§ 63.702 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) status by the United States Depart- For information on electronic filing re- ment of State. Such statement must quirements, see part 1, §§ 1.1000 through include the following information 1.10018 of this chapter and the IBFS where applicable: homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. See (a) The name and address of each ap- also §§ 63.20 and 63.53. plicant; [51 FR 18448, May 20, 1986, as amended at 69 (b) The Government, State, or Terri- FR 29902, May 26, 2004; 70 FR 38800, July 6, tory under the laws of which each cor- 2005] porate applicant is organized; (c) The name, title and post office ad- § 63.702 Form. dress of the officer of a corporate appli- Application under § 63.701 shall be cant, or representative of a non-cor- submitted in the form specified in porate applicant, to whom correspond- § 63.53 for applications under section 214 ence concerning the application is to of the Communications Act. be addressed; (d) A statement of the ownership of a [51 FR 18448, May 20, 1986] non-corporate applicant, or the owner- ship of the stock of a corporate appli- PART 64—MISCELLANEOUS RULES cant, including an indication whether RELATING TO COMMON CARRIERS the applicant or its stock is owned di- rectly or indirectly by an alien; Subpart A [Reserved] (e) A copy of each corporate appli- cant’s articant’s articles of incorpora- Subpart B—Restrictions on Indecent tion (or its equivalent) and of its cor- Telephone Message Services porate bylaws; (f) A statement whether the appli- 64.201 Restrictions on indecent telephone cant is a carrier subject to section 214 message services. of the Communications Act, an oper- Subpart C [Reserved] ator of broadcast or other radio facili- ties, licensed under title III of the Act, Subpart D—Procedures for Handling Priority capable of causing harmful inter- Services in Emergencies ference with the radio transmissions of other countries, or a non-carrier pro- 64.401 Policies and procedures for provi- vider of services classed as ‘‘enhanced’’ sioning and restoring certain tele- under § 64.702(a); communications services in emergencies. 64.402 Policies and procedures for the provi- (g) A statement that the services for sion of priority access service by com- which designated as a recognized pri- mercial mobile radio service providers. vate operating agency is sought will be extended to a point outside the United Subpart E [Reserved] States or are capable of causing harm- ful interference of other radio trans- Subpart F—Telecommunications Relay mission and a statement of the nature Services and Related Customer Prem- of the services to be provided; ises Equipment for Persons With Dis- (h) A statement setting forth the abilities points between which the services are 64.601 Definitions and provisions of general to be provided; and applicability. (i) A statement as to whether covered 64.602 Jurisdiction. services are provided by facilities 64.603 Provision of services. owned by the applicant, by facilities 64.604 Mandatory minimum standards. leased from another entity, or other ar- 64.605 [Reserved] rangement and a description of the ar- 64.606 Internet-based TRS provider and TRS rangement. program certification. (j) Subject to the availability of elec- 64.607 Furnishing related customer premises tronic forms, all filings described in equipment. this section must be filed electroni- 64.608 Provision of hearing aid compatible telephones by exchange carriers. cally through the International Bureau 64.609 Enforcement of related customer Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms premises equipment rules. that are available for electronic filing 64.610 Establishment of a National Deaf- can be found on the IBFS homepage. Blind Equipment Distribution Program. 64.611 Internet-based TRS registration. 372 VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:27 May 13, 2021 Jkt 250216 PO 00000 Frm 00382 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\250216.XXX 250216 Federal Communications Commission Pt. 64 64.613 Numbering directory for Internet- Subpart J—Recovery of Investments and based TRS users. Expenses in Regulated Interstate Rates. 64.615 TRS User Registration Database and administrator. 64.1000 Scope. 64.619 VRS Access Technology Reference 64.1001 Purpose. Platform and administrator. 64.1002 Investments and expenses. 64.621 Interoperability and portability. 64.623 Administrator requirements. Subpart K—Changes in Preferred 64.630 Applicability of change of default Telecommunications Service Providers TRS provider rules. 64.1100 Definitions. 64.631 Verification of orders for change of 64.1110 State notification of election to ad- default TRS providers. minister FCC rules. 64.632 Letter of authorization form and con- 64.1120 Verification of orders for tele- tent. communications service. 