THE LONDON GAZETTE, ISra FEBRUARY 1986 2359 1986. Date of Receiving Order—3rd February 1986. Avenue East, Blackley; Manchester as GARAGE PRO- No. of Receiving Order—2. Whether Debtor's or Credi- PRIETORS, formerly as Boundary Service Station, Roch- tor's Petition—Debtor's. dale Road, Blackley as GARAGE PROPRIETORS, all in the metropolitan county of Greater Manchester. Court VARDY. Richard Hogbin, ELECTRICIAN, of 32-33 Rail- —MANCHESTER. Date of Filing Petition—28th Janu- way Terrace. New Herrington, Sunderland in the county ary 1986. No. of Matter—11 of 1986. Date of Re- of Tyne and Wear. Court—DURHAM. Date of Filing . ceiving Order—28th January 1986. No. of Receiving Petition—6th February 1986. No. of Matter—3 of Order—7. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition- 1986. Date of Receiving Order—6th February 1986. Debtor's. No. of Receiving Order—6. Whether Debtor's or Credi- tor's Petition—'Debtor's. BIRD, J. (Mr.), trading as Bird Gent (Decorators) (occupa- tion Decorator), of 5-7 Holmwood Grove, Jesmond, BALDOCK, David William, lately carrying on business Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE2 3DS. Court—NEWCASTLE- under the style of D. & T. Baldock as a Self-Employed UPON-TYNE. Date of Filing Petition—26th November BUILDER from and residing at 114 Tudor Way, Hert- 1985. No. of Matter—106 of 1985. Date of Receiving ford, Hertfordshire, lately residing and carryins on busi- Order—3rd February 1986. No. of Receiving Order—13. ness at 93 Wellington Street, Hertford aforesaid. Court— Whether Debtor's or Creditors' Petition-creditor's. Act HERTFORD. Date of Filing Petition—27th January of Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's Petition—Section 1-1 1986. No. of Matter—3 of 1986. Date of Receiving (G), Bankruptcy Act 1914. Order—27th January 1986. No. of Receiving Order—3. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's. GLYCOSs J. (Mr.), of 118 Sandpiper Way, Duffryn, New- port, Gwent, occupation unknown. Court—NEWPORT BARWELL. Clive, of 101 Cemetarv Road. Beeston. Leeds, (GWENT). Date of Filing Petition—9th December occupation unknown, and lately residing at 59 Poular 1985. No. of Matter—66 of 1985. Date of Receiving Way, Bramley, Leeds LSI3 4SE and 116 Parkwood Cres- Order—6th February 1986. No. of Receiving Order—3. cent, Leeds 11. Court—DEEDS. Date of Filing Peti- Whether Debtor's or Creditors' Petition-yCreditor's. Act tion—3rd December 1985. No. of Matter—78 of 1985. of Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's Petition—Section. 1-1 Date of Receiving Order—3rd February 1986. No. of (G), Bankruptcy Act 1914. Receiving Order—9. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy proved in Credi- ANDREWS, Alan Geoffrey, of 23 Homelea Crescent, tor's Petition—Section 1-1 (G), Bankruptcy Act 1914. Lingwood in the county of Norfolk, formerly trading from Poplar Farm, Upton, aforesaid, MOTOR EN- WILLSON-WHITE, Pamela Margaret (feme sole), of 1 GINEER. Court—NORWICH. Date of Filing Petition Parkfield Mount, Beeston. Leeds 11, in the county of —6th February 1986. No. of Matter—7 of 1986. Date West Yorkshire, unemployed, formerly residing at 33 of Receiving Order—6th February 1986. No .of Re- Summerdale Grove, Bramley, Leeds 13 and previously ceiving Order—7. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Peti- carrying on business under the name or style of " Vanity tion—Debtor's. Fair" at Unit 6, Wingate Shopping Centre, Armley, Leeds 12. bolih West Yorkshire aforesaid as a HAIR- BACK, Daniel, of Woodlands, Ventonraze, Illogan, Red- DRESSER. Court—LEEDS. Date of Filing Petition— ruth in the said county of Cornwall and lately residing 4th February 1986. No. of Matter—9 of 1986. Date of at or carrying on business at Woodlands, Ventonraze, Receiving Order—4th February 1986. No. of Receiving Illogan, Redruth aforesaid and at 25 and 32 Fore Street, Order—10. