DR MARC-OLIVIER HINZELIN Personal Information Work address Institut für Romanistik, University of Hamburg, Ueberseering 35, 22297 Hamburg, Germany Phone (+49) 40 42838-4806 (office) Email [email protected] Web www.sLm.uni-hamburg.de/romanistik/personen/hinzeLin.htmL Research Interests • Linguistics: Morphology, Syntax, Phonology, and Phonetics • Romance Languages: French, Occitan, and Francoprovençal; Spanish, Portuguese, and CataLan • Language History, Language Change, and HistoricaL Linguistics; Language Acquisition • Grammar of Romance Languages and DiaLects (synchronic and diachronic), especiaLLy Verb Morphology, Pronouns, and Cliticization • MultiLinguaLism and Minority Languages; DiaLectology and Linguistic Geography • Language Policy and Linguistic Minorities in France, BeLgium, Switzerland, ItaLy & Spain Education 2008 Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education accredited by the FederaL State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany (Baden-Württemberg-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik) 2006 PhD, Romance Linguistics, University of Konstanz, Germany: Die Stellung der klitischen Objektpronomina in den romanischen Sprachen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Okzitanischen sowie des Katalanischen und Französischen [The Position of Clitic Object Pronouns in Romance Languages with speciaL consideration of Occitan, CataLan, and French] (Advisors: GA Kaiser, C Schwarze, JM MeiseL) 1998 MA, Linguistics, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France: Analyse phonétique et phono- logique du parler francoprovençal de Saint-Romain-en-Jarez (Loire) [Phonetic and PhonologicaL AnaLysis of the FrancoprovençaL DiaLect of Saint-Romain-en-Jarez] (Advisors: J-M Hombert, J-B Martin) 1997–1998 Studies of Linguistics with concentration areas Phonetics and DiaLectology, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France 1994–1999 Studies of Romance Linguistics (French, Spanish, CataLan & Portuguese), German Linguistics, GeneraL Linguistics, and Phonetics, University of Hamburg, Germany 1992–1994 Studies of Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, University of Hamburg, Germany 1 Appointments and Research Experience since 2010 University Lecturer, Institut für Romanistik, University of Hamburg, Germany 2012/13 Visiting Professor, Institut für Romanische PhiLologie, HHU DüsseLdorf, Germany 2011 Visiting Professor, Institut für Romanische PhiLologie, LMU Munich, Germany 2009–2010 University Lecturer (Maître de Conférences), Institut de Linguistique Romane Pierre Gardette and École Supérieure de Traduction et de ReLations InternationaLes, Université Catholique de Lyon, France, and Academic Visitor and Consultant, Faculty of MedievaL and Modern Languages, University of Oxford, UK 2007–2009 Research Assistant, Faculty of MedievaL and Modern Languages, University of Oxford, UK; AHRC-funded project “Autonomous Morphology in Diachrony: comparative evidence from the Romance languages” (PI: M Maiden, JC Smith): verb morphology in Romance languages, especially Gallo-Romance: syncretism and suppletion, analysis of the use of the augment (‘inchoative suffix’), imperfect morphology and use of the two imperfects in Lorrain; construction of morphological and bibliographical databases; archive visit and fieldwork in the Aosta Valley, Italy 2003–2007 Research Assistant, Department of Linguistics, DFG-funded Research Centre SFB 471 “Variation and Evolution in the Lexicon”, University of Konstanz, Germany; project “Evolution and Variation of Expletive and Neuter Pronouns in Romance Languages” (PI: GA Kaiser): description and analysis of the use of (neuter) subject pronouns in impersonal constructions in Spanish (esp. Dominican), Catalan, European Portuguese, and Occitan; construction of database of pronouns in impersonal constructions in Romance languages/dialects; extensive bibliographical research on Spanish, esp. Caribbean, Catalan, and Portuguese; fieldwork: Dominican Republic and Aosta Valley, Italy 2002 Research Assistant, Department of Linguistics, DFG-funded Research Centre SFB 538 “MultiLinguaLism”, University of Hamburg, Germany; project “MultiLinguaLism as Cause and Effect of Language Change: HistoricaL Syntax of Romance Languages” (PI: JM MeiseL): description and analysis of the different positions of clitic object pronouns in Old Occitan; construction of a database of historical text corpora for Occitan; discussion of French/Occitan language contact as possible cause of change 1999–2002 Research Assistant, Department of Linguistics, DFG-funded Research Centre SFB 538 “MultiLingualism”, University of Hamburg, Germany; project “Simultaneous and Successive Acquisition of BiLinguaLism” (PI: JM MeiseL): subject pronoun use by bilingual (Portuguese/German) children Professional Development Courses since 2010 Seminars, “HUL - Good Teaching Practice”, Hamburg Centre for