CHILD'S ALBANY DIRECTORY, FOR THE YEARS 1834-5. "^ -"-^-''^fttG&n^:-^^^R«*rK-s.-. =-r; " COMPILED BY EDMUND B. CHILD. CONTAINING The names, occupation and place of residence of all heads ef fam­ ilies, firms, and those doing business in the City, amounting to between SIX and SEVEN THOUSAND, m COBMCT AUHIIITICU JR- itiMOEUElTT. Also much other useful and interesting matter. ALBANY: PRINTED BY E. B. CHILD, No, 6 South Pearl-street* 1834. REMOVALS, CORRECTIONS AND ADDITION­ AL NAMES, ' Which came too late for insertion in their proper place. gg-Ths purchaser will please mark theje alterations with a pen. *Alleott, Lewis, 31 Union Barnes, Miss, mantuamaker, 83 Washington Bensen, Nicholas, plane maker, res. 48 Howard Bigelow, , 45 Maiden lane Cahill, Thomas, laborer, res. 26 n. Pearl Caldwell, James, laborer, 62 State, boards 32 Maiden-lane Civer, Jacob (Relyca if -Co.), res. 164 Creen Clark, Josiah, office of general intellgence for steam-boats, canal boats, rail roads and stages, at Preston's Reading Room and Recess, 615 s. Market Collins, William, caipenter, 3 Lewis Alley Connell, Patrick, carpenter, boards at Peter Newman's, 51 Beaver Cook, Alfred, printer's joiner, shop Church cor. Lydius, house 4T Lydius Cory, Moses F., 34 Hudson Duncan, Richard, carpenter, res. Hudson cor. William Etridge, William, grocer, 3 Church, house 42 Liberty Flanagan, Joh», foreman Clinton furnace, house 544 s. Market French, Maynard, rotary cooking stove warehouse, 24 State, bouse 157 Washington Genet, W. M., boards at Miss Mott's Hall, John H., wood engraver, 9 Van Tromp. [See Advertise­ ment] Holmes, Samuel, cartman, rear 282 *. Pearl Huntley, Elisha A., at American Hotel, house 56 Chapel Isdell (James) $• Wilbur (Stephen Van Rensselaer), grocers, cor. Division and Union Johnson, Samuel, sijcn and ornamental painter, 29 Green, boards at Fort Orange Hotel. [See Advertisement] Johnson, Hotvlett fy Co., New-York and Oswego Line, office cot. State and Quay. [See Advertisement] Knapp, widow Hannah, 3 Patroon Little, Henry H, streotype founder, 3 Liberty, res. Mrs. Fuller'* Lyon, Aaron, 34 Washington Osborn, Henry, chair maker, Lark near State Smith &/ Lee, bakers, 511 s. Market Will, George, tailor, 160 Green Willigg, Anthony, shoemaker, 27 Hudson Wynkoop, John, bar keeper, Pearl Street House, 70 ». Pearl Abbreviations made use of in this Directory. In all cases where streets bear the same name but arc known as North and South, they are designated by the italic letters n. and *\ In most caaca rca. or r. for rositlsnce, and h. fov house' The word street, in all cases, is left out as superfluous. FOR gi >il *s J3 . GS r e v. i s ? S :S 51'fcj. CG iSS h kj. &3 i JUNE , 2( 3 ~5;~6 "7 DECEM . — 3~4~5 910 12 13 14 11! 12 * 16 17 19,20 21 1819 2324 25 26 27 28 1835. 25 26 30)—I — 30 81 Jur.r . 1 2 4 JAN'S* . 8 9, 11 6 7 15 16 18 13|14|15!l6 22123 25 20 21 ,22 23 < 29l30 27|28|29|30 AUGUST II 7| 81 FEB'V 5 6 1415 1213 2122 19,20 ^ 2125 26,27 28 29 23 24 25,26 27 31.— i„ # SEPTEK. 1 21 3 4I 5 M.MU'II . 6 73 S 910 1112 13 14 3 15 16,17 18 19 20)21: 22 23 25 26 23'24 25 26 27 '. 29 30 30131 OCT'B. 2 31 4 APRIT. 6 7 9 10 11 6\1 1213 14 16 17 18 13|14 19 20 21 232425 2021 26 27 2S 30,31 — 26)27 28 29 30 NOVEM - 1 MAY ... 4 7l 8 3 41 5 6 7 11 11112 13 14 16H7 18 18)19 20 21 23|24 25 25 26 27 2S 301 ^spp^^iiii^iij^^ TO THE PUBLIC. The Subscriber presents to the public his fourth vol­ ume of the ALBANY DIRECTORY, containing in the Al­ phabet more than six thousand names, together with a CITY REGISTER of such miscellaneous matter as relates to the city of Albany, and is of general interest to its citizens. In presenting this volume to his fellow citi­ zens, he regrets that he is compelled to appear before them in vindication of his rights, and to expose the sur­ reptitious efforts of an opposition to him, got up regard­ less alike of the dictates of honor, truth, or justice. The present publisher became so by an honorable and mutual arrangement with his predecessor, and in ac­ cordance with a practice heretofore observed. To a fair and honorable competition he claims no right to object; but to sly anticipation, over-reaching dis­ position, false insinuations and inducements bold out to the public to force him from the field, he enters his protest. That such has been the case can be proved by many of the most respectable citizens of Albany. In the compilation of the work, pains have been ta­ ken to make it correct, and so far as unwearied exer­ tions could make it so, has been done. It has been published at as early a day as it conveniently could be. To his subscribers and advertising friends he respect­ fully returns his acknowledgments; to the public gen­ erally, he looks for that patronage which has supported him in the publication of this work for the three previ­ ous years. He believes that all has been inserted in this Directory that is necessary in a work of the kind PREFACE. 