective service system can- published to indicate what might Ky., to a mechanized Cavalry regi- quite informal, and touched on a GEN. W. S. GRANT the United States Military Academy NIPA to Hold not afford to permit registrants who be expected by other members of ment. He will come to VMI from bit of anything and everything in the class of 1900. In 1914 General want to appeal to lose their oppor- the First Class who have requested Fort Knox, under orders that were which might be of interest to a Grant attended the Army School of tunity merely because they do not deferments but have not yet been issued by special direction of the Forum April 14 journalistic group. Especially em- the Line at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. understand the what, when and how notified of the decision in their President of the United States. phasized was his discussion of the ACS to Show and the General Staff school in The United States Office of Edu- of so doing," said a national head- cases. While in the corps, Lieutenant various military journals and pap- 1915. He studied at the Army War cation and the National Institute of quarters statement. "Furthermore, Barksdale served as corporal, ser- Since Reserve officers are put on ers which are put out by many college in 1924 and was Comman- Public Affairs hold each year an while national headquarters does Plastics Film geant, and second lieutenant of the same status as draftees in re- diversified Army and Navy Stations dant there from 1935 to 1937. Institute of Government in which not want the appeal machinery Company "C." He was enrolled in gard to deferment, it may be as- throughout the country. This, of The April 11, meeting of the Stu- General Grant's Army record is seventy-five seniors of American clogged up with the claims of those long one and he has had active the Liberal Arts course and was de- sumed that few deferments will be course, was most interesting to those dent Chapter of The American colleges and Universities are invit- who merely seek to delay their in- service in the Boxer uprising in clared distinguished in academic granted for the purpose of pursuing members of the Association who Chemical Society of Virginia Mili- ed to participate. This year's Ins- duction, it is equally important that China, the Philippine,Insurrection, work during his last two years. He graduate work have the prospect of the important tary Institute will feature a show- titute will take place from Monday, and has also been active in various served on the Hop Committee and military career facing them within ing of the 16mm. sound and color April 14 through Friday, April 18. Mexican Border skirmishes. During on the Second Class Finance Com- a few months. To augment and sup- plastic Movie, produced by Modern the World War he was Chief of mittee. A member of the Glee Club These five days include round plement his discussion of these jour- Plastics magazine, entitled "Modern Second Class Show Features Staff of the 1st Army Corps of the from the time of its organization table discussions with outstanding nals, Professor Riegel produced sev- Plastics Preferred." William D. Lil- A. E. F. General Grant was Chief until his graduation, Lieutenant holders of government offices and lard is in charge of all arrangements. eral representative papers which of Staff of the 1st Army Corps Area Barksdale was also a member of the legislators. Visits to sessions of Con- Feminine Star on Program were examined by members of the This 16 mm. film gives the flrst gre sand Committee hearings aid in from 1931 to 1933 and at present is editorial staff of The Cadet for A portion of the Second Class group. and most educational picture of rounding out the program. A lunch- had previous experience in other the Commanding General of the two years. He was elected by his Show to be presented in Jackson Following this, mention was made America's youngest and fastest eon and a tour of the Capital City plays and has alsc done much of 3rd Corps Area. He holds the U. S. class as advertising manager of The Memorial Hall on Friday, April 25 of that most interesting journalist growing industry—plastics. It pic- will begin the meeting of the Ins- the announcing for athletic contests Distinguished Service Medal, Officer Bomb, in which capacity he served will be broadcast over Station of today—the radio reporter. As well tures the origin of the various plas titute and a dinner with a review and other events here. All members of the Legion of Honor (France), during his first class year.
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