"ly - -• AU the-HEWS of ,,«::-BIID BANK '.,'c.l and BqitOtUOiitc Towps Told Fearlewl, and Without Mas ANK .VOLUME LX, NO. 42. REI>BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1938. PAGES 1 TOT6;! '••if Annual Y. M. C. A. Fireman Injured NEW PRESIDENT The Register's Stamp Exhibition 60th Anniversary^ Drive Of Rumson Answering Alarm Boat Club Rejects With' the last issue in June Area Is Launched Sunday Afternoon The Batiste* will have com- to Be Held Here Meeting of the Director* of .the James Harry Bennett Struck and pleted 60 yean of publication. lit commemoration of the- event Various Awociation* Will be Knocked Down by Automo- The Register will Issue a special Held Tuesday Evening at the bile Operated by Thomas anniversary number. This Issue Rosevelt Tea Room. Schweitzer of Middletown. Bray Elected Head At Borough Hall will contain numerous article* of historic Interest concerning James Harry Bennett, a member Bed,Bank and other towns in Tuesday evening at the Rosevelt Annual Show of Monrrioutli FAIR CHAIRMAN tea room at Little Silver, Arthur of Independent fire company of Bel- Confusion Marked Annual the county, together with a his? Glbb, chairman of the executive com- ford, Is out after having been laid County Philatelic Society tory of various institutions and mittee of the Monmouth/ county up several days with cuts, bruises organizations in Bed Bank and Yoiin Men's Christian association will and other injuries which he suffered Meeting Monday Night vicinity as weUu many of the preside over the launching meeting Sunday in answering" a lire alarm. Tomorrow Night of the combined Y. M. C. A.'s of the The blaze occurred at a summer of Monmouth Boat Club older businesses. It will be re- Rumson area. : The area embraces bungalow on Broadway, Belford, Saturday. ' plete with illustrations. Little Silver, Middletown township, owned by a Jersey City resident. It —Seek Amendment*. Rumson, Shrewsbury and Fair Ha- baught Ore/from sparks from burn- ven. Henry R. Dwight, chairman of ing grass. Tho firefighters put the the finance committee, points out blaze out, but not until after dam- this Is the time when funds for the age of about $300 had been done. Many Valuable Stamps Klarin's Paint meeting of the board of directors at GEORGE W. BRAY George W. Bray Elected the same time reports will' be re- Mr. Bennett was hit by an auto- ceived with regard to the progress, mobile driven by Thomas Schweit- To Be On Display Store Observing of work during the past year. Mr.zer of Middletown village, which President Over Minton Glbb at' a recent meeting reported was following the* apparatus. The Churches Will the organization of new groups In fireman was struck and knocked Its Anniversary Middletown village, , Atlantio High-' down when he jumped off the run- Approximately GOO stamp collec- lands and West Park. These new ning board of the engine. The auto- Unite In Holy Members of the Monmouth Boat tor* from Monraouth 'and Ocean groups, as well as the older groups, mobile then darted across the streot club, at a meeting marked by much, counties are expected to viey the Sixth Birthday of Uie Business is draw boys- from an area of one to and crashed through a fence. It Week Service confusion, Monday night voted down displays of collections owned by the Being Celebrated With a Sale two miles from the village center. was considerably damaged.' Mr, proposal to adopt a new constitu- members of tho Monmouth County Bennett's injuries were attended to tion and set of by-laws, and elected " 1 These •groups-serve an additional ter- Philatelic Society, when' the 'organ at Which Iu Stock u Being ritory of Fair Haven, Sea Bright and by Dr. Marc Krohn ot Belford. Congregation* at Belford, New Assessor George W. Bray, who led Nation's annual atamp exhibition is Offered at Bargain Prices. Shrewsbury. It is illegal, according to a state Monmouth, Locust, Navesink, the light against the new constitu- held tomorrow evening, April 8, and law, for a private automobile to be tion, president over Augustus M. Saturday afternoon and evening, At the last meeting of the Little less than. 200 feet from a fire en- Leonardo and Atlantic High- Minton, who favored the change. Beginning today: and concluding Silver board of directors, Donald K. April 9, in tW Red Bank Boro hall. gine which Is moving or parked, lands Will Worship Together. The Thomas Irving Brown Plaque, Saturday, April 16, the sixth-anni- Lawes, president, reported that four versary of Klarin's paint store at 26 groups were organized In Little Sil- and a charge has been preferred donated by the publisher of the Red against Mr. Schweitzer. He will The Baptists of New Monmouth, • Bank Register will be awarded to