8 Throughout this Directory the christian names, of those where there are more than one of the same sur­ name, are alphabetically arranged. The christian names of those composing firms are uniformly given. The females are placed after the males of the same surname, and when they are known to be widows, they are so designated. In all cases the place of business is named first, and then the private residence. In searching for a name, the inquirer must know the pro­ per spelling: a person seeking for Bernes will not find the one sought for if he take the direction appen­ ded to Burns: so also for Cary he should not seek for Carey : for Fisher not for Visscher : for Mayer not for Myer : for Deuell not for Duell: for Dickson not for Dixon : for Garite not for Gerity: for Goold not for Gould: for Gracie not for Grassie : for Houston not for Hewson : for Huff not for Hough : for Johnston not for Johnson: for Hotaling not for Houghtaling : for Pearson not for Pierson: for Haite not for Hale: for Groat not for Groot: for Pearce not for Pierce : &c. &c The charges of inaccuracy in the work in almost eve­ ry case, are chargeable to a want of the correct know­ ledge of spelling the name sought for. The colored population are in italics designated by an asterisk (*). The Public's Obedient Servant." E. B. CHILD. Albany, June 16, 1834. CITY REGISTER. OFFICERS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. ANDREW JACKSON, President. MARTIN VAN BUREN, Vice-President. Louis McLane, Secretary of State; R. B. Taney, Secretary of the Treasury; Joseph Anderson, 1st Comptroller; James B. Thorn­ ton, 2d Comptroller; Richard Harrison, 1st Auditor; Win. B. Lew­ is, 2d Auditor; Peter Hagner, 3d Auditor; Amos Kendall, 4th Au­ ditor; Stephen Pleasanton, 5th Auditor; John Campbell, Treasu­ rer; Lewis Cass, Secretary at War; Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Navy; William T. Barry, Post-Master General; Samuel Moor, Director of the Mint; John Marshall, Chief Justice; William John­ son, jr., Gabriel Duvall, Joseph Story, Smith Thompson, John McLean, Henry Baldwin, Judges of the Supreme Court; B. F. Butler, Attorney-General. District Judges—Samuel R. Betts, Southern; Alfred Conkling, Northern District of New-York; Na­ thaniel S. Benton, Attorney; Rutger B. Miller, Clerk; John W. Livingston, Marshal of the Northern District; Abraham Sickels. Deputy Marshal. GOVERNORS OF THE SEVERAL UNITED STATKS. .Maine, Samuel E. Smith. „Yew-Hampshire, Samuel Din? moor. Vermont, William A. Palmer. Massachusetts, John Davis. Rhode-Island, John B. Francis. Connecticut, Samuel \. Foot. JVew-York, William L. Marcy. J\eic-Jersey, George B. Vroom. Pennsylvania, George Wolf. Delaware, Caleb P, Bennett, Maryland. James Thomas. Virginia, Littleton W. Tazewell. JYorth-Carolina, David Swain. South-Carolina, Robert Y. Hayne. Georgia, Wilson Lumpkin. Ohio, Robert Lucas. Kentucky, John Breathitt. Tennesere, William Lucas. Louisiana, A. B. Koman. Alabama, John Gayle. Mississippi, Abraham M. Scott. Indiana, Noah Noble. Illinois. John l!ey- nolds. Missouri, Daniel Dunklin. GOVERNORS OF TERRITORIES. Michigan, George B. Porter. Florida, John II. Ealon. Ar­ kansas, John Pope. 10 CHILD'S CITY REGISTER. CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. States. 1810. 1820. 1830. Maine, 228,705 298,385 399,455 New-Hampshire, 214,460 244,161 269,32? Vermont, 217,895 235,764 280,66' Massachusetts, 472,040 623,287 610,40f Rhode-Island, 76,931 88,059 97,19 Connecticut, 261,942 275,248 297,67 New-York, 959,049 1,372,812 1,919,46. New-Jersey, 245,562 277,576 320,823 Pennsylvania, 810,091 1,049,313 1,348,238 Delaware, 72,674 72,749 76,789 Maryland, 380,546 407,850 447,040 Virginia, 979,622 1,065,366 1,211,405 North Carolina, 655,500 638,829 737,987 South Carolina, 415,116 502,741 581,185 Georgia, 252,433 340,989 516,823 Alabama, > 40,352 f 127,901 809,527 Mississippi, j 75,448 136,621 Louisiana, 76,566 153,407 215,529 Tennessee, 261,727 420,813 681,904 Kentucky, 406,511 564,317 687,917 Ohio. 280,760 581,434 937,903 Indiana, 24,520 147,178 343,031 Illinois, 12,283 56,211 167,445 Missouri, 19,783 66,586 140,455 District of Columbia, 24,023 33,089 39,858 Michigan Territory, >4,762 8,896 31,639 Arkansas Territory, 1,062 14,273 30,388 Florida Territory, 34,730 Total, 7,230,903 9,638,*66 12,860,492 OFFICERS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK.
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