50¢ JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1964 ORGAN APPLEVALE PIXIE 011601 Kingston x Pride of Windswept 2 year old Chestnut filly NEW ADDRESS! Red Butte Ranch Aspen, Colorado Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Henry PHOENICIA 010216 Stein on their recent purchase of these Bald Mt. Troubadour x Valatie two fine young Voorhis Farm mares. 5 year old Chestnut mare Quality is always your best buy. If you are looking for quality Morgans visit Voorhis Farm, where type, bloodlines AND quality are paramount in the breeding program. VOORHIS FARM Home of Applevale Morgans Red Hook, Dutchess County, New York MR. and MRS. GORDON VOORHIS, owners FREDHERRICK, trainer Telephones: PL 8-5611 or PL 8-3283 MORNINGSIDE FANFARE PARADE Reserve Champion Saddle Gelding 1960 Grand Champion Stallion BROADWALL BRIGADIER WASEEKA THISIZIT Grand Champion Stallion and winner of Sire and Get Grand Champion Mare Estes Park - Reserve Ch. Stallion Illinois State Fair, 1960. We have a few very nice colts which will make excellent geldings or Stallions. Some by Parade, others by Broadwall Drum Major. These colts inherit natural high tail carriage and natural high action. 1 - Show colt (full brother to Broadwall Drum Major) 1 - Filly (full sister to Meg's Broadwall Commander) Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson Broadwall Farm Greene, Rhode Island 401 - EX 7-3963 SPECIAL FEATURES No Mouth. No Horse . 8 In Memoriam . 17 Cape Cod Trail Ride . 31 Chestnut Brown . 31 A Morgan Tale . 33 A Report From Idaho . 57 New Books . 57 So You Gelded Your Stallion . 57 Morgans As Show Horses . 61 Dear Sir: REGULAR FEATURES Letters to the Editor . 4 Tragedy struck Arnona Fa rm Satur ­ The President's Comer . 5 day, Decembe.r 14, and took our "Jazz", Horses. Horses. Horses . 7 Bald Mt. Vigilgold (Bar-T-Vigi lman x New York News . 9 Rosalee). He was playing in the field, Circle J Morgan Horse Club . 10 Mid-Atlantic News . 11 f.ull of life and the joy of living when he Jes' Hossln' Around . 12 fell on some rocks, go.t up and started Southern California . 13 toward me whinneying in agony, drop ­ Justin Morgan Association . 14 ped back to the ground and died in­ Oregon . 15 tantly. The vet theori zed he broke a Pacific Northwest News . 16 New England News . 19 vertebra on a protruding rock frozen Penn-Ohio News . 21 unyielding in the groun d and it thus Morgan Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Assn. 23 ~evered the spina l cord when he got Mid-States Morgan Horse Club . 25 back to. his feet. The autopsy report Canadian Morgan Horse Club . 27 Northern Calliornla . 29 received yesterday says he died of an Southeastern News . 33 internal hemorrh age, but the vet says Morgans In Arizona . 51 that would not have killed him so quick ­ North Central News . 52 ly by itself. Indiana Morgan Horse C1ub . 52 Inland Empire . 53 Morgans in the Land of Enchantment . 53 Buckeye Breeze . 56 Wyoming Morgan Breeders . 56 Officers of The Morgan Horse Club President . • . J. CECD. FERGUSON Greene, Rhode Island Eastem Regional Vice Presldent . MRS. ROGER E. ELA Wayland, Mass . Mid-West Regional Vice-President ........ MRS. WU.LIAM W. BARTON Rockford, Ill. Westem Regional Vice Presldent . .. ...... ... .. DR. HENRY P. BOYD San Rafael. Calif . Treasurer ...... '2'3'0'P~1 -k.·;.~~;~~: ·N~~ ·y~;k: N.~~~ STILLMAN Secretary . • . • . SETH P. HOLCOMBE P. 0. Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Connecticut The Morgan Horse Magazine BALD MT. VIGILGOLD Vol. XXIV January-February, 1964 No. 1 A Monthly - The Official Publlcatton of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, Incorporated Secretary's Office, P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Cann. Jazz was a long-cherished dream come PleaH ,end all correspondence re1ardln1 subscrfptlont and advertl1ln1 to publlcatlon true - a born show horse and glamo r office: The Mor1an Horse Ma9azlno, leomlnller , Matt. - Dial KEystone 4-6506. boy. Esther and I had great plans for Publisher . • . Otho F. Euey Editor . Barbara Cole his future. He had the. natural high Special Features . • . Ern Pedler action and was a beautifu l sight to be­ CirculaUon . .. .. .. .. • . .. Rosalle McGuire hold as he pranced around the pasture CONTRIBUTING EDITORS head high, neck arched, chin tucked Judeen larwood Pal Hamllton R. Morgareldge Charlotte Schmidt and that go.rgeous white tail carried Louise Beckley Joyan Hills Ruth Morrison EIIHn Sullivan Ronald Blackman Doris Hodgin Barbara Niemi Dayton Sumner high and waving like a flag. There Lorrayne lyen Glorla Jones Eve Oakley Harriet Ulery Pamela Cannon Dorothy Lockard Renee Page Natalie Webber will never be anot her quite like him - Pat Crookham Peggy McDonald Ruth Rogers Mary Woolver1on and no hopes of replacing him. Ollle Dansby Coleen McLean Pat Rooney Pauline Zeller The Publisher and staff of The Morgan Horse Magazine and The Morion Hane Club, Inc. Everyone that saw him wanted to are not responsible for oplnlan1 ancl statemontt expressed In signed ar11cles or paid ad· ver11sements. These opinions aro not necessarily tho opinions of the staff of this loumal. buy him and I thou ght we were the luckiest people to own so lovely an ani. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $4,00 Two Years $7.50 Three Years $10.50 mal. He already had mares booked Canada $4.50 Foreign Rates SS.SO per year for the 1965 season. Had planned to The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published monthly except January by THE MORGAN use o.ne of these pictures for the Stal­ HORSE CLUB, INC.• Socretary't Office, P. O. Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Cann. lion issue but now all is gone. Printed by The Eusey Pross, Leominster, Mau . Second class pootage paid at Leominster, Mass. Closing date for copy and adver11slng ht of month preceding date of publication ( Continued on Page 57) Copyright 1964 by The Morgan Horse Club. Inc. OUR COVER ~he Cf'rec.,iaen t ,"' eorner By J. CECIL FERGUSO We are now starting a new year with the future ahead and the past to be forgotten. The rules for showing Morgans have been clarified which should make. them easier for everyone to understand. The wo.rds such as excessive have been removed and actual measurements put in their place. If we are going to increase the interest in Morgans, they must be shown in a dignified manner and handled in such a way that the average buyer of Morgans can show his horse competitively. It is very disconcerting to praise our Morgans on the. one hand as having such uperb qualities and then find people with petitio;1s and what not saying it is impossible to how a Morgan unless we have abnormally long f.eet, about three pounds of weight, gingered tails, etc. With this kind of petitioning it is no wo)lder people turn to a natural horse like the Arab, Appaloosa or a 16 hand hunter with 3 Yz" ties. There will always be some people who. will try to beat the rules one way or another but, fortunately, for the Morgan breed, these are a small minority. Let's set an example. fo,r our younger members by fair play and a respect This month we are featuring an es­ for the rules. pecially fine head study of Bobolink Showing horses is supposed to be a sport o let's not let a few who win on 11868. Photograph is by Fred J. Sass their wits and their shenanigans spojl a good breed of horse. o.f Red Hook , ew York, who "cap­ tured " Bobolink at just the right mo­ ment ; something most of. us seldom The. Morgan Horse Club, Inc. have distributed to their members a achieve. booklet to keep permanent records of their breeding dates. This i a duplicate Bobolink is by Dygert's l{jng and of the boo.klet the Arabian Association sent to their membe.rs, which was so out of Little Girl. He is owned by well received. If a member did not receive his copy, please write. to: Mr. Seth Taney Gochee. Kipp of Wildewo.od P. Holcombe, The Morgan Horse Club, Inc., P. 0. Box 2157, West Hartf.o.rd Farm in Rome, . Y. 17, Conn . 06117. Beckridge Morgans To produce the best . in the Northwest .. breed your mares to. one of our easte.rn bred sons of fo.rmer National Champions ... early book- ing will be appreciated. • SONFIELD (Mansfie ld x Quietude) One of the few remaining sons of the great Mansfield that has made his o.wn r<;cord. His get in the Northwest receiving more and more Champion. ships and other top ribbons. Good health continuing, at 29, available to a very limited number of mares ... at the ranch . .. fee $100. • BROADWALL ST. PAT (Parade x Lippitt Georgia) Gr. Ch. all 4 times shown in PNW and his first crop of yearl ings did real well ... I ,2, 3 in one class of fillies. Will be here for a while then at the ranch ... fee. $100. SANDORA FIELD 012351 • ORCLAND ROYAL DON (Ulendon x Roya lton Rose of Sharon) (Sonfie ld x Sandea) Shown 5 times at 2 with 3 Grand and 2 Res. Championships ... Available Another outstanding Sonfield filly ... sold to. approved mares for first time . here or at Skyline. .fee 100. to Frank Hallett, Castle Rock, Washington • MONTEY VERMONT (Keysto ne x Ginger Verm ont ) at weaning time. She received the blue only Western bred . his first, Moco Vermont at 2, had all blues plus 2 Gr . time sho.wn as a weanling . .3 - lsts and I - and 2 Re.s. Championships. He will be here ... fee $75.00. second as a ye.arling, in Oregon and Washing ­ ton. And another happy owner with a Mor- 2 1963 filli'es and 3 colts still available.
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