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition- Pool, Redruth aforesaid. Court—TRURO. Date of Debtor's. Filing Petition—5th July 1985. No. of Matter—39 of 1985. Date of Receiving Order—31st January 1986. HARRIS, David John Derek, trading as Harris Builders No. of Receiving Order—6. Whether Debtor's) or at 2 East Close, Stevenage, Herts, as a BUILDER. Court Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy —LUTON. Date of Filing Petition—30th January 1986. proved in Creditor's Petition—Section 1-1 (G), Bank- No. of Matter—2 of 1986. Date of Receiving Order— ruptcy Act 1914. 30th January 1986. No>. of Receiving Order—3. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's. THOMAS, Robert Jeffrey, residing and carrying on busi- ness in partnership with another at Penhill, Colan, ARMSTRONG, Kenneth, unemployed, of 22 Knowles Newquay, Cornwall as FARMERS. Court—TRURO. Place. Hulme, Manchester 15, and SHARP. George Col- Date of Filing Petition—6th February 1986. No. of lins, unemployed, of Flat 5. 46 Denison Road. Victoria Matter—7 of 1986. Date of Receivinjg Order—6th Park, Manchester 14, lately trading in partnership' under February 1986. No .of Receiving Order—8. Whether the style of Armstrong Collins Sharp as FASHION Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's. DESIGNERS from 2nd Floor, 63 Whitworth Street, Manchester 1 and formerly from Lower Ground Floor. BARKER, Laurence, residing at and carrying on business Royal Exchange, Manchester 2. Court—MANCHES- from Hazel Hill Farm, Hawkills, Easingwold in the TER. Date of Filing Petition—27th January 1986. No. county of North Yorkshire, FARMER. Court—YORK. of Matter—10 of 1986. Date of Receiving Order—27th Date of Filing Petition—23rd January 1986. No. of January 1986. No. of Receiving Order—6. Whether Matter—5 of 1986. Date of Receiving Order—23rd Debtors or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's. January 1986. No. of Receiving Order—3. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's. KOUR, Chanan (Mrs.) (married woman), Shopkeeper, of 5 St. Werburghs Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Manchester 21. Court—MANCHESTER. Date of Filine Petition— 28th August 1985. No. of Matter—59 of 1985. Date of Receiving Order—3rd February 1986. No. of Receiv- FIRST MEETINGS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS ing Order—9. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition— ASLAM, Mohammed, a Butcher, of 5 Selkirk Road, lately Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's Peti- of and trading with another as IFF Video Centre at HA tion—Section 1-1 (G), Bankruptcy Act 1914. Selkirk Road, both in London S.W.17 as VIDEO FILM HIRERS. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. SHEIKH, A. H.. of 78 Corporation Street, Manchester M4 of Matter—2464 of 1985. Date of First Meeting—12th 2B. Court—MANCHESTER. Date of Filing Petition— March 1986. 2.30 p.m. Place—Thomas More Building, 4th October 1985. No. of Matter—77 of 1985. Date Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2JY. of Receiving Order—29th January 1986. No. of Receiv- Date of Public Examination— 15th April 1986. 11 a.m. ing Order—8. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition- Place—Court 38A, Ground Floor, West Green Biulding, Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2JY. Petition—Section 1-1 (G), Bankruptcy Act 1914. BARCLAY, J. R. (Mr.), of 47 Marsala Road, London WHTTELEY, John Stuart, unemployed and WHITELEY, S.E.13, INSURANCE CONSULTANT. Court—HIGH Mary Margaret (married woman), both residing at 93 COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—235 of 1986. Mossway. Alkrington, trading in partnership under the Date of First Meeting—12th March 1986. 11 a.m. Place style of Cinema and Boundary Service Station at Victoria —Thomas More Building, Royal Courts, of Justice,.
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