USOO9629856B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,629,856 B2 Dreher (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 25, 2017 (54) COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR THE A61K 31/737; A61K 33/30; A61 K TREATMENT OF SKN DISEASES AND 39/395; A61 K9/0014; A61K 9/5036; DSORDERS USING ANTIMICROBAL A61K 3 1/721: A61K 8/0212: A61K 8/73; PEPTIDE SEQUESTERING COMPOUNDS A61K 3 1/726; A61K 31/738: A61 K 33/04; A61K 38/17: A61K 47/36; A61 K (75) Inventor: Frank Dreher, San Francisco, CA (US) 8/735; A61K 9/06; A61K 9/1075; A61Q 19/08: A61Q 19/00; A61Q 17/00; A61Q (73) Assignee: Anteis SA, Plan-les-Ouates (CH) 1/12: A01N 2300/00: A01N 31/04: A01N 41/04: A01N 25/10; CO7K 14/47; A61L (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 27/34: A61L 27/20: A61L 31/042: A61L patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2300/45: A61 L 15/44; A61L 2300/41: U.S.C. 154(b) by 442 days. A61L 27/54: A61L 31/16 See application file for complete search history. (21) Appl. 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