University Teaching and Learning, University of Hamburg, Germany 2008 Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education accredited by the FederaL State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany 2007–2009 Seminars, DeveLoping Academic Practice (DAP) programme, Oxford Learning Institute, University of Oxford, UK 2005–2006 Seminars, Centre for University Teaching (ArbeitssteLLe Hochschuldidaktik), University of Konstanz, Germany/Hochschuldidaktikzentrum Baden-Württemberg 2 Honours, Research Collaboration, Awards & Prizes 2016– ANR: internationaL colLaborator, project “LC4 – Les parlers du Croissant : une aire de contact entre oc et oïL” + “VC2 – Au cœur de la GaLLo- Romania : caractérisation Linguistique et environnementaLe d’une aire de transition” (coordinator: N Quint), Labex EFL (Laboratoire d’exceLLence “Fondements Empiriques de la Linguistique – EmpiricaL Foundations of Linguistics”), Axe 3 Typologie et dynamique des systèmes Linguistiques, Université Sorbonne NouveLLe Paris 3, France 2017 DAAD: conference traveL grant to attend ICHL 23, San Antonio, TX, USA 2017–2020 NCN: foreign partner, project “Romance cLitics in diachrony” (PI: M NkolLo), Harmonia 8, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland 2013–2016 ANR: permanent member, project “SyMILA – Microvariation syntaxique dans les Langues romanes de France/Syntactic Microvariation in the Romance Languages of France”, Laboratoire CLLE-ERSS, Université de Toulouse II-Le MiraiL (coordinator: P Sauzet) / Institut Jean Nicod – UMR 8129, Ecole NormaLe Supérieure, Paris (coordinator: D Sportiche), France 07/2010 ANR & DFG, Laboratoire ATILF, CNRS & Nancy-Université: École d’été franco- allemande en étymologie romane (French-German Summer School on Romance Etymology), Projet DÉRom (Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman), Nancy, France 08–09/2009 Laboratoire d’Histoire des Théories Linguistiques, CNRS & Université Paris 7: École Européenne d’Été – Biennale d’Histoire des Théories Linguistiques : Qu’est-ce que l’historicité des idées linguistiques ? (European Summer School on the History of Linguistic Ideas), Île de PorquerolLes (Var), France 2009–2010 Honorary Member of the Senior Common Room, Keble ColLege, Oxford, UK 09/2008 Institut Ramon LLulL: Certificat de nivell intermedi de llengua catalana (CataLan Language certificate) 06/2008 Société de Linguistique Romane & Istituto ItaLiano di Scienze Umane, Firenze- Napoli: Scuola estiva di linguistica e filologia romanica (Summer School in Romance Linguistics and PhiLology), Procida, Naples, ItaLy 10/2007– Associate, Research Centre for Romance Linguistics (RCRL), Faculty of MedievaL and Modern Languages & Faculty of Linguistics, PhiLology & Phonetics, University of Oxford, UK 2007–2009 Research Associate, Keble ColLege, Oxford, UK 09/2006 “Four Motors for Europe & WaLes” (European RegionaL Partnership): CataLan Language course, Universitat Rovira i VirgiLi, Tarragona, Spain 08/2002 Hansische Universitätsstiftung: 28e Escòla Occitana d’Estiu (Occitan Summer School), ViLLeneuve-sur-Lot, France; Universitat Occitana d’Estiu (Occitan Summer University), Nîmes (Occitan language courses), France 08/2001 Instituto Camões: 66° Curso de Verão (Portuguese language course), Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, PortugaL 07/1999 Spanish Foreign Office: Escuela de Verano Española (Spanish language course), Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain 09/1997 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship for study year at the –05/1998 Université Lumière Lyon 2, France 3 Publications Books 2021 Formal Approaches to Romance Morphosyntax [Linguistische Arbeiten (LA) 576]. Berlin: De Gruyter. (volume edited with N Pomino & E‐M Remberger) 2012 Inflection and Word Formation in Romance Languages [Linguistik AktueLL/Linguistics Today (LA) 186]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (volume edited with S Gaglia) 2011 Morphological Autonomy. Perspectives from Romance Inflectional Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (volume edited with M Goldbach, M Maiden & JC Smith) 2007 Die Stellung der klitischen Objektpronomina in den romanischen Sprachen. Diachrone Perspektive und Korpusstudie zum Okzitanischen sowie zum Katalanischen und Französischen [ScriptOraLia 134]. Tübingen: Narr. 2005 Das neutrale Pronomen „ello“ im dominikanischen Spanisch und die Nullsubjekteigen- schaft. Anhang: Korpus und Bibliographie zu „ello“ und unpersönlichen Konstruktionen (mit Subjekt) im Spanischen [Arbeitspapier 116]. [2nd revised ed. 2006.] Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz. (with GA Kaiser) 2001 Proceedings of the colloquium on structure, acquisition, and change of grammars: phonological and syntactic aspects. University of Hamburg, 27th – 29th October 2000 [Working Papers in MultiLinguaLism, Series B, 26
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