Monmouth'etreet will.be celebrated ver with a total membership of 79 with a sale at which the wares at boys with five leaders that meet have a hearing Saturday morning the Methodists, of Belford, tho Meth- the "best lnvthe show" exhibit while weekly for a two-hour program for before Recorder Bharles H. Rupp. odists of Navesink, tho members of Commodore Joseph H. Applcgnte blue ribbons will go to the best ex- the place will be offered at bargain • ARTHUR B. SICKLES prices. Elsewhere In The Register each group. In addition Mr. Lawes The firemen of Middletown town- All Saints Episcopal church of Lo- hibit in each class with white rib- pointed out there had been certain ship have been hampered, a great cust, the Baptists of Leonardo and bpna going to the collections receiv- Is a full page advertisement of the sale.'"- ••.••.•.••••_••. Joint activities, such as attendance deal because of automobiles follow- the Methodists and Presbyterians of ing "runner-up" honors. This la tho at the T. M. C. A. day in Princeton, ing the fire apparatuses and they Atlantic Highlands will unite In hold- New Owners For first year that this plaque haa been Firemen Select • a hockey game, and various trips to are showing a great deal of interest ing Holy Week cervices beginning offered in competition and'to remain the natatorium, which were spon- In the case. next Monday night and concluding House And Lots the property of the winner, it must Committees For sored by the board of directors. Walter Eurkhardt, a member of Friday night, April IS. Bach even- be held for three years. ^ l the Port Monmouth lire company, ing service will begin at 8 o'clock. John Mlnugh, president of the Easter will be celebrated Sunday, Judging will be done by Arthur G. Rumson Y. M. C. A., at tho last was painfully but not seriously cut In This Section Fair Haven Fair and bruised by a fall from a fire April 17, with a service at 6 o'clock Ball, Charles W.Gramm, and Elliot meeting o f the board of directors at In the morning on Mount Mitchell, Ferry, all members of the Union tha home of Perc^ Hicks, laid before truck. He lost his balance and fell r Harrison Avenue Dwelling C_punty Philatelic Society and well- Arthur B. Sickles Named Gen- the board, ln co-operation with the on. the road when the engine cams The program Include3 services ot known philatelists. Rumson jfchooITlhe matlefTSf a V<Kto a sudden stop. Dr. Krohn-at- tho How Monmouth Baptist church Baught from O'Brien Estate Monday evening, with Rev. William That the Judges will have a dif- eral Chairman of Event to be catlonal guidance campaign td betended to his injuries. held during May at a time conveni- R. Schllllnger of the Atlantic High- by Anatole Chameroy—Two ficult task b indicated from a pre- Held July 30 to August 6-* lands Methodist church as the view of the entry list -which indi- ent to Principal Charles Wolbach Little Silver Sites Sold. Skating Rink on Fair Grounds and the high school. The conference preacher, at the Belford church cates that nearly every possible type Tuesday evening, with Stanley Gam- will embrace high school pupils that Sea Bright Yacht Anatole Chameroy has bought as of general and specialized collection, are interested in discussing vocations bell of the Atlantic Highlands Pres- both United States and foreign, 19th Fair matters occupied the atten- byterian church as the preacher, at an Investment a house at ISO Harri- tion of 'the Fair Haven fire company which may be attractive. The idea and 20th century, mint and used, air Is'not so much to make a definite Club Alterations the Leonardo church .Wednesday son avenue &s an investment from mail and 'telegraph, coven and at the regular meeting Monday night evening with Rev. John B. Kirby, son avenue from tho William O'Brien Once more Councilman Arthur B. hard and fast choice during the high proofs, etc. will be displayed. school years, but rather to give the Sr., of Belford as the preacher and estate. It Is on tha east side of tbe .Probably the most famous- collec- Sickles, president of the company, Work Started This Week on Ad- at the Presbyterian church of Atlan- street, with a lot 50x369 feet. The was named general chairman of the pupil the opportunity to look Into tion which will be-jhQwn.ii one-en- various vocations and to decide If be dition to South End of Main ta Highlands Thursday night, with dwelling has six rooms, a bathroom tered non-competltlvely by the fam- fair and Charles~P.CrosV wasliamedT communion meditation directed by and modern improvements. Tbo sale vice chairman. Percy D. Bennett is wants to have further Information Club House—-Mon Paris, Inc., ous philatelist, Alfred F.
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