64.633 Procedures for resolution of unau- 64.1130 Letter of agency form and content. thorized changes in default provider. 64.1140 Carrier liability for slamming. 64.634 Procedures where the Fund has not 64.1150 Procedures for resolution of unau- yet reimbursed the provider. thorized changes in preferred carrier. 64.635 Procedures where the Fund has al- 64.1160 Absolution procedures where the ready reimbursed the provider. subscriber has not paid charges. 64.636 Prohibition of default provider 64.1170 Reimbursement procedures where freezes. the subscriber has paid charges. 64.1190 Preferred carrier freezes. Subpart G—Furnishing of Enhanced Serv- 64.1195 Registration requirement. ices and Customer-Premises Equip- ment by Communications Common Subpart L—Restrictions on Telemarketing, Carriers; Telephone Operator Services Telephone Solicitation, and Facsimile Advertising 64.702 Furnishing of enhanced services and customer-premises equipment. 64.1200 Delivery restrictions. 64.703 Consumer information. 64.1201 Restrictions on billing name and ad- 64.704 Call blocking prohibited. dress disclosure. 64.1202 Public safety answering point do- 64.705 Restrictions on charges related to the not-call registry. provision of operator services. 64.1203 —Consortium registration process. 64.706 Minimum standards for the routing and handling of emergency telephone Subpart M—Provision of Payphone Service calls. 64.707 Public dissemination of information 64.1300 Payphone compensation obligation. by providers of operator services. 64.1301 Per-payphone compensation. 64.708 Definitions. 64.1310 Payphone compensation procedures. 64.709 Informational tariffs. 64.1330 State review of payphone entry and 64.710 Operator services for prison inmate exit regulations and public interest phones. payphones. 64.1340 Right to negotiate. Subpart H—Extension of Unsecured Credit for Interstate and Foreign Communica- Subpart N—Expanded Interconnection tions Services to Candidates for Fed- 64.1401 Expanded interconnection. eral Office 64.1402 Rights and responsibilities of inter- connectors. 64.801 Purpose. 64.802 Applicability. Subpart O—Interstate Pay-Per-Call and 64.803 Definitions. Other Information Services 64.804 Rules governing the extension of un- secured credit to candidates or persons 64.1501 Definitions. on behalf of such candidates for Federal 64.1502 Limitations on the provision of pay- office for interstate and foreign common per-call services. carrier communication services. 64.1503 Termination of pay-per-call and other information programs. Subpart I—Allocation of Costs 64.1504 Restrictions on the use of toll-free numbers. 64.901 Allocation of costs. 64.1505 Restrictions on collect telephone 64.902 Transactions with affiliates. calls. 64.903 Cost allocation manuals. 64.1506 Number designation. 64.904 Independent audits. 64.1507 Prohibition on disconnection or 64.905 Annual certification. interruption of service for failure to 373 VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:27 May 13, 2021 Jkt 250216 PO 00000 Frm 00383 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\250216.XXX 250216 Pt. 64 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) remit pay-per-call and similar service 64.1903 Obligations of all incumbent inde- charges. pendent local exchange carriers. 64.1508 Blocking access to 900 service. 64.1509 Disclosure and dissemination of pay- Subpart U—Customer Proprietary Network per-call information. Information 64.1510 Billing and collection of pay-per-call and similar service charges. 64.2001 Basis and purpose. 64.1511 Forgiveness of charges and refunds. 64.2003 Definitions. 64.1512 Involuntary blocking of pay-per-call 64.2005 Use of customer proprietary network services. information without customer approval. 64.1513 Verification of charitable status. 64.2007 Approval required for use of cus- 64.1514 Generation of signalling tones. tomer proprietary network information. 64.1515 Recovery of costs. 64.2008 Notice required for use of customer proprietary network information. Subpart P—Calling Party Telephone 64.2009 Safeguards required for use of cus- Number; Privacy tomer proprietary network information. 64.2010 Safeguards on the disclosure of cus- 64.1600 Definitions. tomer proprietary network information. 64.1601 Delivery requirements and privacy 64.2011 Notification of customer proprietary restrictions. network information security breaches. 64.1602 Restrictions on use and sale of tele- phone subscriber information provided Subpart V—Rural Call Completion pursuant to automatic number identi- 64.2101 Definitions. fication or charge number services. 64.2103 Retention of call attempt records. 64.1603 Customer notification. 64.2105 [Reserved] 64.1604 Prohibition on transmission of inac- 64.2107 Reduced recording and retention re- curate or misleading caller identification quirements for qualifying providers information. under
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